Seth answered honestly: "Yes, I haven't graduated from elementary school yet."

The other party said again: "Your family is very rich? You can afford this game before you graduate from elementary school? Oh~ The game console is the deluxe version!"

Seth did not answer, but changed the subject: "Let's make friends, what is your name?"

The other party was very frank: "Tregia."

Chapter 45 Tregia's Faith

After hearing this name, Seth's brain crashed for a moment.

"What, what?"

The other party patiently said again: "Tregia, the interpretation is, crazy curiosity."

Seth: "...Know, know."

Although Seth has read the original Ultraman, he doesn't know much about Tregia.

I only know that this guy is another blackened warrior in the Kingdom of Light after Belia.

As for the time when the other party turned black...

Seth remembered that after seeing his superior Hikari transformed into the Hunter Knight Sword, Tregia's faith collapsed in his heart, and he left the Kingdom of Light and wandered the universe in search of the truth.

Later, he went to the ancient ruins of Borges and released the sealed ancient evil god...

In the time period he is in now, after Mebius TV, Hikari has already returned to normal from the Hunter Knight Sword.

So Torrekia in this time period must have left the Kingdom of Light.

Thinking of this, Seth's mind wandered and he muttered: "No wonder Uncle Taro seemed very unhappy when he mentioned his wife at that time."

"What? You mentioned the name of a very familiar friend of mine." Torrekia's language and emotions fluctuated significantly after hearing the sensitive words from this kid.

Seth began to fool around: "It's okay, I just remembered that I haven't done today's homework yet."

After saying that, Seth began to think again.

Listening to Torrekia's tone of voice, it seems that he still has a conscience...

In other words, Torrekia now may be at a time node of wandering in the universe, and he is not crazy enough to help the evil god break out of the seal.

In other words, Torrekia now is still a good person and can still be saved.

Torrekia's dissatisfied voice came from the regional channel: "Hey, what's wrong with you, little brat? I've been talking for a long time, why don't you reply?"

Seth, who realized it later, quickly replied: "Ah... It's okay, my mother doesn't let me play video games."

Torrekia: "Then you reply to her: I don't play video games, do I hit you?"

Seth: "..."

Retract the previous analysis.

Torrekia now has begun to show signs of evil!

Torrekia said at this time: "By the way, you haven't told me your name yet, you are so rude."

"Seth, my name is Seth." Seth thought that the other party had told him his real name, and he should tell the truth in return.

Unexpectedly, Torrekia in the game fell into silence for a moment after hearing this name.

About half a minute later, he asked with a hoarse and vicissitudes of life voice: "Are you Ultraman from the Land of Light?"

"Are you an elementary school student from the Land of Light?"

For some reason, Seth suddenly felt a chill in his heart when he heard this question.

But thinking that Torrekia couldn't come over and hit him through the network cable, Seth became bolder: "Yes."

After getting a positive answer, Torrekia snorted: "No wonder you mentioned that person's name just now."

Seth continued to pretend to be confused: "Which person?"

"You don't need to know, kid." Torrekia's voice became calm again.

"Since you are a bright and righteous person from the Land of Light, I have a few questions to ask you." Torrekia changed the subject.

"Do you think the actions of those self-proclaimed justice warriors in the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light are meaningful?"

Seth replied: "The Space Guard is the police of the entire universe. It patrols between various universes and eliminates those unstable factors that destroy peace. Of course, it is meaningful."

Tregia: "So, the peace of the entire universe is defined by the Kingdom of Light? Then can I think that the Kingdom of Light is the dictator and tyrant of the universe, but what the Kingdom of Light did is better than that of the Empera star, the Rebrand star, and the Juda brothers and sisters?"

Hearing the silence of the children in the regional channel, Tregia spoke more vigorously.

"The Kingdom of Light and the Space Guard are biased and stubborn in dividing the entire universe into light and darkness. This is itself a kind of ignorance and stupidity!"

"So, kid, the completely opposite darkness and light have no meaning."

"Correspondingly, there is no friendship, bond, or connection mixed with evil. They are all used to coax children!"

"The only eternal thing in the universe is chaos! Chaos is the truth!"

"After all, the world was originally chaotic, but later intelligent life liked to give itself various names and definitions."

After saying all in one breath, Torrekia said with expectation: "Little friend Seth, after listening to my analysis, do you have a clearer understanding of this world?"

As one of the few people in the universe who believes in chaos, Torrekia is willing to recruit more believers for chaos.

And the rebellion of the children of the Kingdom of Light who originally believed in light and justice is undoubtedly more topical and impactful!

Especially this child's identity is not ordinary.

In Seth's room, after listening to Torrekia's impassioned speech, Seth's heart sank to the bottom.

Tregear's words prove that he has found what he believes to be the "truth", that is, "light and darkness are meaningless, chaos is eternal".

This guy can't be saved.

With the last bit of luck, Seth asked: "Have you been to the Borges ruins?"

As soon as the voice fell.


The screen in the VR glasses went black!

Seth looked up at the clock on the wall - ten o'clock in the evening.

The anti-addiction system forced him to log off.


On the other side.

On a prosperous but remote planet in the universe, Tregear, sitting on the simulator, had a deep disbelief in his eyes.

"How could this little brat know about the Borges ruins?"

"And from what he said, it seems that he knows what I did at the Borges ruins..."

"Does the Kingdom of Light know everything? Even the children know?"

"That's not right... Or is that little brat just a senior pretending to be young and deliberately trying to trick me?"

After saying that, Torrekia thought more and more that this was possible.

"It's amazing that the Kingdom of Light knew that I was playing this game and checked it carefully enough."

After saying that, Torrekia quickly stood up.

He wanted to pack up and leave here quickly!


Taro's home.

Noticing that the light in his son's room was still on in the middle of the night, Taro gently pushed open Taiga's door and prepared to turn off the light.

But when he pushed the door open, he found that Taiga was not asleep at this time and was studying hard.

Seeing his son working so hard, Taro's voice softened: "It's so late, why don't you go to bed? Listen to Dad and study tomorrow."

"Dad, I can't sleep." Taiga put down the pen he was using to do his homework and sighed.

Taro was sensitive to the fact that something was wrong with his son: "What's wrong? Tell Dad."

Taiga: "My good friend doesn't consider me a good friend."

Hearing this, Taro was relieved at the time.

He slowly sat down next to his son and comforted him: "This is normal. Everyone is an independent individual with his own thoughts. You can't ask others..."

"Dad, has this happened before?" Taiga asked.

Thinking of the old friend who was drifting away, Taro nodded: "I guess so."

Chapter 46 Zeta's Request

Half a year passed in a flash.

As Seth shared the training results of others, his perception of his physical fitness growth gradually weakened.

Just like the bodybuilders on Earth, the muscles of the novice will grow very fast during the welfare period, but after the real training, the muscle growth rate will slow down accordingly and reach a stable plateau period.

The reason for this phenomenon is that the trainer was too weak before. At the beginning of regular training, the body will gradually adapt, and after it is fully adapted, everything will stabilize.

Seth's current state is roughly like this.

This morning, Seth and Zeta walked on the way to school together.

After counting the time with his fingers, Zeta showed an expectant expression: "The final exam is coming soon!"

"Zeta, you have changed. You used to be afraid of exams." Seth said with a smile.

"The past is the past, and the present is the present. You can't always take the past as the present. I was a novice before, so I practiced more..." Zeta said quite imposingly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zeta suddenly looked like a deflated ball and looked at his friends around him: "However, no matter how hard I train, my strength will not grow as fast as yours."

While speaking, Zeta reached out and touched the hard muscles on Seth's shoulders, his face full of envy.

After six months of hard training and sharing, Seth's body muscle scale is clear and the muscle lines are smooth. If he uses a little force, his muscles can almost be drawn.

"Seth, how did you train? Tell me your training method." Zeta asked eagerly.

Seth: "..."

If he said he didn't train, Zeta probably wouldn't believe it...

So, Seth left a mysterious sentence: "Time will pay off, just work hard."

"But I haven't seen you work hard on physical training." Zeta was even more confused.

For half a year, every time he went to see Seth, he was either reading or playing games, and he didn't see him doing physical training...

Thinking of this, Zeta suddenly flashed an important message in his mind: "No, you must have secret special training!"

"Every day after school, you have to stay in school for two hours. The teacher must be training you during these two hours, right! Your muscles must have grown at that time!" Zeta said firmly.

Seth: "..."

Zeta guessed half right. He did have special training, but the special training was light.

And the special training effect of light is very average.

At least in the eyes of Instructor Ace, it is unqualified.

Because in the eyes of Instructor Ace, I am a little genius who shot the first light beam when I was more than 2,000 years old, and my subsequent performance should not be so mediocre.

But how could the instructor know that my talent was originally mediocre, and all my light skills came from the soldier Kag in the reserve team.

I understand light as much as the other party understands it...


Zeta next to him suddenly clapped his hands: "Look, you didn't say anything, which proves that I guessed right!"

Seth: "Why don't you doubt that my muscles grow when I play games?"

"When playing games, not only do I use my eyes, but I also use my brain. Maybe I first trained myself to have a muscle brain, and then the muscles spread to the body with the brain as the center..."

Hearing Seth's irrelevant explanation, Zeta smiled confidently: "You treat me like a child, I won't be fooled!"

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