10: "The darkness that can affect the entire universe must be the result of how long it has been in business..."

Seth's point of concern is different from 10: "Back then, the Baxters controlled Hyperjetton and ate up an entire universe, but they were defeated in the end."

"What I care about is why no one cares about that part of the universe."

"I don't believe Noah can't notice..."

"I can't figure it out now. Let's go back to the Temple of Noah and ask."

"By the way, has there been any result from your communication with Zolim?" Seth asked, changing the topic.

"No, it's dead." 10 fingers pointed to the jar in the living room.

"Shortly after you fell asleep, it suddenly exploded without any warning..."

"Why didn't you remind me?" Seth stood up quickly and picked up the bloody jar on the table.

"You were not busy just now..." 10 felt that Zolim's life and death was not a big deal and did not want to disturb Seth for such a thing.

Seth didn't speak any more, but opened the jar where the shrunken Zolim was stored, trying to find the cause of the death of this super monster.

Unfortunately, there was only a mixture of crumbled flesh and blood left in the jar, and those who looked at it had no clue.

"It's like it's been stirred by a juicer..."

After Seth said something disgusting, he handed it directly to Apatai who was cleaning next to him: "Dispose of it."

After receiving the instruction, Apatai took the jar, opened her big mouth, and swallowed it in one go.

"Can you digest it?" Seth couldn't help but ask.

10: "No, it just serves as a temporary trash can. When the garbage in the body is full, he will go to the garbage disposal station to spit it out."

"Thank you for your hard work, Apatai," Seth stepped forward and patted his younger brother on the shoulder, considering advancing the period for Apatai's younger brother to become a full-time employee by fifty years.

One month after the giant beast Zolim appeared.

10 found that Seth was obviously not as happy as before.

Sometimes I get distracted while playing the game.

For example, at this time, there was a big word "death" on the screen, and Seth looked out the window blankly as if he had been beaten to autism.

"Are you worried about something? Are you worried that death will bring about the body?" 10 walked to Seth and asked.

"No, I'm looking at the cumulonimbus cloud outside." Seth pointed to the sky outside the window.

In the sky, there was a gray cloud floating in the sky.

The cloud area is not large, but it is incompatible with the blue sky.

After reacting, 10 looked up, and after some analysis, he came to his conclusion: "I can sense energy fluctuations from that cloud."

"The strange thing is that I can't perceive the specific details inside the cloud, and it is interfered by the magnetic field..."

"A cloud-like energy body? Appeared after Zolim?" Seth tried hard to search for relevant information in his mind.

After a few seconds, he had the answer and took out his Hammer of the King.

Opposite me, 10 became obviously alert: "What are you doing? You want to shrink me again?"

Soon, the expression on her face showed a trace of displeasure and anger: "For such a long time, I have been following you in everything. If you ask me to wear a maid outfit, I will wear it, and if you ask me to serve tea, I will do the same. , I asked you to penetrate me last time..."

Seth: "..."

"What are you thinking about? We are going home."

"You can stay here if you want."

"Also, I'm just plugging an external speaker into you. Why are you talking about it for so long?"

"What's wrong?" Realizing that he had misunderstood, 10 continued to ask curiously.

"Didn't you say that the time we are currently in is in the past and that you have the ability to travel through time?"

"I don't, but maybe that thing up there does." Seth pointed to the clouds above his head.

If his guess was correct, the energy cloud appearing in the sky at this moment was El Robpa's lair.

And Elropa is a monster that can travel to the past and the future at will.

Catch it, tame it, and use it to travel back home through time!

Seeing that Seth was ready, 10 asked no more questions and nodded neatly: "Okay."

Soon, Seth simply packed up his belongings and set off to fly to El Robopa's lair!

xig air base.

After the strange cloud suddenly appeared, XIG immediately dispatched a seasoned Falcon team to investigate.

In addition, as a scientific analyst, I dreamed of taking the initiative to fly the EX fighter plane and act with the Falcon team.

On the way to the hangar, I dreamed that the three fighter pilots of the Falcon team had unprecedented serious expressions.

The Falcons have the oldest average age among the three fighter squadrons of XIG. All the team members are outstanding veterans with rich flying experience, with excellent mentality and high awareness.

At this time, we haven't even fought with the enemy yet, and their expressions are so serious. I dream that there is another reason for this.

"Captain Yoneda, have you seen that cloud before?" I dreamed of asking.

Before Captain Yoneda could speak, Falcon team member Hayashi Yukiichi opened his mouth twice: "We..."

But just as he was about to speak, Captain Yoneda stopped him: "No."

Captain Yoneda deliberately changed the topic and said jokingly: "My dream, don't hold us back when we fight."

Hearing this, I narrowed my eyes in my dream.

"This is just an investigation mission, Captain Yoneda, how are you sure we want to fight?"

"You know something about that cloud, right?!"

"Scientists just like to think too much." Captain Yoneda laughed.

I dreamed: "No, I feel that Captain Yoneda and you are in a very wrong state today."

"If you don't answer me, I will ask Chief Shishi for instructions and change the team to Lightning Team for this mission."

After saying that, I Meng turned around and left.

"No! Only we can defeat the enemy this time. This is destined! Don't increase casualties." Lin Xingshi's team member suddenly called to stop my dream.

"Why?" I dreamed that the Falcons players had loosened their tone and asked back.

"Because we already knew the outcome of today's battle in the past." Captain Yoneda answered.

"We hadn't joined XIG at that time. It was a training mission for the defense team. I remember that the flying environment that day was not good. In the middle of the training, we accidentally entered an unknown cloud and saw the monster that controlled time..."

After listening to Captain Yoneda's story, Imu asked in disbelief: "So, in the future you see, you and the monsters perish together?"

"No wonder your expressions were so solemn just now. You were ready to die..."

Chapter 301 The future of the earth!

"Yes, we have been ready since joining XIG." Captain Yoneda answered my dream.

"Now that you know everything, please don't stop us because this is what we have to do."

After saying that, the three Falcons turned around and walked calmly to the hangar, leaving a handsome figure behind me.

At this moment, a voice appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

"You don't have to come, I will take care of this monster."

"Who is talking? (???)" Captain Yoneda looked confused.

My dream, who is familiar with this voice, answered: "Ultraman."

Then, he walked to the side of the corridor and looked at the clouds in the distance through the transparent windows of the base.

"It's Ultraman Seth."

Captain Yoneda: "That little giant? Is he spying on us? It's too dangerous!"

Seth, who is flying in the sky at this moment: "..."

Who is willing to listen to you?

"Stop being so smart."

Yoneda's head was spinning: "Even with your help, we have to go. That is our destined death."

"You will die because there is no me in the future you originally saw." Seth answered patiently.

"If you really want to die, it won't be too late for you to attack again after I fail."

After saying that, Seth cut off the spiritual communication with the three Falcons and left a few words to my dream: "If everything goes well, I will defeat this time and space monster, tame it, and stay in this time and space for a while."

"If it doesn't go well, I might leave with it... Don't get me wrong, when I say leaving, I mean using its power to return to the world I originally lived in."

"If it's the latter, then take care of yourself in my dream. I'm not here, so be careful when you fight against the summoned body of destruction."

"Okay, see you in the future."

High in the sky, near clouds.

I could see in my dream that after communicating with myself, Seth's body turned into a stream of light and rushed into the clouds.

Shortly thereafter, the cloud disappeared.

With Seth's help, humanity once again survived a crisis.

At this time, the three Falcons and my dream hadn't even boarded the plane.

In the command room.

Captain Yoneda's expression was exaggerated: "Is it really over?"

Correspondent Dunzi, who also witnessed everything, replied: "Yes, Ultraman Seth settled everything for us, but the price was that he disappeared together with the cloud."

"My dream, what do you think of this incident?" asked the commander of the stone room who knew that my dream was connected to Ultraman Seth.

"Thank you Seth." I dreamed and smiled.

"Then will he show up again?" Georgie asked.

My dream: "Yes, we will definitely meet again."

a few minutes ago.

Within the clouds.

After Seth entered the cloud, he had just a brief encounter with the time and space monster El Robopa, and then came to another unknown time and space.

Everything here is drab black and white.

Seth, who was familiar with Erropa's abilities, did not panic and just looked at this time and space curiously.

The cloud was created by Elropa's space-time ability, and the world inside was another timeline.

Everything in this world is a kind of future.

However, at this moment, Seth discovered that the world presented to him was very different from the original work.

In the original work, the three Falcons and I dreamed of entering this world, and what we saw was the future of the earth, the crashed XIG air base, and the three Falcons who died in another timeline.

What Seth saw was a Death Star.

There are no buildings on the planet, just long stretches of yellow sand and dead silence.

"Is this the future of this planet?" Seth thought in disbelief.

The space-time created by Elropa is another timeline, which can be understood as a possibility in the future, one with a high probability of realization.

Seth: "The Earth is dead?"

"Because of what?"

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