Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 595: A giant white dragon descends from the sky

"That said, it may indeed be effective."

Jakura thought that whenever he saw the card, he would think of that kind of image, and there was no way he would use that kind of thing again.

Just like your girlfriend fell into a manhole, and after being fished out, she needed artificial respiration to save her. At this time, you will feel that maybe this is the end of love.

Although he longs for power, after seeing this card of Beria, he will calm down no matter how out of control he is.

Sure enough, after Hong Kai took out the Beria card and took a look at it, his whole expression became very strange.

Finally, he covered his eyes and silently inserted the card back.

"No, I can't stand it anymore."

"It's really quite effective..."

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "Of course, when has anything happened to my technology?"

He naturally forgot all the previous unexpected situations.

After all, none of this matters.

"Okay, let's go back. Don't keep everyone in SSP waiting too long."

After saying that, he was about to leave when Jia Gula suddenly grabbed Duanmu Ci's arm.

"Doctor, what should I do with this Moggatanjie?"

"Are you just going to let it destroy everything in this dimension?"

This is not a VR simulator, but a real world.

This Moggatanjie is also a real monster. If someone finds it and takes it out, wouldn't it be dangerous?

Duanmuci thought for a moment and nodded.

"Although Gatanjie is nothing to me now, it is a super monster capable of destroying civilization."

"Okay, you two wait two minutes and I'll take care of it."

Hong Kai and Jia Gu La nodded, and at the same time they were thinking that it was quite terrifying to be able to kill Mog Gatanjie in two minutes.

Both Hongkai and Jagula have experienced its strength firsthand.


The two of them saw Yunivos transform into the silver Noah form, pulling out a ball of electricity with his hands, and layers of flashes roared out.

Mogg'jatanje'e didn't resist. . .


Duanmuci then returned to the two of them.

"Okay, let's go."

"Wait, wait, wait! Hey!"

Hong Kai and Jia Gula couldn't hold it any longer.

"It was solved so easily!?"

"What about the two minutes you promised?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "I'm used to being a bit on the safe side. What if it makes a breakthrough before it dies? What if someone suddenly calls me while I'm fighting and says there's something urgent? What if..."

Duanmuci mentioned a lot of possibilities, and little Noah on his shoulder couldn't help but nodded in agreement: "Rigorous, this is the rigor of a scientist."

Hong Kai, Jia Gu La: "..."

Who just said that he was just a scientist?

Are today’s scientists so scary?

As soon as the few people left this space and returned to their original place, they were discovered by Yumeno Naomi.

"Found it! Found it! Kaisan!"

Yumeno Naomi ran over in a posture that looked like she would fall if she ran normally.

"And Dr. Duanmu, and this one, you are all together."

Hongkai coughed lightly and introduced: "This is my good friend, Jagula."

Jakura saluted Yumeno Naomi: "Jakuras Jakura."

Yumeno Naomi also introduced herself, and then got down to business.

"Kaisang, Asen called us to go to the spring factory to eat noodles together!"

Matsuto Mori is a tech geek himself, and his dream is to invent a rescue robot.

I usually have a good relationship with a spring factory. At the same time, this spring factory recently took an order from the Witt Team to help manufacture springs for the Witt Team's fighter jets.

Honestly, is there any clear purpose for this Team Witt fighter to exist? Duanmu Ci is not sure.

Anyway, it never appeared during the battle.

This is also the biggest problem of traditional special operations teams. They arrive at the scene too slowly.

By the time they arrived at the scene after all the hard work, the battle was basically over.

But if too much energy is used as propulsion energy for the thrusters that rush to the scene quickly, it will not be of much use during the battle.

Even though the technology tree of the entire universe has been upgraded to a very high level, the earth's technology tree of this universe is still stuck at the state of the early twenty-first century.

Under this environment, their special teams will indeed be a little weak.

But this is the limit of what humans can do.

That spring factory is called "Small Boat Factory". The name does not mean that they are a shipyard.

But because the director of this factory is named "Xiaozhou", everyone affectionately calls him Mr. Xiaozhou.

Duanmu Ci can be regarded as someone who has watched a lot of Ultraman TV.

Although these TV shows are all adapted by Saita Riko, most of the time the character choices are exactly the same as those in the real world. Even if they are not, she can change them.

So when he first saw the director of the Xiaozhou Factory, Duanmu Ci almost called out his name in another world.

"Xibi Gang helps the captain!"

The captain of the Super Victory Team during the Dyna Human Body Asuka Shinto Sentai era, and the current TPC Director Kibi Gosuke.

Nicknamed "Captain Long Legs".

The moment he saw him, Duanmu Ci felt as if he had returned to the day when he fought side by side with Tiga on Earth.

But when I saw the wrinkles on his face and the white hair on his forehead, I realized that time had already passed.

Factory Director Xiaozhou was also shocked when he saw Duanmu Ci.

Of course, he didn't recognize him as a former member of the Victory Team.

Instead, he recognized him as the owner of a well-known magazine, and ran into the factory and took out Duanmu Ci's magazine.

"You are Boss Duanmu, right?"

"I've been following your magazine for a long time. Unfortunately, I haven't had your commentary on several recent battles. I feel like the professionalism has suddenly dropped a lot."

Duanmu Ci smiled awkwardly. He couldn't say that he was dragged by his wife to film a TV series in another world.

Then I ate and drank there for a long time. . .

"I have been busy with a lot of things recently, so I have temporarily put the analysis of battles behind. I will put the analysis of these battles in the new issue of the magazine later."

Xiao Zhou laughed heartily, "Then I'll be waiting for your good news!"

"Okay, let's not talk about work now, let's eat fried noodles first!"

The director of Xiaozhou is a master of fried noodles.

Looking at the expectations in the eyes of the employees around me, I knew it was not fake.

Duanmu Ci was also quite curious about how delicious this fried noodles could be.

With the rapid stir-frying with a shovel and the addition of various seasonings and sauces, the aroma soon overflowed, and Duanmuci also felt refreshed.

"The smell is so tempting!"

Xiaozhou Factory Director smiled and said: "It tastes better!"

The fried noodles were ready quickly, and everyone had a plate.

Duanmu Ci couldn't help but reminisce after taking a bite. This fried noodles was indeed a bit different.

In fact, even if something is delicious, how delicious can it be?

Although the difference between ordinary chefs and top chefs using the same type of ingredients is obvious to professionals, it is actually only a slight difference to non-professionals.

But Duanmu Ci did feel a different feeling in this fried noodles.

I don’t know why, but I can actually feel a warm feeling when I eat fried noodles.


Kind of like technology.

Everyone around him was also filled with admiration, and Duanmu Ci was also about to praise him, but who knew that Hong Kai suddenly raised his hand.

"One more!"

Duanmuci: "???"

It turned out that Hongkai hadn't eaten well during this period and had been worried about his runaway problem.

Now I can relax and eat well.

And the fried noodles were so delicious that I couldn’t control myself and finished the whole plate in an instant.

The Xiaozhou factory director was surprised to see such an appetite.

"Brother, you have a good appetite!"

Hong Kai also praised without hesitation: "After all, this is the most delicious fried noodles on earth!"

These words made the factory manager Xiaozhou very excited and wanted to teach Hongkai how to stir-fry noodles on the spot.

Hongkai also excitedly turned on the Ultra Chow Mein mode.

Duanmu Ci also laughed out loud when he saw him seriously cooking noodles.

In the past, Hongkai really didn't have much ability to make a living. He had to think about whether to buy popsicles or marble soda for a long time. Judging from this situation, he might be able to go to the street to stir-fry noodles in the future.

One month. . . That's quite profitable.

While eating noodles, Matsuto Mori sighed: "Only when I eat Mr. Xiaofune's fried noodles can I feel that my work has come to an end."

The workers on the side also looked very emotional.

"If we hadn't taken the order from Team Witt, we might have all starved to death."

Duanmu Ci nodded silently. Team Witt's list was quite large, and it even revived the entire factory.

Speaking of which, Team Witt is not useless at all.

At this moment, Noah stretched out his fingers and pinched a stick of fried noodles, trying to put it in his mouth.

But Ultraman can't open his mouth!

"Oh, little Ah Ci, can you think of a way so that I can eat this fried noodles?"

Although eating should be a kind of degradation for Ultraman, no Ultraman would pay attention to this kind of thing, and even hope to be able to eat normally (Ultraman form).

For this reason, Yabuki Yue had told Duanmu Ci about this kind of thing before, and Duanmu Ci also promised that he would definitely make inventions in this area.


Just forget about it.

Because he could eat whenever he wanted, completely forgetting that most Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light could not travel around the universe and earth at will like him.

So I didn't take it to heart.

Now I have a pet. . .

Well, you still have to prepare for this.

Just when Duanmuci was thinking about how to study how to make Ultraman feel the feeling of eating, suddenly he and Noah on his shoulders were startled, and then looked at the sky at the same time.

Noah: "I feel the magic."

Duanmuci: "What magic? I feel the dimensional power."

As soon as he finished speaking, huge magic arrays appeared in the sky.

This is a real magic circle and real magic, not the essentially scientific "magic" Duanmuci created before.

The essence of magic is anti-science. Of course, science is everywhere. When magic exists, it itself is within science.

The anti-science mentioned here simply refers to anti-traditional science.

For example, cold things transfer heat to hot things, and water flows from low to high.

Duanmuci clearly felt the traces of anti-traditional science in magic.

"It's really magic. Does so-called magic really exist in this world?"

Duanmu Ci has studied too many magics, but those magics are just for show in the end, just using energy, which is essentially no different from a laser cannon.

This magic is the real magic.

Duanmu Ci instinctively gave the answer.

It's just magic, plus the feeling of dimensional power. This should be to send something over?

Duanmu Ci: "I'm quite curious about what will be sent down. I wonder if I can use it to study it."

Magic that breaks through traditional science is a new world of science.

Duanmu Ci has studied too much traditional science. It is a long process to improve it. It is better to study the scientific principles of this magic.

Just when Duanmu Ci was thinking about it, it seemed that a space-time channel opened in the magic array in the sky.

Then a mechanical dragon with golden light all over its body fell from the sky.

It landed on the ground very smoothly, and then the light faded, revealing its own posture.

Noble! Elegant! Beautiful!

At this moment, it seemed like an angel descending to the world, a silver-white technological creation?

No, it's a magical creation!

Although it looks like a technological product, it is actually a magical creation in essence.

The real driving force inside is magic!

Just like the countless magicians that Duanmu Ci has seen, they finally used traditional energy.

Those people are scientists in the guise of magic, so this white and elegant dragon is a magician in the guise of science.

It also carries the elegant feeling of the court magician.

Somehow, the moment it came out, the mood of everyone present was calmed.

Gagula quietly approached.

"Doctor, I intuitively feel that there seems to be something wrong with this mechanical dragon."

Of course, it's just intuition.

Unlike Ultraman, who gives everyone a lot of traditional impressions, this mechanical dragon is really too rare and has never revealed its true form in the universe that everyone understands.

At this time, it suddenly gave everyone a feeling that this dragon is very elegant and noble, like an angel or god.

Although he didn't detect any dangerous breath, Gagula instinctively thought that there was something wrong with it.

It was too perfect, so it felt wrong.

The same is true for Hong Kai.

He also had a bad feeling, but he just didn't say it out loud.

It always felt too pure, so it was a bit awkward.

Is Ultraman so pure?

Hong Kai glanced at Noah on Duanmu Ci's shoulder.

He also instinctively regarded this little Noah as a small robot made by Duanmu Ci, which had artificial intelligence.

Perhaps only a real Noah of this level could have such a pure feeling?

Fortunately, Noah didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would definitely tell him.

Even the mysterious Ultraman was not as pure as he imagined.

Just when the three of them were nervous, the excited crowd had already started discussing the name of this white dragon.

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