Originally, Duanmu Ci thought that it was just a simple argument about naming.

Just like usual, fighting and making noises would not affect the harmonious atmosphere.

But who knew that the two of them got more and more angry, and finally started a full-scale fight.

They started fighting.

At this time, Yumeno Naomi also went up to persuade them to stop fighting, but she was weak and had no control effect at all, and her ability to persuade them to stop fighting was zero.


Hong Kai cursed with a smile, and was about to go forward to pull Matsudo Mori and Hayami Zenta apart.

But who knew that at this moment, the originally motionless white magic mechanical dragon suddenly released golden sound waves from its chest. The peaceful music was like a basin of clear water poured on everyone's head under the scorching summer sun, making everyone's heart calm.

It was magic.

Duanmu Ci was very sure that this music was driven by magic, and it did not follow scientific principles at all. It was not sound transmitted by air.

It was not like the formation of a special channel like telekinesis. This transmission method was the same as traditional sound waves, but what was transmitted was magic fluctuations.



Duanmu Ci thought so.

Maybe it's the same principle as the sound wave illusion in Naruto.

After calming down, Hayami Zenta and Matsudo Mori, two people who are usually stubborn, actually started to apologize to each other.

This kind of scene is rare.

So Hong Kai's eyes became more and more weird, and he felt that the dragon in front of him was even more mysterious.

But strictly speaking, the dragon in front of him is not an evil existence. What he has done so far is really a bit like an angel, so even if he feels something is wrong, he can't do anything at the moment.

"That's right!"

Yumeno Naomi suddenly said: "Let's combine the names you two gave and call it Galatron!"

When Hayami Zenta saw this dragon for the first time, he named it "Galaxy Dragon".

Then Matsudo Mori thought that this dragon might not come from the universe, but might come from a magical place like the God Realm, so he gave it a very Western magical name "Salvatron".

The two just fought because of this name.

Now that everyone has calmed down, Naomi Yumeno has combined the two people's thoughts and finally named this silver-white magic mechanical dragon.


Such a name sounds mysterious and elegant, perfectly in line with the common thoughts of the two people, and everyone is happy.

Of course, when everyone named it, they didn't ask what Galatron meant.

Duanmu Ci coughed lightly and walked up.

"This dragon, silver-white, such an elegant and noble color, looks like a court noble. Galatron is too magical and realist. I think it should be called~"

Speaking of this, Duanmu Ci pulled a long tone and successfully attracted everyone's attention.

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

Gagurula on the side helplessly held his forehead. This scientist, do you know what is going on? Why are you still getting along with these fools in front of you?

Duanmu Ci's name was obviously opposed by everyone.

It's not that everyone has never heard of the name Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Besides, the eyes of this silver-white dragon haven't lit up yet. Who knows if they will be blue eyes, red eyes, or something else?

The first half of the four-character name is wrong, and only the white dragon is more appropriate, which obviously cannot be passed.

"Then the Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon! Let's call it the Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!"

Hearing this, Matsuto Mori stepped forward silently and patted Duanmu Ci on the shoulder.

"The characteristic of the Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon is that it has Galaxy Eyes, which is more unrealistic than Blue Eyes, and it is even more impossible to appear in reality, right?"

Duanmu Ci widened his eyes and looked at everyone in disbelief: "Are you doubting the vision of me, a monster research expert?"

"How many magazines have you published?"

Everyone: →_→

In the end, all of Duanmu Ci's opinions were successfully rejected by everyone, and poor Galatron failed to get the title of Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

That's a full 3,000 attack power!

"Then you will be called Galatron from now on! Please take good care of me!"

As Naomi Yumeno spoke, she happily jumped to Galatron's feet, stretched out her hands and patted Galatron's feet, which really scared Zenta Hayami and Mori Matsudo.

"Captain! Don't touch it blindly, it's an unknown object!"

Duanmu Ci didn't think there was anything wrong with her touching Galatron.

He just kept sighing: "Even if it's not called Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Red-Eyes White Dragon or Yellow-Eyes White Dragon are also good!"

Jakula and Kai came over and wanted to ask Duanmu Ci about Galatron. Who knew that at this moment, Galatron, who was touched by Naomi Yumeno, suddenly made a new move.

The red thing that looked like a warning light on the abdomen released a red beam of light that surrounded Naomi Yumeno.

Hong Kai, who had just approached Duanmu Ci, saw this situation and immediately put aside many doubts in his heart. He hurried forward to prevent Galatron from doing anything to Yumeno Naomi.

Fortunately, Yumeno Naomi did not show any discomfort, but was very nervous, like a frightened chicken, shrinking her hands and being at a loss.

During this period, the red light scanned Yumeno Naomi up and down several times.

At this time, Duanmu Ci came up: "Don't worry about the current situation."

"It's just making initial contact and scanning and detecting."

Gagurula: "What do you mean?"

Duanmu Ci: "In short, it doesn't feel any hostility, so it will first detect the natives of this planet."

"Maybe it really came for peace."

As Duanmu Ci said, nothing happened. After scanning Yumeno Naomi, the red light automatically withdrew.

Yumeno Naomi also said: "I feel like I can feel its will. It should tell me that it came for peace."

"So, it may become friends with Orb? Fight side by side in the future!"

The expectations of Hayami Zenta and Matsudo Mori for Galatron were greatly satisfied.

Although the three cosmic people present did not think so, they did not dampen everyone's interest.

After that, Matsudo Mori proposed to study Galatron and invited Duanmu Ci, who was also a scientist.

But Duanmu Ci refused.

He did want to study Galatron, but it was definitely not a superficial study based on such superficial measurement data. If he really wanted to study it, he would have to dismantle Galatron and install it several times.

If Matsudo Mori and the others were interested in this kind of thing, let them do it.

Duanmu Ci found a main ground staff member who still had a certain status in the Witt team.

He was also the uncle of Naomi Yumeno, Shikawa Ichitsu. Mr. Shikawa usually looked quite unremarkable, but he was actually an important member of the Witt team.

Without him, the Witt team would be even more useless.

With his existence, the significance of the Witt team can barely compare with the community police officers.

At least in terms of maintaining public order, their functions are the same.

Of course, there are many things that the Witt team needs to run errands on weekdays, which are also handed over to Ichitsu Shikawa. For example, this time the spring cooperation with the Xiaozhou factory was promoted by him.

First, the springs here are really good, and second, it is also to indirectly help the team members of his niece Naomi Yumeno.

When Shichuan Yiche saw Duanmu Ci coming over, he also shook hands with Duanmu Ci.

In fact, he had wanted to talk to Duanmu Ci for a long time.

Although the magazine under Duanmu Ci is only distributed in the city and the audience may not be so wide (in fact, it is very wide, because there are actually many aliens on Earth), it has always been regarded as a bible by professionals.

Shichuan Yiche has to face aliens, big monsters and so on all year round. He is a professional himself, so he is naturally very familiar with the magazine under Duanmu Ci.

So now he sees Duanmu Ci in person as if he saw a big star.

After shaking hands with Duanmu Ci nervously, Duanmu Ci asked him about the Witt team.

"In fact, the equipment of the Witt team is the style of your fighters. To be honest, I always feel a little familiar."

Familiar is right.

The fighters of the Witt team are clearly the fighters of the Kurt team when the first generation Ultraman was stationed on Earth, just with a different color paint.

Even the power of the weapons is almost the same.

Without the support of those black technologies, relying on this most basic fighter jet to fight, it is conceivable that even if the Witt team can rush to the battle scene once or twice, it can only be a soy sauce and attract hatred in the end.

Moreover, the Witt team is not strictly speaking a traditional Earth special forces team.

That's right, the identity of the Witt team is more like the Victory Team before the transformation, and its main task before has never been to fight monsters.

The main force against monsters has always been Ultraman.

The role of the Witt team is more of a probe.

If there is a monster that cannot be dealt with, it will directly rise to the national level and use missiles to annihilate the monster.

Well, Duanmu Ci really can't make it up.

The Witt team is really not good.

Fortunately, Mr. Shechuan is still pretty good~ "Comedian", and it's not boring to chat.

On the other hand, everyone has started research on Galatron, and soon the people of the Witt team also came to participate in the research of the Xiaozhou Factory.

Of course, strictly speaking, the Witt team is the main force in research, but in terms of professionalism, it was actually surpassed by a spring factory like Xiaozhou Factory, and then Xiaozhou Factory became the main force in research.

How to say, "Masters are among the people" or "The Witt team does not know how to recruit talents".

After wandering around so many universes, Duanmu Ci probably understood some things.

That is, talents exist, as long as you look for them carefully, you can always find them.

There are often good horses, but there are not often good horse trainers.

For example, TPC was a very good horse trainer organization at the beginning. Its countless scientific research teams were full of talents, and later even created cosmic-level technology with human wisdom.

Duanmu Ci believed that it was the correct direction of scientific development.

In contrast, when Leo was stationed on Earth, the situation of the MAC team.

The MAC team is a typical team that relies on brute force rather than technology. All kinds of equipment look excellent, but in fact they have no outstanding characteristics and cannot make specific preparations for specific enemies. The defense team is aging, and there is only a super technology floating in the air, which was later swallowed up, and even led to the annihilation of MAC. . .

Were there no outstanding scientists at that time?

Not really. In the timelines before and after him, Earth's technology was very advanced and there were very powerful scientists.

It's not that it doesn't exist, but it can't be used.

Just like the current Xiaozhou factory, there are many hidden talents here, but the Witt team can't recruit them. When Duanmu Ci first came, he also considered joining the Witt team to do research, but later he also found that the Witt team did not have a high degree of autonomy like the traditional special forces, and scientists would also be subject to many restrictions in it, so he finally gave up this idea and turned to be an ordinary magazine president, and then make a lot of money every day and live an ordinary life.

In fact, you don't need to look at Duanmu Ci to know what results they can research.

Because Duanmu Ci has already used various instruments to remotely explore everything.

In short, there are many anti-scientific things in it.

Even the springs are special fiber springs, which cannot be made by ordinary technology.

As for whether they check for traces of passing through the atmosphere, Duanmu Ci doesn't need to check at all.

After all, Galatron was teleported directly, not flying in from the universe, how could there be such traces.

In this case, it can be seen at a glance that it came from other dimensions.

As for whether it is a peace machine.

Duanmu Ci's detection result is yes.

Judging from the waves it releases, it is a harmless machine.

But Duanmu Ci vaguely feels that something is wrong.

It is now exploring the situation on Earth.

This reminds Duanmu Ci of Ultron in the Avengers.

Robots like Ultron were originally created to maintain peace, but eventually became the ultimate villain.

The reason is simple. Not everyone is like Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light, who regards the darkness in the hearts of humans as a characteristic of humans.

Especially computers with binary thinking, this kind of existence is more likely to go to extremes.

If it is discovered that "Fuck, Earthlings are very aggressive and may destroy the peace of the universe in the future", then the peace machine may become a civilization-destroying device.

I hope it can be normal.

Otherwise, it's no wonder that Duanmu Ci keeps disassembling and assembling it.



Duanmu Ci came back to his senses and coughed lightly: "I'm doing this for the technological progress of the entire universe!"

Noah silently complained: "You almost said your thoughts directly just now."

"After all, you still hope that this Galatron will get out of control!"

Duanmu Ci: "It's not that I hope it will get out of control, but I know it will get out of control, and I hope it won't get out of control with the mindset of a pacifist."

"At most, I just think more about how to maximize its use after it gets out of control."

"I may be a bit crazy scientist in nature, but no matter what, I am still a pacifist."

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