Dagu has been waiting for news from Yunivos.

He said before that he wanted to test for the victory team.

Although Dagu feels that the difficulty is a bit high, since the opponent is Ultraman, he may not be able to pass the exam.

Especially after Da Gu was told by You Lian that he was the key to resurrecting the Ultraman stone statue, he asked You Lian about it, and You Lian was a little down at that time.

He was very curious about how Yunivos was resurrected, and whether it was all a coincidence like his own.

Suddenly gaining such power, even an honest kid like Da Gu couldn't help but feel a little confused.

At present, the only person Dagu can think of who can relieve his confusion is Yunivos.

It is worth mentioning that at the combat meeting, TPC officials finally decided on the names of the two Ultraman.

The one Dagu transformed into was named Diga. This was proposed by Dagu, but because the place where the giants resurrected was originally called the land of Diga, everyone thought it was quite appropriate and there was no objection.

As for Uniworth.

They discussed for a long time, and finally almost let the "Jushan Super Power" commanded by Munakata win the first place. Fortunately, in the end, Megumi couldn't stand it anymore, so they made a decision and everyone gave Univos an "Iron Palm Break" "Mountain" nickname. . .

Although this name was more troublesome than Jushan Super Power, it was Hui Jian who came up with the name, and no one dared to refute it, and it was settled like this.

Dagu held the divine light rod in his hand and looked at it carefully, his eyes gradually losing focus.

"Iron Palm Broken Mountain, are you still confused now?"

That’s right!

very confused!

Duanmu Ci did not expect that he would need academic qualifications to join the army.

After hacking into the world's network, Duanmu got himself a doctorate.

But it's not over yet, because he wants to enter TPC, so he still needs a physical fitness test, as well as various basic knowledge tests.

After everything was settled, Duanmuci happily received a set. . .

Blue jersey?

"What the hell? Aren't the victory team's uniforms white?"

Colleagues on the side couldn't help laughing when they heard this: "Of course the victory team's uniforms are white. In the entire TPC, only the victory team wears special uniforms. They have to fight against all kinds of harsh environments."

"We don't have to fight against the harsh environment. We usually do some ground work, and of course we wear ordinary TPC uniforms!"

Duanmuci was shocked: "What? I took so many subjects, but the test was not for the winning team?"

It's really not Duanmu Ci's fault.

Before he took the GUYS test on Earth, he just took the pilot's license and basically joined the team.

Of course, the main reason is to force Mizuho Shingo to open the back door.

But he has never heard that the people below need such a harsh exam!

The colleague smiled and said: "Our TPC has a large number of staff and troops all over the world, but there are only a few people in the Victory Team. Do you think it is so easy to get into it?"

Duanmuci: "I am a talent."

Colleagues were in awe: "Hello, Talent, would you like a cup of coffee?"

Duanmu Ci: →_→

"Thank you, I don't drink coffee, I only drink milk."

"Okay, I'll bring you a glass of milk."

The colleague said and left.

Duanmuci sighed: "So, it's not a question of ability or lack of ability at all, right? The problem is that there is no place to show ability."

Not long after, a colleague brought over a cup of coffee and a cup of milk, handed the milk to Duanmu Ci, took a sip of coffee, let out a long breath and said

"Actually, our work is also very important. Don't underestimate other TPC departments."

"The Victory Team is a snake oil department. If anything cannot be solved, you can ask them to help, but more things still need professionals to do it."

"You can't let the Victory Team spend all their time on information construction like us, right?"

Duanmuci took a sip of milk. The milk was still warm and had a faint sweetness in his mouth.

"Did you put sugar in it?"

The colleague nodded: "Let it go a little, how do you feel?"

Duanmuci nodded: "It's pretty good."

"How long have you been coming to TPC?"

The colleague sighed: "It's been two years and I still haven't accomplished anything. I don't know how to face my family and friends anymore."

"But actually this is quite good. Doesn't the chance that we have no special meritorious deeds equal peace in the world?"

"But the earth is not alone in the universe, and the people in the universe are not so friendly to us. Let me tell you something quietly."

"Actually, there were people from space who wanted to kidnap Director Sawai, but they almost succeeded."

Duanmuci nodded, this was actually understandable.

Director Sawai has been mentioned in all the news he has watched recently. His current status on earth is much higher than that of Director Shimizu, who is also a "director". He feels a bit like the father of Ultra in the Kingdom of Light.

Such a character will naturally be the focus of cosmic people's dealings with the earth, and it is understandable that they are in danger.

"I also have a little tidbit. It is said that the person who saved Director Sawai was actually Dagu, the current member of the Victory Team!"

Duanmuci: "Oh? There is also this level?"

Duanmu Ci suddenly discovered something. Director Saijing was the director!

And he is a director who is more intuitive about his power than Shingo Osami!

If we have a good relationship with him, wouldn't joining the victory team be just a matter of words?

"Alas, but things may not be peaceful recently."

The colleague sighed, with a look of sadness on his face: "Ever since the advent of that damn time machine, news about giant monsters began to appear."

"Although there are more opportunities to make meritorious deeds, we have finally managed to bring peace to mankind, and now these things come to destroy peace."

Duanmuci nodded, a world without monsters and Ultraman must be beautiful, right?

Originally, the world was supposed to be gradually becoming better, but suddenly monsters appeared, and I was afraid that I would have to coexist with monsters for a long time in the future.

"However, I heard that two of the four giant stone statues were resurrected. Although the remaining stone statues have not been resurrected, they have been moved back to the headquarters."

"With their help, it will be much safer, right?"

Duanmu Ci did not answer this question.

After all, he is just a scientist, and the title of the invincible Zuofi is still not suitable for him.

"I heard that the Victory Team has already named the two giants."

Duanmuci: "???"

Why the hell did you just pick a name? I have a name myself!

"One is called Ultraman Tiga, and the other is called Iron Palm Broken Mountain."

Duanmuci: "..."

"Let me guess, Ultraman Tiga must be the blue giant, right?"

At any rate, there are three words Ultraman in the name, so I can barely accept it.

The colleague shook his head: "Of course not. Ultraman Tiga is the name given to the red and purple Ultraman by the Dagu team. That place is the land of Tiga, and everyone has no objections."

"The iron palm that breaks the mountains is the name of the blue giant."

Duanmuci: "..."

It means that Tiga is the name Dagu gave himself.

And on his side, it was because he failed to join the victory team in time that he was registered with this strange code name?

"No, I don't accept it!"

The colleague said obligingly: "Whether I accept it or not has nothing to do with us. That Iron Palm Breaking Mountains was obtained by Captain Hui from the Victory Team."

Duanmu Ci: "Ah? Isn't the captain of the victory team that fierce man?"

Colleague: "It's best not for Vice Captain Munakata of the Victory Team to hear what you said."

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