Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 418: New Adventure (8)

The weather is still so clear, the sky is like a piece of blue paper, and a few thin white clouds, like the sun, are floating slowly in the wind.

Dagu and others walked toward Wada's house while talking about their childhood stories.

Let ’s say that Wada ’s home is very close. You can walk to it in just over ten minutes. Even with her, their uncle ’s home is very close.

However, the most familiar one is Lu Dagu, and as for the reason, it goes without saying.

"Boom boom ..."

Dagu and others knocked on the door of Wada's house. Wada's house is relatively simple, just like Wada's person, just as simple and simple.


It was an old man with white hair who opened the door. When he opened the door, he saw that Dagu and others could not help but laughed and said, "Are you all here?"

"Yeah uncle."

I came to my dream with a smile, and said: "Asuka can't wait to eat your cooking."

"It sounds like you don't want to eat."

Asuka suddenly looked contemptuous, looking at my dream.

"Haha, well, you can all eat."

Wada was very happy to invite some children into the house.

Wada is better than others, he also has Lina, but in comparison, Wada prefers these naughty boys because these stink boys are more like their childhood.

"excuse me."

Dagu politely took off his shoes and entered the house, but was interrupted by the ridiculous face of Wada.

"You don't need to say this? Don't bother once or twice."

Asuka smiled and dreamed about me next to me, and as a result, my dream shouted: "It hurts ..."

"Are you too weak?"

Asuka looked at this guy with tears and laughs, and went out every day, at least three places to run in a month, just this kind of physique?

"Do you think you are like you?"

I dreamt of rubbing my arms, sucking in the air, looking at Asuka and saying, "Four limbs are developed ..."


Asuka narrowed her eyes, looked at my dream with a smile, and said, "Why don't you continue?"

"I don't want to say ..."

In my dream, I quietly evaded the flying bird and hid beside Wada. When the flying bird tried to chase it, it was suddenly stopped by Daku.

I saw Dagu said: "Don't make a fuss, let's chat with Uncle Wada here!"

"Okay, let your kid go first!"

Asuka looked at my dream fiercely, warned me with her eyes, and my dream was not weak. She spit out her tongue at Asuka, like you look like me.

These two boys.

How could the secret conversation between the two of them escape the eyes of Wada and Dagu, but the two of them were used to it, and they just laughed at it.


At the same time, Jiang Qi faced a situation similar to that of Dagu and others in the homes of the Star Cluster. A row of cakes were placed in front of him, many of which Jiang Qi had never seen before.

"Eat it."

Annu didn't know where he came from. He held the last cake in his hand and placed it next to Jiang Qi. He said: "Try it first. Say whatever you like, and then I will make it."

"no need……"

Jiang Qi hurriedly waved his hand, looking at the cake on a table, so Jiang Qi couldn't help but secretly vomit, which almost contained his next meal.

"Eat ..."

The star clusters came over at this time and patted Jiang Qi on the shoulder and said, "Our cake is delicious."

"Really, thank you very much."

Jiang Qi smiled slightly, then picked up the fork, made a little "cheese cake" in front of him, and put it in his mouth to eat.

"Well, not bad."

Jiang Qi's eyes lightened slightly, looking at the cheesecake in front of her, and said, "Sweet, with fine granulated sugar, and a little milk ..."

Closing his eyes, Jiang Qi pondered slowly, murmured: "In addition to the necessary ingredients, a little butter, rum, lemon juice ... the last thing is ... egg?"

After talking, Jiang Qi opened his eyes and looked at the couple in the Star Cluster with interrogative eyes and asked, "Are you right?"

"Well, completely correct."

The Star Cluster did not expect that Jiang Qi could only know what raw materials he had put in with just a tasting, and he was very surprised.

"How do you know?"

Annu also looked at Jiang Qi very strangely and asked.

Be aware that many of the same cakes and different cake shops have different practices. Some are made with homemade spices and some are made with more ingredients.

The cakes of the Star Cluster are especially delicious because of the rum and eggs.

"Hey, nothing."

Jiang Qi scratched his head, revealing a little shyness, and said to the star clusters: "I actually made this cake, it's just like the taste I made, so I spoke boldly, I don't know if it's right . "

"Very powerful ah."

Annu looked at Jiang Qi and said with great pleasure: "Few men like to cook and eat."

The meaning seems to mean something, and the star clusters also heard something in Annu's words, turned their heads and said: "I'm just embarrassed to grab your things to do."

"Then I want to say thank you?"

Annu rolled her eyes and was very dissatisfied with the attitude of the Star Cluster "for your own sake".


Jiang Qi bit her fork, looked at the star clusters, and then looked at An Nu. Jiang Qi's expression is rarely seen by Jiang Qi. Is it because of An Nu?

"Okay, just about."

It seemed to feel that Jiang Qi was looking at them both, and the star clusters also gathered their smiles and said to Jiang Qi: "Try the European cake I made, this is my special cake, not like someone. As said, do nothing. "


Jiang Qi is really not interested in the kind of competition between the star clusters and An Nu, but there is still so much curiosity.

However, now that the Star Cluster and Annu are not showing anything unusual, Jiang Qi does not care, but tastes a little mousse cake, and the Star Cluster looks at Jiang Qi nervously.

It is very strange that the star clusters and Annu both want to express themselves in front of Jiang Qi seconds. I don't know why, there is no reason.


Jiang Qi closed her eyes and felt a slight bitterness in her mouth, but with a bit of sweetness, the two flavors mixed together to form a unique and distinct feeling.


Jiang Qi opened his eyes, looked at the mousse cake, and said, "Put a little milk, light cream, and a little sugar, and finally ..."

Jiang Qi was a little uncertain and ate a little more cake before saying, "Should it be corn oil? Sorry, I rarely use this oil, I'm not sure."

Looking at Jiang Qi's smiling face, the star clusters and An Nu looked at each other, and then said to Jiang Qi: "Child, do you want to be a cakemaker here? I feel you are very talented."


Jiang Qi raised his head, looked at the star clusters, and said, "But I'm sorry, I will leave here soon, so I still don't work as a cakemaker. Thanks for the invitation."

"Leave ... return home?"

The star clusters froze for a moment, then looked at Jiang Qi and asked, "How come suddenly ..."

"It's not sudden, it should have gone back ..."

Jiang Qi tapped the cake in front of him with a fork, and said, "I have been going home for a long time outside."


The star clusters nodded, looked at Jiang Qi's eyes, and were a little satisfied, so value their own home, Xiang must also be a filial child!

Then the star clusters said, "Can you leave an address? Maybe I will check it out."

"No need ..."

Jiang Qi immediately refused, looking at the unexpected expressions of the star clusters, Jiang Qi hesitated for a moment before saying: "You may not find where I went, so I don't need it anymore."


"It's nothing."

Jiang Qi immediately interrupted the words of the star clusters and said, "There is a saying in China called why we met each other when we met, and we often say that there are no feasts in the world."


The star clusters froze for a while before he nodded. He looked at Jiang Qi, and he always felt that Jiang Qi had other reasons. This was not because of any evidence, but intuition.

"Okay, I have other cakes to try."

Jiang Qi said, picked up the fork, and began to taste again, under the watchful eyes of the couple of stars.


"Actually, the biggest problem in the wild is water. We can find the fruits of plants to replenish the proper moisture, including the roots of the plants. We can make use of the parallel imports or mineral water bottles to make simple filters."

I dreamt to sit on the table, holding a cup of Wada tea, and said: "Just put the cloth, sand, fine sand cloth on the bottle and put the water to be filtered in the filter. . Filters can be used to filter simple water quality. In addition, rainwater can sometimes be drunk directly to avoid dehydration. "

"Listening to your words seems to have suffered a lot."

Wada looked at my dream pitifully. What environmental protection organization I dreamed of participating in was only 20 years old. It was the youngest of them.

Moreover, the development prospects are not as good as Dagu and Asuka. It goes without saying that Dagu has developed a new rocket propulsion model. As long as one of the three models he proposes is established, he will not worry about money throughout his life.

As a world-renowned baseball player, Asuka has no worries about food and clothing, even if he retires in the future.

But what about my dream? Whether he invested more time or labor, he had more than Dagu, but his salary was less than one-tenth of them. Even if I couldn't do it in the future, what could be left?

But my dream also understands this kind of truth, but my dream likes that feeling very much, the feeling of being intimate with nature, he can feel nature's breath, heartbeat, let him know that nature is alive.

"It's hard to get used to this kind of thing."

When I dreamed of taking over work, I was prepared for this, just like people who like to survive in the wilderness, if they are afraid of suffering, don't come.

"Oh, how do you rest?"

Dagu knows that my dream job is full of uncertainty, and sometimes it is too late to bring tent food and water.

"Well, this problem was very hard at first, because humans do not have thick fur like animals, so we have to find a space suitable for our temporary sleep in the wild."

I changed my posture one by one, and while moving my fingers, I said, "In areas such as deserts or polar regions where the climate and conditions are extremely bad, tents and sleeping bags are indispensable. If you are prepared and inspected, It is best to be able to use local materials smoothly. You can create a shelter that can prevent sun exposure and wind and sand. For example, in the desert, you can use camels to block a lot of sand and let the camels surround the tent to resist sandstorms. Cars and other critical times can also be used to avoid body, don't let any resources available. "

I stopped in a dream and took a sip of water before continuing: "If you are in a mountainous area, you can find a small cave, which is blocked with stones during rest."

"It's really hard for you."

After Asuka listened to my dream, I realized that I underestimated the hard work of my dream. This requires not only physical exertion, but also patience. If Asuka himself came, I am afraid that he would have run away early.

"Are many people leaving?"

As soon as Asuka thought of it, he suddenly asked, in fact, Asuka had already taken an answer to this question.

"Of course, there are many."

Sure enough, my dream also confirmed the answer in Asuka's heart, saying: "Anyway, here we are, only 17 people persevered. I thought there were more than one hundred people with us ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wow, I dream You are really good. "

Even Dagu had to sigh, the perseverance of my dream, like him, the most patient of them.


I was used to that kind of life in my dreams. Now Dagu and theirs are like this, but they make me dream a little unaccustomed.

"What are you talking about?"

Fuji Akiko came back from the outside and saw that Hayada and others were stunned. When they saw Asuka, they came over in surprise and said, "Are you all back?"

"Well! Aunt Qiuzi!"

Asuka gave Qiu Zi a bright smile and said, "Sure enough, Aunt Qiu Zi hasn't changed."

"Just what you will say!"

Qiu Zi smiled at Asuka and looked at me dreaming, saying, "You are thin ... dark."

"Hey, okay."

I scratched my head in dreams, it's better to avoid such things as turning black.

"What are you doing?"

Wada turned around and looked at Akiko and said, "Why have you been here for so long?"

"Oh, there's a mirage outside."

Qiu Zi put down the dishes in his hand and said, "It's really strange, we have a mirage for the first time here."


Daku frowned, if he remembered correctly, they wouldn't have a mirage here, how could ...

"Go and see ..."

It was my dream to say this. He took a step ahead of the ancients and said: "This kind of weather, there should be no mirages here."


Daku looked at me dreaming, the two looked at each other, and both saw suspicion from each other's eyes, and nodded.

"Hey Hey hey……"

Asuka looked at the two people from left to right. They seemed to have reached an agreement ...

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