Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 597: Out-of-control magic

Duanmuci's words made Noah a little surprised.

Of course, I'm not surprised that he is a pacifist.

If he hadn't, Noah wouldn't have helped him back then.

I'm just curious about how Duanmu Ci knew that Galatron would definitely lose control.

Of course Noah knew that Galatron would lose control.

Because it's out of control.

Noah just casually explored how Galatron got out of control.

But Duanmu Ci had never come into contact with Galatron, and it was even the first time he had seen this type of robot. Why was he so sure that it would go out of control.

Duanmu gave a mysterious smile: "Absolute justice is actually the inevitable necessity of losing control."

Ultraman's light hides the softness of people's hearts, so Ultraman will have many things that he cannot make decisions about, but at the same time he can also control his persistence for justice very well.

The same is true, Ultraman will never kill a human being, even if he faces the reporter Mitsuhiko Hirukawa who is a human being and causes trouble many times in the future in Mebius, he will not kill him.

The same is true. Sero will get along with all kinds of children and will be brothers to everyone.

Protecting the weak, which is usually done by the strong to give charity to the weak, is something that Ultraman must do after he has power, and it is his own responsibility; when he usually gets along with everyone, he behaves in a kind of way A truly equal person communicates, listens carefully to what others say, and carefully understands everyone's thoughts.

This is the justice of the Kingdom of Light.

Although it is brilliant, it is not dazzling.

On the contrary, the wave released by this Galatron is very cold.

It has no emotions.

Without the softness of Ultraman, it becomes colder and harder. If the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if people are careful, there will be no disciples.

Excessive justice will ultimately lead to only one result, and that is the destruction of all selfish existences.

Because of selfishness, darkness will arise. This is a trait that exists in everyone, and even Ultraman cannot completely avoid it.

Just like when Zero first entered the battle, he was extremely angry because of Severn's "death" and wanted to kill his opponent.

This kind of mentality that induces war must not be allowed in Galatron's judgment.

This is what happened to Zero.

What about everyone else?

Galatron just doesn't understand the earth yet. After he understands it, and then calculates it through his set of formulas, he will come to the conclusion that everyone will be wiped out.

Galatron may be just, but its justice is so dazzling that everyone can't open their eyes.

The blinding light is also darkness in a sense.

Justice that has gone out of control is just a breeding ground for destroyers.

After listening to Duanmu Ci's words, Noah fell into deep thought.

It is indeed the case.

Many people have always thought that Noah would be a very cold type who would never chat with others and would only coldly enforce justice.

Yet the opposite is true.

When he first appeared on Earth and communicated with pilot Shunichi Maki, Noah never communicated with people as a god, but more like a friend, and the two communicated equally.

This is not superficial, but in Noah's eyes, there is no such thing as superiority or inferiority.

The strongest strength, the highest gentleness, this is Noah.

He never thought about using anyone, and there was no such thing as Gumen's default decision. It was just Gumen's experience and tenacity that finally allowed him to come into contact with Noah's realm.

Q version of Noah pointed at himself: "So, little Azhi, do you think I'm a pretty good person?"

Duanmuci: "..."

He had mixed feelings.

Even now, I still don't understand what substantial bonus Noah will get from following him.

Although he doesn't really need any bonuses, he doesn't need anyone to chat with either!

This feeling is like a person who is not lonely but somehow gets a cat, and then has to face all kinds of work of shoveling poop all day long?

Then this cat who only knows how to poop came over and asked, "Do you think I'm pretty good too?"

"It should be pretty good."

Noah leaned back suddenly, grabbed a handful of Duanmuci's hair, and said, "You have changed! You don't know how to respect your seniors now! You used to call me boss!"

Duanmu Ci: →_→

After being together for so long, I really can’t respect him now.

Sure enough, people still can't get too close to their idols.


"That's not right, you are not my idol either!"

Duanmu Ci suddenly said.

Noah was surprised: "When did I say I was your idol?"

Duanmu Ci had an expressionless face: "It's not what you said, it's my mental activity..."

"As a scientist, my favorite thing is always science. Then, unfortunately, I stand at the pinnacle of science. If I really have any idol, it must be myself."

Noah was silent for a long time before he said something


"It's confidence." Duanmuci retorted.

Only this kind of self-confidence can lead him step by step to climb the peak that has never been climbed before.

Duanmuci would think like this every time he made an invention that seemed impossible.

If I can't invent it, then no one in the entire universe can invent it?

Then try it with confidence.

Sometimes people need such confidence that no one else can do it. For example, if a man as good as me doesn't go to find her, then she will have to spend her whole life with a person who is not worthy of love.

Well, after reaching this state of no one else can do it, it won't be painful even if the confession fails.

Everyone was busy until the evening, and they all dispersed.

That night, Matsuto Mori said a lot to Galatron, all of which were his dreams since childhood.

No matter how mature a man is, when talking about his dreams, he always feels like he is back to his childhood, and there are too many things to say.

What's more, Matsuto Mori himself is a boy who is obsessed with his dreams.

When he was a child, he failed in the robot competition and cried to Xiaozhou Factory Director why, and then he kept working hard, more seriously than anyone else.

He had a dream since he was a child, to build a truly perfect disaster relief robot.

Now seeing Galatron is like someone in a corner who has realized his dream.

That kind of excitement is really hard for ordinary people to understand.


Duanmu Ci thought about it. With the speed at which Galatron understood the Earth, he would probably understand the situation on Earth tomorrow and then lose control.

I hope it won't cause much harm to the child's feelings.

Or... Modify it? Minor modification doesn't count?

Duanmu Ci entered the Meta Realm.

This place was just destroyed by the battle.

Even his laboratory was affected.

Fortunately, the materials used to build the laboratory were good, so it was only affected, but no real damage was caused.

After sorting out the mess, Duanmu Ci took out the magic power he collected today.

This is something completely different from conventional energy.

Although magic power is a type of energy that has never been touched, everything can still be traced.

Even without a night of research, Duanmu Ci quickly figured out the operating status of magic power based on the anime he watched before.

This is something that is a bit like the internal energy practiced.

The difference is that the qi practiced by the internal energy practice flows in the meridians, and the magic power flows in the magic circuit.

A creature without a magic circuit cannot use magic. Similarly, having a magic circuit means that it is qualified to use magic. Even without training, it can use some magic-like superpowers. . .

! ! !

Duanmu Ci suddenly thought of Xiao Yao.

Her superpowers are not very normal. Normal people do not have the energy to release dimensional power.

Could it be magic power?

Then Duanmu Ci thought of himself.

Oh, I use all the regular energy, so it's okay.

He checked his body to see if there is a magic circuit.

In fact, there is no need to check deliberately, Noah can tell him directly.


Among the mysterious four Ultramen, only the King of Ultra is a master of magic, and the other Ultramen are all conventional energy types.

Duanmu Ci, who inherited Noah's light, naturally would not have any magic circuits.

"Then I will carve it for myself?"

Noah: "Can this thing be carved by yourself?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "I have studied the principle thoroughly, and it doesn't seem to be very difficult."


You can't even imagine what strange things happened to Duanmu Ci that night because of the chaos of magic circuits.

For example, he was inexplicably summoned to another world, and then he was told the rules of that world, and the one who fought to the end could get the Holy Grail.

Well, he admitted that he recognized what kind of world this was.

Then he passed the level in seconds relying on the anime stories he had seen.

Let those heroes who held the city and people treasures feel the shock of the world-destroying lethality of technology.

Finally, he successfully picked up a useless Holy Grail, which was at most a collection.

Then because of the chaos of magic, he came to a world where everyone played magic with chopsticks.

Well, it was Harry Potter.

In general, although it was only one night, Duanmu Ci visited quite a few worlds that used magic.

All because he forcibly engraved a lot of magic circuits on himself, and he used the power of dimension.

It's not that he doesn't have other rule abilities, but the power of dimension is the most convenient to use.

Fortunately, Noah took action in the end.

Noah's dimensional power easily suppressed the superposition of all dimensional power of Duanmu Ci's magic side and science side, solving his problem of traveling everywhere.

At this time, Duanmu Ci also discovered the role of Noah.

It was to clean up his own messed-up experiments!

Then he called him "big brother" affectionately, which made Noah's scalp numb for a while.

However, being able to use magic is one thing.

Duanmu Ci doesn't know any magic.

He can only use his magic power casually, and then cause dimensional chaos, resulting in a mess of crossing accidents.

But this is also good.

Because Duanmu Ci found Galatron the next morning, and used dimensional power before it went berserk, and then disappeared with Galatron in front of everyone. . .


Seeing the perfect robot in his mind disappear like this, Matsuto Mori burst into tears on the spot.

Hong Kai and Gagula wanted to cry even more.

Just watch Duanmu Ci, who can cover any danger, disappear.

The tension rose all of a sudden.

Although both of them were veterans, the moment Duanmu Ci left, the sense of urgency of a child leaving an adult suddenly surged into their hearts.

. . .

On the other side, Duanmu Ci and Galatron appeared in a golden space together.

The moment he saw this space, Duanmu Ci also frowned.

"Why does this place feel a bit familiar?"

At this moment, a deep male voice came over.

"Who is it?"

Duanmu Ci turned his head and saw, wow! Good guy, Tartarus.

However, Tartarus did not notice Duanmu Ci. After all, he is still human-sized now, and there is still a big gap compared to Galatron, a robot as big as this.

Even if Tartarus found Duanmu Ci, he would probably only regard him as a scientist who made robots, and the threat level is almost zero.

Then, Galatron also found Tartarus.

And sensed Tartarus's malice.

Malice is the basis of war!

As a peace robot, Galatron started without hesitation and rushed towards Tartarus.

Duanmu Ci: "..."

"What's the situation now?"

Looking at Galatron who was getting along well with Tartarus, Duanmu Ci fell into deep thought.

Many of the fighting skills of this Tartarus were not as good as the one he knew, and at most he was a little bit stronger than the Ultra Brothers.

Even so, he was very strong, but he was still far behind the later one who could fight against the Ultra Brothers.

So he was not the Tartarus of the future, but the Tartarus of this era.

So did the dimensional chaos come to other people's subspaces?

Duanmu Ci didn't think it was strange, after all, he used to go to other people's subspaces to purchase goods.

It was just that this time it was really clever.

It was so clever that Duanmu Ci thought it was Noah who was controlling it.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Ci grabbed Noah from his shoulder and stared at him.

"Boss, could it be that you controlled the dimensional power to make me come here?"

Noah was also surprised to hear this: "Is it still possible!?"

Duanmu Ci: "..."

Put Noah back on his shoulder silently.

Don't talk about this kind of thing in the future.

Otherwise, there is always a feeling of digging a hole for yourself.

The battle over there is about to be decided.

Galatron's combat power is not weak. If he fights with Orb, Orb will most likely not be able to beat him without Belia's power.

Unless he can understand the power of Zero or Zoffy.

But that's it.

The opponent is Tartarus. Even if he is not at the peak of his strength, he is definitely not someone that Galatron can touch.

After being bombarded by various magic floating cannons and feeling a little embarrassed at the beginning, Tartarus found the rhythm of the battle.

Then he ended the battle with an absolute destruction.

Although the battle could have ended with absolute destruction at the beginning, who would have known that he was a fighting master without fighting twice?

After dealing with the out-of-control Justice Galatron, he turned his attention to Duanmu Ci.

He didn't notice it at first, but as the fight went on, he noticed Duanmu Ci's presence.

"Who are you? How did you appear in my Nalak?"

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