Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 412: New adventure (2)


Dagu looked at Jiang Qi blankly and pointed at himself awkwardly and asked, "Do you ... know me?"

"Of course I know!"

Jiang Qi took the first two steps, looked at Dagu with a look that he had never seen on his face, and looked at Dagu even more embarrassed, before saying, "Are you called True Horn Dagu?"

"Yeah, how do you know?"

Dagu looked at Jiang Qi with some surprise. If Dagu's memory is correct, he should never have seen him! And his dad doesn't seem to be a illegitimate child.


Jiang Qi was dumb when he said this, he couldn't always say that he knew them only by watching TV.

Moreover, this universe is probably the Tiga universe? The victory team's contact with Tiga and the beginning were also very cautious, for outsiders ...

"Who doesn't know the victory team?"

Jiang Qi thought awkwardly for a reason. He thought that the reason was perfect, but ...

"Huh? What victory team?"

Unexpectedly, Dagu was confused, looking at Jiang Qi and said, "Are you confessing to the wrong person? I have never heard of the victory team."


Jiang Qi stared at Dagu with wide eyes, smiled, and said, "Don't pretend, it's impossible, why don't you know?"

"But I really don't know."

Dagu is a little impatient. He is still in a hurry. He was kind enough to help others. He didn't expect this person to be so strange.

"What about Lina?"

Jiang Qi froze for a long time before spitting out such a sentence.

Who is Dagu? In Jiang Qi's impression, it seems that many of Altman's human bodies are dumbfounded, including representatives of Dago and Mengbiyousi. Of course, Mengbiyusi has too little contact.

Therefore, even Dagu has such a look, it is likely that he really does not know the victory team.

but! How can it be? He looks like him, and his name is also wrong. What's wrong?

"Do you know Lina?"

Daku frowned, looked at Jiang Qi cautiously, and said, "Who are you?"


Jiang Qi was even stranger when he heard Daku knew Lina. He suddenly heard Daku asking who he was and said blankly: "Jiang Qi ..."

"Jiang Qi ..."

Dagu took two steps back and looked at Jiang Qi for a while before saying, "Chinese?"


Jiang Qi nodded and turned his brain quickly, saying, "I'm here to travel and I'm lost."


Dagu has watched Jiang Qi for a long time, do n’t talk about Dagu ’s performance on the victory team. Among the people in the victory team, Dagu is quite dumb, but at least the astute is still there. .

This strange person knows himself and also knows Lina ...


Jiang Qi sees Dagu looking at himself like this, and he feels pressured.

Did you make a mistake? This is not the Tiga universe, but a separate world? Dagu is just an ordinary person here?

And the little girl didn't say clearly about the world. It was too natural for him to see Dagu.


Daku ’s heart was still mostly kind, and finally he let go of it, saying, “You follow me first, I ’ll take care of the matter at hand, and then take you to the nearest post, and then send you back to China.


Jiang Qi's mouth moved and nodded. He only analyzed everything now. This time the amount of information is a little larger.

"have you eaten?"

Dagu just left, and suddenly stopped, asking Jiang Qi.

"not yet……"

Jiang Qi was sent over when he was preparing for lunch. How could he eat?

"Wait for me then."

Daku looked at the convenience store next to him and ran straight in, leaving Jiang Qi stunned for a while.

Is this guy a fool? For a stranger you do n’t know ...

Jiang Qi can admit that if it is for himself, although it will help, it will definitely not reach the level of Dagu.

It didn't take long for Dagu to come out with a bit of food and hand it to Jiang Qi, while saying, "Eat a little first."

"Thank you……"

Jiang Qi embarrassedly took the food, then looked at Dagu and said, "You are really, very strange."

"is it?"

Dagu walked in front of Jiang Qi. Hearing Jiang Qi's comment, there was not much reaction and said, "I don't feel it. You are more strange than me."

"Everyone ..."

Jiang Qi walked beside Dagu while eating, looking around and said, "The world is changing really fast, obviously this was not the case last time ..."

Jiang Qi is lamenting the gap between the two worlds. Obviously that world is stronger, but why does he feel more prosperous here?

However, in Dagu's ears, it sounded like Jiang Qi had been here before, lamenting that the world is changing too fast.

"is it?"

Daku looked around, he had n’t seen it in a long time, but he had to say that sometimes he lamented how fast the world was changing.

I used to huddle with my friends to watch "Ultraman" at home, but now I have parted ways and have my own career.

They walk hurriedly every day, really rarely have time to stop and take a good look at the world.

It seems it's time to take a break ...

Dagu rubbed his eyes subconsciously. He was not a workaholic, but it was easy to forget the time. Now he suddenly wants to give himself a holiday.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Qi walked, and suddenly found that Dagu's slowed down. When Jiang Qi looked at him, he suddenly realized that Dagu had a little tiredness.

"No, I just want to drive a lot, thank you."

Dagu said to Jiang Qi with a smile, and touched the bag, they also got together.

It was Jiang Qi, who was baffled by somehow, and didn't know what he was doing.

Then Jiang Qi watched Dagu and watched his brisk pace, even more inexplicably.

Which one of them is more strange?


Dagu took Jiang Qi to run a lot of places, but every time Dagu didn't know what to do, because Jiang Qi was a little far away, so Jiang Qi could not hear what Dagu wanted to do.

But Dagu's expression was very sincere, and he seemed to be talking about something, and the other party took the bag impatiently and left, leaving Dagu in perplexity.

Jiang Qi walked helplessly towards Dagu and saw the dark clouds apparently growing on Dagu's head. He was very pitiful and asked, "This is the first one?"


Dagu held his head and did not speak. It is conceivable that Dagu is in a bad mood now. Jiang Qi can't think of how to comfort him for the time being and can only say: "Come on."


Dagu slowly raised his head, his face was tired, but nothing happened, at least Jiang Qi didn't see anything wrong, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, there is still salvation."

"Stop talking, let's go to dinner ..."

Daku bowed his head, picked up the bag with his brain, and went out. Jiang Qi didn't even have time to stop what he said.

This is the restaurant! ! Where are you going?

Looking at Dagu, who had walked far away, Jiang Qi shook his head uncomfortably. This guy was stupid, not to mention it.

"Wait for me……"

Jiang Qi shouted such a sentence at him, and then chased him out, but he found that Dagu was in a daze at the intersection.

"What's the matter, was it defeated?"

Jiang Qi walked beside Dagu, patted Dagu on the shoulder, and smiled and said, "This is not like you."

"The two of us seem familiar ..."

result! result! did not expect! Daku would like to push himself back like this, Jiang Qi opened his mouth in surprise, looked at Jiang Qi, this is not like Daku who he knew.

"alright, alright……"

Dagu saw Jiang Qi's expression and comforted him back, saying, "It's just that no one wants to develop new energy."

"What new energy?"

Jiang Qi froze for a moment, but didn't expect Dagu to be able to engage in this kind of thing?

"Oh, it doesn't mean that."

Dagu took out the drawings in his bag and said seriously to Jiang Qi: "Now we are using the traditional rocket propulsion mode for spaceflight, and I wonder if we can use other means to replace this. Ways. "


Jiang Qi opened his mouth slightly and looked at Dagu. If he remembered correctly, his original world should also be the traditional rocket propulsion mode. However, due to the construction of the protective net, many people have carried out the aerospace revolution.

Turning the traditional rocket propulsion mode into a way of colliding with light energy particles, but this method is too advanced, so the next best thing is to temporarily borrow the radiation drive method to proceed excessively.

In the world of Mengbiyousi, plasma acceleration is used, that is, the working medium is heated to the plasma state by electricity, and then the plasma is accelerated by the electric field.

This technology should be almost the same in other Ultraman worlds. As far as Jiang Qi doesn't understand, he has no say.

"So, I want to use two particles to collide, and the powerful energy generated to propel, so as to propel, such as the collision of light protons and antiprotons."

As soon as Dagu touched on such topics, he talked about it endlessly.


Jiang Qi felt very surprised. Dagu could even think of this place? ? Is this still the old ancient physics that failed?

"Dagu ... Are you thinking too far ahead?"

Jiang Qi interrupted Dagu's words and said, "Is there the kind of technology you are talking about here? Your saying, it is a fantasy to buy other people's ears."

"But, I think it works."

Dagon put the file down and said seriously: "A lot of scientific research is to try boldly and find out the results in countless failures."

"……you are right."

Jiang Qi looked at Dagu, but he didn't expect that he had made him speechless. It seemed that Dagu was also a school bully.

That being the case ...

"Then I think you can quietly degenerate the plan."

Jiang Qi doesn't know much about aerospace. He can only introduce his own methods in the world, saying, "For example, we can be driven by nuclear radiation."

"Nuclear radiation?"

This is the first time Dagu heard of the word, and he was directly interested. He asked, "What do you mean, can you tell me more?"

"It is the energy generated by nuclear fusion and the radiation of light."

Jiang Qi thought about it for a while. Cheng Yu gave an explanation at the time. He vaguely remembered it and said: "Nuclear fusion will produce extremely strong ionizing radiation. These rays are composed of various particles moving at the speed of light. Harmony is the added momentum of the spaceship. "


As Dagu listened, his eyes slowly shone, but he was still an elite, still able to judge the feasibility of the plan.

Very high, and laid the foundation for his later plans.

"Awesome! It's awesome !!"

Dagu was full of praise for this nuclear radiation drive, patting Jiang Qi on the shoulder and saying, "How did you think of it? It's just a genius."

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Qi smiled blushingly. This was not his idea, but the original idea of ​​Cheng Yu in the world. It was he who put forward this idea himself to temporarily replace the new propulsion system.

In the original world, the radiation drive can temporarily cope with many situations, so once this plan is launched, the rest of the countries will follow suit.

"Okay, great, I will go back and work out a new plan."

Dagu excitedly patted his files, but he was not very anxious now, and took Jiang Qi to the restaurant and said, "Let's go eat."


Jiang Qi stared at Dagu in a daze, watching him pull himself back to the restaurant that had just run out, very speechless.

What did you just run out for?


Daku suddenly thought of something like this. He patted his pocket and said to Jiang Qi: "I'm going to make a phone call first. You'll wait for me inside and come back immediately."


Looking at Dagu in such anxious manner, Jiang Qi nodded and walked into the restaurant.

Daku watched Jiang Qi walk in and took out the phone. He forgot to call Lina ~ www.readwn.com ~ If I don't call again, I'm afraid Lina ...


Dagu ran to a corner and dialed Lina's phone.

"Why did you call this time?"

Lina's voice seemed to be awake. It seems that Lina was the grandparents who went to the nursing home last night.

Thinking of this, Dagu asked with some distress: "Are you tired?"

"It's okay, I'm very happy."

Lina heard Dagu's distressed words and was warm in her heart. She said sincerely: "I also like this job very much."

"Then you should pay attention to rest, don't be tired yourself."

Dagu had long guessed that Lina would say this, that's how she is, sometimes silly, but Dagu also likes Lina because of this.


Lina smiled and said, "When will you be busy then?"

"Relax, I'm quick."

Dagu's mouth twitched and said, "How about we go on a date together?"


Lina knew that Dagu had no habit of lying, so she felt a special accident.


Daku laughed happily, and he could imagine how happy Lina was.

"Okay, I'll get ready at that time."

Lina coughed twice and said to Jiang Qi only after she adjusted her mood.

"Well, I have something to do, and I will talk about it later."

Daku smiled and greeted Lina, then hung up the phone, and as he was about to leave, his footsteps stopped.

Because, he saw a little girl in red shoes ...

(For the cause of Dagu and others, I have made a few adjustments. It is not important, it is not important, it is not important.

Say the important thing three times.

Therefore, don't pay attention to unimportant things. )

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