Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 92 A mission as soon as I arrived

"What? He is the vice-captain?"

Duanmuci tried hard to recall, but it seemed that there had never been a situation where a woman had been the captain.

But he couldn't convince himself why women couldn't become captains of special forces.

Until the end, Duanmuci even felt that it was normal for a woman to be the captain.

So why has there never been a record of a woman being captain of the defense force before?

"What about the two monsters? Do they have code names?"

"Yes, one is called Golzan who shakes the earth, and has always been called Melba who tears the sky."

Duanmuci: "???"

"Everyone's names are so normal, why is the blue giant called Iron Palm Broken Mountain?"

My colleague didn’t think there was anything wrong with it: “When choosing a name, of course you have to be creative. In fact, I think the name Tiga, which is named after a place, is ordinary. It is not as good as Jushan Chao, the deputy captain of the victory team Zongfang said. Liba."

Hearing this name, Duanmu Ci imagined the scene in his mind of the two fighting side by side in the future. A crowd of people screamed from the bottom of their hearts after seeing the two.

"Come on, Giant Mountain Super Power, come on! Break the mountains with your iron palm!"

The picture was so beautiful that Duanmu Ci couldn't bear to take a closer look.

"Ahem, it looks like we still have to find a way to pass the name to TPC."

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The colleague was holding his mobile phone, his expression getting more and more excited, and he patted Duanmu Ci on the shoulder: "The director is going to summon us, maybe we have a task!"

Duanmu Ci didn't think there was anything serious about it: "Didn't you say that there is no mission and peace is good?"

Colleague: “Can’t you tell that I’m talking about a compromise?”

"If I don't work hard, I won't even be able to support my son!"

Duanmuci stared at his young colleague with wide eyes: "How old are you?"

Colleague: "You're twenty-six years old. What's wrong? I got into TPC when I was twenty-four."

Duanmu Ci: "You have a son at the age of twenty-six?"

The colleague looked around, but for a moment he didn't understand what Duanmu Ci meant.

"You mean I shouldn't have a son?"

Duanmuci fell silent.

This 25,000-year-old man doesn't even have a son yet.

It is true that the world is deteriorating and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be.

"Forget it, it's not important anymore. Let's go gather quickly. We might have to fight monsters again."

On the way to the gathering, there were more and more TPC staff in blue clothes. Seeing how active everyone was, Duanmu Ci couldn't help but feel that Director Sawai was very popular.

This kind of world is very good. Everyone is working together and working together. Although technology is still relatively immature, if everyone works hard, they should be able to catch up with their own earth soon.

Moreover, Duanmu Ci discovered an advantage of not joining the victory team.

He discovered that the Victory Team basically used fighter jets to perform its missions.

And everyone is crowded inside the fighter jet.

If he wanted to transform, wouldn't he have to knock everyone unconscious?

Or waiting to crash?

Isn't this too passive?

Duanmu Ci does not have the same backing as Captain Qishui in this world, so if he wants to live a good life, he must pay attention to his lifestyle.

Now the identity of this TPC staff member is quite good. At critical moments, he can hide in a deserted corner and transform without being discovered at all. He doesn't even need to sacrifice a fighter jet.

Isn't this perfect?

What a ghost! ! !

I am a scientist, not a soldier!

Duanmuci rubbed his face to prevent himself from training his muscles in his head.

I've been hanging out with that group of warriors for so long lately that when I see monsters, I don't really think about using technology to defeat the enemy. My idea has even become, no matter whether I can beat them or not, just go up and have a look first. That's it.

Is this still a scientist?

"No, you can't be like Hikali, otherwise if I manage to get out, Hikali will usurp the throne again!"

"Good boy, you ask me to fight every day. It turns out there is such a deep meaning! If you were usurped by me, you just want to usurp the throne and come back, right?"

No wonder we want him to travel to the outside universe!

As if he understood Hikali's "ambition", Duanmuci's eyes ignited with flames and he said to his colleagues next to him: "As expected, I still have to join the victory team!"

You are studying technology in the Kingdom of Light, and I am studying technology in countless universes. As the saying goes, stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. If you use the technology from other universes to enrich your inner being, you will definitely be able to explore the truth of the universe!

Just like this time, Ultraman Tiga is a good research subject. He can transform!

If the research is successful, can I also transform?

His mind flashed through what he should look like in silver, but because there was no image data, his imagination of himself was still how his image turned into silver, which was still far from Noah's real appearance.

Although it is unrealistic to turn into that, it is still possible to turn into red.

Duanmu Ci thought of the "incarnations" he had made with plasma metal in the past, and they had his own red look inside them.

It's just that that look is gone after one self-destruction, and it's better to transform directly by using an external avatar!

No, there are more and more naughty thoughts in my mind, and I can't stay in this ordinary department for a minute.

With this thought in mind, Duanmuci looked at Director Saijing with particularly warm eyes during the gathering.

Director Saijing naturally discovered Duanmu Ci.

Of course, it is impossible for anyone to be stared at by such eyes without feeling anything.


Director Sawai coughed slightly, barely able to relieve his embarrassment, and asked the TPC staff on the side:

"Who is that young man?"

"Oh, he is a newcomer, but his test scores are quite good. Basically every test has perfect scores. He is a pretty good newcomer."


Director Sawai suddenly understood.

If the average person looked at him like this, he might suspect that person was up to no good.

But if a genius sees him like this.

It must be that your heart is full of passion and you want to do something great.

Because geniuses are often difficult to call normal people.

For example, he, for example, Ji Gang.

They are all geniuses and very hardworking.

This is the result today.

Therefore, they are the idols of everyone in TPC, and naturally, they will also be the targets of these geniuses.

It's normal to have such eyes.

"Okay everyone, I do have some very important things to do here today."

"Recently we received news that a monster is said to have appeared on Kurara Island."

The story is not complicated at all. It is said that there is a "mythical beast" called Jakuma underground, which specializes in eating stones for a living. Everyone mined stones and robbed their food, which angered it, so many people were added to it. Kumar turned into stone and ate it.

Now the quarry workers on Kurara Island no longer dare to start work, so they reported the matter to TPC, hoping that TPC could solve it.

Director Sawai thought about this for a long time and finally came to a conclusion.

"This is not some mythical beast, it is clearly a monster."

So Director Sawai came here to mobilize everyone and prepare to lead the team to the front line in person.

Firstly, he is a practical person, and he was also the one who carried a gun on the battlefield. Secondly, it has recently been confirmed that the mutation on the earth does exist, so he also wants to see with his own eyes how powerful these so-called monsters are, and whether they are. Within controllable range.

"You all understand the above situation, right?"

The team leader looked at everyone.

"This time we need action team members, agility, and a certain amount of courage. This mission may be sacrificed at any time."

"Those who are willing to join, take the initiative to stand up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Duanmu Ci rushed out. His colleague tried to grab his sleeve, but failed to do so. Instead, he was pulled out as well.

Facing the squad leader and Director Sawai, Duanmuci saluted

"Duanmu Ci is willing to stand in the most dangerous place!"

The colleague on the side saw everyone looking at him, smiled helplessly, and saluted as well.

"Yamaoka Kazu, please come out to fight!"

Thank you to my despicable classmate and my JO-level Oknight classmates for their long-term support. Thank you to my fellow student Taiqing Yuan for his reward support. Thank you to all my classmates for your recommendation and monthly support. At the same time, you are also welcome to discuss and interact with each other. Thank you all.


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