
When the sun was pulled to the distant horizon in the early morning, everything on the earth seemed to be alive. A breeze was blowing on its face.

Above that land, everything seemed so dazzling.


Li Yulong came out of the tent, and after a night of rest, his energy recovered almost.

"Professor, good morning."

A man came and saw Li Yulong, greeted with a smile.

"Good morning!"

Li Yulong also smiled and returned a salute, then took a deep breath. The air in the morning was indeed the freshest, making him refreshed.

"Professor, Captain Huang Ying is here."

The man thought of something like this, walked to Li Yulong and said, "Just arrived."

"is it?"

Li Yulong froze for a moment, then quickly asked, "Where is that man?"

"On the job site."

The man nodded and said.

"I will go immediately."

Li Yulong quickly walked towards the work site, the speed is very fast, after all, it was a night raid, you can not neglect others.

When Li Yulong arrived there, many people had already started to work, and wearing the uniform of the night raid team, Huang Ying appeared particularly conspicuous.

"Captain Huang Ying! For a long time!

Li Yulong immediately stretched out a hand towards Huang Ying and said with a smile.

"you are--"

Huang Ying coldly heard someone calling herself behind her, turned around and saw a middle-aged man, walking towards herself, could not help but feel a little stunned.

"Ah, Captain Huang Ying, let me introduce you."

Xiao Wu, who was working, found the movement here and immediately came over and said with a smile.

Then patted Li Yulong's shoulder with one hand and said, "This is Professor Li Yulong, our leader. As for Captain Huang Ying, shouldn't I introduce it?"

Hearing Xiao Wu's introduction, Huang Ying nodded, then extended her hand, shook hands with Li Yulong, and said, "Hello, Professor Li Yulong."


Li Yulong said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to come here so soon."

"Not soon, but also a little late, otherwise it came last night."

Huang Ying nodded slightly, then looked at Xiao Wu and said, "We need to speed up the movement."


Xiao Wu nodded and said to the two people, "Then you two will talk first, and I will be busy myself first."

With that said, Xiao Wu stepped up his work, because it was not far away, and that thing could be found soon.


Li Yulong made a please gesture to Huang Ying, and then walked side by side with Huang Ying, saying: "I think it is necessary to tell you about the specific situation."

"Roughly, I already know. I just want to know, how confident do you think the following things are coming out?"

Huang Ying looked at some sophisticated instruments while talking. It stands to reason that these instruments are all super-grade, and even the night raid team is difficult to get out.

However, the Wannian Royal Tomb is so tempting. Because of this, the leaders of the central government have released important instruments.

However, this transaction is really not a loss.

"Seven percent."

Li Yulong took a deep breath, and there was some excitement in his heart. The things under the royal tomb would only be older than the tomb. It may be confirmed that China's history is not only five thousand years old.

"That's good."

Huang Ying nodded, then looked at the sky, the sun slowly climbed up, I do not know why, Huang Ying's heart grew a little uneasy.

"Just as soon as possible."

Huang Ying looked at the sky and murmured: "This day, I feel like it's about to change."


Looking at the sky, Li Yulong was clearly cloudless, and according to what he knew, there would be no rain or anything within a week, how could it change?


Huang Ying didn't speak, just sighed and walked toward the front.



Although it is morning, the cold wind is not reduced. If the time is long, it will still make people feel cold.

On the outskirts of Goyang, there was no more populated mountain top. A man sat there with his eyes closed, and let the cold wind blow on him.

If Jiang Qi is here, he will definitely be surprised, because this person is not someone else, it is Li Wenjie.

At the moment, Li Wenjie, dressed in white casual clothes and trousers at the bottom, sits on the top of the mountain. If he doesn't know him, he thought he was a quiet and beautiful boy.


At this time, a person slowly walked up from the mountain to Li Wenjie.

This man, wearing ordinary blue long sleeves, blue sentences, and a short beard.

He turned out to be Qianben Shirou who made Jiang Qi grind his teeth.

"Just looking for me?"

Qianben Shiroulang saw Li Wenjie's back, sneered, and looked at Li Wenjie carefully.

Just last night, he heard an unfamiliar voice, let him come to the top of the mountain, they met, did not expect to be a stinky kid.

"what's up?"

Seeing that Li Wenjie didn't respond, Qianben Eleven Lang frowned, and then asked: "If it's okay, I can go, now I don't have time to hang out with the little ass."

"Ha ha……"

Just when Qianben Shijiro was impatient, Li Wenjie suddenly laughed. The laughter made him tremble, turned around and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"Call you, just want to see, what can make him eat such a big loss."

Li Wenjie said slowly, without keeping his eyes open, and said quietly: "Unexpectedly, even a thing is not counted."

"what did you say?"

Thousands of Eleven Lang turned around fiercely, looked at Li Wenjie, and said in a word: "It seems that I will give you a lesson."

"Lesson? What can you do now?"

Li Wenjie didn't respond at all, and closed his eyes and said, "I know all of your abilities. I control monsters with my mind, but my combat effectiveness is a little weaker."

"What do you want to say?"

Qianben Shijiro's heart "giggled", then looked at Li Wenjie, and looked at him sternly.

"Since I have asked you to come, I must be prepared. No matter how you do this area, there will be no monsters for you to drive."

Li Wenjie said slowly, yawning while saying, "And even if you have a killer skill, should you respond to that person? Using it so early is really bad for you."


Li Wenjie's words and sentences were all in his own heart, and he tried it secretly. Sure enough, his ability seemed to be ineffective.

"What do you want?"

Although Qianben Shijiro's ability has failed, he is not panic. He can travel in the universe, and he must have a certain strength. Moreover, his idea is not only to control the monster, but he wants to see this hair What the kid wants to say.

"The hands-on ability is not strong, the idea is half hanging, the guy was treated so badly by you, in addition to the sneak attack, that thing is also the main condition?"

Li Wenjie tilted his head and said slowly.

"That's my curse on him, this man can't live anymore."

Qianben Eleven Lang looked at Li Wenjie with confidence, let Li Wenjie's mouth slightly tick, he never said that Jiang Qi could not live, how could this person have the courage to say this?

"Curse? Hahaha ..."

Li Wenjie laughed loudly for several times, and there were a lot of emotions in it. Qianben Shiroulang felt the sarcasm inside and asked angrily, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, but I haven't heard the word in a long time, curse? Hahaha ..."

Li Wenjie smiled for a while, then stopped, and said to Qianben Shiroulang: "I'm sorry, I haven't been so happy to laugh for a long time, and I couldn't hold back when I heard such funny things!"

endure! ! !

Qianben Shijiro forcedly resisted the desire to do it himself, looked at him, and said, "What's the use of being so arrogant? Or, are you and that guy together?"

"You think too much. Me and that guy are enemies."

Li Wenjie's voice returned to normal all at once, and his voice became very calm, saying, "I will meet you sooner or later."

"Then you ..." Why should this be?

Qianben Shijiro looked at him, this guy gave him a strange feeling, more like a feeling of looking down at him, looking down at his kind of children's playthings.

"The reason why I came to you today, in addition to condolences, there are other things."

Li Wenjie closed his eyes and turned his back to Qianben Shiroulang: "So, you are here."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

This guy had something to ask for himself. Qianben Shijiro was very surprised. He looked at Li Wenjie with interest and asked.

Li Wenjie said slowly: "In the generation of Changping, there is something to come out, I want that very much, so ..."

"Need my help?"

After listening to Qianben Shijiro, he slowly shook his head. Li Wenjie had never looked down on his attitude, which really made him very uncomfortable. Since the two people had no possibility of cooperation, why should he help Li Wenjie?

"Why do you think I will help you?"

When Qianben Shijiro's sentence had just been spoken, he suddenly felt a cool breeze appearing behind him, making him froze.

"You made a mistake, it was not that I asked you for help, nor that I asked you to cooperate ..."

Li Wenjie slowly opened his eyes, revealing purple pupils, and said, "But I am threatening you. Now the two choices are terrible or listen to me?"


Qianben Shijiro didn't answer, but turned his head slowly, saw a huge purple body, and slowly looked up ...

"Cola la--"

The huge purple body turned out to be a monster, and the body was not small, about 30 meters. Don't think that 30 meters is very short. This monster is a creeping monster.

"Aren't you afraid of breaking my net?"

Thousands of Eleven Lang turned his head and stared at Li Wenjie slowly. He slowly said that he did the same, leaning down slightly, and making what he was about to do.

"Fish dead net? Haha ..."

Li Wenjie slowly smiled and said, "The reason why I dare to threaten you so blatantly is because I know some of your things, but in turn, you don't know me at all."


Thousands of Eleven Lang was unmoved, still full of oppression, and looking at Li Wenjie, he seemed to be starting.

"You don't need to pose, you don't dare to do it at all."

Li Wenjie slowly stood up and slowly said: "Because you are not sure at all, can you kill me, I can tell you clearly that you can't kill me, but I want to kill you, it's easy."

"Do you think I will believe it?"

Thousands of Eleven Lang narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Wenjie, the enemy ’s words, the most unbelievable.

"Believe it or not, but what you need to know is ..."

Li Wenjie slowly turned around and looked down at him, saying: "Without revealing other cards, a Lexer can hold you back. In this case, what do you think Jiang Qi will do? One is a monster, the other is an alien attacking him. "


Qianben Eleven Lang's pupils shrank, looking at Li Wenjie, and said in disbelief: "You have to sacrifice this monster ..."

"I think it's worth it, a monster, for your life."

Li Wenjie's mouth twitched a little, and he smiled sternly, saying: "Your curse is not mature enough to threaten Jiang Qi. In this case, Jiang Qi and I joined forces. Do you think, what is your chance of alive? "


Thousands of Eleven Lang gasped and stared at Li Wenjie, this Maotou boy who made him look down on him, and in turn threatened him, and he could not resist.

"Don't think about it."

Li Wenjie looked at Qianben Shijiro, smiled, and said, "From the beginning, when you come here, you are destined to obey my arrangement."

"You already calculated it ..."

Qianben Shiroulang exhaled, scarlet eyes and purple eyes stared at each other, rubbing in the air, and finally Qianben Shiroulang asked: "Who the **** are you?"

"Li Wenjie, Lord of the Void."

Li Wenjie raised the corner of his mouth, the two eyes collided, and finally the red eyes lowered.

"What should I do?"

Qianben Shiroulang took a deep breath, looked at Li Wenjie and asked slowly.

"Just go by the plane ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Wenjie said slowly, and then walked toward Qianben Shijiro, said while walking:" Don't try to play tricks, because you can't play ... "


Qianben Shiroulang did not speak, and only when two people passed by, Qianben Shilangrou said: "If the earth is like you, I am afraid that the earth does not need to have so many concerns."

"Don't put me and that idiot together."

Li Wenjie turned his head slowly, and said to Qianben Shijiro: "It is too much for him, so he is like a dog tied by a chain, and it looks threatening, but he is not terrible at all, on the contrary, this is also us Is terrible because we have no worries! "

(About the emergence of the League of Legends heroes, count Rexer, there are three more, I just think that such a good material, do not need to use it, but a lot of book friends do not like it, but there are only two left, The rest is original, do n’t worry. Anyway, there are League of Legends monsters. You can also imagine better. I can also write less and be lazy ... cough, you can also spend less brain cells.)

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