Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 411: New adventure (1)

After accepting the crown of the sun, several days have passed, and the members of GUYS already know about Jiang Qi's departure.

Several of them were discussing in the coffee shop outside.

"Are you sure you want to go?"

Turtledove looked at Jiang Qi with some reluctance.


Jiang Qi said while drinking water, "Thank you for taking care of this time."

"you are welcome."

Truly, Chennai touched her long hair a little, and said, "Actually, I have a good impression of you. I didn't expect it to be so fast ..."

"Why, wouldn't it be caught by Seina?"

Jiang Qi's eyes rolled, and suddenly he came over and asked with a ridiculous look: "Sure enough, I'm as handsome as me, usually the protagonist. Fortunately, I left so fast, otherwise I will inevitably have a gun and fire, 4D. ... "

"Peng ..."

Without waiting for Jiang Qi to finish talking, Truly Love's iron fist patted Jiang Qi's head.

"it hurts……"

Jiang Qi grinned, rubbing the back of the head, this woman's strength is so great.

"Make you talk ..."

Zhennai flicked her long hair and said, "Or are you tempted by me? But don't think about it, I don't like the world."


Three black lines appeared on Jiang Qi's forehead and said, "Then you can do whatever you want."

"Humph." ╯ ^ ╰

Chennai turned her head, took a sip of coffee, then frowned, and pushed the coffee aside with disgust.

Sure enough, she could not accept the taste of coffee.

"what happened……"

Jiang Qi turned her head and saw Zhe Ping, who tangled, patted his shoulder with a smile, and said.


Zheping suddenly stood up and bowed to Jiang Qi.

"Hurry up."

Although this is Japan, Jiang Qi couldn't accept such a big gift, quickly helped Zhe Ping up and said, "What's wrong? Why apologize."

"In such a short time on the earth, I can't help with anything."

Zhe Ping pursed his lips, and said to Jiang Qi guiltily, "I can do more."

"What are you talking about?"

Jiang Qi interrupted his words with laughter and laugh, saying, "I don't feel anything, and I don't really do anything. You don't have to blame yourself."

"That's what I said, but ..."

Zhe Ping still wanted to say something, but Jiang Qi shot him directly and said, "I don't feel anything like that, you don't have to worry, are we friends?"


Zheping looked at Jiang Qi and nodded in surprise.

"But where are you going?"

Aihara Dragon hesitated and asked, "Just travel the universe?"

"Who knows?"

Jiang Qi actually wants to go home, but in this case, how can it be possible to go back? He didn't know what method he could use to get back, or even how he came.

"Although I really want to keep you, you have your own choice."

Xiang Yuanlong said seriously to Jiang Qi: "I wish you a smooth journey."


Jiang Qi laughed, and then he said goodbye.

"That one……"

Muzhimei stood up a bit, and took out an amulet from his body and handed it to Jiang Qi. He said, "Everyone gave you a gift. I didn't know what to send, so I made one myself, maybe. It ’s not so good ... "

Muzhimei's complexion turned red. Indeed, this kind of words was still a bit shy for a girl like her.


Jiang Qi took it curiously from Muzhimei. It was something similar to a sachet, revealing a hint of medicinal herbs. Jiang Qi could ask if he smelled it a little. This herb has a refreshing effect.

Flowers are embroidered on the back of the amulet. Of course, what kind of flower this flower is, Jiang Qi doesn't know it, and on the front is embroidered two Chinese characters: "Jiang Qi."

"Wow, it's beautiful."

Jiang Qi laughed, took the sachet on her body, and said to her with satisfaction: "Thanks, I like it very much."


Muzhimei's eyes widened, looking at Jiang Qi with some surprise.


Jiang Qi nodded and said, "It's truer than real gold."


Muzhimei finally breathed a sigh of relief and was very happy.

The gifts she gave were liked, which is the happiest thing for Muzhimei.

"Then when are you going to leave?"

Turtledove came over and asked with concern.


Jiang Qi frowned and thought for a while, he could walk any time, but he was standing a little and wanted to see what the landscape civilization in the universe looked like.

I've never seen it since I grew up. How can I have time to watch it after becoming Ultraman?

However, for Jiang Qi, if you fly too much in the universe, you might get lost.

This is very common in the universe, because there is no concept of direction in the universe, and Jiang Qi, who has a thinner sense of direction, really can't come back.

"So what do you want now?"

Muzhimi leaned in and asked curiously.

"Play with it for a few days."

Jiang Qi clapped her hands, glanced at her watch, then frowned and said, "No, why hasn't the captain yet arrived?"

"I went to see."

Jiang Qi tidied up, then said to several team members: "Wait a bit, let me go and see."


Zhennai and others didn't feel much, just nodded and continued to talk about where they were going to play.


"What about the captain?"

Walking out of the coffee shop, Jiang Qi looked around. Although it was sunny, but unexpectedly, there were not many people around.


Suddenly, Jiang Qi felt like he was electrocuted, and his head suddenly became numb.


Jiang Qi turned her head and looked at the small alley beside her. There was a little girl in red shoes. She was looking at herself unexpectedly.


When her eyes met Jiang Qi, the little girl ran away on her own.


Of course, Jiang Qi couldn't let the little girl run away, and one arrow step caught up.


The two passed through the alley quickly, and quickly reached the depths of the alley. It was a dead end.

Seeing this dead end, Jiang Qi was relieved and she couldn't run away.

However, the little girl turned around calmly and looked at Jiang Qi.

After Jiang Qi stopped, she looked carefully at the little girl.

It was about fourteen or five years old, but Jiang Qi couldn't see the specific face. This made Jiang Qi's vigilance. The only thing that impressed Jiang Qi was the red shoes.

Looking at the little girl alertly, Jiang Qi said, "Who are you? What's the purpose?"

"The fate of the destiny has changed, and the people chosen have changed."

There was no emotion in the girl's mouth.

What fate, what change, and who was chosen by nature, all made Jiang Qi feel puzzled.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Jiang Qi did not relax his vigilance because the other party was a little girl, but because the girl had just raised a few points.

"On the back of this universe, the earth of that world is facing threats, and you are the only one who can save them."

The girl raised her head, pointed to Jiang Qi, and said slowly.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Jiang Qi looked at the girl in amazement. Did she say that there is a parallel universe on earth facing a crisis and you have to save them yourself?

"The gear of fate has begun to turn."

The girl didn't answer Jiang Qi's words and continued: "If you want to truly save that world, you have to gather eight warriors, and you play a vital role in it."

"What the **** are you?"

The girl's words actually made Jiang Qi want to believe a little, but the identity of the girl.

"I am not an enemy."

The girl raised her head and looked at Jiang Qi. At this point, Jiang Qi finally saw the girl's eyes, golden.

"I am the Gaia will of this planet, you have a familiar smell, so I believe in you, it will be fine."

The girl said that her body slowly became dim, saying: "The transformation of time and space has been opened. If you can successfully save the world, you can open the door of time and space and reach the world you want to go to."

"and many more--"

Jiang Qi looked at the girl in surprise until she disappeared.

Now Jiang Qi's head is a little confused. First, the girl wants to save the parallel world by herself.

To truly save that world, you must look for eight warriors. What kind of warrior is it? The girl did n’t say it, let go first, do n’t talk about it.

Second, girls are not enemies, but Gaia's will.

But the question came, she said that she had a familiar smell, what's going on? This question can be put down first.

Third, the girl said that she can choose the door of time and space and send it to the time and space she wants to go.

Is it possible to go back to your own world?

I have to say that this is what moved Jiang Qi the most. If he can go back, Jiang Qi will definitely work hard.

Finally, the girl said that time and space conversion has already begun, so now is it already in that time and space? The crises of the earth?

Jiang Qi looked around and found no difference, only the girl just disappeared.


Jiang Qi hesitated, then turned and walked out of the alley.

Jiang Qi froze for a moment when he walked out of the alley, because all the buildings in front of him had changed.

Opposite the alley was a two-story coffee shop, but Jiang Qi became a 50-story building after going out.

"This ... the joke is too big?"

Jiang Qi was stunned, looking around, almost all strange buildings, Jiang Qi promised that he had absolutely no when he came.

"Is it really a parallel world?"

Jiang Qi held her forehead somewhat blankly.

There is no symptom at all, say that the crossing will cross?


Jiang Qi froze in place for a long time, and then slowly took two steps forward, looking at this new world, new vehicles.


As soon as Jiang Qi stepped out, he was almost hit by a car, causing the driver to yell at Jiang Qi: "Can't you read the road?"

"sorry Sorry."

Jiang Qi quickly apologized and said, "I just moved here, I'm not familiar with this place, I'm sorry."

"Pay attention next time."

The driver looked at Jiang Qi and put down a sentence before driving away.

"Not prepared at all."

Jiang Qi shook his head, slowly relieved from surprise, and continued to "familiarize" with the city.


Daku is particularly distressed recently. It will be Lina ’s birthday in a while. What do you want him to give away?

Lina didn't particularly like it. She was a very ordinary girl. It's just that watching movies and the like, Dagu felt too vulgar, and he wanted to surprise Lina.

However, when I thought about it, I didn't expect anything to be sent.


Dagu walked on the road and saw a young boy, who was walking in confusion, and seemed to be lost.

Daku, who was born to be a good man, almost thought about it, and went to the boy.

"Are you lost?"

The man is very handsome, not handsome, but the person who looks at it is very comfortable, just like a college student.

"Hmm— ?? Hmm! Dagu! ??"

The boy just nodded, and the moment he saw Dagu, his tone rose instantly.

"Uh ... do you know me?"

The boy's reaction made Dagu feel a little embarrassed. I didn't know what kind of bad person he was.


But the boys didn't reply, they just stared at Dagu, making Dagu more and more embarrassed ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's just that Dagu didn't even think about the boy's inner activities.


Jiang Qi was walking. After walking the same way for the third time, he finally understood that he was lost again.

In confusion, a sound of nature appeared.

"Are you lost?"

Jiang Qi looked at it in surprise, just to answer yes, but was shocked when he saw the man.

It turned out to be Dagu! ! The goddess of his childhood, Dagu! ! !

He looked exactly the same, and he didn't run at all, and Jiang Qi got the exact answer when he asked back, he is Dagu.

Jiang Qi is even more excited. You know, he is in the world of Ultraman now, then this big ancient should be the original big ancient, Dijia Ultraman.

How could this not make Jiang Qi excited?

Although the special film "Diga Altman" is old, no one can veto its status in the eyes of Chinese Olympic fans, deserved no.1.

Jiang Qi also grew up watching this, the classic plot in "Diga Altman", such as the last episode, Jiang Qi's lines can be memorized until now, it can be imagined that Jiang Qi has status.

However, after all, it was a TV series. Even that time, Jiang Qi felt like a ray of light, fighting with Dagu.

However, that is just a fake, where is the truth in front of you?

In an instant, Jiang Qi became a little fan for the first time, and looked at Daku. This special vision made Daku sneak back a little.

(Note, I changed the protagonist of Super Eight from Mengbiyousi to Jiang Qi, so there is no Mengbiyusi here, pay attention!)

(The other thing is that the protagonist has never watched Super Eight. Do n’t think that I write any plots that the protagonist knows. For example, if Beria is resurrected, the protagonist does n’t know.)

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