Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 422: New adventure (12)


Two explosions in a row awakened the surrounding humans completely, they simply could not understand what happened.

The strong flames spread like a demon, devouring the lives of countless people.


Some people ran out without wearing their clothes, and looked at the flames behind them in fear. For them, it was hell, and some people even thought they were dreaming.

"Asshole !!!"

Jiang Qi clenched his fists tightly and looked at the raging fire at the moment, full of anger.

This is a negligence of my own, if you pay attention to it, you can definitely stop it.

This time, Jiang Qi blamed himself for his ability, which could have been avoided. These two fireballs happened to hit the crowded urban area, and the number of Internet access would definitely exceed his imagination.

"Hahaha ... Humble humans, have you seen it?"

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared in the sky, a particularly flamboyant and frivolous voice, saying: "This is our power, what can we do with Ultraman's protection? It can't change your incompetence."

"Who is it?"

"Is that the thing he summoned?"

Some people who reached the safe area turned their heads and looked around. The place where the sound came was full of uncertainty, so they could only look around.

"It seems that there are still many obsessive humans ..."

The master of that voice obviously noticed the hostility around him, but he was still as frivolous as he was at the beginning, and said, "I will let you taste it now, what is fear!"

"Hula ..."

As soon as the words fell, two monsters popped out of the vortex, stepping on the residents' buildings and landing.

"Ao ..."

The two monsters roared together, and began to destroy everything around them, not just buildings, hills, and small lakes, but they were all in their target.

"Damn monster ..."

Jiang Qi narrowed her eyes to the two crazy monsters, so Jiang Qi turned her hatred to the two monsters.

The two of them are nothing more than nameless pawns. Jiang Qi doesn't even remember what the names of those two monsters might have been, but Jiang Qi forgot.

But no matter what, it will not change the fate of the Hello Zhejiang monster.


A flash of light flashed over, Jiang Qi was wrapped in light, leap into the air, and then the light grew sharply, swooping down against the two bad beasts.


After the two explosions, Jiang Qi said that the body of the two monsters penetrated the house. After the big holes in the chests of the two monsters, Jiang Qi slowly appeared his deity.

The huge red and blue body, sharp eyes make people feel cold.

"Ultraman !!!"


Although Jiang Qi's performance may be a bit unsatisfactory when he first appeared, it was Altman after all. At the moment Jiang Qi appeared, he gave these people countless hopes for humanity.

"Before you give others despair, I will let you taste the despair ..."

Jiang Qi reached out his hand and pointed to the center of the whirlpool. This domineering declaration undoubtedly won people's cheers.

From what they know of the Ultra brothers, Ultraman is very gentle, but this domineering side leakage is the first time I see it, and it has a slight appetite for them.


The owner of that voice obviously noticed the human beings who rekindled hope, and could not help but sneer, and then said: "It seems that your presence makes them all burn hope."

"is it not OK?"

Jiang Qi pointed to the bodies of the two monsters, holding the voice and said, "I think you're so good ..."

"Dare not dare ..."

Although he didn't dare to say it, Jiang Qi didn't feel that he didn't dare, but instead he had a feeling of playing with Jiang Qi.

At the same time, four huge figures suddenly appeared again in the sky, surrounding Jiang Qi.

"I only have such a skill ..."

It seemed that he felt Jiang Qi's current situation, and the person's voice passed slowly, and he just said what Jiang Qi just said.

"... calling someone?"

Jiang Qi looked at the few monsters around him with caution, only to realize that the guy's strength was to summon monsters.

Moreover, the summoned monsters' strength is not high, at least Jiang Qi's eyes are not like the powerful monsters of Bemontstein.

"Speaking of it, you seem to have the confidence to fight ..."

The voice didn't care much, and said to Jiang Qi: "The battle is only beginning now ..."


The four monsters howled together and rushed to Jiang Qi, with their huge body, as if they had an advantage.


Jiang Qi grabbed a monster rushing over from the side, then kicked the monster rushing over from the other side. Then, Jiang Qi suddenly lifted the monster in his hand, and after waving a circle, pumped both monsters. fly.


After a while, the three monsters stood up and rushed towards Jiang Qi without remembering it, which made Jiang Qi feel funny for a while.

Jiang Qi waved the monster in his hand as if using a hammer with ease. The three monsters were rushed up by Jiang Qi, including the monster in Jiang Qi's hand.

"How? My devil meteor hammer?"

Jiang Qi looked at the monsters that had fallen to the ground and wiped the tip of his nose. This action was like the instinct of this body. He didn't like to touch the tip of his nose when he wanted to mock him.

However, there was no voice to answer Jiang Qi, but Jiang Qi felt very boring, did not expect that guy to be so counseling, and even retreated?

"That's it ..."

Jiang Qi knew that the guy had shrunk back, and he didn't have much interest in these three monsters, so he wanted to solve those monsters directly.


Jiang Qi took a deep breath, then slowly pulled away his right hand and quickly assembled into an "L" shape. The golden cluster light penetrated the four monsters, and the high temperature instantly evaporated the monster's body.


Suddenly, at the moment Jiang Qi withdrew the light, a huge transparent cover enveloped himself, making Jiang Qi stunned.


"Hahaha, Altman, you're lucky--"

The original voice that thought "counsel" went back appeared again, and said to Jiang Qi arrogantly: "This is a device that I specially developed to deal with your Ultraman. You will soon become a bronze statue ... Ha Haha ... "

"Bronze statue?"

Jiang Qi looked at the transparent cover in front of her and hammered hard, but it just caused a huge sound. The transparent cover didn't tremble! Then Jiang Qi tried her best to hit the cover with a punch.


The shield shivered violently, but other reactions made Jiang Qi surprised.

"Poof ..."

Suddenly, brass-colored smoke was sprayed thinly around the hood, slowly flowing to Jiang Qi.

Could it be that the bronze statue is related to this thing?

Jiang Qi instantly understood the stakes and was full of alertness about the smoke.

"Hahaha, you can't run Ultraman."

The master of the voice decided that Jiang Qi had no way to run and appeared from the sky.

A black air suspended in mid-air gradually outlined the figure of a man, the Hipolit star who once defeated the monster of the father of Ot and the five brothers of Ot.

"Hahaha, there is nothing that can stop me now ..."


Just after the Hippolyte star said that, Jiang Qi's whole body was wrapped in the mist. The Hippolyte star seemed to have seen how Jiang Qi turned into a bronze statue. .


However, reality is often cruel, and his foolproof cover is broken ...

The explosion shocked the Hippolyte.


The Hippolyte star could not help but take a step back, Jiang Qi in front of him had already changed a form, covered in golden armor, like the ancient **** of war.

Cerro lv2 form!

Jiang Qi just borrowed the energy generated when he transformed the form, and broke the cover.

"How could it be? !!!"

The Hippolyte star was completely panicked. He never thought about this possibility. How could anyone break his cover? impossible! ! How can it be? ? ? Will not……

"No need to deceive yourself ... The facts are before you ..."

Jiang Qi didn't want to do more nonsense, the bow of light slowly spread out, and then aimed at the Hipolit star, said: "Accept sanctions ..."

"Boom ..."

When the energy accumulation reached its peak, Jiang Qi's heart suddenly vibrated violently twice, suddenly blurring his vision.

what happened?

Jiang Qi's footsteps staggered slightly, feeling that the whole world began to rotate, unable to control himself.

"Huh Huh ..."

Even, Jiang Qi can hear his own breathing, so heavy, so heavy.


The Hippolyte discovered that Jiang Qi was not right, but when the bow and arrow light accumulated energy, the deterrence was too great for him, and the Hippolyte did not dare to move.


Suddenly, Jiang Qi launched a bow and arrow light, carrying a strong air current, and swiped past the Hipolit star ...


Even if he didn't hit, the Hippolyte was actually injured by the bow and arrow light, and his waist was ripped open by the airflow, and the black liquid came out a little, and he spit out a black bubble from time to time.

what happened?

The Hippolyte star was sitting on the ground incomparably. He had just been photographed by the air current, but he couldn't understand how he survived? Is the shot crooked?


Then, a voice attracted the Hippolyte, and Jiang Qi suddenly knelt on the ground, the golden armor on his body changed into a little golden radiance, and disappeared.

"Titer Di Du Di Di Duo ......"

Jiang Qi revealed the original form. The timer on the chest flashed rapidly, and the threshold had been reached.

Although I don't know what happened ...

Hippolyte immediately jumped up, regardless of his waist injury, suddenly hit Jiang Qi, kicking Jiang Qi a few meters away.

Compared to the height of tens of meters, a few meters ...

"Hybrid, why don't you fight? Lost your strength? Or are you afraid?"

The Hippolyte has started to be awe-inspiring. He knows that Jiang Qi is in a bad state now, so he has to take advantage of his illness to kill him. Do n’t blame him for being too shameless. He can only say that this world is too realistic.

Hahaha ...

The Hippolyte star once again defeated an Ultraman, which made the Hippolyte star more proud, and now he can go to the host to invite credit.

"Titer Di Du Di Di Duo ......"

However, it was at the time of Hippolyte Star YY that Jiang Qi ’s timer reached a critical point, and Jiang Qi disappeared when the timer was about to go out.


Lying ... What about people? ? ? ? This is not the same as the previous script?

The Hippolyte star was dumbfounded. He had dealt with the Ott brothers before. After the timer was completely extinguished, he entered a state of suspended animation. How could it suddenly disappear?


This was completely beyond the expectations of the Hippolyte, but it was not bad, because in the view of the Hippolyte, Jiang Qi's condition was very bad, and even the nirvana shot was distorted.

In addition to his current performance, the Hippolyte can guarantee that Jiang Qi will not die and only half his life is left.

"Did you see it? Stupid humans, your biggest support has been defeated by me, and now it's too late to surrender ..."

Hippolyte is only a deterrent to these humans ~ www.readwn.com ~ Anyway, in the end, humans will die, whether they surrender or not.

"it hurts……"

Until this time, Hipolitite talent felt the pain in the waist and couldn't help but stop the plan in front of him and retreat first.

"Volt ..."

Then, the Hippolyte star finally disappeared, but the humans on the ground all twitched.

"It's shameless ..."

Humans do n’t want to say anything about the shamelessness of the Hippolyte. They are not blind. They can all see that Jiang Qi ’s body is in trouble. Is it related to the Hippolyte? He said that he had defeated Jiang Qi, but did he not see that the aftermath of Jiang Qi's nirvana caused a lot of damage to that monster?

They believe that Altman can beat that guy, but where is Altman?


"Jiang Qi !!!"

I don't know when it will start. Dagu is madly searching for Jiang Qi's trail. Not only Dagu, but also the people who come, Asuka, I dream, Star Cluster, Wada, Shuichi Shu, and Big Dipper.

These people will never forget how they felt when the latest news was broadcast on TV.

"Ultraman is defeated, humanity is at risk ..."

God knows what happened after Jiang Qi went out?

Anyway, it is definitely not a war here, it should be in other cities nearby, but they felt a slight shaking, but they mistakenly thought it was an earthquake, so no one cared.

However, when they saw the news, they knew what had happened. Jiang Qi was defeated? How to lose?

Of course, these questions are not important. What is important now is to find Jiang Qi. His situation looks very bad, so they came over.

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