Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 432: return! Mysterious Japanese Samurai (5)

(I do n’t know what the title of the chapter is, and I ’ve written it wrong, and it ’s unreasonable ... more than six hundred ... cough, but no one should notice it ...)


In the sky, dozens of planes swept quickly, marking obvious traces in the sky.

"Night raid ..."

Jiang Qi raised his head and saw the night raid flying in the sky, murmured.

The aircraft of the night raid has undergone a little change. First, the fuselage is smaller and tends to be streamlined. Most of the fuselage is painted blue, and the outer wings have the night raid ’s emblem.

On top of the flocks of flying eagles, Jiang Qi saw two Alpha drives, and overall, nothing changed much.


After watching silently for a while, Jiang Qi walked under a building where the battle could be better observed.


Flying Eagle stopped slowly, and after seeing the monster, Han Yi ordered: "The battle begins, attract the monster's attention!"


The team members took a deep breath, and the flying Eagle swooped down and launched an attack on the monster.

In an instant, countless laser beams overwhelmed and flew towards Gakuma.

"Boom Boom--"

A series of attacks hit Gakuma. If it doesn't hurt, it must be deceiving, but it also has limited pain.


Gakuma's neck is hard and it is impossible to turn around, so he can only turn around slowly.

However, the members of the night raid team are all veterans of combat. When they saw the situation of Gakuma, they did not need Han Yi to tell them. They naturally knew what to do.

The Flying Eagle in the sky played a dragonfly, and countless fighters hovered in the air, attacking Gakuma from time to time, and the attack on Gakuma was definitely an attack from behind it.

For the first time, in the battle against monsters for the first time, humans have exerted a repressive effect.

"Do you want to do it?"

Huang Ying saw such a situation and wanted to help, but Han Yi hadn't spoken yet, and she couldn't move, so she asked.

"hold on--"

Han Yi stared at the battlefield. The alpha drive of the two of them was only super powerful. The rest of the laser system was no stronger than the Flying Eagle.

Therefore, the two of them wanted to play a role, only the super electromagnetic gun, but the super electromagnetic gun shot. It means that they will not be able to fight in the next ten minutes, so they have to be cautious.

"I know……"

Huang Ying understood Han Yi's meaning, nodded, and stopped talking. She kept staring at the battlefield, holding the launch button tightly in her hand. As soon as the situation reversed, she would immediately start to save the team members.

Do n’t assume that these players are worthless. Since the establishment of the night raid, they have lost hundreds of people. These hundreds of people are the elites of the country. Even if the country is rich, it ca n’t stand such a toss.


However, when those players were familiar with this method, Gakuma also knew the law, and saw that its first two legs stood high, and suddenly a red-red energy wave spewed out from the back. This wave experienced three seconds. After a sudden approach.


Jiang Qi couldn't help taking a step back because of this strong energy, and only felt a roar in his ears.


The members of the night raid team can't be better, let's not talk about their own feelings. While the aircraft is covered by radio waves, all instruments are in a state of failure.

"Manual mode, switch!"

Han Yi reacted the fastest. Although he was hit by electromagnetic waves, he almost subconsciously changed the mode.


With the English sentence of the computer, all the data of all machines are cancelled and converted to manual mode.

"Manual mode, switch!"


Huang Ying's speed is not slow, almost the next second, Huang Ying also switched to manual mode.

"All team members, immediately switch to manual mode!"

Ding Yunfeng in the command room also felt that something was wrong and immediately ordered, but what he said was heard by the team members, but it was just a burst of electric current, and the communication system was damaged.

And, more importantly, some players have even passed out.


The plane was in the sky, and after gliding for a while under the influence of gravity, it pierced its head.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Jiang Qi immediately raised her hand, the light wrapped around Jiang Qi, and Jiang Qi also turned into a light and flew to the battlefield.


Huang Ying reacted minimally and looked at the falling planes, but a ray of light instantly attracted her attention.

I saw that the light dragged the planes with mysterious power, and let the planes land on the ground safely before the light fell on the ground.

"Is this light ..."

Han Yi looked at this light with a surprised look, not only Han Yi, but also the humans who hadn't had time to flee, or the people in the command room, including the calm Ding Yunfeng, could not help but feel surprised.

At the same time, a big rock in my heart fell to the ground.

"Volt ..."

Slowly, Jiang Qi's light dissipated, red and blue figure, sharp ice axe, unruly eyes, all told the human here.

He Cyro, come back!

"Seroot !!!!"

"Ultraman !!!!!! Appeared !!!"

"Ultraman !!"


It's almost a one-sided shout, tightly less than a thousand people, but this kind of shouting cheering sound is much louder than any previous one.

This is the life-saving straw of human beings. When human beings lost him, human beings felt how important Jiang Qi really was. Therefore, this time it was such a magnificent cry.

Of course, the cry made Jiang Qi startle himself.

"Finally appeared ..."

Han Yi shook his head, and he was relieved in his heart. Finally, they still survived.

"I knew it……"

Huang Ying closed her eyes and smiled a little at the corner of her mouth. She knew that a person like Jiang Qi could not easily give up here.

In the command room, everyone also boiled. It must be said that the deepest bond with Jiang Qi is none other than the members of the night raid team. They fought together, shed blood and sweat together, and guarded the earth together. Dream is much worse than Yos and their team members.


Looking back, the calmest thing is Ding Yunfeng. After Jiang Qi disappeared, Ding Yunfeng was actually secretly investigated, but there was no clue whatsoever except that Jervis was a bit wrong.



Jiang Qi breathed a sigh of relief, every time he saved people on this knife tip, it was really exciting ...

Although the mouth is irritating, in fact my heart is tense and dead.

This is not a game of video games, and can be repeated. For example, Jiang Qi just three seconds late may cause tragedy.

"Ao ..."

Gakuma looked at the guy in front of him cautiously. He had an unknown origin and saved those people, so he was the enemy.

Gakuma's calculation rules are very simple, but very correct, Jiang Qi did come as an enemy.

"Peng Peng--"

Jiang Qi slowly walked two steps forward, ticked his finger at Gakuma.


Gakuma growled angrily and rushed to Jiang Qi.

Again, Gakuma is inherently unsuitable for fighting. They are too stupid, not just for the brain, but also too clumsy. This speed, the kind that has no sense of accomplishment without hiding.


Jiang Qi ducked sideways and stepped on Gakuma's back, leaving Gakuma unable to move.


The other foot covered the flames and kicked **** Gakuma. The crowd almost heard an explosion. Gakuma collapsed all over his body, hitting a hill not far away and hitting out. Not shallow pit.


Gakuma struggled twice before standing up reluctantly, kicking a big pit in his waist, and the brown blood said that the crack was flowing out.


Jiang Qi leaned down slightly, and then rushed out, however, Gakuma suddenly opened his mouth, and a blue petrochemical light rushed towards Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi avoided most of it dangerously, but, after all, Jiang Qi took the initiative to rush over. For inertial reasons, Jiang Qi still missed the edge.

"Lumps ..."

A tingling scalp sound, petrified little by little from where it was rubbed, this pain made Jiang Qi tremble a little.

This is because he was careless, thinking that Gakuma did not threaten, then Gakuma gave him a lesson, and don't underestimate any enemy.

"Ao ..."

Gakuma slowly stood up, the three horns formed a red energy, and then gathered to the mouth.


At the same time, Gakuma's entire body ignited a raging fire, and then slowly opened his mouth. The temperature of the flame in it, Jiang Qi could easily feel it.


Suddenly, the flame formed a long pillar of fire and rushed towards Jiang Qi.



However, I don't know where a ray of light came from, intercepting Gakuma's attack, and halfway, an explosion occurred.


Jiang Qi turned his head to look, the nail Alpha driver came to his side, and the barrel was still smoking.

"Dididi ..."

"Five percent of the tail propulsion system is damaged, the circuit board of the weapon system is worn, and the energy storage time of the electromagnetic gun takes fifteen minutes."

A series of alarms surrounded Han Yi's ears, but Han Yi did not shake at all. He looked at Gakuma and Jiang Qi, and raised a thumb.

"Ao ..."

Gakuma snarled at Han Yi, however, Huang Ying's posture Alpha driver flew to Han Yi's plane, and the barrel was aimed at Gakuma.


Jiang Qi glanced at the two men, then his wrists shook, the light covered Jiang Qi's entire body, and then suddenly exploded.

The petrochemical light of Jiang Qi's half body was completely shattered by Jiang Qi.


The light appeared in Jiang Qi's whole body. Jiang Qi wanted to solve this Gakuma at once. He jumped up and his legs burned with flames, scarlet flames.

"Super electromagnetic gun, launch!"

At the same time, Huang Ying also fired a super-electromagnetic cannon, and at the moment of hitting Kakuma, Jiang Qi also rushed down.


After a moment, Gakuma exploded. In the burning flame, Jiang Qi slowly stood up and gave thumbs up to Han Yi and Huang Ying.


Humans cheered and celebrated this hard-won victory, and finally, Sailo finally returned, their patron saint.

"Oye !!!"

In the command room, there was also someone who couldn't help being excited. He shouted loudly, and then knew that he was out of state, and quickly closed his mouth, but everyone laughed, and they wanted to say so.


"Sero Altman is back?"

Jiang Xiaoqi was at home and naturally felt waves of shock. I know, maybe monsters and the like appeared, but this situation only appeared for a short while and then disappeared.

So, I took out my phone and turned on the search engine. The first one was the return of Cylo Altman. No, all of them were brushing Cylo Altman.


Jiang Xiaoqi covered her mouth in disbelief, trembling, and clicked on the relevant search. I saw a few pictures, which were taken with a mobile phone. It was not clear, but it was easy to see how Sailo looked.

"Ginger ... Jiang Qi ..."

Tears blurred Jiang Xiaoqi's eyes, and rushed out desperately. You know, Jiang Xiaoqi didn't have such a mess when the monster came.



Jiang Xiaoqi turned his head around the sound of pushing the door open for two consecutive times. Jiang Xue was like her, panting.

"Sister, you--"

Jiang Xiaoqi calmed down instantly, don't look at her as a mascot, she is not stupid.

Why did Jiang Xue have this reaction? Just after Sailor appeared, Jiang Xue wasn't herself. She joined Race Rabbit, and she didn't seem to be the kind of person with a hairy foot.

Could it be that the elder sister knew Jiang Qi's identity?

Jiang Xiaoqi thought of this possibility in an instant ~ www.readwn.com ~ I knew it myself, and by virtue of my elder sister's ability to observe, I should have known it.


Jiang Xue was silent, looked at Jiang Xiaoqi, then ran forward and took Jiang Xiaoqi's hand and said, "Let's together ..."


Jiang Xue pushed open the door and ran in that direction.

"Sister you--" Know Jiang Qi's identity?

Jiang Xiaoqi didn't say it, but Jiang Xue already knew what she was going to say, nodded, and even admitted, saying, "But Xiao Jiang didn't know about it."


Jiang Xiaoqi looked at her elder sister silently. When did she know? Is it much earlier than myself?


"Volt ..."

Jiang Qi disappeared into place, turned into a human state, then leaned on the door, staring at the Alpha Drive landing in the sky.

Recalling the scene where they saved themselves, Jiang Qi couldn't help but want to laugh.

Unconsciously, has humanity grown to this point? Sure enough, human potential is really strong.

"Strong !!!"

At this time, behind Jiang Qi suddenly appeared a louder sound than firecrackers, and it had a special smell, which was awkward.


Jiang Qi was taken aback, turned around quickly, and saw a man, a human dressed up as a Japanese warrior, who turned out to be a thousand books or something.

"What are you doing ..."

Jiang Qi looked at this person, a little puzzled, wouldn't it be a neuropathy?

"You are a strong man, please accept my challenge!"

The man suddenly bowed to Jiang Qi and said solemnly.


Jiang Qi's eyes instantly became Doudou eyes, and looked at this Japanese warrior innocently.

He wants to challenge me?

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