Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 413: New adventure (3)

"you are……"

Dagu felt uncomfortable for the sudden appearance of the girl, hesitated, and asked, "Is it separated from my family? Would you like me to help?"

"Remember ..."

The girl's voice seemed very convoluted and somewhat vain.


Dagu froze for a moment, looking at the girl puzzled, what should he recall?

"Previous things ..."

As the girl said, the girl's body slowly disappeared, and what followed was where the girl disappeared. A gray mist appeared and enveloped all around.


Daku looked around in shock and found that he had been wrapped in already, and he was shocked.


Suddenly, Daku's ear heard a piercing sound, letting Daku look along the sound, and only saw the feet of giant creatures.

Every step taken is devastating, and the point is not just one monster, but also several walking in the ruined city.

and many more! destroy?

Dagu was surprised to find that the world around him had become utterly ruined. The original high-rise building was gone, and replaced by endless ruins.


Suddenly, behind Dagu, a tall figure suddenly landed, causing a huge shock.


Dagu opened his mouth wide, staring blankly at the sudden huge body, glowing eyes, familiar breath, clearly strange, why is that familiar?

"Tiga ..."

I don't know why, Dagu's mouth spit out such a name, and after that, Dagu didn't even know his name.


Behind that figure, Daku discovered that there are many more such figures, which gradually landed and looked very spectacular.

"Is this ... Alt Warrior?"

Da Gu narrowed his eyes for a while, and suddenly widened, how could these figures look so much like the Ultraman he saw when he was a child?

It is impossible, this is also ...

Dagu thought, looking at the huge figure closest to him, the very familiar one.


After a while, the figures of the monsters and Altman suddenly disappeared. In a flash, Dagu felt like he was in an underground garage.

"Where is this?"

Daku looked around in a panic and felt relieved after feeling familiar. This seemed to be a garage in their city, not too far from where he worked.

But how did you come here?

Dagu thinks that it must be the little girl who made her remember. What is it about?


Suddenly, the earth shook and interrupted Dagu's thoughts.

I thought it was an ancient earthquake, and ran out quickly. No matter in which world Japan is, earthquakes are very frequent.

"Tap to tap ..."

As soon as Dagu ran out, he was stunned by the sight in front of him. I saw that the sky was shrouded in darkness, and the whole world was plunged into darkness. There were destroyed buildings on the ground, and many people roared.

"Hahaha ..."

At this time, there was a lot of laughter in the sky. As soon as he heard this laughter, Dagu had no reason to hate it.

"Hahaha ..."

Slowly, a figure appeared vaguely in the sky. The specific appearance of Daku could not be seen clearly, but Daku could also feel that it was a very dangerous guy.

"Stupid people of the earth, don't waste your energy, we are in charge here."

The guy said the declaration in a big way, looking at the earth as something in his pocket.

"This guy……"

If Dagu didn't have enough strength, he would have punched that thing long ago.

"Did you decide?"

Suddenly, Dagu heard a familiar voice and could not help turning his head. As a result, he saw four familiar sprays.

The old man walking in front said, "Go against them?"

"Uncle Wada?"

Daku looked at Wada with white hair in surprise and felt very surprised.

"However, if we lose, the seal becomes invalid."

The other person also stood up and was a very old man. His expression was hesitant, and he seemed to be making a major decision.

"But if we all give up, who will guard here?"

The other person suddenly stood up and said to everyone.

"Uncle Township? Uncle Zhuxing?"

Dagu looked at them in surprise. What are these old people doing? Don't hurry up now?

There, I didn't pay any attention to it, and kept talking intently.

"And, what was the purpose of our original seal? Isn't it just to protect this world? It is the biggest mistake if we give up this world simply for the seal, and we don't necessarily lose."

The other person followed, and said.

"Yes, this is the purpose of our fight."

Wada nodded and agreed very much.

These people nodded and stood in a row, looking straight ahead.

"Eh? Uncle Beidou?"

Daku looked at the remaining man and couldn't help but hold his forehead. It is no longer a situation that he can understand.


The star clusters took out Ott's eyes and put them on their eyes. Under the flow of sparks, they successfully turned into Seven.

Wada also raised the beta sensor, and after a few flashes, it became the first Ultraman.

Xiang Xiushu raised his hand, and the light flowed out of his body, wrapping his whole body and successfully becoming Jack Altman.

The Big Dipper also merged the two rings and gave off a dazzling light. Under this light, Altman appeared.

These four Otto warriors were born in the light and stood in the light.

"Oh my God!??!!!!!!"

Da Gu's eyes widened, leaning against the wall at once, not against the wall, he was afraid he would sit on the ground.

What ... what is this? How did several of my uncles become Ultraman? Altman I saw in my childhood?


Next, Dagu wanted to see it, but the surrounding scenes were like dense fog. They came and went quickly, and disappeared directly, and the surrounding scenes changed back.

"... huh ... huh ..."

Dagu gasped, and his face was not very good. He looked around in a trance, looking a little dazed.

What just happened?

When Dagu asked himself this way, the appearance of the Ultra brothers once again broke into his mind, and the familiar Ultraman.

"Is it an illusion?"

Dagu wanted to use the illusion to hypnotize himself, but it was too funny to deceive himself.

With this mood, Dagu returned to the restaurant.


In the restaurant, Jiang Qi had been waiting for Daku for a long time, and when Jiang Qi couldn't help it, when he wanted to see it, he found Daku came back, but when Jiang Qi wanted to ask where Daku went, suddenly Take back the words.

"Uh ... your face is not so good ..."

Jiang Qi found that Dagu's face was really pale, but it seemed that he had experienced ups and downs.

"Nothing, order food ..."

Daku shook his head and smiled, but he seemed absent-minded.

"Don't worry about eating ..."

Jiang Qi is telling the truth, he is really not in a hurry, anyway, he can maintain for several days without eating, and then Jiang Qi said to Dagu: "It's you, let's go to the hospital to see it."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry, it's just trivial things."

Dagu squeezed the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. He now needs to wait for a while.

"It's strange ..."

Fools can see that this situation is not like a trivial matter!

However, Jiang Qi is not a busy person, if Dagu wants to say. I should have spoken to myself.

Therefore, Jiang Qi called the waiter and ordered two dishes.

"This, this. There is this, except for these three, all the rest."

Jiang Qi dropped two casually, and then said to the waiter.

The waiter is also a little stupid. For so long, Jiang Qi is the weirdest one to order, and is it too much?

This restaurant has a small menu, about 30 pages, about 20 to 30 courses per page, about 800 courses, except for three courses, the rest of the menu, the restaurant has no tables at all You can install them all.

So, the waiter was not excited at first, but froze for a few seconds. The first reaction in his mind was: "Smashed the scene?"

"Are you going to eat me?"

Dagu heard Jiang Qi's words, and he didn't get angry all at once. This is the rhythm of ruining his family. He can eat so much.

"Finally willing to speak?"

Jiang Qi put down the menu and said helplessly to Dagu: "Then what are you talking about? What is the matter with you? You worry me so much, do you have no money? I don't want to wash the dishes."


Dagu was silent, covering his face with both hands without talking first. Jiang Qi knew what he was worried about and said to the waiter: "Don't eat those dishes. Let's talk a bit. Let's go down first. If you have something to call you."

"Well, I wish you a happy time."

The waiter finally smiled, nodded at Jiang Qi, and went to the other table.

"Can you speak now?"

Jiang Qi, holding his arms, looked at Dagu seriously and asked.


Daku saw Jiang Qi for a while, and finally he was relieved, and then said, "But remember, don't laugh."


Hearing this, Jiang Qi raised her eyebrows. What does it mean not to laugh?

However, even if Jiang Qi's doubts were even greater, he nodded under Da Gu's gaze and said that he would not laugh.

"I just saw Ultraman ..."

Dagu covered his face and said something that made his face flush, but, unexpectedly, Jiang Qi was calm.

"and then?"

Jiang Qi waited for a while and found out that there was no text. It was a little surprised. What's so funny about this?

"You don't think I'm so naive, and still like Ultraman?"

Dagu is even more surprised. Now that they are so old, if they say outside that they see Altman, they may be ridiculed.

"Uh, don't think too much ..."

Jiang Qi touched his nose, maybe he was used to it? Always surround the word in my ears.

"Okay, you are special."

Daku saw Jiang Qi in relief, at least he didn't need to be laughed at anymore, so he told Jiang Qi what happened just now.

"I just went out to call Lima and I ran into a little girl in red shoes."

At the beginning of Dagu's words, Jiang Qi was full of interest, especially the phrase "little girl in red shoes" even surprised Jiang Qi.

Dagu also met? Wouldn't it ...

Jiang Qi was silent, looking at Dagu, the little girl asked herself to look for eight warriors. Could it be eight ultraman? Dagu is one of them?

Moreover, listening to the meaning of Dagu, no monsters and Ultraman have appeared in this world. They are all film and television works, and they are only watched by children.

This gave us two useful news. Similarly, Jiang Qi knew why the world economy is so prosperous, without the threat of monsters and aliens, without a lot of economic losses, and the economic power of the world will naturally increase.

But for the same reason, the world is threatened by monsters, but weapons and technology have left the world far behind.

"Then? Little girl in red shoes ..."

It was time to listen, but Daku didn't speak, so Jiang Qi subconsciously reminded Daku.


Dagu nodded and felt really a little shy, but he still said: "Then I suddenly had hallucinations, I saw some monsters destroying the city, I also saw a lot of Ultraman, they confronted each other, then I Seeing the old uncles again, they all turned into Ultraman. "


Jiang Qi quickly sorted out what Da Gu said. First, the illusion, which should be caused by the little girl, and ...

"... Uncle? What uncle?"

Those uncles can be transformed, it should be a reminder, a part of the eight warriors, that is a few people.

"Oh, the uncles who took care of me before."

Da Gu scratched his head and didn't elaborate, because he didn't think Jiang Qi knew them, so he didn't say much.


Daku remembered something like this, and said quickly: "That girl reminded me of it, but didn't tell me what to remember."

"Hurry up?"

Jiang Qi lowered her eyelids and thought about this sentence. Was it said that Dagu was Diga Altman, but did he forget it? So the girl reminded him quickly, and he had the intention to create hallucinations.

If it is really inferred, is it the same for several other people?

"Boom ... Boom ... Boom ..."

Jiang Qi's fingers slowly tapped on the desktop ~ www.readwn.com ~ quietly thinking, the eight warriors should all be in this universe, but they lost their memories, there is a memory about Altman, and their task is to wake up Are they?

In this way, Jiang Qi wants to know the ultimate enemy even more, to gather the strength of eight people? And he hasn't counted himself, counting his nine Ultramans.

It seems that this time there are really tricky monsters.

Jiang Qi's eyes changed and became very serious, um, at least for Daku, Jiang Qi felt terrible to him now.


Da Gu looked at Jiang Qi, who was distracted, and his mouth twitched. Did this guy listen carefully?

(Siro ’s math teacher: My students only know 20,000, what should I do? Wait online, hurry!)

(Jiang Qi only knows to gather eight warriors, but he doesn't count himself in it.)

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