Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 466 Battle in the Stratosphere


Xia Long's eyelids twitched, and he turned back to look at Fujimiya.

In his impression, Fujimiya Hiroya was also a member of Alchemy Star, and was a genius scientist like me, and even more powerful than me in some aspects.

"What is the antimatter monster you are talking about?" Xia Long asked in a deep voice. As a warrior, Fujimiya was far inferior to him, but in the field of science, Fujimiya knew much more than him, and had a more thorough understanding of some events.

Fujimiya walked up to Xia Long and did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at the clear sky and said, "You should have seen the asteroid explosion in Jupiter's orbit, right? When antimatter and matter collide, it will generate a huge amount of energy."

"That asteroid explosion..." Xia Long's face changed slightly, "What will happen if that antimatter monster collides with the earth?"

"A big explosion, the earth and even the entire solar system will be destroyed," Fujimiya retracted his gaze and said, "Neither you nor I can survive such an explosion."

Xia Long looked at the children in the square silently. Amidst the laughter, a girl with pigtails was holding a balloon and chasing after her young mother in a baby voice.

He has experienced planetary explosions, galaxy explosions, and even cosmic explosions, and he has survived them all. Even if antimatter really collides with the earth and causes an explosion, he may not be in trouble.

But ordinary people on this planet will definitely not be spared.

"Ah, balloon!" The little girl staggered and did not grab the string in her hand. The balloon was immediately blown away by the wind and blew to Xia Long's feet.

"Here!" Xia Long bent down to pick up the balloon and handed it to the panting girl.

"Thank you, uncle!"

The little girl took the balloon obediently and ran back to the woman happily.

"Mr. Fujimiya," Xia Long suddenly said to Fujimiya, looking at the carefree back of the little girl, "Do you know why I want to fight?"

Standing up, Xia Long looked around the warm and peaceful square and said, "In the face of disasters, humans are too weak. Whether it is losing homes or losing loved ones, it will be so painful. This pain should not be borne by children..."

Fujimiya frowned and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who seemed to be lost in memories. His expression changed for a while, and he turned and left silently.

Xia Long did not care about Fujimiya's departure, but thought of Sato Takashi who was alone in the Joiwa Town incident.

Although he had seen this situation more than once, he still couldn't treat it calmly.

As his thoughts turned, past memories flashed through his mind, rapidly reversing, back to the Earth where humans were destroyed, back to the original Leo world...

"Zhejing, where are we going now?" A couple walked past Xia Long.

"How about going to the beach?"

"I just went there last time!"

The surrounding voices pulled Xia Long back to his senses, and he looked at the sky again before leaving the square.

Compared to the past, he is now one of the most outstanding warriors in the Kingdom of Light, and will not let tragedy happen in front of him again.


"The Falcon Team has arrived at the designated location."

"Anchimata has been seen!"

At the edge of the stratosphere, three XIG Fighters equipped with antimatter conversion devices were hovering on standby.

"Anchimata conversion device, start and standby!"

"2,000 meters away from the range!"

As XIG launched the action, on the ground, Xia Long walked to the top floor of a tall building, and the left arm evolution device was ready, and the core light flashed as powerfully as a pulse.

He was not clear about XIG's specific plan. According to Fujimiya, it was probably to convert the antimatter monster into a material monster outside the earth.

If it succeeds, the crisis will naturally be downgraded to a normal level, but if XIG fails, the monster must not be allowed to land on the earth.

Xia Long's sight fell on several XIG fighters through the clouds.

There were two options left for him, one was to send the antimatter monster back to the wormhole, and the other was to completely convert the monster into matter.

Either way, he had to deal with antimatter.

"Anchimata enters the range, and the operation begins!" Director Tsutsumi, who was in charge of the command, ordered.

"All team members lock on to the target, Anchimata conversion device, fire!"


Three red beams shot at the monster from several fighters at the same time, but they all deflected when they hit the barrier around the monster.

"What's going on? The beam was bounced off!"

"The conversion of baryon number did not happen!"

Seeing the monster rushing towards the earth without being affected at all, the Falcon team members were shocked.

"Retreat immediately!"

On the ground, Xia Long's face darkened, and he was almost instantly wrapped in the light of the evolution device and rushed out of the atmosphere to face the monster.


Transforming into Dyna Miracle Form, Xia Long faced the approaching monster with his arms crossed and shouted, crystal light gushed out from his forehead, and his telekinesis almost became real, directly blocking the monster in the stratosphere.


"What?" The commander of the stone chamber and his group in the air base exclaimed, "What happened?"

In the command room, a scientist said in surprise: "That Ultraman restricted the monster's actions."

"But why didn't matter and antimatter react?"

"I think it's because of the protective shield around Anchimata. This thing seems to protect it from contact with matter," I Meng stepped forward and said, "So Ultraman did this..."

Seeing the stalemate on the screen, I Meng lowered his head and thought for a while, then said to the people in the stone room: "I'll go to the scene and take a look!"

In the stratosphere, Xia Long maintained his telekinesis with some difficulty.

The danger of antimatter made him dare not act rashly, after all, a mistake could lead to irreparable consequences.

Now he can only stop this guy first and then think of a way slowly.

XIG's fighter jets are still on standby nearby. From the situation just now, it is necessary to break the monster's protective shield for the conversion beam to work, but breaking the protective shield also means that antimatter will come into contact with matter.


Thinking of this, Xia Long strengthened his telekinesis again, trying to push the monster out of the atmosphere. .

"Beep!" After holding on for a while, the red light on the chest of Miracle Dyna began to flash.

At this time, another ray of light gathered in the stratosphere, and Agul's blue figure appeared beside Xia Long.

"Agul..." The familiar breath made Xia Long's body tense. If Agul attacked from behind at this time, his efforts would be in vain.

Fortunately, Fujimiya didn't have this crazy idea. He just stared at the antimatter monster controlled by Xia Long.

"Fujimiya!" Imu drove the EX to the scene and was shocked when he saw Fujimiya transformed into Aguru. He was relieved until he remembered that Fujimiya's belief was to protect the earth.

"Is that your senior?"

After handing the EX to the intelligent program "Par", Imu took out the transformation device Sapphire Cone and looked eagerly at the two Ultramen outside.

When he was in Joiwa Town, he only looked at the miracle type Dyna from a distance, but he didn't expect that it could have the terrible ability to restrict the enemy out of thin air.

Turning his sight to the monster Anchimata in the protective shield, Imu fixed his eyes and stretched out the Sapphire Cone.


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