"When we first climbed the Warrior Peak, flying was prohibited, and we could only climb up with our hands and feet."

"And the climbing process was extremely difficult. Otherwise, there would not be only a few Ultra Warriors among the billions of people on the O-50 planet..."

After knowing what Fengma was worried about, Seth smiled easily: "I've been there before."

Tiga's mind turned very quickly: "Are you talking about the time when you were sent home by the Ring of Light?"

Seth: "Yes."

"Have you climbed the Warrior Peak?" Fengma continued to ask.

"No, I went directly through the space-time gate and appeared on the top of the mountain." Seth shook his head.

Fengma: "In other words, there was no process of climbing the Warrior Peak, so I'm afraid I still have to climb up this time..."

"Of course, I'm just guessing, everything will have to wait until we reach the foot of the Warrior Peak."

"It won't be so weird." Seth couldn't help but say.

What kind of climbing ceremony is this? Do I have to go through it all?


The foot of the Warrior Peak.

Seth took off.


The biting cold wind blew, and Seth, who had just recovered, was directly blown off balance by the strong wind and fell heavily to the ground.


When he stepped on the ground again, flames began to appear in Seth's eyes.

"It seems that we still have to..." Fengma persuaded carefully.

"You guys step back a little." Seth said in a calm tone and waved his hands back twice.

Taiga realized that the situation was not simple, and hurriedly persuaded: "Calm down, calm down, Seth!"

"Yes, the Warrior's Peak is the foundation of this O-50, Seth you..." Fengma hurriedly grabbed Seth's other hand.

"Okay, okay, let go, I'm calm." Seth, who was being held, had to give up and agreed reluctantly.

Then, he looked at the Warrior Peak in front of him: "Last time you asked me for help, you just pulled people to the top of the mountain. Now I have something to ask you, so you let me climb it again with all my effort?"

"You don't care about the disaster of O-50, okay, you don't treat your believers as human beings, I can't control it."

"But you should take care of the demons, right?"

"The one you asked me to catch a thousand years ago, judging from your nervous attitude towards the demons, you should care about that kind of creature, right?"

The voice fell.


The whistling cold wind above the Warrior Peak stopped abruptly.

Tiga and Fengma looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"The wind stopped, the Warrior Peak allows you to fly up." Fengma poked Seth twice with his hand in shock.


Seth looked up at the top of the mountain and sneered.

"I won't ask anymore."

"Some things can be found out without you."

After saying that, Seth turned around decisively, and without hesitation, he transformed the Ultimate Bracelet into the Ultimate Sword, and cut open a space door...

"Hey, don't, don't you have questions to ask? I also want to know why the Ring of Light didn't take action this time..." Fengma said in a pleading tone.

"Then you can go up and ask your doubts. I have no questions now."

Seth continued to walk without looking back, and one foot had already reached into the space door.

Just when Seth's complete body was about to sink into the space door.


The pure blue-white light suddenly fell from the top of Warrior Peak, wrapped around Seth's body, and lifted him to the top of Warrior Peak...

The wind horse next to him was stunned when he saw this scene: "Was he invited up?"

"For thousands of years, this is the first time I have seen the Ring of Light actively invite people up. I always thought it was a legend!"

In the back, Titus gave Taiga a look: "I haven't seen you for a thousand years. Seth has grown more than just strength."


Seek support!

Chapter 330 Ring of Light, you should have a correct attitude!

At the top of Warrior Peak, Seth finally saw the glowing black heart ring again.

However, this time he did not speak as anxiously as last time.

Judging from the performance of the Ring of Light, it should be more anxious than himself.

"Demon, where did you see it?"

Ancient characters appeared in front of Seth.

"I want to know, weren't you very cool just now, and asked me to climb slowly." Seth hugged his hands.

Ring of Light: "..."

"I won't let you climb anymore. I'll bring you up."

"Can you tell me now?"

Seth: "Tell me the origin of that demon first."

"I don't know either." Ring of Light typed out another string of ancient characters.

Seth felt that this black-hearted ring was not honest.

"Are you lying to me? Then why are you so nervous about that race????"

"I'm not begging you now. We're working together. Adjust your attitude."

Ring of Light: "???"

If it could show an expression, it would probably be laughing out of anger now.

I've been floating above the Warrior Peak for who knows how many billions of years. This is the first time I've heard of someone coming up the mountain to ask me to adjust my attitude...

This is awesome. The Kingdom of Light is really full of talents...

After a long silence, Ring of Light typed out another paragraph of text: "I only know that he is a great threat to me and this universe."

"That's all?" Seth felt that this old Deng must be hiding something else from him.

Ring of Light: "That's all."

Seth was quite sincere to Ring of Light, so he told him everything he knew: "I saw that demon in a parallel universe, and Gago said it was that demon who ordered it to attack O-50."

"Then I saw your miserable situation. O-50 was invaded. Why didn't you care?" Seth asked.

"I couldn't detect that demon. That's one of the reasons why I said they were dangerous." The Ring of Light answered.

"They are weak and have low combat effectiveness, but they always have some evil things. They have been giving me a headache over the years."

"Do you have a head?" Seth's focus was strange and he couldn't help asking.

Ring of Light: "..."

Psychopath, is it time to focus on this now? !

Don't you want to know more about demons? Ask!

Seth: "You don't talk again. You are so cold."

Ring of Light: "..."

Can you blame me for not communicating with you?

It's obviously your behavior that makes Huan speechless!

Seth's thoughts jumped quickly: "So what you mean is that you were disturbed by the demons and couldn't feel what happened in O-50, which led to the tragedy."

"That's not right. How did you find another demon hidden in a parallel universe a thousand years ago?"

Light: "I can't say."

Seth: "You couldn't feel it during the invasion, so you couldn't feel the refugees in O-50 crying when Gorgon and the demons left?"

"I asked this question on behalf of Fengma."

Light Ring: "It's a foregone conclusion, and it's difficult for me to change the ending."

"Really?" Seth's tone was full of doubt.

What I can do, the Light Ring can't do, and I thought the Black Heart Ring was almost omnipotent.

A few minutes later, Seth: "Okay, I've asked everything I should ask, I'm leaving."

"How are you going to deal with that race?" The light ring released a brilliant subtitle, blocking Seth's way.

"At present, that race is not a big threat to me, but a big threat to your existence, so I will just let it go." Seth said, and jumped up gracefully.


At the foot of Warrior Peak.

Fengma was waiting anxiously.

Seeing the familiar figure falling, he immediately excitedly greeted him: "How is it, did you ask anything?"

"A little bit." Seth scratched his head: "But not too much."

"And the question you asked me to ask, the Ring of Light said it was not intentional, it was powerless."

"Okay..." Fengma nodded.

As long as the Ring of Light did not give up the O-50 planet.

Seth: "Okay, the matter here is over, I will leave first."

"Don't you want to stay here for a while?" Taiga, who hadn't seen his friend for a long time, asked.

Seth shook his head: "No, you guys are protecting O-50, but there is only X in the parallel universe."

"I slept for two months, and he must be under a lot of pressure now."

"Taiga, let's encourage each other, we will see each other again in the future."

"Yeah." Taiga nodded.

"One more thing." Before leaving, Seth looked at Fengma beside Taiga, then looked at Titus on the other side, and added.

"Cherish every friend."


The space-time rift opened and closed, and Seth disappeared without a trace.

"He's gone. Controlling time and space at will is really an enviable power." The steady Titus couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah, hurry up and practice, I don't want to be left too far behind by him!" Taiga was full of motivation at this time.


Parallel universe.


H23 area.

X is fighting a giant beast.

"The second appearance of the molten iron monster Dimaga shows that the appearance of this monster before was not accidental. It has a huge tribe." Dr. Gellman analyzed after watching the video sent back from the scene.

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