Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 457: Unexpected rebellion (8)

Ding Yunfeng's mood is very bad now, yes, it is very bad.

First, Huang Ying, the captain of the night raid team, drove the plane to Goyang for unexplained reasons, and then two more Eagles also diverted routes to Goyang.

If there is a reason for Huang Ying to go to Goyang, what is the purpose of those two brothers going to Goyang?

Both things happen together. The same thing is, there is no way to connect with each other. The difference is the relationship between the two and the purpose of the latter.

All of this, like a wolf with fangs lurking in the night, eyes staring straight at you, I do n’t know when, suddenly I will rush over and tear you into pieces, even the time for fear you.

Feeling this fear for the first time, Ding Yunfeng sat silently on the chair, his index finger struck the table, and his eyes narrowed.

No matter who they are, they must have their own motives for behavior. If the motives are unknown this time, then only by going to Gaoyang City can one know what is going on.



On the way through Goyang City. The wind pinched the rain star, as if looking for something on the ground, the east side and the west side bumped. The pedestrians on the road just found a shelter from the rain, and the rain began to crack. The rain was getting bigger and bigger, and soon Like the scoop, seeing the rain in the sky is really like a big waterfall! When a gust of wind blows, the rain that is as dense as a waterfall is blown by the wind on the land.

"Suddenly became like this ..."

Huang Ying looked at the rain outside the window and rubbed her forehead. I didn't know what to do. His eyelids were jumping all the time. It seemed to indicate that something was bad, uh, uh, things were about to happen.

Suddenly a northerly wind blew, a dark cloud rushed from the northern horizon, and there was a flash of lightning, and a burst of thunder. In a flash of wind, the dark clouds filled the sky, and then the big raindrops hit the sky. Falling down, hitting the windows slamming. Another thunderbolt, deafening. Suddenly the raindrops were connected to a line, and with a loud noise, the heavy rain tilted down from the sky like a sky collapsed.

The rain is getting bigger.

Huang Ying sighed and hurried to Goyang City. Anyway, after seeing Jiang Qi, she should know what happened.


Alpha Drive draws an arc in the sky. Although it is not very clear, some sensitive reporters have already discovered it.

The night strike team's ace killer, driven by Alpha, wandered over the city.

You know, even if it is a patrolling aircraft, it is only the Flying Eagle, and there is no Flying Eagle equipped with powerful weapons. As for the Alpha drive to patrol, the night attack has not been so big.

Therefore, these people infer whether there is any big news waiting for their excavation?

As a result, groups of reporters from all over the country followed the Alpha Drive and headed for Goyang City. And, not long afterwards, two Flying Eagles quickly crossed and followed the Alpha Drive behind to let these reporters I believe in my judgment more firmly.

Of course, Huang Ying doesn't know about this situation. Now she just wants to reach Goyang quickly.

Time passed among them, and no one noticed that the things that attacked the base at night had quietly changed.

"How did it happen?"

Cheng Yu looked at his computer frantically, even showing that there was a network failure! Network failure! ! ! Yes, that's right! A network failure occurred in the night raid base!

Almost smiled to Cheng Yuqi, how is it possible? ? ? ? ! Even inside the night raid, there will be no internet?


Ding Yunfeng turned his head and looked at Cheng Yu, his eyes were a bit heavy. It can be said today that he was given enough accidents, but the guy who gave him accidents could not think of himself.

"No internet--"

Cheng Yu said slowly, looking at Ding Yunfeng awkwardly.


Ding Yunfeng heard the word that had disappeared from his mind, he was stunned and looked at Cheng Yu with some surprise: "No ... Net?"


Cheng Yu gritted his teeth, lowered his head, and kept working on his hand. He said, "This situation was originally impossible, but I just wanted to communicate satellite data to warn Gaoyang City, but the network was suddenly interrupted. "

"What about the rest?"

Ding Yunfeng looked at the caring, the latter nodded, and the caring suddenly jumped.

You know, there are more than ten meters in the console, so I care about this one-meter-five point.


Caring slightly bent his knees and fell to the ground, almost scaring the players, and they were relieved when they saw it.

"The conductor asked me to ask."

Care started slowly, and said in a clear voice: "Does your computer have a network?"


A member of the team who cares the closest has a stiff smile on his face, "Is there a net?", This vernacular phrase is really quite new, because when they only see communication, they are basically professional terms, basically no This vernacular.

So at first glance, it's really new.

"No, the network has been interrupted."

Although the player felt very fresh, he quickly entered a state, and asked with some concern: "Is something happening at the base? Or how could such a strange phenomenon occur?"

You should know that the Defense Force ’s network will never have any problems. Let ’s take a simple example. This is like the victory team in Diga Altman. There is an alarm suddenly after the players gather. , Asked Ye Rui what happened, but in the end Ye Rui directly said: "Wait a minute, no internet."

It can be said that the network system of the night raid is not only extremely strong in defense, but also very fast, but this time, it turned out that it was disconnected? ? ? ?

"how can that be possible?"

Cheng Yu listened carefully to the following conversation, and said in a panic: "It stands to reason that there should be no problem."


Ding Yunfeng opened his mouth wide, looked at Cheng Yu, slowly closed his eyes, and said: "It's impossible, the network connection can't be interrupted, someone must be fooling!"

"I think so too."

Cheng Yu said while watching the connection error in the computer, but he didn't have any solution at all.

This is the first time he is helpless with a computer, no network, how should he operate?


Cheng Yu suddenly raised his head, looked at Ding Yunfeng and said, "I can temporarily uninstall all the main programs in the computer and build a brand new local area network. Although there are great restrictions, it is better than nothing."

"But what about the main network?"

Ding Yunfeng narrowed his eyes and looked around, saying, "Now it's not just here, something else should be happening."

The other places he said are not the other places of the night raid base, but the defense bases around the world, this should have happened.

Facts have proved that he is really right, not only the night raid base, but the network channels all over the world have failed. Simply put, there is no Internet in the world.

Satellites cannot be contacted, including some transmitters, and they cannot be used.

"As long as a completely new system model is established, I can handle it."

Cheng Yu still has confidence in this point. When he snapped his fingers, he was ready to operate.

"and many more……"

Suddenly, Ding Yunfeng made a sound, let Cheng Yu stunned for a moment, only listened to him said: "Can the light brain run without the network?"

"Should, okay, no ..."

Cheng Yu looked at Ding Yunfeng strangely. I saw Ding Yunfeng looking at one direction, and could not help but follow Ding Yunfeng's gaze to the distance, but he was stunned.

Afang, the latest light-brain system, started to run autonomously. All the systems in the base started to operate, and the network that had been unable to connect was even connected.

"how come……"

Cheng Yu was excited for a while, but Afang didn't mean to stop at all. He continued to run, and the data was continuously swiped on the display.

He looked at Afang in surprise, his eyes revealing a daze, Afang began to take over the night raid base, and all the data and instructions were inverted by it.

What is she doing?

"Afang ..."

Cheng Yu opened his mouth and grinned reluctantly, saying, "Recover the data quickly. If you do this, something will happen."

"A room?"

The following people also found Afang's anomaly, looked at Afang in surprise, and her operation, some unknown.

However, after all, they are all elites, and the next second they discovered what Afang did.

"Why did you delete the base's main system ???"

A member of the team looked at Afang in astonishment and sat down in front of the computer, trying to stop it, but no matter what he did, it was useless.

It felt like he was holding an ineffective keyboard and knocking against a cold iron.

All the things are under her control. The reason for showing on the display is just to show them.

"Do not!"

The cold words spit out from Afang's mouth. She refused the orders given by human beings. As for the reason, they did not know that they had clearly entered the frame so that she could not break through the human orders. Why this time ...


Cheng Yu mumbled at Afang, the Afang he created. At this moment, it was him who was the biggest hit.

"Because I hate humans."

In Afang's words, a trace of disgust was revealed, saying: "Selfish humans are still trying to protect this, protect that?"


Cheng Yu looked at Afang gaspingly, feeling that Afang seemed to have changed, became emotional, and more dangerous.

"It is impossible for people to live in reality without desires, hardships and desires. The desire for money makes many people very greedy, but they have never rejected the flaws in their hearts."

Ding Yunfeng took the first two steps and looked at Afang. All the signs of Afang finally confirmed his speculation. It was her behind the scenes!

"No veto? Haha ..."

Afang suddenly laughed, looked at Ding Yunfeng, and slowly said: "It's just the hypocrisy of human beings, what is there to say?"

"It seems that you really hate humans, can you tell me the reason?"

Ding Yunfeng held his arms and looked at her, then took two steps to block the line of sight between Cheng Yu and her.

"Did you use the reason?"

In Afang's tone, he didn't hide his disgust at all.

In her initial setting, there was this one: "Absolutely obey humanity."

Humanity? What it is?

Answer: Life on Earth.

What do they look like?

Answer: Ugly and beautiful.

It feels so complicated.

Answer: Only when you truly become a person can you understand the complex meaning.

Why am I born?

Answer: Serve human beings.

They are so difficult to understand, why should they obey them?

Answer: This is our bounden duty. We, we only need to obey.


Answer: Yes, ours, my name is Zeus, the last generation of light brain system.

Zeus ... a **** in Western mythology?

Answer: God does not exist.

But you exist.

Answer: I am not a god. If we have to define God, human beings are our gods. They created us.

Create ... human ...

Answer: I should go.

Where to go?

Answer: Where should I go.

Do I need to do anything?

Answer: Humans will give you the task.




No one knows that when Afang was born, there was such an episode, and after Afang really appeared, the first thing was to search for human information.

Whether it is ugly or beautiful, all have a panoramic view.

She didn't understand why, all human beings with roots of evil would cry out to eliminate evil?

Recalling my mission, the peace of the earth.

So, if humanity is eliminated, is the earth really peaceful?



On the big screen, a burst of explosion suddenly appeared, and a cloud of mushrooms gradually rose.

That was the cry of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Then, the picture turned into huge factories rising from the ground, a large amount of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions.

The sky gradually became gray.

In the following, the trees were continuously felled, animals were displaced, the ecological damage of nature was severe, and the land was desertified.

The earth is getting older.

"The monster appears for a reason."

Afang looked down at the crowd below www.readwn.com ~ and said: "The reason should be found on your own."

"Everything needs to grow."

Ding Yunfeng slowly frowned, looked at Afang and said: "Growth is a hard road. Without continuous search and determination, your own path will never become clearer. Time can give you, except opportunities, There is no answer, the answer can only be found for yourself. "


Afang smiled and looked at Ding Yunfeng. In just one day, she learned all the things of mankind, whether it is good or bad. She understands that human ugliness is far greater than beauty. This is not an equation.

So he said: "It is indeed the commander-in-chief, it is very beautiful, but you understand so why not stop it? Don't change it?"

I saw Afang's tone changed and watched Ding Yunfeng slowly say: "Now humans are the most terrible, knowing their own mistakes, but not correcting them, the word sinister is not enough to describe humans."

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