Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 448: Unexpected rebellion! (1)

(Cough, the chapter name is wrong again, there are two 448, so it is a bit embarrassing.)

The monster ran away, yes, Jiang Qi couldn't stop him.

"Huh Huh--"

Jiang Qi lowered his head and gasped for two breaths, then he changed back to being human.


As the light dissipated, Jiang Qi appeared on the mountain with sweat, leaning on a rock in his back, and everything that had just happened quickly ran in his brain.

These two monsters seemed purposeful. When they saw themselves becoming LV2, they retreated immediately, very decisively.

This situation is more like someone in the back, and ...

Jiang Qi touched his belly, and the sudden pain just came suddenly, so Jiang Qi was almost killed by the monster.

Could it be said ... Chiboshi Shimburo is nearby?

The kind of pain that came out of my body was really uncomfortable. Not only that, it came faster and went faster. After it didn't hurt, I felt no more.


Is it true that Chiba Eleven Lang?

Jiang Qi's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled, and these monsters appear here, so what is their purpose?

Thinking about it, I couldn't figure out the key, Jiang Qi could only sigh.

Then standing upright, he didn't return to Gaoyang City, just to see if Huang Ying was okay. Second grade, he thought, would Huang Ying know anything?

"Tap to tap ..."

Suddenly, the sound of Huang Ying's footsteps came over, letting Jiang Qi breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that this is right. He became a human place, that is, the place where Huang Ying was put,

"Jiang Qi, is there anything?"

Huang Ying clearly saw that Jiang Qi had become a human position, so she originally planned to go to the landing site of the Flying Eagle and turned to it immediately.

Sure enough, Jiang Qi was really there and there was still some blood behind him, which should be shed during Jiang Qi's battle.

So, Huang Ying ran over to look at the blood behind Jiang Qi and said, "Come with me, I will bandage you."


Jiang Qi looked at Huang Ying a little confused. When Huang Ying took him a step, he suddenly felt a strong pain in his back, which only reflected it.

"Don't talk, come with me."

Seeing Jiang Qi seemed to say something, Huang Ying stopped immediately, frowned at Jiang Qi, and said, "First heal the wound."


He nodded when he saw Huang Ying insisting so much, and after settling down, it was not too late.

After the monster attacked, the signal and everything were recovered, and the night attack team immediately contacted the headquarters after landing.


Ding Yunfeng listened to Han Yi's report, frowned, and keenly felt something was wrong, and then said to Han Yi: "Collate the temporarily collected monster data, and then report to me specifically."


Han Yi nodded, cut off the communication, and then walked heavily to the wreckage of an airplane shot down by Kegmore.

Said to be the wreckage of the plane, in fact, the plane has been melted into a pool of molten iron by Kegmer's saliva, and mixed with various colors, black, silver, and ... red.


Han Yi gritted his teeth and exhaled, then turned around and said to a team member behind him: "Gather all the names of the sacrifices and write them into the Martyr's Monument. If they have family members, take good care of them."


The team member froze for a moment and nodded. They didn't know when to start. They were used to casualties, and some people were also used to displacement. The overall house prices tended to fall.

The Martyr's Monument is a tombstone that was established after the night raid. It was filled with the names of the victims. Sometimes, when they saw the name on the Martyr's Monument, they couldn't help but stunned. It turns out that we have suffered so many casualties?

However, they do not regret it! As long as they can protect the earth, they will never be afraid of sacrifice.


Han Yi slowly got up, and then walked in the direction of Jiang Qi putting Huang Ying down.

After a while, they will be together, but what makes Han Yi even more surprised is that Jiang Qi has also come over, and he looks very weak.

Combined with the previous battle situation, Jiang Qi suddenly fell down, which really made him puzzled, it seems to be the situation of the body?

"Take him to medicine first."

Huang Ying crossed Han Yi and said to Han Yi without looking back: "Please arrange those people first."


Han Yi nodded, indicating that he understood, and then instructed the team members to join them.

Huang Ying took the first aid kit and did this kind of work. It was indeed very dangerous. The first aid kit should be prepared in case.

"Wow la la ..."

Back in the tent, fortunately, the battle was not destroyed, so Huang Ying found the first aid kit.

"Get down!"

Huang Ying patted on the side and said, "I will give you medicine on your back."


Jiang Qi nodded obediently, although she was a little bit shy, but Huang Ying was the owner, and she didn't mind, what did she have?

So, Jiang Qi slowly took off her clothes. There was not much blood, but Huang Ying could see the color, and the wound was definitely not light.


When Huang Ying's hand rubbed Jiang Qi's back, Jiang Qi couldn't help but take a breath. This feeling is really ... cool.

"Can't see it! You're quite expected!"

Huang Ying looked at Jiang Qi's back, most of them were muscles, not the big chunks, but the tendons, so Jiang Qi now looks far thinner than before.

"That is."

Jiang Qi grinned slightly, and smiled at Huang Ying: "Why, do you feel very manly?"

"One baby boy."

Huang Ying shook her head and looked at Jiang Qi's back injury. Kegmore's saliva was really bad, even making Jiang Qi's back skin open, but it seemed a little shallower.


Jiang Qi smiled, and then lay there, closing her eyes slightly. After this battle, Jiang Qi felt a little tired.

"What happened to you before? It fell suddenly."

Finally, Huang Ying asked the export. The situation just now was not a heart attack at all? As long as the eyes are not blind, you can see the red spots on the abdomen.

Of course, it may be that Huang Ying is closer to Jiang Qi's abdomen.


Jiang Qi was silent for a while before saying, "Don't worry about me, I'm just being calculated."


Huang Ying frowned slightly, so to speak, barely able to explain, but looking at Jiang Qi, obviously there was nothing left to say.

"There is no need to worry. I know who that person is."

Jiang Qi's voice was quite relaxed, saying: "I will definitely pull it out of the beach for a meal."

"That would be better ..."

Huang Ying said, paused, and then said: "So what do I need to do?"

"... this ... if there is, I will contact you."

What Jiang Qi originally wanted to refuse, did not tell her the specific facts from the beginning, and now, in fact, Jiang Qi feels that this is just his own destiny. This is all his business, just bear it silently.

However, Huang Ying could help a little, such as providing information and so on, so Jiang Qi did not decline.

"Speaking of this, this attack is really strange."

While Huang Ying was talking, Kegmo's killing intentions appeared in his mind, apparently directed at himself. It was almost that difference, and Huang Ying died under Kegmo's hands.

"About this question, I also want to ask you, what do you think?"

Since Huang Ying took the initiative to mention it, Jiang Qi also opened her eyes and said seriously in her voice: "Whether it is retreat or attack, I always feel that there is a specific purpose."

"You feel the same way?"

Huang Ying finished wiping the medicine, took out the gauze, and carefully embraced Jiang Qi's back before asking: "I have always felt something is wrong, I feel that the monster with a big mouth is coming towards myself."

"Well, can you think like this?"

Jiang Qi suddenly got up, looked at Huang Ying, and said, "The monster's commander attacked you because of hatred."

"I haven't offended anyone."

Huang Ying thought for a long time. From childhood to big, she really had no enemies.

"Not you ... Sister Ying, why are you so stupid?"

Jiang Qi looked at Huang Ying, crying and laughing, and said, "I am referring to you as a professional. The man has hatred against the night raid team, so he has no thoughts about killing you because you are a night raid team. Very special night raid. "

"... not impossible ..."

If you think about it this way, it is quite possible. There are too many offenders who only attack the team overnight. There is no doubt that it is harder to screen the culprit from here than to go to the sky.

"and also……"

Jiang Qi looked at Huang Ying and said, "Moreover, the other party has two monsters. Was it taken away after the goal was achieved?"


Hearing Jiang Qi's purpose, Huang Ying suddenly froze. After a while, she stood up directly and ran out.

"Wait for me ..."

Jiang Qi saw Huang Ying ran out, froze for a moment, and ran out with her clothes too late to wear.

Huang Ying's speed is fast, Jiang Qi is chasing behind, and within five minutes, Huang Ying ran to a factory-like place.

However, the entire ground had collapsed, as if it had been hollowed out.

"Jiang Qi, is there a monster that escapes?"

Huang Ying bit her lip and asked Jiang Qi slowly.


Jiang Qi nodded and talked about the monster, but he was still very impressed, mainly because of its flutter, he almost turned himself back into human.

If Jiang Qi turned into lv2 armor and resisted for a while, the result was really hanging.


Huang Ying slowly closed her eyes and said, "I think I know the purpose."


Jiang Qi walked to Huang Ying's side, glanced at Huang Ying, then glanced at the ruin before saying, "Related to this?"

"Well, it has something to do with it."

Huang Ying slowly turned her head to look at Jiang Qi, with some indescribable solemnity in her eyes, and said: "A monster with a big mouth attracts firepower on it. If you can, kill the night raid, you ca n’t kill It doesn't matter, because the most important purpose is that thing. "

"One attracts attention, the other takes things away ..."

Jiang Qi murmured a few words, then looked at Huang Ying and said, "Do you know what's inside?"

"I don't know, but it must be important."

Jiang Qi was slightly disappointed that Huang Ying did not know, but Huang Ying suddenly turned her head and asked, "Do you know where Changping is?"

"do not know."

Jiang Qi didn't understand this kind of thing yet, shook his head and said, "What does it matter?"

"It's a lot."

Huang Ying turned her head and looked at the ground that was recessed a lot, and said, "This is the Wannian Royal Tomb I found before, and this involves my task ..."

Speaking, looking at Jiang Qi, Huang Ying continued: "Under the royal tomb, an older wooden box was found. Do you know this?"


Jiang Qi rubbed his temples. Only then did he remember the wooden box and the monster. He looked at Huang Ying and said, "What then?"

"Under the wooden box, they found something again, what it is, I don't know for now."


Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Xue in consternation. If that was said, then the following things would only be much older than the wooden box. So, what would it be?


"Uh ..."

In the everlasting void, the everlasting hell, a half-moon-shaped light suddenly emerged from the sky and flew over.

"Boom ..."

I saw that the light cut the largest lava mountain in the void by a third, and then smashed deep into the ground.


I thought of smashing the ground, and the lava of the volcano collapsed, staining the entire sky.

"... power is fair ..."

A man in a purple dress floated in mid-air and said very calmly, "I really look forward to the owner of this light ..."


Somewhere on the top of the mountain, the breeze was blowing, slightly cold, but acceptable.

On the back of the mountain, a purple monster is looming, and after a while, it cries out.

"Cola la ..."

"Good job this time ..."

Li Wenjie, standing on the hill with a fan, facing the monster behind him without looking back, said, "Rexer."

"Cola la ..."

After hearing the compliment, Rexey called again ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Wenjie smiled slightly, then looked down and said, "Thousands of eleven Lang, Jiang Qi ... There are more and more interesting people, but, Who can survive ... "

"Haha ..."

Li Wenjie smiled and patted his head. Jiang Qi was already a half-waste person. There was no threat. As for Qianben Shijiro, okay, he was a little threatened, but he was not eye-catching.

The form on the earth is gradually clear, and who can stand up behind it is hard to say.

"Hahaha ..."

Li Wenjie turned around, revealing what was half a person tall behind him.

It was a stone-engraved book, half engraved with the sun, moon and stars, half engraved with all things of life, in the middle, divided by a large "X".

"Recorded all the information of the earth, I don't know if it is true ..."

"" "

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