Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 451 Light and Heat Magic Stone

In a residential area of ​​Tokyo, cars passed by the street in the quiet night, the moonlight poured down on the earth, and the lights gradually blurred.


In an ordinary apartment bedroom, Xia Long frowned, sweat kept pouring out, and the veins on the back of his hand that grabbed the bed sheet bulged.

Darkness, evil, countless pictures flashed in Xia Long's mind, and the last extraordinary existence came into view. The hoarse laughter seemed to have infinite magic, and the breath grabbed his heart tightly.

"I'm back, Noah!"

The vague black shadow walked out from the depths of the universe with an evil smile, shrouded in the blazing dark flames, and only the double-wing device emitting a terrifying dark breath could be vaguely seen on the other party's arm.

Before Xia Long could take a closer look, the wings suddenly spread out, and the unprecedented blood-red light detonated thousands of galaxies and rushed out violently through his body.

"Hu——!" Xia Long sat up suddenly in the moonlight, panting with sweat all over his head.

After touching his intact body, Xia Long looked around and calmed down after a while.


Wipe off the cold sweat, Xia Long turned his eyes to his left arm and found that the evolution instrument had spontaneously condensed at some point, emitting a faint light under the moonlight.

How could I suddenly have such a dream?

Xia Long shook his head and stood up to the window. The evening breeze brought a hint of coolness, which also made him completely sober.

He had stayed in the Gaia world for quite a while, and everything was going on in an orderly manner, but it was too stable, which made him a little uncomfortable. He actually had a nightmare for no reason.

With the help of the moonlight, Xia Long looked at the evolution instrument again. The light ball between the wings was a little bigger. It was the harvest after he destroyed the group of monsters on the bottom of Tokyo Bay.

It seems that the deeper he goes into this time and space, the more he participates, and the more he gets recognized by the light of the planet. In the words of the previous system, the degree of integration is constantly improving, just like in the Leo world. Although the specific reason is unknown, if it continues like this, it is estimated that it will not be long before he can obtain the energy to repair the system, and even become the incarnation of the earth and sky in this time and space, so that his own light can go further.

He started as an ordinary person who got the light of Leo, and evolved into light step by step. Later, he combined with the light of Kallio, and constantly broke the shackles of talent to rush to the peak of the Kingdom of Light. The next step is to improve his potential. After integrating various light forces, becoming the light of the planet or even the light of the universe is a good choice.


While thinking, Xia Long suddenly sensed that there was a huge object in the universe flying towards the earth at a rapid speed.


Putting away the evolution instrument, Xia Long looked up at the sky.

Since Gob appeared, the space has become more and more uneasy.

Below an office building in southern Tokyo, Xia Long rushed here and stared at the night sky with super vision. He saw a huge meteorite passing through the atmosphere and falling towards this side.

He could sense the huge breath coming from the meteorite. It was another strange object that he could not understand.

Xia Long looked around. Because it was midnight, there were not many people in this area. Only the office building in front of him had a light on.

"I seem to have been here before."

Looking at the office building in front of him, Xia Long remembered that he had been interviewing cases for a few days before. During this time, he came here to interview a private "Monster Disaster Foundation" organization.

Xia Long's mind fluctuated, and the surrounding scenes and buildings flashed in Xia Long's mind one by one, and finally stopped at the floor with lights on.

After sensing the situation inside, Xia Long was slightly stunned.

It was two acquaintances...

"Ask them to provide financial assistance to the victims attacked by monsters. Anyway, they are not listening at all..."

In the office of the Monster Disaster Foundation, two members inside were still busy.

"Alas, a non-governmental organization like us really can't do anything." A young man wearing a tie sighed in the office.

"Don't be discouraged. Even if there is only one victim, as long as we can help, it is better than doing nothing." Another person smiled and advised, "Besides, we have helped a lot of people recently, and we will always do a good job..."

"Is it Mr. Pingchuan and Mr. Nishitani?" Xia Long came to the outside of the office and knocked on the door to interrupt, "I am Zhen Xia Long from KCB, who I interviewed last time."

The meteorite is about to arrive, and we must take the two away quickly...

The two people in the office turned around and saw Xia Long and said in surprise: "Mr. A Long?"

The two still remembered the last time they cooperated with Xia Long to conduct an interview to promote the foundation. That interview helped them a lot.

"Mr. Pingchuan," Xia Long, sensing the rapidly approaching meteorite, hurriedly said without explaining, "It's too dangerous here, follow me..."

"Swish!" Before Xia Long finished speaking, a strong light suddenly came from the window.

"What, what is that?" In the surprised eyes of several people, there was a huge object outside the window floating in the air and constantly rotating. After the light of the object converged, it revealed a block-like surface, as if it was made of several stones.

"Get down!" The moment he saw the object, Xia Long's face changed, and he hurriedly pulled the confused two people to the ground.

How could it be so fast?

"Bang!" Almost at the same time as Xia Long shouted, the boulder sank suddenly and fell on a building with a bang. The terrifying explosion impact came in an instant, and the window wall was torn apart without any resistance, and it became a ruin together with the office.

"Xigu, Xigu!"

After the shock subsided, the reinforced concrete fragments, the tables and chairs were crushed by earth and rocks, and the documents were scattered all over the floor. Pingchuan struggled to get up behind Xia Long and anxiously pulled Xigu out from under the table.

"Cheer up!"

"Mr. Aaron, what happened?"

Xia Long stood up and looked outside. Suddenly, a burst of hot air hit him. He saw that the huge stone fell among the ruins, all red, emitting a lot of heat energy.

The temperature of this thing is rising, just like a red-hot stone...

"Pingchuan, look!" Xigu pointed to the other side of the boulder in horror, where several fighter planes were suspended.

Looking at the boulder surrounded by fighter planes, Xigu said anxiously: "They are going to launch an attack. We have to find a way to let the rescue team know that we are here!"

At such a close distance, they will only die if they are involved in the battle.

"My cell phone, where's my cell phone?" Pingchuan frantically searched the ruins, but he couldn't find it for a while, "Damn it!"

"My cell phone is still with me." Seeing the panic of the two people, Xia Long quickly took out his cell phone from his pocket.

"Quick, call them!"

"No, the call doesn't work..."

Pingchuan took the cell phone from Xia Long, and when he saw that the call didn't work, he hurriedly panted and dug out his own cell phone from the dirt and rocks.

"It's useless," Xia Long looked back at the boulder and said reluctantly, "The meteorite seems to have interfered with the signal."

"How could this happen?"

Pingchuan and the others put down their phones in despair.

"We are hopeless, the phone doesn't work, and it's impossible for anyone to know that we are here!"

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