Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 414: New adventure (4)

"We're back……"

Dagu brought Jiang Qi back home, yes, he took Jiang Qi home for two reasons. One is because Jiang Qi has almost every house in the world. Where can he go? Also, Jiang Qi thinks that if the eight warriors are all Altman, just stay in Japan.

Therefore, Jiang Qi did not go back, and Dagu also needed Jiang Qi because of something he did not understand, such as the problem of nuclear radiation driving, so he did not rush to send Jiang Qi back.

"came back?"

Dagu's mother is a very gentle person. Jiang Qi's first sight of this person is actually this evaluation.

Da Gu ’s mother was stunned for a moment when she saw Jiang Qi, and then asked more enthusiastically, "Is there a guest?"

"Well, my friend, need to live here temporarily."

Dagu glanced at Jiang Qi, nodded, and said to his mother with a smile.

"Excuse me, please."

Jiang Qi immediately nodded at Dagu's mother and said.

"Where are you talking?"

Dagu's mother seemed very hospitable, gave Jiang Qi a pair of shoes, and then let Jiang Qi sit in the house.

"I'll pour you a glass of water."

Dagu ’s mother immediately poured water after seeing Jiang Qi sitting down. This enthusiasm made Jiang Qi feel a little flattered and quickly said: "No trouble, aunt."

"Nothing, the visitor is the guest."

Dagu ’s mother turned back to Jiang Qi and poured water.

"how do you feel?"

Daku sat next to Jiang Qi, looked at his home, and said, "Although it's not big, but it's very warm. I also struggled for the last because of these."


Jiang Qi nodded, looked at Dagu's house, and was silent for a while, before saying, "It's very nice, it feels like home."

"Just get used to it."

Dagu took off his tie and said, "Do you want something to eat?"

"no need."

Jiang Qi looked at Dagu a little bit crying, but the mother and son were real ...

"Oh, Dagu ..."

At this time, Dagu's mother came with a glass of water in her hand, and said to Dagu: "Asuka and I have come back from dream. They came here once and stayed just now."


Dagu suddenly sat up, looked at his mother in surprise, and asked, "They are back?"


Jiang Qi's reaction was that he only had a face and his face collapsed, but neither Daku nor his mother saw it.

I dream? Asuka?

Jiang Qi muttered these two names in his heart. Isn't this the two human bodies of Gaia and Dinah? Could it be said that they are also one of the eight warriors?

Moreover, with the human body of Tiga, Dagu knows, Dana is still good to explain that it is the same universe as Dagu, but Gaia is not at all.

Calculated in this way, it should be Ultraman of all time and space, gathered together to form eight soldiers.

Of course, what Jiang Qi is looking forward to more is Lexus. With the weakened version of Noah, Jiang Qi is enough to expect him.

"Jiang Qi ... Jiang Qi ..."

At this time, Jiang Qi's ear suddenly heard a call from Dagu, causing Jiang Qi to return to God, looked at Dagu, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm going to meet them tomorrow, do I want to be together?"

Unexpectedly, Dagu would send such an invitation to himself, which is beyond his expectations.

However, their old friends would gather and let themselves go in. I'm afraid it would be bad, but Jiang Qi still wanted to see him.

After hesitation, Jiang Qi said: "I want to go out tomorrow, you tell me what is interesting near here, I want to play."


Dagu's mother froze for a moment, and asked, "Aren't you Japanese?"


Jiang Qi smiled and shook his head, said: "I am Chinese, for various reasons, come here."

"Oh Chinese……"

Dagu ’s mother suddenly lit up and asked, “Will you cook? I mean Chinese food. I like to eat it and I have learned it, but I ca n’t make that taste.”


Jiang Qi looked at Dagu's mother, and she didn't know what to say for a while. How could you let them teach them how to cook?

"Why? You can't cook?"

Dagu's mother saw Jiang Qi's expression, thinking that Jiang Qi wouldn't cook and was disappointed.

"No, it's just not good."

Jiang Qi was a little humble. She was still good at cooking. She wanted to be a cook.

"Also, you can call me Xiao Jiang."

Jiang Qi doesn't like what others have always called "you ... you ...", and feels very unaccustomed to it. I don't like it.

"Well, Xiao Jiang, can you teach me?"

Dagu's mother said a little embarrassedly: "My food is not very good."

"Yes ..."

At this time, Dagu even started to intervene, with a deep expression on his face, and said to Jiang Qi: "It's really not good."


Jiang Qi said to Dagu's mother, crying and laughing, "It's just not good at teaching."

"Well, thank you."

Dagu's mother was very happy and gave Jiang Qi a slight bend, but Jiang Qi evaded agilely.

"That, aunty, China doesn't like this."

He can't take the gift of elders, this kind of concept is deeply rooted.

"Hahaha ..."


In the new world, Jiang Qi still suffers from insomnia because of Dago.

Jiang Qi lay beside the window and glanced at Dagu in a grudge, this guy hurried to the manuscript overnight.

And this guy even called himself up!

There is no problem whether Jiang Qi eats or not, but if Jiang Qi wants to go to sleep, it is more annoying to call, because he prefers to sleep, and he is particularly comfortable after waking up every time.

"Look, how is this time?"

Dagu's attitude, like a student, said to Jiang Qi, and then handed the latest manuscript he rushed out to Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi took the manuscript and read it. Jiang Qi knew little about this kind of thing.

"Oh? Abandon the traditional mode of advancement and switch to chemical methods?"

Jiang Qi looked at Dagu's plan and actually used this method? Although Daku is a genius, he is not far away.

In Jiang Qi ’s original world, the chemical advancement method used to be part of the plan, but was quickly ruled out because there were too many drawbacks.

Rocket engines generally have the following parameters.

Thrust, jet speed, specific impulse, total impulse, thrust-to-weight ratio.

Explain a little, but the thrust does not seem to need to be explained. The jet speed seems to be easy to understand. The specific impulse is the impulse generated by the consumption of the same amount of propellant. The total impulse is the impulse generated by this engine after burning all the fuel. The thrust-to-weight ratio It is the ratio of engine thrust to engine mass.

The jet velocity directly affects the specific impulse and total impulse, and the thrust-to-weight ratio is related to the structural design of the engine and the optimization of materials.

The advantage of chemical rockets is that the technology is mature and the thrust is large.

For example, in the world before Jiang Qi ’s rebirth, the Soviet Union ’s RD-170 liquid oxygen kerosene rocket engine is now the single-thrust rocket engine with a maximum thrust of 740 tons at sea level.

But the fatal weakness of chemical rockets is the specific impulse, because chemical rockets use the chemical energy of fuel combustion, and the jet velocity must not be very large, which leads to the low "efficiency" of the use of fuel (working fluid), that is, the same consumption More fuel produces less impulse

To put it simply, the consequence of smaller specific impulse is that a large amount of propellant needs to be carried. However, these propellants are an additional "dead weight", and propellants are also needed to accelerate this part of the propellant. . .

In the last few hundred tons of rockets, a dozen tons are the structural mass of the arrow body, and a few tons are all the fuel left by the satellite. . .

For certain fuels, it is more difficult for chemical rockets to increase the specific impulse.

For example, for solid fuel rockets, taking AP-HTPB (ammonium perchlorate-terminal hydrocarbon polybutadiene) fuel as an example, if you want to increase the specific impulse, you can try to reduce the average molecular weight of the gas produced by the reaction. One of the methods is to increase the reducing agent. The ratio of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide. However, the enthalpy of reaction to generate carbon monoxide is obviously lower than that of carbon dioxide, and some chemical energy is still not utilized in carbon monoxide, which creates a contradiction.

Therefore, Dagu's plan can be directly passed away, because this mode of propulsion, although stronger than the traditional way of propulsion, is not so strong.

Jiang Qi explained some of the stakes to Dagu, and Dagu also discovered other shortcomings in his plan.

After all, this is Dagu's plan, and there are any shortcomings in Dagu's heart, but after Jiang Qi's explanation, these shortcomings magnified in an instant, and he quickly rejected this plan.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Qi could be seen so quickly, as if he had already done experiments.

Looking at Dagu like this, Jiang Qi shook his head. There was no way but to introduce the plasma propulsion mode in the world of Mengbiyusi to Dagu.

Ion rockets can avoid that the energy that drives the working molecule molecules comes from electricity rather than chemical reactions.

As long as the electric energy input is sufficient, his jet speed can be used for fast flight, which is amazingly large.

Of course, this is the most ideal result. The reality is not ideal. Even if Phoenix Nest uses this propulsion mode, there is a risk of failure.

But even so, the specific impulse of this propulsion mode is still very considerable, at least much larger than chemical rockets.

"You are so good."

Dagu listened to Jiang Qi's remarks, and there was really no language to describe it. This is a refreshing three views.

"Haha ..."

Jiang Qi smiled twice and blushed. When did he get to the routine of the copycat? But Jiang Qi didn't give much explanation because it was unnecessary.

"What did you do before?"

Dagu couldn't help but asked such a question. Although he knew that asking too much was not good, he couldn't bear to be curious.


Jiang Qi thought for a while, did he tell the truth, or was it a lie? Tell the truth.

"I said, if I used to protect the world, do you believe it?"

Jiang Qi said his identity, but he didn't actually say it. He just said his task. If he can understand it, it depends on Dagu.

"I believe!"

Dagu almost nodded without hesitation. Of course he could understand that he knew that so many things that subvert the three views must be the key members of any organization in the world.

"Are you ... a secret organization in China?"

Daku suddenly lowered his voice and said to Jiang Qi mysteriously, the voice was very small, as if he thought there was a bug in the room.


Jiang Qi rolled his eyes, yes! Without understanding it at all, Jiang Qi said helplessly: "If I really belong to any organization, it is impossible to tell you this."


Daku thought for a while, and it was really like Jiang Qi said. If it is really organized, there is no need to talk so much to himself.

"Thank you anyway."

Dagu took the manuscript, sat down on the chair again, and started writing the report again.


Looked at Dagu and looked at the clock. It was already half past two. How could this guy be more spiritual than himself?

But Jiang Qi still didn't care much, although it was very uncomfortable.

"Dagu, can you tell the story of your childhood?"

Looking at the night sky outside the window, it was so beautiful, Jiang Qi thought of her past and suddenly asked.

"Huh? Why? What do you want to hear?"

Dagu only heard Jiang Qi calling himself, but he didn't understand what Jiang Qi asked him to do, so he couldn't help repeating the question.

"I think Dagu's childhood should be very happy, right?"

Jiang Qi was lying at the window without looking back, and his voice was soft.

"of course."

Daku heard Jiang Qi ’s words, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, saying, “I really miss the time when I was a child. I carefree every day and play with my friends. Sometimes I have conflicts, and I ’m reconciled after an hour. Now. "

For the first time, Daku slowly lowered his pen and said with a nostalgic face: "At that time, I had the best relationship with Asuka. Every day, a few of us returned home from school. The first thing we did was go to my uncle's house. , Watching the latest "Ultraman", the three of us are together, eating curry and watching TV. Every time I watch Ultraman **** the monster's fart, I am particularly excited. "

"Sounds great."

Jiang Qi listened to Dagu's words ~ www.readwn.com ~ showed a smile and felt similar to his own, except that he was more studying, not parents forcing himself to take tutoring, but going spontaneously. Tuition.

Because it is difficult at home, school is also very reluctant. Jiang Qi is very distressed every time he sees his parents so tired and has to send himself to school, so Jiang Qi does not want to let his parents ’efforts go to waste.

At that time, Jiang Qi knew that his only way out was to study. Only by studying, could he stand out, run his parents, and live a good life.

Therefore, Jiang Qi is more about making money on his own, and then all that money is used for learning, so Jiang Qi becomes the only one who has passed Gaoyang University.

(Some of the above information is checked, for example, the part of the Soviet Union, some were made up blindly, coughing, I believed it myself. Haha, I am fairly confident in chemistry, although I am a liberal arts student ... do n’t care about these details !!!)

(The concept of Goyang University is equivalent to 985, a total of 20, and Goyang ranks 11. The amount, whatever you want, you are willing to rank first or penultimate. It is arbitrary, anyway, it does not interfere with the plot.) 19

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