In the air base, Commander Shishi and others looked at the display screen solemnly. The high temperature of the object from space caused the underground nuclear furnace to begin to melt, and it continued to sink with hot flames.

Underground is a natural gas pipeline. If the high-temperature boulder hits the pipeline, the entire area will be involved in a big explosion. In order to buy time to remove the natural gas, Shishi decided to use liquid nitrogen bombs to cool the boulder down, but the Lightning Team accidentally discovered a mobile phone signal while performing the mission.

"The action is temporarily stopped, and the Seagull Team is dispatched!"

In the building on the scene, Pingchuan held his mobile phone with an ugly face, and he could not get in touch with the outside world.

Time passed by minute by minute. Although XIG's fighter jets did not launch an attack for some reason, the energy of the boulder continued to rise. A red vortex enveloped the boulder, emitting amazing heat, and formed a strong gravity field around the boulder, and it continued to sink in the middle.

Xia Long frowned and stepped back a few steps. The evolution instrument gradually condensed with a flickering halo, but the next moment his eyelids jumped, and then the halo dissipated and the evolution instrument was put away.

He heard a buzzing sound of engines echoing outside. It was XIG searching for them among the buildings.

"Mr. Aaron, they seem to have found us!"

Pingchuan and the other ran to the broken window wall and shouted outside: "Hey, help, we are here!"

Xia Long put down his arm and looked in the direction, only to see the XIG rescue fighter flying towards this side along the outer wall of the building.

"Please leave the window immediately and retreat to the wall!" After the rescue plane found Pingchuan and the other two, it immediately broadcast through the external speaker.

"There are two survivors!"

"It's too late, let them hide first!"

"Detonating the liquid nitrogen bomb when the target is about to be hit can minimize the impact of the hot wind on that area!"

At the air base, seeing that the situation was out of control, the command room had to issue an order to attack immediately.

After the liquid nitrogen bomb exploded, although it could temporarily cool down the boulder, it would still generate strong hot air currents due to the rapid cooling, causing damage to the surrounding area.

"Hurry up!" Xia Long and Pingchuan retreated to the other side together. A gust of hot wind suddenly rushed in from the broken window. The building shook violently again under the impact, and the ceiling above collapsed with a bang.


"Ping, Pingchuan, I'm here, where's Mr. Along?"

Pingchuan and the others climbed up with difficulty, and a red pillar suddenly penetrated the wall and caused another explosion.

"Hah!" In the dust and mist of earth and stone, Xia Long crossed his arms to block the huge red sharp horn. His body crashed through the ruins and slid across a long mark, and the electric current around him was fiercely intertwined.

It was a close call...

Xia Long mobilized the energy of the evolution instrument to condense a barrier. When his body was about to be pushed out of the building, he quickly dodged to the side.

"Bang!" As Xia Long moved, the giant horn brushed past Xia Long and penetrated the building. Suddenly, countless cracks spread rapidly, and earth and stone fell.

"Mr. Pingchuan!" Following the gap back to the office of the Monster Disaster Foundation, Xia Long searched for Pingchuan and Xigu among the concrete fragments.

"Ah, Mr. Along..." Pingchuan helped Xigu to lean against the wall, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked around helplessly, and felt that the whole building was quite dangerous, as if it would fall apart at any time.

"What should we do now?"

Seeing Xia Long, Pingchuan sat on the ground panting lightly. The red pillar in the middle continued to emit heat. After a while, he had some difficulty breathing.

Xia Long walked through the gap to Pingchuan's side. He scanned with his telekinesis and found that Xigu was already unconscious and in a very bad state.

"Are we going to die here?" Pingchuan said with difficulty. He was not much better than Xigu. He was covered with wounds and felt that his consciousness was beginning to blur.

"Don't worry, it's okay. XIG's people will come to rescue us." Xia Long glanced around, paused, and picked up the phone from Pingchuan's feet.

The call seemed to be connected...

"Hello, can anyone hear me?"

The phone was full of noise. Xia Long tried to shout and frowned and put down the phone.

Even if we contact XIG, the rescue operation will be difficult to launch. The monster outside has temporarily calmed down due to the cooling bomb, but it seems that it may recover at any time. At that time, the monster's random movement will cause the building to collapse. If it is not handled properly, even the rescuers will be killed.

We can only let him come first, and then continue. Pingchuan and Xigu are both in danger of life...

Sensing the monster's continued rising breath, Xia Long squatted down and carried Xigu on his back, supported Pingchuan, who was conscious, and avoided the monster's red horns and walked to the other side of the building with less damage.


Using the evolution instrument to break through the wall, Xia Long brought the two to the window. After seeing the rescue plane hovering in the air outside, he hurriedly shouted: "Hey, here, we are here!"

"They are still alive!" The rescuers vaguely saw the figures in the building and exclaimed, "On the east wall!"

After attracting attention, Xia Long retreated to the door and put Pingchuan and the other two down.

This side is relatively safe, and he believes that XIG can rescue the two.

"Mr. Aaron..." Pingchuan looked at Xia Long in a daze.

Xia Long heard the engine beeping outside and turned back to the ruins.

He still had things to do, and couldn't be taken away by the IG like Pingchuan and the other two...

Returning to the ruined foundation office, Xia Long's eyes fell on the monster with fluctuating aura, and the core light of the evolution device on his left arm flashed continuously.

On the east side of the building, the Seagull Team responsible for the rescue looked at the calm monster nervously. The Seagull Team Captain Kamiyama and his team member Matsuo pulled the rope to lower the fighter plane one after another.

"Quick!" After jumping into the building, Captain Kamiyama saw Pingchuan and Nishitani at a glance.

"Are you okay? Hold on!" The two of them lifted one up each and tied the rope to Pingchuan and Nishitani.

"Only two survivors?"

Captain Kamiyama looked at the collapsed ruins strangely. The figure he saw just now seemed to be another person.

"Is anyone there?"

"Captain!" After Matsuo was ready, he saw that the captain seemed to want to go in to find someone, so he shouted hurriedly.

At this time, the monster outside suddenly moved again. As the red giant horn was pulled back, the building shook violently and finally collapsed under the weight.


Under the exclamations of the team members, Captain Kamiyama didn't care about thinking too much and hurriedly evacuated the building. At the last moment, he only saw a burst of strong light bursting out from the ruins.

"What is that?"

"Bang!" The rescue plane just pulled a few people away, and the building collapsed in a series of explosions, completely turning into pieces.

"What a close call!"

Hanging in the air, Matsuo looked down with lingering fear. They were almost buried. Not only would they not be able to save people, but they would also be buried with them.

"What is that?" Captain Kamiyama looked closely at the ruins. In the surprised eyes of everyone, a beam of light suddenly rushed out from the explosion and flames, and then it merged with the night sky and spread out a circle of halo.


As the light gathered, an equally huge figure appeared in front of the monster.


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