Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 433: return! Mysterious Japanese Samurai (6)

. . .

"Uh ... I am ... powerful?"

Jiang Qi pointed at himself dumbly, and looked at the thousand eleven elders in disbelief and said.


The thousand eleven lang nodded heavily, and said to Jiang Qi seriously: "I just saw it, you are Cyro!"


Startled in his heart, Jiang Qi rushed forward, trying to block his mouth, but shockingly, he even avoided it.

"Do you want to do it so fast?"

The thousand eleven lang turned down seriously, and then slowly pulled out the wooden sword at his waist, said to Jiang Qi: "Unnamed name, although very rude, but your challenge! I accepted!"

Qianben Eleven Lang said with full of vitality.

"..." (` ⌒? メ)

Jiang Qi appeared with a "jing" on his forehead. Why did this guy take this for granted?

After looking around, it was found that there was no one around, so Jiang Qi asked: "I'm not Sailo! You're wrong!"

"No! I have seen with my own eyes the human being you turned from Sero!"

Unexpectedly, that Japanese warrior was particularly stubborn, which also fits the characteristics of the Japanese warrior.

"... I don't believe it, you come up with evidence ..."

Jiang Qi narrowed his eyes and looked at him for a long time before saying, no matter whether he saw it or not, he wanted Jiang Qi to admit his identity by just one sentence. Was it too sloppy?

"I have a video here ..."

Unexpectedly, the thousand eleven lang, even took out a mobile phone directly, turned in and repeatedly played a clip of about five seconds.

A huge giant instantly became a human being, but when Jiang Qi became human, the light was too strong, so he couldn't see Jiang Qi's face.

But this is enough for Jiang Qi to worry about ...

"give me!"

Jiang Qi's predecessor passed by, very fast, grabbing Qianben Shijiro's mobile phone.

"Do not give ..."

Unexpectedly, the thousand eleven lang actually hid again and said, "This is a reward for the two of us, whoever wins will get it."


Jiang Qi looked at Qianben Shijiro and felt that this guy was so difficult, so he said: "You are suspected of defamation, I want to get it. Besides, who can prove that it is me!"

"Since it's not you, I'll post it on the Internet to show everyone ..."

Qianben Shijiro thought for a while, and then said: "I don't think you want me to be like this. Whether you are Sailor or not, just know clearly."


Jiang Qi, who was speechless, looked at him and didn't expect him to be in the middle of Jiang Qi's heart.

Although the video could not be seen as Jiang Qi himself, but after identification, it will definitely be confirmed as a video. At that time, people all over the world will know that Ultraman is actually a human.

At that time, no matter what the direction of things was, it was not very beneficial to Jiang Qi.

Who said that people who practice martial arts have bad brains? I think every one is an elite!


In the depths of the universe, a samurai who had just defeated his opponent stood up and suddenly sneezed, rubbing his nose strangely.


"how about it?"

The Japanese warrior looked at Jiang Qi, and Zheng Dazhi published the warfare book brightly. Then he saw that Jiang Qi didn't say anything, so he added: "Whether winning or losing, this thing is given to you. Can record one. "

Jiang Qi hesitated. In fact, he could just agree to it and pretend to be defeated.

However, Jiang Qi's own self-esteem does not allow him to do that. If he agrees, he will win. It may be that his personality has changed too fast.

Jiang Qi used to be sleepy for him anyway. Now it may be the reason to become Celtic Ultraman, making him stronger.

Just when Jiang Qi was about to agree, there was a wave of fluctuations in his heart, and he seemed to turn around in a sense.


A roar of cars sounded. At the core of the battlefield, surrounded by waste and flames, the sudden sound of the motor was still very abrupt.


Suddenly, a familiar car appeared in front of Jiang Qi, and then the speed gradually slowed down. That's not because the driver wanted to stop, but because the driver let go of the throttle.

"This car ..."

Jiang Qi suddenly recognized the car, his expression softened, and looked straight at the car. Qianben Shijiro behind him looked at Jiang Qi, and then looked at the car. He didn't quite understand what happened.

The car was parked there for a long time, and finally the co-pilot's door was loosened. A little girl in a white shirt, yes, a little beautiful girl came out.

She looked straight at Jiang Qi, tears flashing faintly in her eyes.

"Xiaoqi ..."

Jiang Qi's mouth moved, and he whispered the familiar name. Somehow, his voice was hoarse.


Jiang Xiaoqi heard Jiang Qi's call, his body shivered, and then suddenly ran over and plunged into Jiang Qi's arms.


Jiang Xiaoqi cried, crying very sadly, without any hysterics, but made Jiang Qi feel distressed, and slowly hugged Jiang Xiaoqi's head, Jiang Qi said in a low voice: "I'm back ..."


Hearing Jiang Qi's words, Jiang Xiaoqi held Jiang Qi's hands tighter, as if afraid of Jiang Qi disappearing out of thin air.

Once upon a time, Jiang Qi said the same thing in her dreams countless times, and Jiang Xiaoqi also tried to grasp him countless times, but only this time it succeeded.

She prayed inwardly that if it was a dream, she would stay here all her life.

"No cry no cry--"

Jiang Qi touched Jiang Xiaoqi's head and smiled. He came back, yes, although after a long time, he came back.


Suddenly, the door of the driving car was also opened, and another woman wearing a light blue wallet also got out of the car.

"Jiang Xue--"

Looking at Jiang Xue, Jiang Qi had an unspeakable feeling in her heart, and she became more mature, which was a temperamental improvement.

Looking at Jiang Xue's red eyes, Jiang Qi felt a bit distressed and wanted to take a step forward, but Jiang Xiaoqi held too tightly to make Jiang Qi unable to move and only smiled apologetically at Jiang Xue.

"Just come back--"

Jiang Xue didn't care much about it. She didn't need to hug and comfort.

Just like that sentence, just come back.


Jiang Qi nodded and said to Jiang Xue with a new smile: "I'm back."

"Welcome home!"

Jiang Xue nodded and said with a smile, the two stared at each other for a while, and were suddenly interrupted by Jiang Xiaoqi.

Jiang Xiaoqi suddenly got up from Jiang Qi's arms and cried into a little tearful man, but he still asked fiercely: "You ... Where have you gone ... Do you know ... I and my elder sister ... are worried You ... you do n’t know ... come back and see ... or report a peace ... if you come back later ... the graves are all bought ... "

Even though Jiang Xiaoqi's voice was so choked, Jiang Qi felt a trace of anger deep in Jiang Xiaoqi's heart.

"... me, isn't this back?"

Jiang Qi smiled helplessly, and then said: "Moreover, it is not safe to speak here."

"Sister knows ... your identity ..."

Jiang Xiaoqi rolled his eyes, and the three of them had no secrets.


Jiang Qi's eyes widened and she looked at Jiang Xue in disbelief. How did she know? No way? Hidden very well!

No, after Jiang Liu knew, his performance was also very wrong, and Jiang Xue, if she knew her identity, then the things that made her feel strange would be solved.

Jiang Xue didn't speak. For her now, she just smiled.


Jiang Qisong breathed a sigh of relief, not knowing why, and instantly relaxed a lot.

"Can you talk about it?"

After a period of buffering, Jiang Xiaoqi became better and spoke a lot smoother.


Jiang Qi didn't speak, but turned his head and looked at Qianben Shiroulang.

"Can you fight?"

Seeing Jiang Qi looking at herself, Qianben Eleven Lang felt a lot of energy and said quickly.

"Fight you!"

Jiang Qi rolled her eyes angrily, and then thought for a while before saying, "Do you really want to fight me?"


Qianben Shijiro nodded vigorously, and that level almost made Jiang Qi think he would shake his neck down.

"Well, you go back to the place where you live first. I will come here tomorrow and I will have a fight."

Jiang Qi didn't have much thought to fight now, so he pushed the time to tomorrow, just to let Qianben Shijiro adjust his status.

After all, Jiang Qi doesn't think he can beat himself.

"I understand!"

The man nodded, bowed deeply to Jiang Qi, and said, "I believe in your Bushido spirit, I will wait for you!"


Jiang Qi nodded and said to Jiang Xue and Jiang Xiaoqi: "Let's go first ..."

"it is good……"

Despite some doubts, Jiang Xue nodded. As for Jiang Xiaoqi, she didn't care about that person.


Three people got in the car, and after closing the door, Jiang Xue asked, "Who is that person?"

She heard any challenges or the like, thinking that the guy was an alien, and came to defeat Jiang Qi.

"A neuropathy."

Jiang Qi is holding her head in distress, who knows what he is saying? He was caught, otherwise he would not be so passive.

"He is an ordinary person."

Jiang Xue hesitated for a moment, but still asked a question, because he was really not at ease.


I remembered that I had just escaped myself two times, and I knew in my heart that Qianben Shiroulang was not an ordinary person.

"I know--"

Hear the hidden meaning in Jiang Qi's words, but Jiang Xue didn't break it, nodded, and only said that he understood.


By the time Huang Ying and others flew to the base, the sky was already dark, and the black sky 9 pressed against the top of their heads, but no one showed frustration, but they were all full of energy.


The cabin opened, and Huang Ying came out from inside, saw Han Yi also came down, smiled and said: "Good job."

"You also cooperated well-"

Han Yi smiled. He knew that Huang Ying was referring to the fatal blow that had just been intercepted by Gakuma. In fact, it was a fatal blow. For Jiang Qi, at most, it was a bit injured. Do n’t forget, Jiang Qi still has the form of lv2.

"Okay, don't talk to each other about your young couple."

A staff member who was very familiar with them couldn't help covering his face. He knew about Huang Ying and Han Yi, so he felt the piercing eyes.

Sooner or later, he will let the two of them see the anger of the single dog.


Seeing his angry colleagues, Han Yi scratching his head, he said to Huang Ying: "Let's go back to the command room."


The two walked together again. At the night raid base, a lot of things were missing, but the most important thing was the single dog.

At this time, the news that Huang Ying and Han Yi were together suddenly appeared, can you let them feel shocked?

Although these two people haven't even said a word, in other people's eyes, it has already become.

Many people start to move around because of the relationship between the two of them, and the top management knows it, but one eye is closed and one eye is closed, regardless of this kind of thing.

Falling in love is their personal freedom, and they are all young people. Falling in love is not illegal, and many people like this kind of thing. In the cold instrument, they feel the human touch.

"Huh ..."

Huang Ying and Han Yi entered the command room. The atmosphere is completely the same as the concept of departure, and they are full of energy.

The reason for all of this is due to one reason, Sero Altman is back.

It is undeniable that even though some people hate Siro, subconsciously ~ www.readwn.com ~ has regarded Siro as a spiritual pillar.

The news media had already exploded, and within ten minutes of Jiang Qi's appearance, Cerro Altman had swiped the screen, and almost the whole world knew that, after six months of disappearance, Cerro returned.

This is exciting news.

Huang Ying's heart was counted, but after seeing Ding Yunfeng's complexion, she froze for a moment and found that Ding Yunfeng's complexion was not good.

So he came to Ding Yunfeng and asked, "What happened?"

"Why did Gakuma appear?"

Ding Yunfeng glanced at Huang Ying and sat down on his seat, said to Huang Ying.

Cheng Yu took the call and said: "Because in the judgment of the commander, Gakuma is probably dormant in the northern island. It is impossible to appear suddenly."

Suddenly, Concern jumped out of Cheng Yu and said directly: "It appears that something special stimulates it."

"Special thing?"

Huang Ying froze for a moment and repeated, "Something special, is it that Cylo appears?" No way. There are no signs at all.

"Did you find it?"

At this time, Ding Yunfeng looked at and asked.

"Well, the United States did three days ago. The nuclear explosion test was carried out in the ocean."

Caring sat across from Ding Yunfeng and said seriously.

"Don't the United Nations stop it?"

After Ding Yunfeng heard it, he was surprised and clearly warned last time.

"The United Nations specifically applied for the United Nations because the reason for the disappearance of Siro, they must have the force to protect themselves."

Care shrugged and said directly.

"Why don't I know this kind of thing?"

Ding Yunfeng was still very surprised. It stands to reason that he should know the news.

"They didn't tell you if they knew you wouldn't agree."

Ding Yunfeng: "..."

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