Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 709 The unforgettable past


Hong Kai looked at Xia Long in surprise.

"A strong warrior," Xia Long sat down and said, "able to face any difficulties and setbacks. Even if he loses his strength, he is still strong. Kai, I don't know what happened in your past, but I can still feel you. Escape from the past."

Hong Kai lowered his head silently and said slowly: "A hundred years ago, when I lost my memory due to a battle injury, I met Natasha, but..."

Hong Kai closed his eyes in pain: "In the final battle with Moge Jedun, I failed to protect her. She was affected because of me. Now everyone is the same. Everyone who is with me will encounter misfortune. Even Long Sang..."

"Maybe you can't change the past," Xia Long interrupted, "but you can now. I have traveled through countless time and space, and it is impossible to survive every time, but I still made it today."

Thinking of the past battles, Xia Long Na Na laughed and said: "Sometimes it looks funny, but miraculously turning defeat into victory at the last moment, becoming a legendary Ultra Warrior by chance, seems like just good luck, but nowhere in the world is that easy. If I hadn’t been determined to die, if I hadn’t persisted until the end and believed in myself, I might have died at the feet of the monster.”


"Kai," Xia Long collected his thoughts and said, "We can't decide what we will encounter, but we can decide how we face it. If you want to become stronger, believe in yourself and stop escaping."

Hong Kai fell into silence. He had been avoiding that unforgettable past for more than a hundred years.

"Long Sang, I won't go to Master Xiaozhou's dinner party," Hong Kai said after returning to his senses, "I want to go back to Lusaka for a visit."


The next day, there was a gathering at the Xiaozhou Spring Manufacturing Factory. Not only the SSP team, but also Shibukawa of the Witt Team was invited.

"Rusaka? Did Kesan go to Lusaka?"

Asen held the tablet and said: "Speaking of Lusaka, in 1908, there was a super big explosion outside Lusaka. It is the biggest unsolved mystery in human history."

"big Bang?"

"I think there might have been Ultra warriors fighting monsters at that time." Asen pushed up his glasses and said, "But more than a hundred years have passed, and there are no clues."

"Lusaka," Naomi said while looking at the tablet screen, "I seem to have heard of this place name somewhere. Why would Kaisan go there?"

At this time, Xiaoyao, who was silent on the side, pulled Xia Long and whispered: "Actually, I had another strange dream, but I didn't put it online."

"Strange dream?"

"Well, maybe it has something to do with Kaisan," Xiaoyao nodded worriedly, "A black card made a scary sound. Finally, I saw Kaisan in a forest, and it seemed to be Lusaka."

"I understand," Xia Long thought for a moment and smiled, "Don't worry, Kaisan is Orb, nothing will happen to him."

"Well," Xiao Yao looked at Shantai and the others and hesitated, "don't they know Kai Sang's identity yet?"

"It's not time to tell them yet, let Kaisan do it himself."

Xia Long did not stay at Xiaofune Production Company for long. After leaving the advertising shooting to Naomi and his team, he left Tokyo alone and teleported to


In the forest on the outskirts of Lusaka, Hongkai returned to his hometown with complicated emotions.

There are no traces of the damage caused by the battle a hundred years ago, but it still vaguely overlaps with the scenery in his memory. It was the good time he and Natasha spent together.

Natasha's laughter seemed to be echoing in her ears again, but it was quickly destroyed by the aftermath of the battle with Mogejedon, and everything was submerged in the devastating explosion...

"You are indeed here," Jagula walked out from behind Hong Kai, "Even if you come here, you can't find what you lost. You will never be able to change back to your former self."

Jagula chuckled and took out the Belia card: "While that guy is not here, let's settle it."

"This is?" Uub looked closely at the card in Jakula's hand. "Beria? So it's still in your hands!"

"Hmph!" Jagula didn't answer, and casually took out the dark ring and put it into the card.

"Ultraman Belial!"

After activating Belial's power, Jagula continued to take out two cards with a cold snort: "Jedon! Pang Dun! Super Fusion!"

Surrounded by the three forces, Jagula's figure flew up, and finally, based on Belial, it merged into a brand new Belial Fusion Beast.

"Haha, how about it?" Jagula smiled evilly and smashed the forest, "You are not the only one who can fuse, I am also constantly getting stronger!"


Hong Kai frowned and took out the Orb ring: "Ultraman-san, Tiga-san, lend me your power of light!"

In the jungle, Xia Long slowly walked out, and saw the fight between Hong Kai and Jia Gula from a distance.

The strength of Jakura, who fused Belial and two powerful monsters, has completely surpassed Hong Kai. He was easily defeated in both the heavy light form and the blast form. Even the weapon Orb Trident in the blast form was absorbed by Jakura.

Facing the powerful attack and defense power of Belial Fusion Beast, coupled with the ability to teleport, Orb was unable to resist in battle, and suddenly began to flash red.

"Haha, Kai, you saw it, my strength! This is the power of darkness!"

"Jagula!" Hong Kai shouted, and finally transformed into the explosive form, stood up and continued to attack Jagoura.

"Strebim explodes!"

With Hong Kai's full-strength attack, the center of the forest was suddenly covered by the explosion flames, and even Gagra was afraid to defend himself.


The strong shock wave made the surroundings a mess. After the loud bang, the flames gradually dispersed. Gagra still stood there, but Orb was nowhere to be found.

"Huh?" Gagra came to his senses and looked around, roaring, "Kai, where are you? Come out!"

Outside the battlefield, Xia Long helped the embarrassed Hong Kai through the forest, and Hong Kai fell to the ground in pain halfway through.


"Kai, how is it?" Xia Long let Hong Kai lean against the tree trunk and quickly sent a healing light.

"I'm fine." Hong Kai shook his head and looked at the leaves above absent-mindedly.

The sunlight fell through the gaps between the leaves, as if bringing Hong Kai back to a hundred years ago.


Mumbling a call, Hong Kai raised his hand with difficulty, and a blank card appeared in his empty hand.

"Long-san, I can't see anything, I can't see my own heart, and I can't see the future that I should protect."

Xia Long glanced at the blank card, paused, and asked: "Kai, do you remember Naomi's dream?"

"The dream of the giant of light?"

"The giant of light that Naomi has been pursuing is you, Orb," Xia Long said slowly, "I asked Arsen to ask, Naomi's great-grandmother's hometown is here, Rusalka, and her name in the past seems to be Natasha."

Hong Kai sat up suddenly and grabbed Xia Long tightly: "Natasha?"

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