The so-called city is nothing more than bustling streets, lively crowds, roads extending in all directions, brilliant lights at night, there will never be a day of sleep ...

The crowd of people leaving work, the endless stream of passers-by, the streets full of traffic, and the scooter-ridden motorcycles have drawn a unique picture in this city.

Jiangliu Office ...

When Jiang Qi went to the barbecue restaurant, he saw a familiar brand, which was still the same as before.

But I don't know why, there is always a feeling of right and wrong.

Maybe it's too much of my own heart, right?

Jiang Qi shook his head, and then walked across the street. Although it was across the street, the barbecue restaurant was still a little farther from the office.

And the point is that the battle at that time took place here, not far from the barbecue restaurant, but fortunately it was not destroyed.

Moreover, the owner of this house is also the heart of the business, even if it is an ordinary store, at least have a rest? It will close at least for a while.

"Jiang Qi, here!"

Jiang Qi just pushed the door in and saw Huang Ying in the hall. When she saw Jiang Qi, her eyes lit up and waved at Jiang Qi.

"Sorry, it's late."

Jiang Qi walked to Huang Ying's side and said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay, I have just arrived."

Huang Ying smiled, then looked at Jiang Qi and said, "Your face is a little white, isn't it ..."

"It's inconvenient to speak here!"

Jiang Qi stopped Huang Ying immediately and looked around before saying, "After all, your identity is very special."


Huang Ying also noticed that some people around looked at herself from time to time, her eyes full of desire to detect.

This is also taken for granted, after all, it is the night raid team! Some people can even recite the data of some night raid members, not to mention the popular figure, Huang Ying.

"Just when I booked the private room, let's eat."

Huang Ying said, and took Jiang Qi upstairs.

Until their figure disappeared, the people downstairs suddenly discussed.

"I have no flowers in my eyes? Huang Ying ???? Huang Ying of the night raid team?"

The waiter at the door wiped his eyes and is still very unsure.

"Yes !! Yeah!"

Because this store is too close to the last battlefield, there are few guests, only one or two, but even so, these people are noisy and the effect is particularly great.

If they were not afraid of any secrets, those people would have to take out their phones to take pictures!


Hearing the cheers downstairs, Jiang Qi sighed, looked at Huang Ying with a cry, and said, "You are so popular!"

"How? Jealous!"

Although I have n’t seen each other for a long time, Huang Ying still got it for some joking methods and said, "If your identity is on the bright side, I'm afraid it's not worse than us."

"forget it."

Jiang Qi smiled bitterly and shook his head, but he did not forget how many people had wanted to kill him on the Internet before, and even had to take his blood and draw his muscles.

Until now, Jiang Qi couldn't understand what he was doing wrong.

"Okay, order something."

When Huang Ying saw Jiang Qi, she knew there were other stories in it, but she didn't delve into it. Anyway, her character did not contain any gossip.

Jiang Qi also has no appetite, even if he just asked for a little meat, Huang Ying, ordered a lot of things.

Soon, a waiter brought the meat and some other green vegetables to serve. It was not roasted, but raw meat. There was a stove on the table, which required the guests to roast themselves.

Before leaving, the waiter gave himself a deep look, as if he wanted to see through, which made Jiang Qi feel speechless.


The barbecue made a subtle sound on the iron plate, causing Jiang Qi to recover slightly, looked at Huang Ying beside him, and asked, "I don't know why you came to me, what are you doing?"


While Huang Ying was busy with her work, she gave Jiang Qi a strange look, and then said, "Can't you just look at you?"

"No, of course."

Jiang Qi nodded immediately, and then looked at Huang Ying strangely, revealing a little puzzlement in her eyes.

Do n’t you want to get into the topic? Or should I wait for her?

"I mean, you have nothing to want me to—"

Jiang Qi didn't make it clear, thinking that Huang Ying would know, Huang Ying stopped the movement in his hand, thought for a while, and said, "Of course there are."


Jiang Qi said inwardly, as expected. And then sitting upright, after all, it is a very formal thing.

"Give me the sauce on your left, don't wait to eat there."

Huang Ying dropped the barbecues one by one, and then spoke to Jiang Qi about his request.


Jiang Qi looked at her in surprise, her eyes slightly glared, and her sitting stiffened.

"Hurry up? What are you waiting for?"

Huang Ying saw Jiang Qi didn't move for a long time, and repeated it loudly to Jiang Qi.

"Eh, okay."

Jiang Qi immediately passed the sauce to Huang Ying and asked a little embarrassedly: "What else?"

"Temporarily gone."

Huang Ying took the sauce without lifting his head, and then said, "You don't know, I haven't eaten barbecue in a long time, and the guy in Han Yi won't let me eat it. I think it's a little too oily I don't think so. "

"A little more oil—"

Jiang Qi looked at the fried oil on the barbecue plate and nodded. He actually didn't like to eat too much oil.


Huang Ying raised her head and her eyes gave a sharp light, causing Jiang Qi to change her head immediately and said, "What's wrong with Captain Han Yi? Why do you feel your tone ... Ao ..."

Jiang Qi himself did not know how to describe it. In the past, Huang Ying mentioned Han Yi's words, all of which are the feelings of colleagues, but now there is obviously something more, it seems more intimate.

"The two of us, just like that, you know."

Huang Ying didn't elaborate too much, but the meaning was passed on to Jiang Qi. Jiang Qi couldn't help but widen his eyes, looked at Jiang Qi, and smiled, "You two ... really?"

"I won't lie to you again."

Huang Ying fiddled with the barbecue and shrugged his shoulders indifferently, which made Jiang Qi even more happy.


Jiang Qi didn't say anything else. He returned a congratulation. After all, now he can only say one congratulation.

"Congratulations, the character hasn't been written yet."

For the two of them, the most is the stage of understanding now. If you want to start officially, you must wait until they retire.

"Congratulations, I didn't expect it."

Huang Ying and Han Yi, the two of them could even get together. This really made Jiang Qi feel very surprised, and the same was also a surprise.

"The meat is ready, hurry up!"

Huang Ying took a plate, then picked up a piece of barbecue, put it on the plate, and said to Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi saw it, and began to eat it. To say that Huang Ying's craftsmanship was really not covered. It bite down, and the mouth was full of fiery boiling, full of happiness. The meat was washed by charcoal fire, and the aroma was already overflowing. Due to the added color of the pepper and spicy sauce, it becomes more flavorful, tender, crispy, fresh and salty, and spicy all swells and dances in the mouth in an instant, the delicious taste directly reaches the meaty mouth of the tongue.

"good to eat!"

Jiang Qi's eyes lit up, and he ate his head and ate it. From time to time, he picked up the vegetables, wrapped the barbecue, and stuffed it into his mouth. The fragrance of the vegetables and the rich flavor of the barbecue were mixed together, which was full of Jiang Qi's taste buds.

"eat more."

Looking at Jiang Qi's appearance, Huang Ying didn't eat much. Anyway, Huang Ying had already eaten it. The barbecue was just to understand the cravings. It was all for Jiang Qi.


In the end, Jiang Qi finished all the meat and then burped.

"I'm sorry, I've finished my meal, I want a little more."

Jiang Qi, who had come back immediately, realized that the roast meat on the table had been eaten by himself, and he could not help but blush, and said.

"No, I'm full."

Huang Ying quickly stopped Jiang Qi and said with a smile: "You can eat more, I am also very happy."


Having said that, Jiang Qi was very embarrassed. I didn't expect this barbecue to be so delicious, but I couldn't control it for a while.

"Eat and eat well."

Huang Ying sighed and said, "I'm asking you now, how is your body doing? It was almost dangerous last time."

Huang Ying's words made Jiang Qi stunned for a moment, and then said very calmly, "I'm fine, rest assured."

"Who are you lying to?"

Huang Ying frowned, how inferior lies? I knew it was fake in one click.

The red light is on as soon as it appears, clearly a very dangerous warning? Did you say nothing?

"Relax, wasn't it because it was calculated last time?"

Jiang Qi thought of Qianben Shiroulang, and felt his fists tickle, and his hatred must be reported.

"Calculate? Who?"

Huang Ying raised her eyes, looked at Jiang Qi, and asked, "Is it an alien?"

"should be."

Jiang Qi seemed to hear what a thousand eleven lang said he was a celebrity, but he didn't seem to hear it. At that time, he had lost his sanity, how could he listen to him seriously.


Huang Ying should be stunned when she heard this. The vague words made her a little bit difficult.

"So, please, if you find that person, a Japanese warrior named Qianben Shijiro, you must inform me if you find him."

Jiang Qi asked her to do things for the first time. He knew that if Qianben Shirou was going to hide, he might not be able to find him for a lifetime, but if the night raid was added, it might be possible.

"Thousand Eleven Lang?"

Huang Ying heard the name and pondered for a long time. She raised her head violently, looked at Jiang Qi, and asked, "Is that the Japanese warrior who has always challenged the master?"

"you know?"

Jiang Qi looked at Huang Ying with surprise, did she even know?


Huang Ying nodded and said solemnly: "When you are away, every time the monster appears, there are him. We have noticed him more than once."


Jiang Qi was silent, no wonder that the guy said that the plan was not perfect. It turned out that there were loopholes from the beginning and it was particularly obvious.

"Jiang Qi, it's up to me."

Huang Ying nodded to Jiang Qi and said, "As for you, just wait for my news."

"Then trouble you."

Jiang Qi nodded at her and said seriously.

"You don't have to do this, you have to investigate anyway."

Huang Ying glanced at her watch, slightly startled, and quickly stood up and said: "The money has been paid already, I have the task, I will go first."

With that said, Huang Ying picked up her things and was about to leave.

Just left?

Jiang Qi looked at Huang Ying as he was leaving with question marks, and he was stunned. What he thought before was that Huang Ying wanted to talk to him about the relationship between him and human beings. Is this the way to go?

"and many more."

Jiang Qi stopped Huang Ying immediately, could it be that Huang Ying was really for a meal?

"How? Not full? I'll ask for it again."

Huang Ying looked back at Jiang Qi and said something that almost caused Jiang Qi to spur blood.

How much can you eat?

"no need!"

Jiang Qi hesitated before saying, "I'm just weird. Don't you want to know, where did I go during the time I disappeared? And, can you continue to believe me about my position?"

"Ah, are you concerned about this?"

Huang Ying slapped her head. No wonder she felt that Jiang Qi seemed to have something to worry about. It turned out that she cared about this thing. Also, the time when he invited him to dinner was too sensitive.

"The conductor said, what you want to do in the future, let go and do it. You don't need to do anything. The sky is falling, and he is standing on it."

Huang Ying patted Jiang Qi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "And you should not misunderstand the relationship of trust. Trust is unconditional. If there are too many trade-offs and excessive doubts, it is not trust, it is cooperation. Cooperation in interests. "

"... but I think this is cooperation."

Jiang Qi lowered his head, and Shen Sheng said, "I protect my loved ones, and you also need me to protect others."

"There is nothing wrong with this, but Jiang Qi, in this, you are free, you can choose whatever you want."

Huang Ying walked to Jiang Qi and looked at Jiang Qi and said, "No matter we or others, it is impossible to interfere with your choice."


Jiang Qi responded in silence. He chose this path to protect the earth, and he will certainly protect it, but Jiang Qi is most worried about human relations.

"You can rest assured, still that sentence, the sky is falling, let's bear it!"

Huang Ying smiled and pointed at herself ~ ~ said: "We will protect you."


Jiang Qi took a deep breath, and fell off Danuoke heavily, saying, "I know, thank you!"

"Thank you, it's us!"

Huang Ying stood up and bowed earnestly to Jiang Qi, saying, "Thank you for protecting human beings, and never give up! Maybe my words are too weak, but I will prove that your choice is not wrong."

"That's good!"

Jiang Qi stood up, held out his hand to Huang Ying, and said, "I'm Jiang Qi, Sailo Altman! Please advise!"

"I am Huang Ying! The captain of the night raid team represents human beings and hello to you!"

Huang Ying stretched out her small white hand and shook it with Jiang Qi, saying that it was a small hand. In fact, it was about the same size as Jiang Qi, and there were cocoons. She is a very hard-working person, a reliable captain!

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