Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 467 For the Earth

"3 Ultramen!"

As Imu transformed, the light of Gaia gathered in the stratosphere, and Fujimiya stood in the air on the left and right of Xialong. The rare gathering scene excited everyone in XIG.

"Are the three Ultramen going to fight together?" Ishishi stared at the screen, with a glimmer in his eyes.

For a long time, except for Gaia's cooperation with XIG, the other two Ultramen were quite alienated from humans. Although they also eliminated monsters, it was difficult to determine their positions, especially in the "Heavenly Realm" incident.

After thinking about it, the commander of Ishishi ordered: "Let the Falcon team fully cooperate with Ultraman!"

"Understood!" Director Tsutsumi in the Peace replied, "Captain Yoneda, prepare the Anchimata device!"

The three fighters in the air rose above Xialong, ready to attack the monster at any time.

Xialong's eyes swept over these fighters and fell on Gaia, who was transformed by Imu.

"Senior," Imeng nodded to Xia Long and looked at Aguru on the other side, "Fujimiya!"

Fujimiya turned his eyes away from the monster and said to Imeng coldly: "Do you want to go in like this? With the mass of Ultraman, if you enter the protective shield directly, it will cause a huge explosion."

Imeng paused when he heard this: "But...is there no other way?"

"Use Aguru's power," Fujimiya said calmly, "convert your baryon number, and you can become antimatter Ultraman, so that you can enter the protective shield."

"Can this be done?"

"Of course, but I can't guarantee what the antimatter Ultraman will become," Fujimiya said with a chuckle, "Also, if I change my mind and don't turn you back to your original appearance, you will stay in the antimatter world forever. In this case, are you willing?"

Hearing Fujimiya's words, Imeng fell into silence. If Fujimiya really did that, he would lose everything.

"Womeng," Xia Long looked at Fujimiya deeply and said, "There's no need to take risks."

Even if he couldn't enter the barrier to destroy the monster, with Gaia's help, he could still take other methods, although the success rate was relatively low...

"Let's do it," Womeng shook his head, thinking of the earth below, and said firmly, "I've decided!"


Fujimiya looked at Womeng in surprise, gathered light energy and said, "After turning into antimatter, rush into the barrier immediately!"

Fujimiya acted very decisively, and when Womeng was ready, he immediately sent a beam of light from the timer.

"It's started!"


The beam fell on Gaia's chest, and immediately took effect to wrap Gaia in red light.

"Womeng, be careful!" Xia Long warned in a deep voice.

Womeng nodded, and at the same time as Gaia's body transformed, he turned into a beam of light and entered the barrier, facing the antimatter monster in it.

"Antimatter..." Xia Long looked at Gaia attacking the monster, and recorded the light of Aguru just now in his mind.

With the ability of Miracle Dyna and the Evolution Device, imitation is not a problem.

No matter what, he must master the method of transformation. If Fujimiya refuses to restore Womu, at least he still has him.

Inside the barrier, Anchimata was attacked by Gaia, and his breath became restless. After repelling Gaia, the tentacles on the upper part of his starfish-like body shook continuously, and the originally calm barrier suddenly began to expand.


"What is it going to do?"

XIG did not dare to be careless in the face of the monster's strange behavior, and several fighters retreated one after another.

Xia Long's telekinesis could not act on the barrier, and he could only watch the barrier expand.

The monster seemed to have the ability to transform matter into antimatter. All the matter in the area covered by the barrier changed. I just don't know what will happen to him and Fujimiya after being sucked in.

"Womu, attack its tentacles!" Xia Long sent a telepathic message.

"Shock!" Gaia responded by sending a beam of light towards Anchimata's tentacles, which immediately exploded the tentacles. The expanding barrier was affected and quickly retracted, and even some tentacles broke through the protective shield.

"The energy of the protective shield has weakened!"

"Falcon Team!"

The XIG people became nervous when they saw the unstable protective shield.

"All team members lock on to the target, and the Anchimata device will be launched!"

The standby Fighter quickly flew towards the monster in a flame formation, converting the antimatter that had escaped the protection of the shield into matter.

At this time, the severely damaged monster had shrunk into a ball, using all its energy to maintain the barrier to prevent the protective shield from shrinking further. Finally, when the protective shield regained stability, it barely trapped Gaia inside.

"Hurry, we can't stay here any longer!" Xia Long calmed down and quickly asked Gaia to send the monster away from the earth.

At the same time, sensing the continuous reduction of the transformation time, he hurriedly put away his telekinesis, flew out of the earth, and followed Gaia with Agul to send the antimatter monster to the wormhole in Jupiter's orbit.

"Does Ultraman want to send Anchimata back to the wormhole in Jupiter's orbit?"

In the air base, Shishi and his group saw the antimatter monster being sent into the universe, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Antimatter monsters are too dangerous. Any mistake could destroy the earth.

On the other side, after continuous space flight, Xia Long and his group soon arrived near Jupiter. Looking along the path, a huge wormhole appeared in front of them in Jupiter's orbit.

"Leave it to you, Meng!"


The other side of the wormhole is the antimatter world. After Gaia threw the monster in, Xia Long and Aguru immediately sent a beam of light towards the wormhole.

Destroying the monsters alone cannot resolve the crisis, the wormhole must be destroyed.

"Wow!" Under the effect of light, the wormhole shrank rapidly and was finally completely blocked.


The antimatter crisis ended with the disappearance of the wormhole. Gaia, still in the antimatter state, returned to Xia Long and looked at Agul with a complicated expression.


This time, Fujimiya fought side by side with Megumi because of the earth. However, there was still a contradiction between the two. They fell into silence for a while, letting the red light flash.

Xia Long's eyes fell on Agul. As he said before, if Fujimiya didn't change Gaia back to her original state, Gaia might never return to Earth.

Shaking his head, Xia Long was about to restore Gaia, but Fujimiya finally broke the silence and directly transmitted Agul's beam to Gaia.

"Thank you!" After successfully completing the transformation, Gaia looked at Agul with a sense of companionship.

"Okay, let's go back." Xia Long looked at Agul, who had no emotion, in surprise, nodded, and set off to return to Earth with the two of them.

Not only him, but also Gaia and Agul's transformation time did not allow them to stay in the universe.



"Swish!" In the city shrouded in dusk, three rays of light fell to the ground one after another, revealing the figures of Xia Long and several others.

Under his feet was an overpass located above the traffic. Imen paused and took the initiative to walk towards Fujimiya.

"The two of us, and the senior together," Imen stretched out his right hand and said, looking directly at Fujimiya eagerly, "We will definitely be able to protect mankind!"

"Don't make a mistake, I just don't want the earth to be destroyed!" Fujimiya ignored Imeng, his eyes swept over Xia Long, and he turned coldly and walked to the end of the street.

"Imeng, do you think he will protect mankind?" Xia Long stood beside Imeng and watched Fujimiya walk away quietly.

Fujimiya's heart did not seem as cold and ruthless as he looked on the surface.

"Well, I believe him, one day," I Meng was not discouraged, retracted his arm and affirmed, "because we are all sons of the earth."

"Sons of the earth?" Xia Long retracted his gaze and walked to the overpass to look at the peaceful urban scene.

Although he is not Ultraman in this world, he is using the power of this world to transform.

"Senior..." I Meng looked at Xia Long hesitantly.

"I Meng, you are a very good guy," Xia Long smiled, "fighting with you makes me feel a lot younger, as if I have returned to the past."


"Keep doing your best," Xia Long patted I Meng's shoulder and walked away, "I will always watch you!"


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