"What is that? Mirage?"

The star clusters looked at the dark shadow that suddenly appeared in the sky and said something strange.


Jiang Qi turned to look at the news, and he was shocked.

I saw that something like black gas appeared in the sky, like a mirror, reflecting the city on the ground, so that they could see the city.


Jiang Qi didn't speak. The sudden appearance of the sky made him feel a trace of anomaly for no reason, so Jiang Qi said: "I still have something to do, so don't disturb ..."

Jiang Qi said a polite smile to the couple in the Star Cluster, and then quickly left.

"Child, haven't finished eating yet ..."

The star clusters just called Jiang Qi's name, but Jiang Qi didn't respond, but ran faster, which made the star clusters look at Annu next to him strangely.

"Okay, children have children, don't care."

Annu smiled and said to the star clusters: "Moreover, we don't have nothing at all, do we?"

"Oh, right!"

When the eyes of the star clusters light up, they think of something. They look at Annu and say, "Let's go first."



When the Big Dipper and his wife came, they were basically all there, except for the couple in the Star Cluster.

"All of you are so early."

The Big Dipper can't help but sigh this sentence, originally thought he was early enough.

"Uncle Beidou!"

At this time, Asuka suddenly jumped out and made a surprise look, looking at the Big Dipper Division.

"Oh! Asuka!"

The Big Dipper looked at the flying bird suddenly, and was startled. Then he took a good look at the bird and laughed, and said, "Good boy, I have grown a lot."

"Hehe, did you become handsome?"

As the bird dazzled, he looked at the Big Dipper Division. The Big Dipper Division actually had a very good relationship with Asuka. It was also because the Big Dipper Division was similar to Asuka when he was young. Well, it is still not as naughty as Flying Bird.


My dream stood out properly, and the Big Dipper stared at my dream, and nodded heavily. The temperament of my dream has been completely tempered. Even a person like the Big Dipper can only nod. .

"I dream, I lost a lot."

At this time, Nan Xizi saw my dream and stood up with some distress.

"It is okay……"

I dreamed of scratching my head awkwardly. Why didn't he think he was thin? On the contrary, these uncles felt that they were thin.

"Have you not eaten good food for so long outside?"

Nan Xizi asked, feeling distressed.

"Sometimes there is nothing to eat."

I dreamed of touching my head embarrassedly. However, after noticing the expressions of other uncles, I quickly said: "The problem of eating is inevitable. If the food is dry, we have to find it selectively. Edible animals and plants. In most cases, we can use edible plants, animals, or the roots and even leaves of plants to temporarily maintain the energy needs of the body. Among them, the storage of fire and salt is particularly important, cooked food is conducive to digestion and not easy to contract diseases , The lack of salt will cause various discomfort symptoms. "

"Okay, this kid is absolutely fine ..."

Asuka didn't know where it came from, hooked my dream's neck, and said, "He's absolutely impossible to be defeated by this kind of thing."

"As much as you know."

Nan Xizi gave the bird a white glance, but it was all a show of affection, and the bird was used to it.

"Why is Uncle Tuan not coming yet?"

After waiting for a while, I haven't waited for the star clusters. I dreamed and others hesitated and asked: "Is there anything wrong with the uncles of the stars?"

"I'll make a call."

Wada took a look at the crowd and prepared to make a phone call, because the stars are very easy-going, but he has strict requirements for himself, and it is generally impossible to be late.

"I'm coming."

At this time, the Star Cluster suddenly opened the door and came in. When the Star Cluster couple walked in, they saw the people who had come long ago, smiled, and said, "Wait for a long time?"

"Did something happen?"

When he saw the star clusters, Wada still breathed a sigh of relief, but he continued to ask: "The first time I saw you late."

"A little thing ..."

The star clusters smiled for a while, then said to the others: "Let's start?"


Others were about to nod, and Asuka suddenly came together and smiled at the Star Cluster: "Remember me? Uncle Star Cluster?"

"You stupid boy."

The star clusters looked at the flying bird, crying and laughing, and gave the flying bird a grin.

"Haha ..."

I couldn't help but laugh out of my dreams. This flying bird has been skinning in front of him. Is this all right?


Asuka also looked at the star clusters a little wrongly, and I laughed at him in my dreams, which made him very ignorant.

"I dream, come here."

The star clusters saw my dream, nodded, and let my dream come over.

"You worked hard."

This is a conversation between men, no need to say more, and my dream has the best comfort.

"I'll cheer on, uncles of various star clusters."

I nodded dreamily, and then quickly invited the star clusters.

"Dagu, you are doing pretty well."

When I saw Dagu, the star clusters also said this to Dagu. Do n’t look at Dagu ’s physical labor, but the degree of hard work is definitely higher than that of the other two.

Because there are several old-school aerospace authorities in Japan, they do not agree with Dagu ’s new propulsion model. If other young blood powers are out of the question, I am afraid Dagu will not be successful.

Even if it has already entered the plan, Dagu can't have any relaxation, who knows what those authority figures will do.

"Thank you, Uncle Star Cluster."

Dagu nodded with a smile, he had gone through so much hard work, and reached such a step that he would never give up.

Of course, the people who are more grateful in Dagu ’s heart are Jiang Qi. Three propulsion models, two of which were proposed by Jiang Qi, which is why Dagu has not filled in his name on the patent application. In Gu's heart, these belong to Jiang Qi.

"Okay, let's start ..."

Wada saw that the story was almost over, so he slapped and said.


If you meet strange people on the street, even if you don't say anything on the surface, 80% of you will whisper in your heart: "Neuropathy."

Now Jiang Qi is a neuropathy in the eyes of others, because Jiang Qi has been running on the street all the time, and the speed is very fast. If it is just running, it's nothing.

However, Jiang Qi was running while looking at the mirage of the city. It looked like he wanted to chase the mirage of Shanghai.

"Neuropathy ..."

Some people noticed this and judged that Jiang Qi's 80% was a bun from the countryside, and he hadn't even seen it in a mirage.

However, this is just to talk about it in your heart. It is a truth that everyone understands.

"What is heaven?"

Jiang Qi doesn't care what those people think, even if they know it? It might as well solve the battle as soon as possible.

However, it is easy to say, Jiang Qi has no clue, what is that thing?

The mirage suddenly appeared in the sky, let Jiang Qi see a little hope, because Jiang Qi can feel the fluctuation of energy. After fighting for so long, Jiang Qi himself can judge the good and evil of this energy. There is no doubt that this energy is malicious. .

"Volt ..."

At this time, the mirage in the sky suddenly disappeared. No, it has not disappeared. I saw the mirage suddenly shrunk to a point. It was invisible from people's perspective, but I thought the mirage disappeared.

However, Jiang Qi could see that it turned into a black dot the size of a soybean, and then the black dot gradually expanded, gradually forming a vortex of the size of a football.

Of course, in their view, the vortex of football size is actually about 100 meters large, enough for one monster to pass, and even two bad beasts can fall down side by side.

This is not impossible, Jiang Qi can feel that there is a hint of danger on the other side of the vortex.

This kind of feeling was only the last time I played against Beria. Of course, I feel worse than Beria.

"What it is?"

"It's pretty."

"Mobile phone! Hurry up and take pictures, maybe you can make headlines."

In a world that has not experienced monster disasters, it can only be said that it is too optimistic. In the crowd, 70% of the people take photos with their mobile phones?

Only then one or two felt something was wrong and went away first. If it is the world of Mengbiyousi, we can guarantee that we can run out of tricks and even no casualties.

Jiang Qi didn't know what to say about this. In Jiang Qi's world, there were always trampling accidents during evacuation and emotional self-mutilation.

The topic is far away, no matter what, one world is one way, Jiang Qi will not shout silly, let them evacuate, and the like.

Jiang Qi, who once touched a gray nose, also knew that no one would feel pain without the facts before him.

Therefore, Jiang Qi immediately ran to a corner, and no one was staring at the black hole, as long as the vortex was slightly different, Jiang Qi would be completely transformed.

Of course, the vortex also gave Jiang Qi a face, not even a minute, a huge black shadow suddenly jumped out of the vortex.

"Ao ..."


In the roar of the monster, the monster crashed to the ground. Those who were shocked by the vision of the eyes, at the beginning, even forgot to escape. They did not react until the monster roared at them again. Two legs.


"Monster !!!"

They never imagined that the monsters in the animation that I saw as a child actually appeared!


"... Run ..."

Listening to the faint screams from outside, the star clusters and others looked at each other, and it felt strange since the inexplicable earthquake just started.

"Go out and see!"

This is what everyone feels the same. Without any hesitation, they all went out.

As soon as they opened the door, they were almost squeezed back by the escapee outside the door.

"what is that?"

At this time, my dream pointed to the side and screamed. The star clusters and others turned their heads to look over and saw a giant reptile walking towards them.

"What it is?"

More than forty meters of monsters appeared, and ordinary people have already started to escape, but the hearts of the stars and others are very calm.

"Kesra ..."

This monster flying bird and others know it, because this monster used to be a cartoon that accompanies their childhood, a supporting character in Ultraman. Of course, it can be called out after so long, it is already amazing, Jiang Qi can't do it.


The Big Dipper stared at Kesler tightly and repeated an incredulous sentence: "Why?"

"Let's run quickly!"

Daku quickly said to several others: "Otherwise it will be too late."


At this point, no one else had any objections. While preparing to escape, the star clusters suddenly stopped, so that others could not help but look at the star clusters.

"what happened?"

Looking at the strange performance of the star clusters, Wada couldn't help but ask, "Hurry and leave here."

However, the star clusters did not speak, and slowly turned their heads to look in the direction of the monster.

As if to confirm the gaze of the star clusters, in front of the monster, a light blocked the monster.


Dagu looked at the sudden light ~ www.readwn.com ~ in shock, as if he had seen it ...

"this is……"

The sudden light caused people to stop their gaze. Humans are very strange animals. They look forward to miracles and create miracles.

"Volt ..."

As the light disappeared, a red and blue giant appeared in front of their eyes. This giant made everyone's eyes widen.

This form, this way of playing, is clearly like the cartoon they watched in their childhood, the popular "Ultraman".

"Ultraman ?????"

The most incredible thing is the flying bird. When he was a sophomore, he especially liked to imitate.

"Ultraman ..."

My dream is also an expression with Asuka. The three of them, including Dagu, used to be called the "Three Musketeers", turned into Ultraman, and maintained the peace of the community. Although it sounds second, but ... it is indeed second.


Dagu didn't say a word, staring at the giant that appeared, did this imply anything?

The same is true for Wada and others. Altman, this kind of TV-dependent existence has even appeared?


The star clusters touched their chests and a name was spit out unconsciously. This Ultraman gave him a very familiar feeling, and there was also a feeling of hating iron.

How could he have this idea?

The star clusters were also taken aback by their own ideas, but this is not an illusion, but a real existence.

Have you seen this Ultraman yourself?

Such doubts appeared in the hearts of the star clusters. Of course, the strangeness of the star clusters was also seen by other people.

(Maybe some people say that I didn't write this kind of cerro, that kind of arrogant cerro, but the thing I like more mature, he has become more mature in major events.) 8

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