Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 425: New Adventure (15)

"who are you?"

Hippolyte stared back a few steps and looked at this Altman.

He's miscalculated ...


Archaic looked at the Hippolyte, leaned down slightly, looked at him, and did not answer the Hippolyte.


Before waiting for the performance of the Hippolyte, Dagu suddenly rushed up, oh no, it flew over, hit the Hippolyte all of a sudden, hit it far away, and then threw it down.


The Hipolit star was blinded by the sudden attack. In the deep pit on the ground, he stood up in embarrassment, then pointed at Dagu and said, "Don't think I only have this, I still have backhand. "

Then, the Hipolit star pointed at the sky and said, "Come out, my warrior!"

The voice just fell, suddenly darkened in the original clear sky, several phantoms flashed, and a huge black shadow with open arms suddenly fell.

Just fell in front of Daku.


Dagu felt a little bit bad and took a step back, looking at the monster that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Hurray ..."

I saw that the monster stood up slowly. Its head had a half-moon-shaped horn, but it lacked a small mouth. Its face was covered with potholes and scars. It had a bird-like beak and eyes. Orange-red, but no emotion, it seems to be just a machine.

The skin on the body is black, with long bone wings on the back, unusually sharp claws, a few moves from time to time, and the feet also appear as bird feet.

It is about forty or fifty meters, slightly shorter than other monsters, but the pressure on Dagu is no less than those monsters.

"Hahaha !!! Silly !!!"

The Hippolyte star slowly stood up, standing behind Urgas, and said: "I found this guy while traveling in the universe, it turned out to be an unowned thing. I was so useless to control it. Jiner. "


Dagu lowered his body slightly and looked closely at the monster.

"Hum ..."

The Hippolyte stared at Dagu very disdainfully, then patted Urgas and said, "Go!"

As soon as the words fell, Urgas suddenly disappeared into the darkness, and Dagu was shocked.

"Peng ..."

Suddenly, Dagu was attacked behind him, like pain in the heart, causing Dagu to instantly lose its fighting power.


However, Urgas suddenly appeared in front of Dagu, arched his body, hit Dagu in the chest with a punch, flew Dagu into the air, and then appeared again in midair, one foot Stepped on, when Dagu didn't fly to the limit, after experiencing such a foot, Dagu almost thought that his internal organs were broken.


However, it was not easy for Urgas to let him go, and appeared again in the place where Daku fell, pinched Daku's neck precisely, and lifted Daku immediately.

"Oh ..."

Daku kicked his legs, and he only felt that the strength of his whole body was imprisoned, and the severe pain came from the place where Bei pinched.

"Ah! Altman ..."

Seeing Dagu suddenly fall into a disadvantage, many people were dumbfounded and looked at Dagu in the battlefield for a while, even for a moment, they forgot to say it.

"Dagu ..."

Lina stared tightly at the battlefield, and Simple Dagu was strangled by her neck. She worriedly took two steps forward, holding the pillar next to her. She worried that she could not control herself for a while.

"Hahaha ... how about? Young warrior?"

The Hipolit star laughed arrogantly. When he saw Dagu being beaten, his revenge had already been reported, and he became even more arrogant.


Dagu didn't speak, and he couldn't speak. Now he was mentioned by Urgas. He couldn't speak. He didn't need to breathe, even though the suffocation didn't make Dagu.

"How does it feel? Ask you!"

The Hippolyte star didn't answer when he saw Daku, and he shouted coldly.


At the same time, Urgas also grabbed Dagu and hit the ground fiercely, smashing the ground out of a deep pit.

"Cough ..."

Daku couldn't help coughing twice, who knew that Urgas' grip on his neck was harder.


Suddenly, the diamond-shaped crystal of Dagu's forehead flashed red, and the color of Dagu's body became the main color, which was mainly red and white.

Tiga, powerful!

Dagu, who became a strong type, obviously felt more powerful than a little bit, and even the pinched neck, the pain was reduced.


Dagu grabbed Urgas's hand hard and wanted to break free of Urgas's hand. However, it was useless at all, and Urgas' power was even superior to that of Dagu.


The Hippolyte saw that Dagu ’s resistance was unsuccessful, and he could n’t help but show a sullen look and said, “You still want to run? Is it possible?”


But I didn't expect that Urgas threw Dagu backhand, and Dagu bumped into three buildings before reluctantly stopping.

"Who let you throw it ??"

The Hipolit star was dumbfounded. In his view, it could be solved on the spot, why throw it out?

Moreover, more importantly, he clearly did not order, why should he move?

However, Urgas didn't pay attention to him at all and walked forward on his own. This way, it seemed to be out of control.

"Stop for me!"

The Hippolyte star couldn't help but get a little angry, and looked at Urgas, but Ugas still walked towards the ancients, not paying any attention to the Hippolyte star.


Hippolyte stared straight at Urgas, he was blinded, and he didn't understand what was going on.

"Cough ..."

Daku supported his body and stood halfway, and as a result saw Urgas's approaching figure, he could not help but retreat slowly.

Now Urgas is a tough bone in the eyes of Daku. If he rushes up, he will only suffer.

However, after a series of previous impacts, Dagu's combat power dropped a lot.

"Dago's situation is not good!"

I dreamed of Dagu's situation and felt anxious in my heart. The flying bird that had just arrived came out and said, "We must be together! Fight together!"


My dream nodded firmly, looking at Daku's embarrassed look, and my anger grew wild.


Asuka raised his hand, holding a ray of light in his hand, and gradually evolved into the look of a flash sword. Then as the bird called, the flash sword quickly bounced away!


After the flying bird, my dream also raised his hand, the light changed into a sapphire cone in his hand, and then the red light wrapped my dream.


Two beams of light slowly appeared in people's vision. People saw these two beams of light and finally made a cheering voice.

"Not good! Don't ..."

Dago saw Urgas's hurry and seemed to be waiting for something, and suddenly felt bad. Seeing the two beams of light, Daku suddenly understood, but it was too late ...

"Uh ..."

Urgas suddenly disappeared, at the same time, my dream and flying birds also appeared, but they appeared in the hands of Urgas.

"How can it be?"

I dreamed of holding a hand of Urgas and looked at Urgas painfully. He didn't even understand what happened for a while and was caught.

"It's waiting for us!"

Asuka looks better, but what's the use? Still planted in the hands of Urgas.

I saw Urgas grabbed the necks of the two men, lifted it up, and threw it towards Dagu.

"Be careful!"

Dagu hurried forward two steps, trying to catch both of them, but they were too small to see the strength of Urgas.


Not only did Dagu catch it, but he was smashed out far away, and he knocked down a lot of buildings before stopping.

"Are you all right?"

I dreamed of standing up, but he didn't receive too many guns, at most it was a little friction, but it was Dagu, and was pulled up by flying birds.

"Can't die!"

Dagu's condition is much worse than the two of them, but it doesn't have much impact.

"That's good--"

Asuka nodded, and then watched Urgas alertly. This Urgas, let him taste the bitterness, whether it is speed or strength, can not pick out any defects.

Just being able to perceive their appearance also represents the insight of this guy, and it is not bad, and it can make two Ultraman suffer such a big loss, which is rare in the universe.


With the roar of Asuka, three people rushed at the same time.

My dream rose into the sky, facing Urgas, kicking two feet, but Urgas stepped back slightly, and after blocking the two attacks with one hand, I grabbed my dream's leg with my backhand and threw my dream. Go out and fall to the ground.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Asuka took a fist and tried to attack, but Urgas's eyes seemed to be long behind him. He even hid and turned around quickly, blocking Asuka's next two attacks.


Dagu also thrust in, turned his fist and hit Urgas's waist, making Urgas step back slightly.


At this time, Asuka's eyes lit up, and went further, wanting to play an advantage. However, after the backhand blocked the attack of Asuka, Urgas kicked away Dagu, and then he lifted his paw against the body of Asuka Go down.


The flying bird's body burst into a strong spark, and his claws cut open his armor, causing the flying bird to kneel on the ground.


When Urgas wanted to attack the flying bird and expand the results, I dreamed to cover it from the wing, and kicked Urgas's shoulder, making Urgas stagger slightly, and then turned his attention to my dream. .


Dagu also rushed up, and I dreamed that the two of them included Urgas. When they were in close combat with Urgas, it seemed that there was a back and forth, but Dagu and I dreamed that Urgas was faint. Between the two of them.

After the last collision, Urgas bounced both of them.


Suddenly the bird fired the Soljet light towards Urgas, and the purple light flew towards Urgas with a strong impact.


Urgas suddenly raised his palm, blocking Soljet's light, and slightly changed his hand, the light bounced back to Dagu.



Unprepared Dagubei Soljet shone in the light and fell to the ground.


Da Gu, who was the most injured, couldn't stand up for a while. The only dressing table was better, and only my dream remained.


Ergas slowly walked two steps toward the bird, and that way, it seemed to kill the bird under his palm.

"Be careful!"

My dream rushed over, he wanted to save the bird, but ...


Urgas disappeared, suddenly appeared behind my dream, raised his paw and slashed it down, my dream was caught off guard, and instantly lost the resistance.

Then, Urgas grabbed my dream, split it twice behind my dream, grabbed his neck, and pressed the ground with all his strength.


With the huge air current, centered on my dream, the ground was faded.

"Titer Di Du Di Di Duo ......"

The timer on my dream chest flashed, and only then did Urgas release my dream and looked at the bird.

Since then, of the three Ultramans, only one flying bird and fighter are left, and the remaining two cannot fight for a while.

The human weapon Urgas, one hit three, defeated two.


Asuka slowly stood up and looked at Urgas alertly.


Urgas disappeared in place and appeared behind the bird. Although the bird quickly turned around, it was also hit in the chest by Urgas.


At this time, an ice axe appeared on the horizon, which cut the flesh of Urgas, which caused Urgas to stop his hand and the bird escaped.


In the sky, a red giant appeared, all red, with an ice axe on his head.

It was Seven Ultraman who came to save the Asuka.


"Waseda !! Let's go !!"

They really couldn't wait. They wanted to wait until the principal behind the scenes. Unexpectedly, this Urgas was so strong. If he didn't shoot again, those two children would be in danger.

Fortunately, there are star clusters, otherwise they will be transformed too late.


(Weapon on the earth! It appears again but Urgas does n’t have it at all! This time the version is more powerful ~ www.readwn.com ~ By contrast, Jiang Qi ’s lv2 has some hits, but it ’s another time to fight Something happened.

Human weapon is my original monster series, belonging to a series, a total of five, this is the fourth. Put the data below. So the question is coming, what do I want to ask? Spiritual readers should know what the problem is, and I will sell it first. )

(Name: Urgas

Weight: 2500 tons

War weapons from ancient times, dormant in the shadows, always have tyrannical power, and its claws can often tear the enemy's heart.

It's time to hunt-Urgas. )

(The last thing I want to explain is that in the world I wrote, humans do not have the concept of Ultraman, but it does not mean that Ultraman has never appeared. Pay attention to the question !!! Humans have not seen Ultraman, but Ultra Man does n’t mean that there has n’t existed, so please do n’t say I hit my own face. The book was written by me, and there is no conflict at the end. I will not hit the face before and after. Will secretly read the book reviews and see your reaction, good or bad, I know.)

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