Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 773 Belia's Resurrection

A few days have passed, and the super-dimensional energy explosion does not seem to have had much impact on the earth. Even the monster incidents have stopped, and peace seems to have been restored.

In the Xingyunzhuang underground base, everyone gathered together again because many clues were found from the information left by Ariyi Shigai.

A map was laid out on the command platform by Zena. The map was covered with various marks.

"This is a map of Okinawa. From the look on it, it's very likely that it has something to do with K. Fushii."

"What are the dots on this?"

"It's a castle. It's a castle ruin preserved from the Ryukyu era. There are nearly 300 such castle ruins in Okinawa." Moya Aizaki took out some photos of the castle and said.

"We speculate that DeK Fushii disappeared after the last incident, perhaps going to Okinawa for some purpose."

"I heard it," Riku Asakura said seriously, "Izuku Fushii is calling me, he must be in Okinawa."

Zena looked at Asakura Riku and made a decision: "That's it. President Manatsu and I will accompany you to Okinawa to investigate, and the others will stay..."

"Let me go," Zero said proactively, "Kario stays at the base, I will accompany you."

"I'll go too," Toba Raiha insisted, "This is my fight too!"

Zena was a little puzzled by Sero's initiative, but was soon interrupted by Laiye, a stubborn little girl, and said helplessly: "Then we will set off in an hour and prepare. The others will stay at the base and continue. Study the information about Ishigari Arii, and also make sure that Ide K appears here."

"Senior Zena..."

Aizaki Moya wanted to interrupt, but Zena interrupted him directly: "Just stay here and keep in touch with us."

An hour later, Zena took Asakura Riku and others to Okinawa. Suddenly, only Xia Long, Aizaki Moya and Pejia were left in the base.

"I also want to go with Xiaolu." Moya Aizaki looked at Xia Long and Peijia with a look of resentment. Seeing that both of them paid little attention to her, she started to pack up the things left by Ari Ishigari with a grimace. material.

Xia Long picked up a diary and flipped through the pages.

There is not much content, but they are all records about DeK Fushii, and descriptions of the light on DeK Fushii’s back frequently appear in the notes.

"It's mentioned here that the light on the back is getting stronger and stronger. Are you talking about Strum's organ?"

"It should be," Lem responded. "In the previous battle, the Strum organ may have been strengthening."

"Then won't he just get stronger and stronger?" Pejia worried.

"That's true, but it's not the best way to strengthen Strum's organs."

Lime called up Fushii De K's body data and explained: "The best way to strengthen Strum's organs is to use Strum's light."

"Light of Strum?"

"The planet Strum has been burning, and the special light emitted from it will appear in Okinawa every 30 years," Lem analyzed. "The most recent one is in the past few days. If Izuku Fushii is really in Okinawa, Maybe it’s to completely strengthen one’s Strum organ.”

Xia Long took the map of Okinawa, and the marks and complicated lines connecting the ruins of various castles were immediately explained.

After leaving the analysis of the specific location to Aizaki Moya, Xia Long asked: "Lime, can you tell me about Star Strum?"

At the ruins of Okinawa Midtown, Xiaolu and his party successfully found De K. Fushii.

Just like what Lem said, green Strum's light indeed appeared above the city ruins. Fushii Dek was bathing in it, and the light from the Strum's organ on his back became more intense, and he had entered the final strengthening stage. .

In the end, Xiaolu did not let Cero intervene and directly used the emperor form to fight Fushii De K.

After DeK Fushii fused the energy of Luchiel and Ampera's capsule, even Riku, who inherited the power of the Ultra King, found it quite difficult to fight.

Through the pictures sent back from the scene, Xia Long quietly watched the fierce confrontation between the two.

There is no doubt that Geed is more powerful, and IdeK Fushii made the same mistake as last time. Even if he further strengthened Strum's organ, IdeK Fushii still couldn't withstand too much power. After a while, It was blown up by Geed's strongest light attack.


Xia Long put down the notes in his hand and recalled the time when he met Ari Ishigari: "Sero, is there anyone else nearby?"

"Others?" Zero pressed the headset and looked at the ruins of the castle.

"Ari Ishigari is not an ordinary person. If she is not Beria, she is the pawn arranged by Beria next to Izuku Fushii. I feel that she is Beria."

On the coast of Okinawa.

Fushii Dek fell down on the grass in a state of embarrassment, and when he stretched out his hand to crawl to the fallen capsule, there was suddenly a sound of footsteps behind him.


Fushii paused for a moment, then turned around, and a familiar figure appeared in his field of vision.


Wearing a white long-sleeved T-shirt, Ari Ishigari walked forward step by step calmly. The way he looked down made Izuku Fushii feel a little uncomfortable, and confusion filled his heart.

Before arriving in Okinawa, he had already dealt with Ari Ishigari in advance...

Under Fushii DeK's stunned gaze, Ishigari Arii picked up the Dark Lukiel and Ampera Star Capsules, and then walked to Fushii DeK's side with a chuckle.

"Is it weird?" Arui Ishikatsu stopped and suddenly struck out, stabbing Fushii DeK's back fiercely. Ignoring Fushii DeK's painful screams, she grabbed the green liquid-like Strum organ.

"Even if I disappear, you can still merge and sublimate, because I have been giving you strength!"

After swallowing Strum's organ, Beria's figure appeared, and the energy core in his chest merged with Strum's organ, emitting a rich green fluorescence.

"Your mission is over!"


Xiaolu and his group hurried to the beach, but before they could move, Beria laughed and broke away from Ari Ishikari, disappearing into the air. Only Izuku Fushii who had lost everything and the unconscious Ishikaria were left. Liyi.

Xingshan City.

It was the second day after everyone returned from Okinawa. Ishikari Arii was sent to AIB for treatment by Zena. Unfortunately, in the end, even Izuku Fushii failed to catch him.

In front of everyone, Beria was resurrected again and gained even more power.

In just one day, a large number of earthquakes and floods suddenly occurred on the earth, and mankind was completely enveloped by the crisis brought by Beria.

At night, when Ren Ren and Xiao Lu were worried about the bad situation, Zena contacted Xingyun Village.

"The origin of the Litru Star is the energy of the Ultra King," Zena explained. "Now Belia is using the Karelan molecules in his body to absorb the energy of the Ultra King in the entire universe, and then use it again. The Strum organ taken from DeK Fusui was transformed into evil power."

"The energy that maintains balance in the universe is now gradually decreasing."

"If this continues, the old man and the universe will be destroyed," Cero said solemnly, "Beria will also gain unimaginable power. We must find a way to stop him..."

"Actually, the Litru Star Research Institute has developed a Karelan molecule-decomposing enzyme. If it can be injected into Belia's body, it should be able to prevent him from continuing to absorb energy. However, the feasibility of injection is very low."

"When the time comes, Geed and I will take cover." Zero said.

Everyone discussed the battle plan step by step, and finally made a preliminary arrangement, and waited until the next day to start taking action.

"Where's Long Sang?" Pejia asked strangely, "Isn't Long Sang with us? Speaking of which, we haven't seen him today."

Xiao Lu and others also became confused, but Xia Long didn't know where he was at this critical moment.

"She should be busy with SSP matters..."

Zero paused and said unnaturally: "I will talk to him tomorrow."

Zena glanced at Zero thoughtfully and continued: "Let's do this for the time being. There should be a tough battle tomorrow, so everyone should have a good rest."

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