The morning light at the end of the city was getting brighter and brighter. Xia Long stood quietly on the street watching the sun rise, only to realize that a whole night had passed.

The energy continued to increase, but the originally vague sense of crisis also became clear.

He didn't know what was going on, but he felt that his emotions were gradually fading. Whether he was facing Beria, who had threatened the earth, or the super angel hiding in the dark, his mood was unprecedentedly calm, or calm could be used to describe it. Appropriate, as if he really has become a legendary god.

There are more and more pedestrians on the street, office workers in a hurry, old people walking, parents taking their children shopping... The whole street is filled with a unique atmosphere of urban life, close at hand but very far away.

I don’t know when it started, but it became increasingly difficult to integrate into this kind of life...

Amid the occasional strange looks from passers-by, Xia Long walked aimlessly through the streets, passing by ordinary people.

On the surface, the city seemed unaffected by Beria and remained quiet as usual. Only through television reports could one feel a hint of urgency.

"Now, the Evil Belial stays at an altitude of 40,000 kilometers, constantly absorbing the mysterious light. Some people think that the Inpark crisis will happen again. Now it seems that whether we can survive depends on the battle of the Ultra Warriors. Already..."

Outside the amusement park, Xia Long heard the latest TV report. When he stopped to watch, he accidentally bumped into Iga Rito who was bringing his family out.

"Actually, today is Xiao Yu's birthday."

Looking at my wife playing with their daughter Xiaoyu not far away, I feel happy and a little reluctant.

Because of Zero's relationship, he was particularly aware of the crisis he was about to face, even better than Xiao Lu and others.

Unlike the Flash on TV, this battle is really about facing death, and he may never come back. He cherishes the last time with his family.

"Long Sang," he looked at his happy daughter for a while, then suddenly asked Xia Long, "Will the earth be okay?"

His eyes were filled with expectations, fears, and concerns for his family: "Everyone will be fine, right?"


Xia Long nodded slightly, looked at the mother and daughter on the other side, and said softly: "Don't worry, I will protect them before you come back."


He suppressed his tears, returned to his wife and daughter with a smile, and continued to enjoy the last warmth.

But soon, the tranquility was broken by a phone call from AIB.

"Ringren," Aizaki Moya informed hesitantly, "We are ready. The battle will begin in 30 minutes."

Renren was listening to the phone call behind his family's back. Even though he was mentally prepared, his expression still stiffened.

"Okay, I know."

With a soft breath, Renren turned to his wife and said, "Um, Rumina..."

Xia Long leaned against the carousel guardrail and silently watched people and their families hugging each other goodbye.

In the end, I couldn't hide it from Rumina, and finally I hurriedly left the amusement park with Rumina looking at me with understanding and pain.


Pressing his fingers on the shell amulet in his arms, Xia Long shed a tear from the corner of his eyes without any warning, drawing a trace on his unruffled cheek.

Xia Long stretched out his hand to touch the coldness on his face, paused in his steps, and continued to observe Rumina and her daughter secretly, while looking to the other side.

It is expected that a large number of residents in the battle area have been evacuated one after another. AIB's final preparations and the God of Space-Time Destruction Saigon have also restarted repairs.

Xia Long already almost understood the battle plan arranged by Zena.

This time was the largest joint operation between AIB, SSP, and Nebula Village. Even Nebula Village transformed into a spaceship to participate in the operation, mobilizing almost all the forces worthy of the battle.

"Boom!" The sky suddenly dimmed. Half an hour passed. As Zero and Geed transformed at the same time and appeared in the designated neighborhood, the sky was immediately covered by heavy clouds, and thunder and lightning tore through the Vicious Belial Zone. Terrible pressure fell from the sky.

Xia Long didn't care to pay close attention to the fierce battle between Zeroged and Beria. When he followed Rumina and his daughter back to Igauri's house, he suddenly sensed the aura of Izuku Fushii.

There was no hiding at all, the aura came out of the apartment clearly, but it was much weaker than before.

"Wait a moment."

Xia Long showed up to stop Rumina and her daughter, and walked into the apartment first.

"President Manatsu?" Rumina followed Xia Long in confusion and found that the door was open by itself.

Entering the entrance hall, Fushii De K's figure appeared in front of several people, wearing a luxurious suit and holding a cane, as if he had transformed back into the respected teacher Fushii De.

"Real Xia Long?" Turning around and seeing Xia Long, Fushii Izuku's pupils dilated slightly for a flash of surprise, but he soon calmed down and looked at the mother and daughter behind Xia Long.

"It's really surprising that a majestic Ultra warrior would come specifically to see me, but..."

Fushii Ide K sneered, clenched his cane and launched the attack first: "This can be regarded as helping Lord Beria!"


Xia Long raised his hand like lightning to form a barrier to stop the cane. During the fierce collision, Rumina screamed from behind and hugged her daughter Xiaocoon.

However, De Fushii's attack failed to break through the barrier. His cane was bounced away, and Fushii De K retreated to the window with him.


After standing firm with a groan, Ide K Fushii stopped attacking, gritted his teeth, broke through the window, and jumped off the balcony.

Rumina came back to her senses and looked at Xia Long with lingering fear: "President Manatsu..."

"You stay here." Xia Long looked at Izuku Fushii who was running away downstairs, told his mother and daughter, and then jumped out of the apartment.

A street near the battlefield seemed deserted because the citizens had been evacuated. Not far away, on the other side, Zero and Geed were still working together to fight against the evil Beria.

Xia Long's figure flashed, and he calmly walked out of a corner and stopped in front of Fu Jing's K.

Knowing that he couldn't run away, Fushii Dek sneered, and took the initiative to attack Xia Long again. However, this time Xia Long only used a barrier to block the frontal attack, and then rushed directly to the side of Fushii Dek.

"Bang bang!" In the lightning-fast fight, Xia Long grabbed the cane and at the same time, punched Fushii Dek's abdomen hard, instantly disintegrating Fushii Dek's offensive, blasting him away and crashing into a car on the side of the road.


Izuku Fushii covered his abdomen and leaned on the car with a distorted face. He could hardly stand up due to the extreme pain.

"After losing the Strum organ, you won't live for a few days." Xia Long dropped his cane and walked towards Fushii De K. "Why do you still need to help Beria?"

"I have dedicated everything to Lord Beria a long time ago!" Izuku Fushii stubbornly stood up and continued to rush towards Xia Long, "I am just a weak Strum star, I really want to get power. I really want to get more powerful power..."

Xia Long stopped and faced De Fushii K who launched another attack. The energy suddenly exploded and hit De K Fushii spontaneously.


Izuku Fushii, who had basically lost his combat effectiveness, could not react at all, and was directly knocked away by the shock wave, rolling on the ground continuously.

When he stopped, Izuku Fushii seemed to be stunned. Even though he stood up again, his spirit became dazed and his body kept shaking.

"Ryuu-san!" Toba Raiha hurried here with a long sword. Before she could take a breath, she saw Fusui Izuku crawling to Xia Long's feet in despair.

"Fushii De K..."

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