Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 421: New Adventure (11)

Has a disaster happened, or a disaster that humans have never encountered before, monster! And even Ultraman appeared on the TV. Although the crisis was resolved, it also attracted the attention of the United Nations.

It is said that on the same day, many employees of Yuangu Company were checked with water meters, and Shinichi Ooka, the current president of Yuangu Company, was also invited to drink tea.

Of course, these are unknown to outsiders. Although the emergence of Ultraman has made Yuangu Company fire again, it is not enough to make people pay attention. What they really pay attention to is what to do if monsters will appear ?

After the monster attack, Dagu and others went to the homes of the Star Cluster. As for why they went, it was because the Star Cluster invited them to go together.

"How do you look at me like this?"

However, when they arrived at the homes of the Star Cluster, all of them did the same thing.



All the people did not speak, and looked at Jiang Qi together, with curiosity revealed in their eyes, especially Dagu.

"Are you really Ultraman?"

Daku looked at Jiang Qi carefully, and hesitated.


Jiang Qi rolled his eyes silently, and after a long time they even struggled with this issue.

"What evidence?"

Asuka obviously was very distrustful. He looked at Jiang Qi carefully and said, "My childhood hero is not so weak."


This statement of Asuka obviously made everyone agree. Although they did not speak, Jiang Qi could feel it.

"My Transformer, Ultimate Bracelet"

No way, Jiang Qi revealed the Palagie's shield, and said to them: "When I turned into Siro, there was such a thing on my wrist."


Asuka carefully looked at Jiang Qi's Palagie's shield, then took out his phone and searched.

From this point, Asuka is still very smart, because he knows that after the appearance of Ultraman, there will definitely be a lot of people taking pictures and then uploading them.

Asuka ’s judgment was correct. When he took out his mobile phone and searched, Altman ’s news had been swiped. Various photos of Jiang Qi were taken and posted.

"really have!!"

Asuka was really surprised this time, and even grabbed Jiang Qi's hand and carefully looked at it, and found that it was not bad at all. The only difference was probably the size ratio.

"Are you really Ultraman?"

My dream widened my eyes, looked at Jiang Qi in a circle, and said in disbelief.

"What's the benefit of lying to you?"

Jiang Qi was a little tired, and quickly found a place to sit down. As the heart beat, Jiang Qi said haha.

"Ultraman, really exists?"

The Big Dipper froze for a long while before saying a word.

"Who knows?"

Jiang Qi shrugged his shoulders and said to the Big Dipper Division: "This world certainly does not exist."

"this world?"

Xiangxiu looked at Jiang Qi suspiciously, repeated, and asked, "Aren't you a person in this world?"

"You should have heard of the parallel universe?"

Jiang Qi was too lazy to explain that the concept of parallel universe should be clear to many people, so Jiang Qi directly said: "I am a guest of one of the n universes."

"Parallel universe? Does the parallel universe really exist?"

What Jiang Qi said, even without subversive cognition, gave them a great shock, but compared to Ultraman, the shock of the concept of parallel universe is still a little smaller.

"So, there are many other Ultramans in the parallel universe?"

Asuka suddenly approached, her eyes flashing with excitement, and said, "My childhood hero really exists?"

"Well, if you can go, you can see it."

Jiang Qi nodded, of course, he didn't forget the premise, that is, Can Birds really go?

"Then how did you come?"

After dreaming for a while, I asked, "Actually speaking, should you live in your own universe?"

"A little girl film, got me here"

Jiang Qi mentioned the little girl, so she didn't get angry and said: "She said that there is a crisis in this world. You must find eight warriors to save this world.


Everyone was stunned, remembering the monsters that had appeared, and the vortexes of the sky that had not disappeared. Indeed, the universe was in crisis.

"Who is that little girl?"

All dominance is the little girl who sensed the danger of this world before Jiang Qi came to this world.

"Gaia consciousness, in my opinion, is a scary little girl wearing red shoes everywhere."

Although Jiang Qi knew very little about the little girl, it did not hinder his arrogance.

"Red shoes?"

Dagu was stunned, repeated Jiang Qi's words, and then excitedly said to the others: "I also met that little girl!"


Jiang Qi was not surprised to meet them, but how did Dagu meet the little girl in red shoes?

"it is true!"

Dagu looked at the others excitedly and said, "When I first met Jiang Qi, in a hutong, I saw a girl in red shoes. What she said to me reminded me quickly Kind of words "


Asuka looked at Dagu in surprise, how could he not encounter such a thing? He also wanted such a good thing.

"It seems that I guess nothing wrong."

Jiang Qi clutched her chest, then lowered her hand, and waited until everyone else looked at herself, saying, "Eight warriors, I found seven."

"Are you saying that Dagu is one of them?"

Asuka covered his face, he already knew the ending, and Dagu was also looking at Jiang Qi. Although he didn't care much, he was related to himself and the world after all.

"No, you are wrong"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Qi vetoed Asuka's words, leaving everyone stunned. Only Jiang Qi said: "Everyone here is one of them."



"me too!??"

"real or fake?"

Jiang Qi's remarks aroused the turbulent waves, and the reactions of the seven people were very intense. The first reaction was disbelief.

"I already said that there is no need to lie to you"

Although the ending was expected long ago, why did Jiang Qi feel tired?

"So are some of our bad old men?"

Wada is not particularly surprised by Daku, but for himself, how many old men are they Altman?

"Is such that."

Jiang Qi didn't speak, but Da Gu jumped out himself, but Jiang Qi was taken aback. What did he do?

"I saw it under the guidance of the little girl."

Dagu was a little excited and said incoherently: "Uncle Wada is Ultraman, Uncle All Stars is Seven Altman, Uncle Big Dipper is Ace Altman, and Uncle Shugoki is Jack Altman. Seeing you transformed. "


Dagu said as if it were true, but this is the fact, Jiang Qi can testify, but Jiang Qi is strange, why didn't Dagu say that? What I said to myself at the beginning. That rhythm can be much faster.

However, after all, Dagu experienced a lot. He knew that if he said it directly, he would only be regarded as an intellectual disability, idiot, and no one would believe his words.

But Jiang Qi's assists let him know that what he experienced is true, and others will believe that this is why Dagu is so excited.

"But we"

I dreamed of my hands, how did he believe that he was Ultraman? Just one sentence?

"This is also where I worry"

Ultraman, who can't be transformed, is just an ordinary person. What can an ordinary person help himself?

Jiang Qi slowly let herself lie on the sofa, and her heartbeat was always beating at a very fast speed. Although there were no other symptoms, Jiang Qi felt a sense of crisis.

Think of it?

Jiang Qi suddenly thought of Daku's words. That little girl reminded Daku? In other words, as long as they think of it, will it be okay?

But how can they be remembered?

Just thinking about the impasse, the star clusters suddenly came over and asked, "So when you first saw me, you would behave like that because you know me?"

"do not know"

Seeing this face, I thought of Seven again, and the guy who would be upset as soon as he saw it. When he remembered him, his thoughts were disturbed.

"You look like this, you know it"

The star clusters looked at Jiang Qi. According to Jiang Qi's previous performance, it was too reluctant to say that he didn't know?


Jiang Qi skimmed his mouth, propped up his body, and walked outside.

"Where are you going?"

Seeing the protagonist of the conversation suddenly leave the scene, the others were stunned.

"I'm going out to see the situation. There is not much time left for us."

Jiang Qi turned her head and left them with an inscrutable back, saying: "During this period, I must make sure that you can remember the past."

"What about the rest?"

Dagu looked at Jiang Qi puzzled and asked, "Don't you say there are eight?"

"I will find a way for that person."

The eighth person, really hurt Jiang Qi's brains, is Nexos, the predecessor of Gaia? Or a good-incarnate Gaussian? Still the fastest and strongest, Dongma mung bean coughing, beaten by Beria's two sticks, Dongma fast fight?

"I have to go first"

Dagu is thinking about his friends around him, Jiang Qi said something to them directly and was about to leave.

"Wait, you still stay"

Asuka suddenly worried and uneasy said to Jiang Qi: "It's so strenuous to play a Kailas, and I still need to remind him."

"what did you say!!!!"

Jiang Qi fluffed directly, almost flying, and looked at the flying bird with his teeth clenched, and said, "Do you have the ability to repeat it?"


Jiang Qi's sudden appearance almost scared the flying bird to death. In fact, the flying bird was not malicious at all, but he felt that Jiang Qi's body was not very good and wanted Jiang Qi to stay.

Jiang Qi's strength is very strong, he can realize that he directly blasted Kailas without tearing its dorsal fin.

I just didn't expect to touch Jiang Qi two taboos in succession, one is that he is weak, the other is that he has to rely on Dagu

"I didn't rely on Dagu, okay? I just burst the monster directly"

"There is a chance, we two will fight together!"

Jiang Qi felt very dangerous, and then left directly. From beginning to end, Asuka said nothing.

"what happened to him?"

Asuka patted his chest, and some little fear said, "It feels a bit fierce."

"do not know"

Dagu is also wondering, Jiang Qi's temper is good in his impression, why now

"Oh, I remember one thing"

I suddenly remembered something like that, and said to them: "We said eight warriors before. There are seven here. Isn't Jiang Qi exactly eight?"

"Uh, but he should mean other than yourself?"

Daku also thought about it for a while, but he was completely taken in by Jiang Qi's ideas. Jiang Qi didn't count himself, and Daku thought it was Jiang Qi.

"That might be my misunderstanding"

I nodded dreamily, but I wondered how strange it was, why?


The breeze was blowing outside, it was already evening, the time passed so fast, it was hard to notice.

Jiang Qi sits on the top floor, a skyscraper, where you can completely see the outline of the entire city.

"What's wrong with me?"

Jiang Qi touched his chest ~ www.readwn.com ~ asked himself a question, why is he angry because of Asuka's sentence?

Because others say that they are weak, and those who are angry are the weak in the final analysis. This is true from all aspects.

But he was still angry, and he didn't know why. When the cool breeze hammered at night, Jiang Qi was awake.

From the time I came to this world, before I played against Beria, my heart was a little messy, sometimes I couldn't control my temper.

He wants to become stronger, he wants to show those people, he is the strongest Aute warrior, but why? Just to become stronger? Prove it to others?

Such thoughts often appear in Jiang Qi's heart, and sometimes he can often feel his inner monologue.

Is n’t this schizophrenia?

Jiang Qi was almost taken aback by his own thoughts. It seems that Noah seemed to be the case at first. The specific Jiang Qi also can't remember, it seems that Noah splits his dark side out, and Zaki also appears this way.

The more you think, the more likely you will be, will there be a dark side of yourself? In other words, my recent thoughts are dark?


Suddenly, Palagie's shield flashed, causing Jiang Qi to focus on Palagie's shield.

Gently stroking his partner, Jiang Qi murmured: "Are you comforting me? I'm not that vulnerable yet, but I feel that I don't have much time for you"

Jiang Qi didn't go on, but the Palagie's shield flashed more quickly. Suddenly, Jiang Qi sounded a warning sign and stood up suddenly.

But it was too late, and two fireballs suddenly appeared in the sky, slamming into the city.


A huge cloud of mushrooms gradually rose, overlapping with the night and becoming darker.

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