Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 417: New adventure (7)

(Sorry, something went wrong yesterday, and the chapter name was wrong.)

The flaming Jiaoyang adds a touch of color to the sunny day.

In the afternoon of a sunny day, the summer sun flows like a water-like note, and it wets the different charming sadness.

The sunshine is mild in April and the grass smells in the air,

Parthenocissus climbs on the thick walls,

Birds hovered between floors,

The streets are as noisy as ever.


"How about the ancients?"

Jiang Qi looked at Dagu's mother blankly, didn't she say she would go together? I still want to see Asuka and my dream.

Why did he become a big noon as soon as he opened his eyes?

"He thought you slept so well that he didn't bother you."

When Da Gu ’s mother saw Jiang Qi, she could n’t help but smiled and said, “If you want to go, I ’ll call him and let him pick you up.”

"no need……"

Jiang Qi helplessly supported his forehead. He is not a person who does not understand his face. There is no need to insert it directly. In this case, no matter what others think, he will be embarrassed.


Da Gu's mother saw Jiang Qi like this, and she smiled helplessly. Anyway, Jiang Qi was just a small child in her eyes, similar to Da Gu.

"However, Auntie, do you know what Dagu does?"

After a while, Jiang Qi couldn't bear the atmosphere of silence, and said, "He's an amazing profession."

"Really? But I never cared."

Dagu ’s mother wiped the table, paused, and said, “Although the child has to work late every day, but I can understand that this child is like this, there is no bad heart, no matter what is done, do everything Do your best. "

"I know this……"

Jiang Qi couldn't help but think of Dagu's performance in the special drama. Without talking about Dagu's mother, Jiang Qi could naturally judge.

While getting the power of light, he was not deceived, but used it to protect the world and to do the right thing. It has to be said that it really tests people's hearts.

Because many times, people's hearts cannot stand the test. Jiang Qi remembers a movie he saw. The male accidentally gained the power to be invisible. At first, he did nothing, but for the first time, he used this power to steal After a little money, I tasted the sweetness, I couldn't control myself, and I used my own strength to do bad things every time.

Kill, kill all those who know his abilities, and kill the girl next door.

Of course, the man died in the end and was burned to death.

Although this is a movie, it gave Jiang Qi a ringing bell. Not everyone can refuse temptation, not all people, so Dagu is just like himself, an ordinary human being can do this, He really admired him.

"Maybe he is a very powerful person."

Jiang Qi sits on the floor, um, the Japanese always kneel on it, but Jiang Qi does n’t like it, so she just sits, and Dagu ’s mother does n’t say anything because she knows that Jiang Qi is not Japanese, so do n’t Do more requirements.

"So, where is Xiao Jiang's home? Is it Jilin, Beijing, or Shanghai?"

Dagu's mother was so busy with her work that she took a break and asked.


Jiang Qi was a little dazed to listen to these few names that had not been heard before. Where and where were these?


Jiang Qi doesn't know what China has in this world. He can only choose one from the words of Dagu's mother.


Dagu's mother nodded and said, "Well, the capital, no wonder it can cultivate such excellent talents."

"you flatter me."

Jiang Qi was a little embarrassed to hear this praise.

"Boom boom ..."

Suddenly, the door was knocked, and Dagu's mother turned and said, "Wait a moment."

Then he walked over and opened the door. Jiang Qi, holding a glass in his hand, watched the man appearing at the door.


Suddenly, Jiang Qi spouted out the water, and the cup fell to the ground.

"Cough ..."

Because Jiang Qi was too excited, the water choked into his nostrils, and Jiang Qi coughed several times before coughing out.

"Are you all right?"

Dagu's mother immediately ran over and raised Jiang Qi, asking nervously.

"No ... nothing ... cough ..."

Jiang Qi walked towards the door while waving his hand, then grabbed the man's clothes at the door and ran straight away.


The man was stunned for a moment, but he was dragged away by Jiang Qi before he could react, and Dagu's mother looked at the back of the two of them unclearly.


Jiang Qi dragged the man to no one's corner before stopping.

"How did you come?"

Jiang Qi looked at the man, his mouth twitched twice, and asked, "Is the old man let you come?"

"Cough ..."

The man couldn't help but coughed twice, looked at Jiang Qi, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Me? You don't know?"

Jiang Qi narrowed his eyes and looked at the man, saying, "I'm Cylo."

"Huh? I don't know."

The man looked at Jiang Qi in a daze, making Jiang Qi a little hot.

"Oh, old guy, if you don't know, you won't know."

After talking, Jiang Qi turned around and was about to leave, but he was suddenly caught by the man.


Jiang Qi squinted at the man, looked at him with some caution, and said, "I don't know you."

"How do you feel familiar with me in your words?"

The man smiled. He didn't feel angry about Jiang Qi's little family, but felt that Jiang Qi had a child's wayward attitude towards his father.

"... You really don't know me?"

After a long while, Jiang Qi looked at the man and asked without thinking.

"Of course, never seen it."

The man nodded confidently, but he still said: "I have a good impression on you now, you can get acquainted, my name is the Star Cluster."


Jiang Qi silently looked at the hands extended by the star clusters, instead of reaching out, but looked at the star clusters and said, "Then, do you know other people, such as Xiangxiu Shu, such as the Big Dipper Division ..."

"Of course I know. We are old friends."

The star clusters looked at Jiang Qi with interest and said, "How do you all know? Did you, a young man, have investigated some of our old men?"

"... not an investigation ..."

But I knew that ...

Jiang Qi didn't say the last half of the sentence, but directly apologized to the star clusters and said, "I'm sorry, I was rash."

"it's nothing."

The Star Cluster has a good impression on this person, especially when I feel that Jiang Qi has a familiar feeling, like, for example, his long-lost relatives make the Star Cluster want to know this teenager.

Do n’t look at the star clusters and Annu have been together for more than thirty years, but they have no children, so I dream of them as their own children.

"It's better to come and see me, I can cook for you."

The Star Cluster said to Jiang Qi, while sending out his invitation, he and Annu had no special economic strength, so the two just opened a cake shop and made some special cakes.

"No, didn't you have any trouble finding Dagu's mother?"

Jiang Qi smiled, and politely refused the invitation of the Star Cluster, and the Star Cluster also smiled, saying: "I'm fine, but just congratulations to Dagu's mother and her child on the newspaper."

As the stars spoke, they took out the newspaper and handed it to Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi froze a little, took the newspaper, and glanced at the content above.

"The new model that dominates the next century."

The above briefly describes Dagu's life experience, and then writes some of Dagu's general plans, as well as the two advancement modes proposed by Jiang Qi.

What surprised Jiang Qi most was that Dagu had not yet given up on the plan of the spaceship of light.

Jiang Qi couldn't help laughing. Even if the engine of the speed of light ship can be made, can the crew really adapt to the overweight of the speed of light?

In Jiang Qi ’s original world, it seems that the fastest spacecraft is the Russian RIG-310, which can reach 5% of the speed of light. However, no one can adapt to that kind of overweight. Could be scrap iron.

"How? Do you feel that Dagu is very powerful?"

The star clusters looked at Jiang Qi with a smile of relief on their faces, and said, "These children, when they grow up, also feel very relieved as the old men who watched them grow up."

"But I always feel you are strict."

Jiang Qi recalled that when he first met, the star clusters treated himself severely, always feeling that he always put on that kind of face in reality, a boring person.

However, just observed in Jiang Qi that the star clusters are also very gentle, he also likes to laugh, so why ...

"Oh? I feel okay?"

The Star Cluster is a bit unexpected. He has always been kind. How can he be a severe person? Why does this child always say something inexplicable?

"Okay, I get it now……"

Jiang Qi nodded dumbly. He inferred that it is very likely that the Seven is the Seven, not the stars.

"Then where are you going?"

The star clusters have never been nagging people, but when he saw Jiang Qi, he really wanted to know Jiang Qi, not knowing the reason.


Jiang Qi nodded after seeing the star clusters for a while. Since that's the case, he should go and see. Anyway, he's fine.

If the star clusters talk to him in Saiwen's tone, Jiang Qi will not go anyway, but in the face of the star clusters like a different person, Jiang Qi does not want to refuse much.


At a KTV in Japan, Lina sings tenderly with a microphone in her hand: "风 が 运 ぶ 风铃 の 音 に 振 り 回 れ ば 夏 空

白 い シ ャ ツ の 少年 が い た ヒ マ ワ リ の 小路 (こ み ち)

君 は 何处 へ 消 え た の ち ょ っ と 待 っ て て と 言 っ た き り

わ た し 何处 を 见 て た の 炫 し い 方 ば か り

花 の よ う に 风 の よ う に い つ ま で も 胸 に あ る よ

戻 れ る な ら 戻 れ る な ら 阳 炎 の ​​あ の 日

夏 を 送 る 线香 花火 ふ い に 肩 を 抱 か れ て

切 な す ぎ る 优 し い キ ス さ よ な ら の か わ り

Lip を か み し め て う つ む い た ま ま 歩 い た

君 の 涙 の Reason (わ け) を ま だ 知 る 由 も な く …… "

Lina's voice is very soft, giving a kind of soft breeze like the early spring, but can shake her own heartstrings.

You know, Lina rarely sings, and even Daku can hardly hear it, so Daku and others listened very carefully.

"Pappa ..."

When Lina finished singing a song, there was a round of applause, but when Lina was a little embarrassed.

"Sings very well. Not worse than Asuka."

I dreamed while talking, patting the shoulders of Asuka. I thought when they went to college together, Asuka especially liked to sing, and the songs they sang were also very nice. Aliang also had a good opinion of Asuka because of this.

Even, Lina thought that Asuka would become a singer later.

"Hahaha ..."

In this regard, Asuka only laughed. He hasn't sung for a long time, one is because the team is busy, the other is to accompany Aliang ... busy.

"You're almost done."

Dagu clapped his hands and said to everyone: “Let ’s go to Uncle Wada ’s house and think that we always go to Uncle Wada ’s house after school.”

"That's because Uncle Wada has a TV."

Asuka began to wear a coat, and said with nostalgia: "Every day after school, we ran to Uncle Wada's home and watched" Altman ". I really miss it."

"Do n’t forget, we ate faster than anyone else, and you always lost to me."

My dream suddenly got close to Asuka and said provocatively.

"Are you sorry to say?"

Asuka looked at my dream with disgust, and said, "I remember I just went to get some water. After I came back, I had more than half of the food. Who's credit?"

"That seems to be me."

Dagu suddenly raised his hand and said weakly.


Asuka looked at Dagu incredulously. Dagu was the most honest among them, and the two of them were the most naughty. At that time, Uncle Beidou worried that they would bully Dagu and told them to respect Big Brother. , So sometimes they both listen to Dagu's words.

did not expect! ! !

"Pooh ... haha ​​..."

I couldn't help laughing, I patted my dream on the shoulder, and then gave thumbs up to Dagu.

"Well, I didn't take medicine at that time. I dreamed that you ate so fast, as if you were hungry, so I gave you mine."

Dagu scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "No wonder your stomach is so big that day."


Asuka turned his head expressionlessly, looking at my dream of smiling Zhenghuan, and said murderously: "It was you who made it ..."

"Well, you listen to me explain, Asuka, ah-it hurts ... don't ..."

"These two ..."

Dagu looked at the two of them with laughter and laughter ~ www.readwn.com ~ I didn't expect that my nature hadn't changed, and I was still so noisy.

"I still have something to do. Wait a minute before you go to your father's house."

Lina intimately sorted out the collar for Dagu and said.

"Well, pay attention to safety."

Dagu smiled, grabbed Lina's hand, and looked at Lina tenderly.

"rest assured."

Lina said with a smile.

"Yoyo ..."

Asuka and I dreamed of seeing this scene, and strongly condemned the two show loving ones.

(Song title: "花 の よ う に", an older song. I've heard it before, and I think it's not bad. You can search if you like it.)

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