Maybe behind the wormhole is the lair of the body that invites death.

Seth suddenly realized something was wrong: "If it's really my lair, wouldn't it be dangerous for me to be in the past?"

"Go separately!"

After saying that, the light was peeled away from Seth and turned into another him.


Soon, the clone turned into a stream of light and rushed straight into the wormhole.

Seth's body relies on memory sharing to analyze the world after the wormhole.

In the dark universe, a small light group appeared.

Seth's clone crossed the wormhole and looked at everything here with disappointment.

"It's just like the normal universe. I thought I could kill it directly to the lair."


"Wait, it seems that not all are the same!" The clone made a new discovery.

Chapter 299 The world after the wormhole

The world after the wormhole.

At first glance, this place looks like a normal space, but Seth's clone discovered something unusual here.

The negative energy in the entire space was extremely rich, so thick that it could affect Ultraman's brilliance.

After discovering this, the clone decided to continue exploring here.

"Keep looking..."

On the other side, the battlefield in the sky.

Seth, who was multitasking, looked at Gaia who was fighting Zolim.

At this moment, Gaia has changed from the v2 form to the supreme form with a burst of energy. On the basis of the v2 form, Gaia has an extra blue color belonging to Agul on both sides of the body.

Facing the strong defense of Zolim, the clever Gaia thought of hitting the enemy from the inside, so he rushed towards Zolim's open mouth.


Just when Gaia's body was about to be swallowed by Zolim, Seth suddenly shouted.

"Ah?" Gaia stopped, thinking that Seth had discovered a flaw in his plan.

Just after Gaia paused.


Zolim seized the opportunity, sprayed high-heat flames from his mouth, and swept towards Gaia!

Before the flames could hit him, Seth took out his little hammer.


A hammer hit Zolim, turning the thousand-meter giant beast into a size similar to that of an ordinary monster.

At this moment, everyone finally saw the full picture of this giant beast.

"It turns out that the whole body of a monster looks like this..." Gaia looked at Zolim who had become smaller and breathed a sigh of relief.

Behind Zolim's super long neck is an equally long body. The overall shape is like the space dragon Nas, but at normal size, it is many times larger than Nas.

"It's pretty cool, isn't it." Seth looked at Zolim's body with satisfaction.

The reason why Gaia didn't kill it just now was to keep it alive, get more information about the Death Recruitment Body from it, and adopt it as its little brother.

Although the attack method is single, this guy is better because of its large size, with a body length of nearly 5,000 meters, which is quite bluffing.


Gaia didn't answer Seth's words and had already started rubbing the quantum streamlines with her hands.

Seth pressed down Gaia's hand: "No, leave it alive. Don't you want to know the truth about the body that is summoned by destruction?"

"That's right..." Gaia stopped accumulating energy and nodded thoughtfully.

In the past, the enemy only thought about killing, but ignored this incident.

But it's also my fault that the monsters from before looked so stupid and violent, and they didn't look like they could communicate at all.

After Gaia stopped, Seth grabbed Zolim with one hand and used two hammers to directly transform it into a micro form.

Then, he rummaged through his extra-dimensional storage space and took out a small jar.

A few minutes later.

The battle is over, the dark clouds dissipate, and the crisis is resolved.

Peace has returned to the earth.

Seth's living room.

"Is this the big guy in the sky?" 10 looked at Zolim trapped in the jar with interest.

"Yes, can you establish communication with it?" Seth asked.

In fact, Seth carries a monster language translator, but there are barriers between the language of the body summoned by destruction and the language of ordinary monsters, and the translated things are all gibberish.

"It's a bit difficult, but you can try." The almighty 10 said.

"By the way, has Fujimiya left?" Seth continued to ask after looking around.

"No, he just fainted for no reason. I threw him in a human hospital." 10 answered honestly.

Seth: "..."

"Are you sure you didn't hurt him?"

"How could that be? I'm very kind." 10 obviously didn't realize what he had done.

Seth: "As long as others are fine, you can study it first. I will lie on the sofa for a while. Now I want to carefully study the world behind the wormhole..."

After the wormhole.

After a long flight, Seth's clone discovered a planet.

The entire planet is wrapped in negative energy as thick as ink.

Without even looking inside, Seth knew that there was a high probability that there were no normal creatures on this planet.

The strange thing is that when Seth saw this planet for the first time, he felt inexplicably familiar.

Finally, driven by a desire to explore, Seth went in.

Inside the unknown dark planet.

The little giant, whose whole body was glowing, was wrapped in dark energy and struggled to move forward.

At this moment, Seth seemed to be in a pure black pool, unable to see everything in front of him, and every inch of his skin was being eroded by negative energy.

After walking forward for an unknown amount of time, Seth felt like he had kicked something.

I stretched out my hand and touched it twice, thinking it might be some broken pieces of a building.

"At least it proves that there was life on this planet."

"Then what caused it to look like this?"


After kicking the broken pieces away, Seth continued to fumble forward.

Now in the darkness, he felt like he was in a ruins somewhere, and he could touch hard lumps with obvious traces of artificial carving everywhere.

Another half hour later, Seth, groping in the dark, touched something curved.

Moreover, the curvature of this thing is very similar to the head of a certain creature...

Under the influence of dark energy, he couldn't see clearly even if he brought the object in his hand to his eyes, so he flew outside the planet.

At this time, he lowered his head again and looked at the object he had brought out of the dark planet.

Seth guessed correctly, it was indeed a head.

What's even more outrageous is that he knows the owner of this head.

"Noah's head???⊙▽⊙"

Now he finally knew what the ruins he was just at were.

That's the Temple of Noah.

Seth's eyes flashed twice and he looked at the head sculpture in his hand in shock.

Temples of Noah are located in various parallel universes, such as the Mirror Star in the Esmeralda universe, and the planet Baberu in the Kingdom of Light universe...

There will also be arrogant evil people who provoke Noah and destroy Noah's temple.

For example, the temple on the Mirror Star was broken together with the big mirror.

As a god-like being in the Ultraman universe, Noah may not appear in time every time.

But he will still take care of some evil acts.

For example, during the battle with the Belial Galactic Empire, he sent the Shield of Palagi...

But this universe, this universe is filled with darkness. Even Noah's temple was smashed. Why didn't Noah come to deal with it?

Do you think this is not necessary?

Seth couldn't figure it out.

After all, you have to ask yourself to know these things.

"Go to Planet Ba when you have time...chih!!"

Before he finished speaking, Seth suddenly felt a cold feeling in his chest.

Lowering his head, he found a dark sharp blade coming out of his heart.

"You m..."

Gaia Universe.

Seth, who was lying in the living room, suddenly woke up, breathing heavily.

"How despicable, you actually attacked me from behind!"

"Are my senses blocked in that dark space? Why didn't I notice the arrival of the sneak attacker?"

"Who did it? My clone is not weak..."


Please support! ! !

Chapter 300 Erropa appears!

"What's wrong?" 10 approached Seth with concern after noticing something strange about Seth.

A few minutes later, 10 listened to Seth's description of the space after the wormhole, and his CPU was running at high speed.

"The universe is full of negative energy, the mysterious man who sneaks up on you, the broken Temple of Noah..."

"If that universe is really a nest where destruction invites bodies, then I advise you to avoid getting involved." 10's expression became serious.

Granted, Seth is strong.

But judging from these descriptions, the root cause of destruction is not something to be trifled with.

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