
The sky blows very strong winds, and this wind raises strong sand and dust. It has long been known that Changping City was originally not a place of affluence. Many places have sand and stones. There will be a lot of sand.

"Captain Huang Ying, let's evacuate for the time being!"

Li Yulong came over against the wind and shouted loudly: "This wind is too strong."

Even Li Yulong, who has been here for a long time, was very surprised. How could there be such a heavy wind suddenly? Although there was such a thing in the past, it was far less important.


After a long time, Huang Ying nodded and followed Li Yulong and others to leave the place.

It is one of Huang Ying ’s purposes to avoid casualties of all personnel. Although the wind is very suspicious, Huang Ying, without any basis, can only hold his nose and leave.

Somewhere on the top of the mountain, a young man stood on the mountain. He looked quietly underneath, with a trace of evil smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, withdrawing so quickly?"

He murmured and looked at the people who evacuated quickly, and laughed.

Not knowing when to start, he especially likes the feeling of being in control of all sentient beings, and the fan in his hand spins.

"You told me, I'm done."

At this time, Qianben Shijiro appeared behind the boy, frowning and saying, "Is there anything else?"

"Not yet."

Li Wenjie shook his head, did not look at Qianben Shijiro, but just looked at the following, suddenly said: "You said, will my plan succeed?"

"do not know."

Chimoto Shichiro shook his head before saying, "You look confident, I just help you cut off the signal."

"Of course."

Li Wenjie smiled and said, "I deliberately let Rexer attract the attention of the man in Goyang. If the guy has a little brain, he will stay there."


Qianben Shijiro looked at Li Wenjie for a while and suddenly asked: "Are you really human?"

"Are you human?"

When Li Wenjie heard the question from Qianben Shijiro, he turned and asked back.

"... So you are not human?"

Looking carefully at Li Wenjie, Qianben Shijiro felt something was wrong, but there was something wrong.

"……Ha ha……"

Li Wenjie smiled, looked down at the people below, and said, "What's the use of tangling these things? Don't forget, now you, follow my arrangement."


Qianben Shijiro frowned, would this guy really think he had no choice? Obeying Li Wenjie's arrangement is also due to Qianben Shirou's own reasons, not to mention, looking at the consumption inside the earth is also quite in line with his own ideas.

"I seem to have seen people with night raids below, it's better to take a little interest first."

Li Wenjie didn't know what agricultural resources he saw. He patted his head and said excitedly: "Kegmo! It's up to you!"


As Li Wenjie's words fell, I saw a vortex suddenly appear in the air, and a circular thing popped out of the vortex.


That thing fell to the ground and caused the ground to vibrate more than once. Huang Ying and others who were leaving were also nearly fell because of the sudden vibration.


Huang Ying and others turned their heads, saw the thing, froze for a moment, and slowly spit out two words.

I saw standing on the ground, a monster of about forty meters. Its body was purple, its legs were a little short, its eyes were a little red, its mouth was big, and the green saliva dripped out and fell. To the ground. There was a piercing noise, and I saw the ground was eroded away by a big deep pit.


How could the human being who saw the monster still slowly rubbed and ran away like a smoke, and the speed was very fast, where was there half the effort?


Qianben Shijiro also looked at this monster in shock. Unexpectedly, Li Wenjie even had this ability. This monster named Kegmore felt very strong.

This is Qianben Shijiro ’s intuition, because of his strong mental power, so he will believe in the strength of this monster. The dangerous species he encountered in the universe are also ranked in the middle and upper reaches. Of course, this depends on its performance. It depends.

"The abyss mouth-Kegmore."

Li Wenjie looked at the monster with a smile, very confident, and said: "Destroy the night raid."


Kegmo, who was standing still, raised his head immediately after hearing this, and then grew his mouth.

I saw that Kegmo had an organ similar to an ejector in his mouth. When he looked up sharply, a green thing flew towards Huang Ying.

"not good!!"

When Huang Ying saw Kegmore looking up, she felt bad and quickly jumped backwards.


The green liquid sprayed onto the ground, and the whole earth began to corrode the area at the fastest speed.

Huang Ying's uniform accidentally got a little bit, just about a drop, so that Huang Ying's uniform appeared a small hole. Fortunately, Huang Ying took off the uniform at the fastest speed and threw it on the ground, then Huang Ying saw The uniform turned into a pool of green water at the fastest speed.


Kegmo roared hoarsely, and then spit out saliva again. The green saliva turned into a bigger mass and flew towards Huang Ying.


Huang Ying turned her head and saw the green liquid flying over, too late to dodge.

At this juncture, a light suddenly appeared in the sky, quickly protected Huang Ying, and then flew into the sky.

"how come--"

Li Wenjie's face changed slightly, looking at the light, and looked at it very strangely.

How could this guy become so bold? Going to give up Goyang City? Is he so sure that he will not attack there?

Or did he not see what he deliberately left behind?

Li Wenjie narrowed his eyes and shook his head. It was wrong. He should know that thing. Why?


Qianben Shiroulang smiled slightly, then looked at Li Wenjie and asked, "I don't know if this is the case?"

"Although I didn't expect it, for me, it makes no difference ..."

Li Yulong snorted, looked at the battlefield with his arms folded, then glanced at Qianben Shiroulang again and said, "Maybe you have a little use."

The people on the land didn't find the ray of light, they were all busy running their own lives, but Li Yulong noticed the ray of light.


He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, if it was Siro, it should be able to destroy the monster.


Sure enough, as the light faded, Siro appeared in front of them, staring at everything below.

"Fortunately, it caught up."

Jiang Qi sighed slightly and said secretly.

He noticed a lot of doubts. The hole was just a guise. The real goal was here.

He bet that, with his speed, even if he is wrong, he can rush back as soon as possible.

However, it turned out that he was right.


I don't know what happened. The ground suddenly collapsed, but it's very subtle. If you don't pay attention, it's hard to see.


Then Jiang Qi wrapped Huang Ying with light and sent her to a safe place before looking at the monster below.

"Be careful, its saliva is corrosive."

At this time, Jiang Ying's ear sounded in Huang Qi's ear, and he stopped in the ear without saying a word.

Is it corrosive?

Jiang Qi looked at the monster's saliva, and it was as if a deep pit had been corroded on the ground.


Suddenly Kegmore raised his head, and the launching organ in his mouth stretched out like a fort, spraying saliva at Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi's body turned and escaped Kegmo's attack, but then Kegmore's attack became more rapid, giving Jiang Qi no time to breathe.


Jiang Qi suddenly flashed out, raised his fist, and was about to dive down. He had to attack, and he couldn't fight!

"Boom ..."

The ground collapsed a little bit.


Suddenly, Jiang Qi's stomach flashed a red light, and Jiang Qi felt a strong pain, even more pain than last time.


Jiang Qi fell to the ground and couldn't move while covering her stomach.

"Laza Lucia ... Serra ..."

The jerky words were spit out of Qianben Shijiro ’s mouth, Li Wenjie looked at Qianben Shijirou, then Jiang Qi, and then said: "Incomplete curse ..."


Jiang Qi is lying on the ground, her fingers are deeply buried in the ground, and the pain in her abdomen has risen by one level.


Kegmore yelled, and then suddenly attacked Jiang Qi.

"Brush Brush--"


Kegmo can be said to be a crazy attack, although the hit rate is not high, but with only a few clicks, Jiang Qi is better off dead.

The pain inside and outside the body made Jiang Qi unbearable. Unconsciously, the red light on Jiang Qi's chest flashed again.


Suddenly, a laser in the sky hit it and hit Kegmo's head. The extremely precise attack made Kegmore fall at once and didn't stand up for a while.


At the same time, dozens of planes flew out of the sky, walking on the night raid team logo, which made Huang Ying relieved.

finally come.

The top alpha drive slowly receded a bit, and it just attacked Kegmore with a super-electromagnetic gun, so it had to retreat temporarily.

"Pay attention, try to keep your distance."

Han Yi habitually commanded, and he heard the busy tone over there, and he reacted, murmuring, "Forgot to communicate."

However, how did it feel that Jiang Qi was so weak.

"The night raid is here--"

I do n’t know why, Chihsujiro stopped his movements, then smiled at Li Wenjie and said, "Thank you-"

Then, Qianben Eleven Lang suddenly disappeared, just under Li Wenjie's eyelids.

However, Li Wenjie didn't mean to stop it. Qianben Shijiro reached a task he didn't know, and he also achieved his goal.

Feeling the news from Rexer to himself, Li Wenjie laughed, and then looked at Jiang Qi lying on the ground, murmured: "Not reconciled, I feel killer."


Kegmore stood up, full of anger at these fighters, so he turned his attention to those guys and launched a crazy attack.

"Swipe ..."

For a time, between the sky and the ground, there were lasers and saliva flying, but the night attack team was at a total disadvantage. In terms of firepower coverage, it fell for the first time in the downwind, and aircraft were continuously shot down.

Looking back at Kegmore, every time he took a step, he vomited five times a second, and one step, vomited five times, even avoided many attacks.

Like a battery, it suppressed the night raid.


Suddenly, the golden light radiated from the side of Kegmore, and Jiang Jiang saw Jiang Qi standing up, wearing a golden armor, like a golden **** of war.

"Huh Huh ..."

The pain in the abdomen suddenly disappeared, and Jiang Qi was surprised when he covered it, but he still stood up and evolved into lv2.


Kegmore roared, about to attack Jiang Qi, and suddenly there was a voice in his mind.

"Come back! No need to fight!"

Li Yulong rubbed his forehead and looked at Jiang Qi, who suddenly recovered, and the fool knew why. Kegmo was not good at melee. The face of the evolutionary version of Jiang Qi might not be able to take advantage, anyway, the goal was also achieved.

"Volt ..."

Kegmore turned and left, and suddenly a vortex door appeared in front of him.

The night raid naturally knew that Kegmore was going to run, and immediately launched an attack, but Kegmore didn't even care and ran his own.

Seeing this, Jiang Qi immediately ran forward. Suddenly, Kegmore's saliva came out and flicked towards the back, forming a pool of viscous liquid on the ground. Jiang Qi stepped on it and couldn't move.

Seeing that Kegmore was about to run away, suddenly, something came out of Jiang Qi's back.

"Cola la ..."

There was a strange cry in his mouth, and his sharp claws flickered, rushing towards Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi was hit by a sudden blow, lying on the ground, and then the newly emerged thing burrowed into the ground again, but the dorsal fin was exposed.


Kegmo also walked into the vortex at this time, disappeared, and then, the monster also quickly moved towards the vortex.

"Don't go!"

Just before the monster was about to enter the vortex ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jiang Qi, who was struggling to stand up, released the uncharged bow and arrow light, and chased the monster into the vortex.

"Uh ..."

The monsters ran away, and the night raid members were a bit silly. As the purple cloud faded, they were already able to communicate, but no one spoke. This time they acted together with Siro, and they failed. This is the history. Failed for the first time.


(Now I can tell you, the second name of this chapter: mysterious ancient documents.

Some people may not understand it, and the next chapter will reveal a little. But it is already the next story, and there is sugar in the next story. Remember, there is xiang in sugar and toxic in xiang. )

(Also, we lost. Although I ’m not so obsessed with League of Legends, it ’s sad how the sacred place of the Bird ’s Nest allows the two South Korean teams to make a final match! Really, I have this kind of thing in mind .)

(Thanks to the night **** Long Ye for his reward, thank his father for his reward, thank you very much, thank you! This moment!)

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