Two months later.

Seth, who was sleeping, was woken up by the system prompt.

[The system upgrade is completed, and the system functions will be expanded after the upgrade is completed - prop synchronization]

[When the host synchronizes investment income, it can obtain all props and weapons obtained by the investor during the investment period. 】

Without even having time to think about how long he had slept, Seth excitedly asked the system in his mind: "Everything?"

"Does that mean I can buy unlimited artifacts in the future? Equip every warrior of the Kingdom of Light with the Shield of Palagi?"

[Host, stop dreaming, artifacts are not included in this range]

The fantasy was shattered, and Seth couldn't hide his disappointment: "It was you who said there was ambiguity!"

"But it's okay. If you can't mass-produce the Palagi Shield, you can mass-produce other ones. My replica of the Ultimate Sword is not a divine weapon, right? It should be available to everyone in the Kingdom of Light..."

[Each prop can only be obtained once simultaneously, and props already owned by the host are not included in this range. 】

Seth: "..."

"You're just...having can I get rich with you like this?"

"But you can accept it. In the future, Aix will have an Aix Head Dart, Geed will have a Gigabit Fighting Device, Orb will have a Holy Sword... these new generation Ultraman's small weapons will all be in his pocket. !”

"By the way, why did you keep silent and upgrade without any warning? Was there some opportunity, or did I trigger some hidden mission?" Seth continued to ask in his mind.

【Unable to answer】

"Forget it, as long as it's good for me."

After chatting with the system, Seth began to move his body and light up his eye lamp.

In the huge shed, the giant's extinguished eyes lit up again, and the surrounding onlookers immediately began to cheer.

"Our savior wakes up! He wakes up!"

"I just said the savior will be fine! That's great!"

"Speaking of which, if the savior helped O-50 like this, will the Great Ring of Light reward him?"

"It should be possible, otherwise the ring of light would chill people's hearts."

"Don't think so narrowly of the Savior! We fight for justice, not for rewards! Your awareness is still too low!"

"However, it's hard to say whether the Ring of Light will give rewards..."

"According to my investigation, although the ring of light can give the chosen person great power, the rewards obtained for performing tasks feel very squeezed, and sometimes they are even not given directly."

Just as the crowd was talking, a blue figure walked in and drove the chattering little people out of the shed: "Don't disturb Seth's rest."

On the bed, Seth stood up slowly, feeling a severe pain in his head. Seeing the warrior in front of him clearly, he said hello: "Hey, Fengma, you are better."

"Thank you very much for this." Feng Ma's gratitude was beyond words.

Seth saved so many O-50 lives, Feng Ma felt that it was not an exaggeration to give him a knock.

Seth smiled: "What are you talking about? Maintaining the peace of the universe and protecting the weak are originally the obligations of the warriors of the Kingdom of Light. I just did what I could."

"Is it within your power?" Taiga's voice appeared at the door and walked in slowly.

Walking to the bed, Taiga asked: "Seth, are you feeling dizzy and weak, accompanied by inexplicable palpitation?"

"How do you know?" Seth asked.

"Reverse time and overdraft, you have damaged the source of life." Taiga's words were concise and to the point.

"Just stay calm and don't move around these days."

"Yes, you were in a coma for two months." 10, who had been staying at Seth's bedside, said.

Seth: "I was injured and comatose for this long before."

Taiga's expression was filled with distress and blame: "You were still young before, but now your body has been tempered so much. You were still in a coma for two months, and the eye lights and timer were off for almost a week..."

"Now you are considered a person who died once."

"Seth, you can't be too pushy."

"If you could have used more of my and Titas' power and let us shoulder more of your responsibility, you wouldn't have..."

"I understand, I will do it next time." Seth smiled easily.

Rewinding time consumes a lot of energy. If I really drained Taiga and Titas' power, they would probably not be able to wake up by now.

If everything in the universe is predestined, then since you have this power and use this power, you should bear more of the cause and effect.

Besides, if one person is exchanged for hundreds of millions of people, this transaction is not a loss.


Taiga didn't say much in the end.

Now he only hates that he is not strong enough to help Seth...

"The air in here is stifling. Help me out for a walk." Seth took the initiative to put his hand on Taiga's shoulder.


Taiga nodded, took Seth's arm with one hand, hung it around his neck, and put his other hand around Seth's waist.

Just like that, he supported Seth and walked out of the shed slowly.

After going out, Seth looked back and found that the place where he had just fallen asleep was horribly shabby.

"Although I save people without expecting anything in return, I was injured like this because of saving people. Isn't it a bit unreasonable for O-50 people to let me sleep in a garbage dump..." Seth whispered to Taiga.

Hearing this, Taiga's expression instantly became wonderful. He turned around and glanced at Fengma behind him, as if he was trying his best to hold back his laughter.

Taiga: "When you were unconscious, Titus and I were also unconscious."

"During that period, Fuma was always taking care of the three of us."

"That small shed is Fengma's home..."

"Huh?" Seth turned around in shock.

The poisonous-tongued Fengma, the living conditions are so difficult?

Is the treatment of O-50 Ultra Soldiers already so bad?

Ring of Light, you have no heart!

Everyone who works in the factory is assigned a dormitory, but you actually let Feng Ma live here?

"Fengma, you really...have extraordinary willpower!" Seth praised sincerely.

Feng Ma was confused by the inexplicable compliment, but he still accepted it generously: "That's natural!"

"By the way, Titus and I were instructed by Jonias to come to O-50 to practice. Seth, why are you here suddenly?" Taiga asked curiously.

Seth then told his friend the truth about his encounter with Gagorgon.

Titus, who had been following a few people without saying a word, trembled after hearing the tragedy on the Golden Planet.

"Our U40 made an oversight. It was so close that we didn't even notice the anomaly of the Golden Planet."

Titas said reproachfully.

Seth suddenly turned around: "No, U40 will even send envoys for peace talks because of the expansion of the Golden Planet's armaments. Why didn't you notice that they had such a big incident?"

Titus recalled the past and slowly told the story: "This matter started from more than 800 years ago..."

Chapter 329 The Ring of Light invites someone

Titus: "In short, as the older generation died, the relationship between the Golden Planet and U40 faded, and that planet became more and more closed due to the invasion of energy bodies. In the end, there was no communication between the two planets... …”

"That makes sense." Seth nodded.

Thinking of the tragedy of the Golden Planet, Taiga looked angrily: "Gorgon is really abominable!"

"Unfortunately, the time I can go back is limited, and I can no longer save the people on the golden planet." Seth sighed.

"You have tried your best." Taiga comforted.

"Gagorgon attacked the golden planet because of the energy on it. What was the purpose of attacking O-50? To destroy the top of the warrior?" Feng Ma was confused.

"Also, if things are so dangerous this time, why didn't Ring of Light give us the news in advance?"

"You have to ask the Ring of Light to know everything." Seth looked at Fengma.

The Gagorgon attack on O-50 was ordered by the demon, and the Ring of Light must know the identity of the demon.

"How about you go up and ask first?"

"Okay, I'll go up and have a look." Fengma took off immediately.

Half an hour later.

Fengma returned with a complicated expression: "The Ring of Light said that you have to go up and ask some questions."

Seth: "Shall I go up?"

"I'm so injured now that I can't even climb up, let alone fly. (???)"

"The Ring of Light is too arrogant!" Taiga looked angry for no reason.

"Seth's body was injured like this because of the rescue of O-50. The Ring of Light's attitude is still so high. Now I have a question to ask it. Why doesn't it come down and explain it to Seth?!"

As soon as these words came out, Taiga immediately became the focus of the crowd.

Taiga lowered his head: "I mean, if Zeta were here, he would definitely say that."

Seth held his forehead.

Sure enough, after playing together with Zeta for a long time, some things are contagious.

Taiga used to be such a serious child...

"Let me go up after I recover from my injury, but what Zeta just said through Taiga's mouth is also what I want to say." Seth looked at the top of the warrior in the distance with a burning gaze.

"Ah sneeze!"

Zeta, who was far away in the Kingdom of Light, suddenly sneezed.

"Is anyone thinking about me?"

Then, the helpless Zeta looked outside the iron door: "Master! It's too cold in here. Are you sure staying in the cold storage will be useful for my practice?"

"Ultra warriors are born intolerant of cold. I feel like my heart is going to stop!"

A few seconds later, Zero's voice sounded outside the iron door.

"Don't worry, master's advice on this matter is correct!"

"It's precisely because Ultra Warriors can't tolerate the cold that you have to overcome your weakness!"

"One-third half-hearted, you have to accomplish at least one thing, right?"

"Don't you want to fight side by side with your friends? With your current strength, you are far behind!"

"Okay!" Zeta, who was almost stunned by the cold, his eyes became firm again.

"I want to become stronger and I want to impress everyone!"

"I want to go from a third of a half-hearted person to a complete half-hearted person!"

Zero outside the cold storage: "..."

This stupid apprentice!

"Is it okay if you have a little pursuit?"

"A complete dabbler, still a dabbler!"

"You should say that you've become a jerk!"

o-50 planets.

A week later, Seth's flying ability was restored and he was ready to find the Ring of Light.

"Why don't you take a little more rest?" Feng Ma pulled Seth with a troubled expression.

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