Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 710 Orb Original (two in one)

"Is it really Natasha?"

"Didn't Natasha die in that explosion? But..."

Hong Kai let go of Xia Long as he spoke, his expression changed, he found it difficult to accept, but he also thought of all the strange things about Naomi.

The reason why he was willing to stay in SSP was because Naomi was very similar to Natasha, which attracted him deeply. The special mushroom soup tasted the same as before, and Naomi even knew the song that only he and Natasha knew. , as if Natasha was back by his side.

"Is Naomi a descendant of Natasha?"

Hongkai stood up choked with sobs, not caring to ask Xia Long any more, and staggered out of Lusaka Forest.

"Oh?" Almost as soon as Hong Kai left, Jia Gula appeared beside Xia Long and said with a gloomy expression, "What a surprise. You are the Ultraman Chaos who can rescue Kai?"

"Jagula," Xia Long turned around, looked at Jagula for a while and said, "What is your purpose? Although I don't know what grudges there are between you and Kai, but you seem to have gone astray. Way to go."

"Wrong path?" Jagula sneered, "Are you trying to lecture me? Sorry, I don't treat you like a senior like Kai, that's of no use to me."

As the corners of his mouth raised, black energy suddenly appeared around Jiagu La's body and he regained his true form as a demon.

The body covered with exoskeleton armor and the red crescent core on the chest exude a strong wild aura...

"I just want to deal with you first, so Kai can save it for next time!"

After clenching his fist, Jagula flashed and rushed in front of Xia Long. He raised his hand and fired an energy bomb.

"Bang!" Xia Long let go of the energy bomb, and at the same time raised his hand and fist-bumped with Jakula. During the burst of energy, he punched Jakura in the abdomen, knocking Jakura away.


Jagula held his abdomen and stood still, looking at Xia Long in shock: "You guy, did you do it on purpose last time?"

An unknown fire burst out from Jiagu La's heart. In anger, he jumped up and attacked Xia Long again. This time, he started by firing out a series of black and purple energy bombs.

"Go to hell!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Xia Long looked at Jia Gula who was attacking madly. He opened the barrier with his left hand to block the successive energy impacts. He paused and rushed to Jia Gula first in the face of the exploding light.

Without any extra movement, the right fist struck the same position again.



When the power of the fist exploded, Jagula retreated violently without any chance to react, and broke a row of tree trunks before stopping the force.

Xia Long glanced at Jiagu La in the dust mist, thought of Hong Kai, and stopped attacking. He gathered his breath of evolution instrument and turned around to leave the forest.

After the last Orochi incident, the silver-robed man's power disappeared from Jakula. Maybe Jakura himself didn't know it, but he had actually lost the existence that made him fearful.

"how so?"

Jagula endured the pain and stood up with difficulty, pulled out the weapon Snake Heart Sword from mid-air and wanted to fight back, but Xia Long's figure had disappeared in front of him, leaving only a retreating figure.

Returning to his human form, Jakula gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely prove myself to you!"

In Kitagawa Town, Tokyo, Hongkai followed Naomi back to the SSP office and picked up the Russian matryoshka doll tremblingly.

"Is this Natasha's relic?"

After carefully opening it layer by layer, Hongkai found an old black-and-white photo from the last layer of Russian matryoshka dolls. It was a sweet photo of him and Natasha.

"It turns out it's all true."

Hongkai choked and held the photo tightly. With such a photo in the amulet left to future generations, the identity of the owner was obvious.

"What's true?" Naomi said confusedly, "Kaisan, what happened?"

"It's nothing, nothing happened." Hong Kai held back tears and hugged Naomi gently, "Naomi, can you let me listen to that song again?"


When Naomi blushed and was at a loss, Zenta and Asori suddenly ran into the office excitedly.

"Captain, we found the material..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Benikai and Naomi hugging each other, and they couldn't help but stop in their tracks.

Shantai retreated sarcastically and said, "We didn't see anything. You continue, you continue."

"Ah?" Naomi reacted and shouted anxiously, "What are you doing? It's not what you think..."

"What's wrong?" Xia Long followed the two of them into the office, his eyes swept over the blushing Naomi, and turned to Hong Kai who was still immersed in memories, "What are you doing?"

"Longsang," Shantai and Shantai held back their laughter and said, grabbing Xia Long, "Let's go out first and take a bath together!"

"It's really not what you think!" Naomi became even more anxious and wanted to explain clearly, but the office suddenly shook and thunderous noises were heard.

"what happened?"

"It seems like there's an unreachable forest again."

Not caring about anything else, everyone ran outside to look at the thundercloud vortex and huge monster that suddenly appeared in the distance. Even Hong Kai came to his senses and followed.

"Kai, come out!" Jagula's angry shout reached Hong Kai's ears from afar.

Hongkai's eyes froze and he clearly saw the Belial Fusion Beast transformed by Jagula appearing in the direction of the park.

I came here specifically to see him...

Putting away the photo with Natasha, Hong Kai secretly nodded to Xia Long and ran away in silence, heading straight to the Citizen Park.

"What's wrong with Kai-san?" Shanta looked at Hong Kai leaving in surprise. Thinking of the previous scenes, he couldn't help but suddenly realized, "Could it be that Kai-san is actually Uub?"

Naomi covered Zenta's mouth and hissed: "Don't be so loud. How can Kaisan be Uub?"

Zenta nodded vigorously, and after Naomi let go of his hand, he couldn't help but said excitedly: "I should have thought of it a long time ago. If Asen hadn't been talking about the conservation of matter, think about it carefully. Baba-senpai was also able to become giant last time, right?"

"So the person in the 19th century photo I found last time is also Kaisan?" Asen struggled, "But how can humans live so long? And they can also become Ultra warriors..."

"You are overthinking it," Naomi hesitated, then turned to Xia Long and said, "Long Sang, let's go to the scene and leave this place to you."

Without giving Zenta and Asori a chance to continue to doubt, Naomi shouted and rushed downstairs: "SSP, all team members, move out!"

The Citizen Park, which was previously damaged by the Moge Serpent, has been renovated, but this time a new monster has been welcomed.

After Xia Long and others set off, Xia Long also rushed to the scene. He stood at the edge of the forbidden forest and looked at Orb and Jakura, who were fighting again.

The result has not changed. Uub's three major forms are still no match for the Belial fusion beast, and they can only support it with difficulty.

Seeing the ravaged Oub falling down again and again, Xia Long seemed to hear Hong Kai's painful groan, and couldn't help but take out a card from his pocket.

Different from the temporary card that was passed into Babar's body last time, it is a card of light that can truly borrow his power.


Staring at Orb's insistence on fighting, Xia Long put away the card.

What Hong Kai needs is not his power, but his own power that he has forgotten. Too strong an external force may be harmful to Orb.

"Kai," Xia Long said in a deep voice to Uub who was struggling to stand up when the red light flashed, "Believe in yourself, everyone needs your protection!"

"Senior, I..."

Hongkai glanced at Naomi and the others who were cheering for him on the battlefield, and memories of the past flashed through his mind one by one.

"I won't let the people around me get hurt anymore!"

After struggling to hold up his body, Hong Kai turned his eyes to the blank card in his hand. As the light bloomed, an Ultra warrior holding the Orb Holy Sword appeared on the card.

"Wow!" As the new card was inserted into the Orb ring, the Orb halberd that had been swallowed by the Belial fusion beast suddenly turned into a ray of light and flew back to Orb's body, turning into a halberd with a ring-shaped panel. Strange short sword.


At the same time, Uub's form also changed, turning into Uub's original form in the diffuse halo, and continued a fierce battle with the Belial Fusion Beast transformed by Jakura.

"You finally remembered, Kai!" Jagula used his energy gloomily, "However, I won't lose to you again!"


The energy of the Orb native and the Belial fusion beast collided with each other, and a huge shock wave suddenly erupted. The wind and sand blew past the forest leaves, and Xia Long had to shield his eyes.

The shock wave came and went quickly, but the battle was far from over. Continuous explosions quickly covered the entire park. Jakura used Uub to protect Naomi and others, regardless of the damage caused by the attack. Destruction, fire bombs kept bombarding Orb.

"Bang bang bang!"

Xia Long narrowly avoided the aftermath of the explosion and was about to leave the battlefield when he vaguely heard a girl crying nearby.

"Is there anyone else in this park?"

Following the direction of the sound, Xia Long quickly found a female student crouching in the corner of the wall with her head in her hands, screaming in surprise under the constant sound of explosions.

The girl was a nearby middle school student. Out of curiosity, she wanted to go to the inaccessible forest. Unexpectedly, she encountered a monster. When people around her left one after another, she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"How could I be so unlucky? Wuwu..." Thinking that she might die at any time, the girl burst into tears.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Xia Long ran nearby and found that the girl seemed uninjured and said quickly: "It's very dangerous here, leave quickly!"

The girl turned back with tears in her eyes: "I can't move."

"Bang!" As Orb fought, the ground shook again, and the surrounding earth and rocks fell one after another. The place where the girl was was about to be affected by the falling fireball.

"I'll carry you!" Xia Long had no choice but to hurriedly pick up the girl and ran out of the field, straining his body to avoid the flame explosions one after another.

Because he was carrying the girl on his back, he was sweating all the way out of the park. He used strength beyond normal people several times. Fortunately, the girl was probably too nervous and scared and didn't notice.

"Huh." After entering the safe zone, Xia Long couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, put the girl down and said, "It should be fine here."

"Thank you," the girl came back to her senses. Only then did she notice Xia Long's appearance. She blushed and said curiously, "I am Catherine, you are..."

Xia Long ignored the girl and looked at the corner of the street with emotion, his pupils shrinking slightly.

At the end of the street, a man wrapped in a silver robe appeared in Xia Long's field of vision, exuding a mysterious aura that was incompatible with the surroundings.

The girl looked along and asked curiously: "Is that person also seeking refuge?"

"Catherine," Xia Long suddenly said, "You should be able to leave, right? Leave quickly."

"Eh?" The girl looked at Xia Long, whose expression had turned cold, and was stunned. "But..."

"Okay, let's go!" Xia Long interrupted, "Don't thank me."

"Oh." The girl was stunned, her eyes swept over Xia Long and the silver-robed man, and she turned away hesitantly.

"Lord Kallio," the girl said to herself as soon as she left the silver-robed man, "When the legendary warrior appears, it is the end of the dimension, but it is also a new beginning... You are the person in the prophecy."

Xia Long frowned: "If you are here to deal with me, just attack directly, no need to beat around the bush."

"I am not your enemy," the silver-robed man said calmly, "and I can't be your opponent. I just want to follow your footsteps and become your messenger."

The silver-robed man said with a hint of excitement: "Lord Kallio, you are the closest person to God I have ever seen. You have the unrestrained power of God, and you are fully qualified to become the new God of the dimension."

"God of the dimension?" Xia Long said with a smile, "I think you are mistaken. I am just a human being. Becoming a god is not a big deal. I have no interest. If you are willing to help me, I am happy to do so, but forget about the rest. "

"Human? Lord Kallio, staying in such a place is completely burying your ability," the silver-robed man turned to Orb who was fighting with the Belia Fusion Beast on the other side, "Or can such a guy be of any help to the Lord? Not even as good as a low-level messenger."

As if thinking of something, the silver-robed man continued: "Lord Kallio, let's stop here for this time. I hope you can consider my words next time we meet."

"By the way," the silver-robed man reminded before leaving, "the one who was sent to this time and space before was one of the strongest messengers of God. Although he was defeated by you, his power still remains on this planet, and perhaps one day he will revive again."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the silver-robed man gradually faded and disappeared from Xia Long's sight.

"You are indeed very strong, but there are some things you will never understand." Xia Long frowned and watched the silver-robed man leave, and turned his gaze to the fierce battle in the direction of the park.

No matter how Juggler attacked, Orb was not affected at all. While protecting Naomi and others, his fighting power even suppressed Juggler. Finally, he completely released the power of the Orb Holy Sword in his hand and defeated Belia Fusion Beast in one fell swoop.

Compared with the battle at the super-dimensional level, it may be ordinary, but there is something that the silver-robed warriors cannot experience.

Existing for protection, connecting the power of bond, this is his belief, not becoming a god to dominate everything, what is the difference between that and the self-righteous Drasion or even that Galatron, or even the root destructive body in Gaia space-time.

It seems that I need to make a special note so that I will not be misunderstood as only updating one chapter.00

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