Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 426: New Adventure (16)


"Sero ... Sero ..."

Who is calling me?

In Jiang Qi's dream, a girl's voice gradually sounded, allowing Jiang Qi to regain a little consciousness.

Slowly opened his eyes and saw a little girl standing in front of Jiang Qi.

The familiar white shoes and red shoes, the face is also unclear, but Jiang Qi did not care, confirmed the girl's identity.

"I am Gaia conscious, the energy of the earth is going to be exhausted, I want to fall asleep as soon as possible ..."

The girl's voice seemed very anxious, and Jiang Qi was slightly surprised.

What is the lack of energy?

"I give you the final power, please bring it to the warriors, the eight warriors have assembled, and the rest will be given to you ..."


Jiang Qi just wanted to talk, and suddenly the little girl disappeared, and slowly disappeared.



Jiang Qi suddenly sat up from the bed and stared at the surrounding, white—

Sure enough, it was the color that made Jiang Qi dizzy.

"Child, are you okay?"

At this time, An Nu looked at Jiang Qi, who was awake, with water in his hand, and handed it to Jiang Qi, saying, "Just right, you can take some medicine."


After taking the water in his hand, Jiang Qi looked at Annu and said, "Do you believe in fate?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Annu froze, looked at Jiang Qi, his eyes puzzled.

"I believe ..."

Jiang Qi looked at the drinking glass. He didn't believe this kind of thing at all before, but the sufferings again and again made him believe in the existence of fate. Last time, he believed this time.

"I'm leaving……"

Putting down the glass, Jiang Qi pulled the drip directly, and then walked out of the ward.

"Why are you going? The doctor said you can't move now!"

Annu quickly grabbed Jiang Qi's sleeves and couldn't let Jiang Qi leave.

"What climate have I heard?"

Jiang Qi looked at Annu who was blocking him, and said with a smile: "Moreover, if I don't go, I'm afraid the old guys will have an accident."


Annu heard this, and there was a ring in his heart. The strength in his hand was slightly relaxed. At this time, Jiang Qi immediately broke free from Annu's hand and ran away.


Annu looked at Jiang Qi's back, her eyes widened in surprise, this kid, how ...



Dagu and others backed away a little bit. They have all been seriously injured now and it is difficult to continue fighting.

However, they are not allowed to step back, because behind them is the life of human beings all over the world.


Suddenly, Urgas moved, and the Seven in front of him also moved. The two of them were constantly striking in mid-air, and there was no trace at all.

Seven, so strong?

When they were young, Dagu had seen Seven Altman, but they didn't seem to be so perverted.

However, it is a good thing that Seven is strong.

The idea of ​​Dagu and others had just disappeared. Suddenly, Seven and Urgas appeared at the same time. However, a second Urgas suddenly appeared behind Seven. It was wrong. That ’s not the second one. Gas moved too fast, forming an afterimage.

"Be careful!"

As soon as Dagu shouted this sentence, the star clusters felt dangerous, but Urgas' speed was too fast, and the sharp claws suddenly split, marking a deep trace behind Seven.


Seventh only felt like he was being penetrated behind him, almost splitting, and that kind of pain made Seventh almost unable to stand up.

"Hurray ..."

Urgas took a step toward Seven, suddenly stopped, and slowly turned around. I saw three beams of light suddenly appeared behind him.


After the light dissipated, three Ultraman appeared in everyone's sight.

The first generation, Jack, and Ace.

"Brother Otter ???"

Watching the battle below. Humans screamed after seeing Ais and others appear, and they doubted it when the Seven appeared.

Sure enough, other Ultra brothers also appeared. Isn't that what Ultraman saw when they were young?

"Come on !!!"

"Come on! Brother Otter!"

When I saw the heroes I was familiar with when I was a child, those people shouted even harder, and almost all of them put out the strength of feeding.

"To shut up!!!"

The Hipolit star who was playing soy sauce on the side was already very hot. When he saw these flies, he dared to shout, and made him feel the fire. So he waved his hand and a purple energy wave flew towards the human .


The energetic human who was shouting suddenly saw a wave of energy flying towards him. Suddenly he felt fear. He squatted down and hugged his head.

More than 5,000 people were on the scene, and the actions were surprisingly consistent.

"Volt ..."

"Peng ..."

At this time, a beam of light flew beside Anne, blocking the light wave, and let the Hipolit stare slightly stunned, turned his head to look, and saw that Ace had just folded his hand.


The Hippolyte is going to be mad, and nothing is as he wished. When Urgas lost control, he knew that something was wrong, but when he communicated with his master, he simply ignored himself and let Urgas had no solution at all.

"No one can move without our consent."

The first generation slowly stepped forward and said to the Hippolyte.

"Come on !!!"

This sentence of the first generation made human beings blow up, and the cheers were even louder than before.


The Hippolyte star looked at the first generation for a while, and did not speak. The situation is very uncertain. Any Ultraman can defeat him, and his biggest hand, Urgas, has lost control, so the rest can It depends on only the monster in the master's hand, but the master does not respond to his call at all.

"Are you all right?"

The first generation and others saw that the Hippolyte did not respond, so they quickly ran to Seven.

Hippolyte has a few pounds and a few pounds, do they not yet know? An out-of-control Urgas is the one they are afraid of.

"It doesn't matter."

Saiwen raised his hand slightly and stood up by himself. Although trembling, his voice was full of confidence and he could continue fighting.

"what about you?"

Ace turned her head and looked at Dagu and others, and saw that Dagu and others also nodded. The old fighters like Saiwen said it was all right. How could these young people lose their lives?

"That's good……"

The first generation nodded, and then seven people stood in a row, looking at Urgas, posing in a defensive posture.

"Hurray ..."

Urgas' fingers moved, and he didn't care about the seven Alter Warriors in front of him.

"Uh ..."

Suddenly, Urgas disappeared without warning, astonishing them.

"Be careful!"

At this moment, Jack suddenly turned back behind Seven, crossing his arms across his chest, and Urgas suddenly appeared, kicking Jack on both arms.


A huge force pushed Jack and slammed into Severn. Both Seven and Jack were fine.


The first generation suddenly shot, hitting Urgas on the shoulder with a punch, and Urgas' body was slightly slanted, releasing the power of the first generation.

It was when this pause was so slight that everyone's attack came, and the ancient bird Asuka and I dreamed of being a double-entanglement, wrestling with Urgas.


As Urgas' claws cut through the bird's chest, Dagu and others retreated. Just as Urgas was about to take advantage of the pursuit, a flame suddenly swallowed him.

"Hulah ..."

Ace's hands were folded together, and a high-temperature flame was sprayed from the middle, blocking the footsteps of Urgas.

"Hurray ..."

Urgas turned around and launched an attack on Ace, but Ace was also not afraid, and put away the flames, the energy wrapped around Ace's fist.

"Peng ..."

The left hand held a fierce punch from Urgas, and the right hand held Urgas' fist. His body suddenly vacated and he kicked Urgas's head.


Seven also rushed over at this time, holding an ice axe in his hand, and quickly cut through Urgas' waist.


There was a long cut in Urgas's waist, and then Jack also flew over, throwing the Otter spear at Urgas.


At the speed of Urgas, he could hide, but Urgas was firmly grasped by Ace, unable to avoid it, and was thrust into the shoulder by Jack's spear.

"Oh !!!"

Urgas howled and shook his body frantically. This sudden frantic power, Ace couldn't catch it and hurriedly let go.


Dijia's powerful form has not yet recovered, squatting down and swiping, hitting Urgas' calf, Urgas suddenly fell backwards.


With the hands of the first generation, a halo appeared in his hand, and then, he flung out against Urgas, and Urgas, who had just stood up, was suddenly trapped, leaving other Ultramans. Chance to breathe.

"Peng ..."

Suddenly, Urgas broke free of the aura's control, but Dagu and I dreamed of quickly grabbing Urgas' two hands, and did not let him escape immediately.

Daku looked at Gaia, who was a little fat, and sighed secretly, then hugged Urgas harder.

Because he found out that the powerful self could not grasp somehow.

Urgas also had the Aote spear inserted, which was inserted deeply, and it was this spear that restricted Urgas' movement.


The Ultra brothers stood in a row, and the birds were among them, and all Ultraman pockets accumulated energy.

"Spythum Ray—"

"Bundle light—"

"Metalim Light--"

"Spythum Ray—"

"Solst light-"

The five rays of light combined to form a huge stream of light, rushing towards Urgas.


I dream and Dagu quickly let go, otherwise they will also have to plant, this is not a game, you can avoid injury from friendly forces.


Suddenly, Urgas disappeared, no, not disappeared. Like Dagu, they hid when Dagu let go.

"not good!"

The shocked Xiangxiu Shu put his hands together and saw a giant beam of five Ultraman rays rammed into the city, dividing the city into two.

The ruins are burning, and many houses have been destroyed, but fortunately, there were no casualties, because humans are watching behind them.


While they were in shock, Urgas started.


Its body was like a phantom, quickly knocking out a few Ultraman.


Dagu and I dreamed of pushing Urgas back with light, so that Urgas' results could not be expanded again.



Compared with Urgas, Dagu and I dream are still much worse. Even if my dream entered the v2 form, in Dagu's eyes, it was just a little fatter.

"Hurray ..."

Urgas slowly approached the people and turned his wrists. For him, he could finally solve them.

"Look, there are meteors !!!"

At this time, Asuka suddenly pointed at the sky and said to Urgas.


Such a naive and naive trick ...

Urgas walked towards the bird, and he was the first to solve the bird.


Suddenly, he stopped and turned sharply.


However, a fireball penetrated his body instantly, a strong flame burning him, and a big hole appeared in his chest.


Urgas knelt slowly on the ground, his eyes lost their light, and he could not understand how he had escaped the feeling.


Urgas's body finally fell, and this unusually difficult opponent finally fell down. The flames were violent, and he saw the explosion happening with his own eyes.

"Truth is often not liked."

After the fireball fell to the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ was still burning, a voice came out from inside, and several Altman heard the master of this voice.

"True man, never look back at the explosion ..."

Jiang Qi slowly came out of the flames. Of course he knew that Urgas was dead, but in order to play cool, he deliberately did not look back.


Seeing Jiang Qi appear, Saiwen was about to speak, but Jiang Qi was interrupted. Jiang Qi held an Otto spear in his hand and threw it to Xiangxiu, while speaking.

"The old man is easy to forget, pay attention to it next time, nobody will help you pick it up."


Xiang Xiushu took the Otto spear and said, smiling at Jiang Qi.

But Jiang Qi didn't know, and he couldn't see whether Xiangxiu was smiling or not.

"It's not over yet ..."

At this time, Asuka looked at the Hipolit star they had ignored for a long time, and put away their playful mentality.


Jiang Qi turned around and saw the Hipolit star who wanted to escape.

Just kidding, eight Ultraman are here, not running is a fool!

Any one can play against him with one hand, how can he play?

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Qi kneaded his fists and slowly walked towards the Hipolit star, while saying: "We beat him one by one, he was cured and flat ..."

(I was so tired yesterday. I stopped for another day. I did n’t have time to ask for leave. I ’m sorry. I took a leave in the group before, and then fell asleep. Because I was really tired. How can it be easier than me ...)

(While writing Gaia, I suddenly wanted to review Gaia, and I forgot. I have time to take a good look.)

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