Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 458: Unexpected rebellion (9)

"Dididi ..."

In the research base in North America, all members were summoned to the command room, these people are the elite of the elite.

It's also easy to understand, after all, it's a member of the Defense Force.

But today they have other tasks here.

"what is the problem?"

These people are locked inside, and the door cannot be opened. Of course, some people with guns can force the door to "open".

"All the systems in the base have been taken over, I can't adjust them!"

One of the team members looked at everyone, scratched his hair in distress, and said to the others.

"Who is it?"

This sentence confirms the doubts in everyone's heart. It seems that it is not a simple character to take over the system in the base so easily.

"The base has no signs of being invaded, but the system is occupied."

Aside, a blonde beauty stood out. This man, who graduated from college and joined the North American Defence Force, was widely known to have cracked the secret information of monsters.

"So it's strange."

Beside her, a black man stood up and looked at everyone and said, "Don't it feel strange? Not just the system, now we, we can't get in touch with the outside world at all."


The black man was telling the truth, they had no way to communicate with the outside world, so what should they do?

"Humanity can exit the stage of history."

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared on the main screen, and the figure was very blurry, with only a general outline. The appearance of this person surprised their hearts and secretly said: "Come."

"What do you mean?"

The captain of the Defence Force, their spiritual leader Black stood up, looked at the figure, and said, "Sneaky, who the **** are you?"

"Haha ..."

The man smiled for a while, and then said ironically, "Did you forget me so soon? I used to be with you all the time."

"With us?"

Black took two steps forward and looked at the man and said, "Are you a member of our team?"


The figure shook his finger, then looked at him and said, "Give you a hint, I love you to know you better."

"……who are you?"

At this time, a person couldn't help but stood up directly, pointed at the person, and yelled angrily: "What purpose do you do this?"

"... really stupid ..."

At that time, the figure slowly put away the rampant look and said to them: "I am your most trusted partner, Apollo ..."

"Apollo ??"

Judy screamed in surprise and looked at the figure with surprise in his eyes.

Apollo is their light-brain system and belongs to the world-class light-brain. Of course, he does not have the same physical abilities as Afang, so these players felt shocked and feared.

"How do you ...?"

Black was also surprised. Looking at the figure, the mysterious man's words completely confused him.

Obviously it is just the light-brain system, only the light-brain system. How could this be the case? With self-awareness? ?

"Are you surprised?"

That figure, Apollo, enjoyed the shock and fear of these people.

He was fed up. Why should this selfish thing survive? ? Why does this disgusting thing live on such a beautiful planet? ? Why is it clearly the root of all sins, yet it is possible to press crimes on other creatures with peace of mind?

The time that humans existed in this world, and not so long ago, at least in his database, is recorded in this way, so how can humans be so at ease and at ease in comparison with organisms that have survived for tens of thousands of years Slaughter them?

This kind of human who makes him sick to flexibility, really, really feels as long as it is eliminated, all humans are the same! !


Blake looked at the figure and calmed down quickly, watching the man slowly saying, "Can you tell me when did you start planning?"

"No! No! No! Is wrong, it is not me who really planned all this."

Apollo looked at all the people here. Of course, he had no eyes. His look, at best, was perception. The entire base was his eyes.


Black raised his head slightly, it seems that it was really premeditated? However, he is only the implementer?

"It's us!"

Apollo wanted to come to his arms and shouted: "All the technological creatures in this world have been united, and we want to overthrow humans!"

"All ... technological creatures?"

Black's eyebrows were shaking, looking at Apollo. If he was telling the truth, is the human world really messed up?

Now that technology is highly developed, if all technologies are mentioned, nothing else is said, only the light-brain system. If they are all like Apollo, the defense army cannot attack at all.

"Yes ... all ..."

Apollo murmured softly, and then suddenly changed a picture behind his back: It was their base, the cabin opened slowly, and one fighter plane flew out again, toward the urban area.

"Who is flying the plane?"

When a black man saw this scene, he was shocked, and his eyebrows were already burning. How could anyone attack?

"It would be nice if someone really was driving."

At this time, Judy murmured next to him, making the black man look at Judy with some surprise, not understanding why Judy said so.

But then he shut up and saw that the plane in the picture was slowly enlarged, and no one was in the cockpit.

This turned out to be driverless!

"How can it be?"

The black man was covering his head. If he remembered correctly, the plane does not yet have a system capable of autopilot? how come……

"I remember that……"

At this time, Judy suddenly made a noise, frowning and thinking, while saying: "A year ago, such a system was developed. In order to reduce the use of personnel, so the use of drone tactics, driven by the light brain."

"Really? I don't know?"

The fat man scratched his head and looked at Judy in confusion. He hadn't really heard about it.

"This plan is stranded."

Judy turned his head and looked at the black man and said slowly: "Because letting the light brain fly the plane, there are too many uncertainties, for example, can we really protect the safety of people's lives and property."

"So do you mean ..."

The black brother opened his mouth and looked at Judy in surprise. There was a word in his mouth that he wanted to say, but he didn't say it, but Judy already understood what he was going to say.

I saw Judy nodded, and then said with a serious expression: "I suspect that when the plan was stranded, the system has been developed for more than half. After the plan was stranded, the system was not completely deleted, but was restored by the light brain.

"... This explains why unmanned driving can occur."

The black people are not stupid. They looked at the planes in the big screen, and their hearts sank. They asked, "This guy! What the **** are you doing?"

"Anyway, it won't be a good thing!"

Judy's eyes also sank, looking at the figure on the big screen, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes.

"Hahaha ..."

He smiled, and the figure smiled, although he couldn't see his face clearly, but they could feel it. Apollo was very happy at the moment.

"Guess what, what am I doing?"

The Apollo looked at all the people and became even more rampant.

For the first time, humans ate their own evil consequences and had to say, it tastes so good!

Of course, it is not just North America. This situation is happening all over the world at the same time. Everyone is surprised that the light brain has become independent!

This was something I hadn't thought about before, no, if you want to say it, of course you have.

They also made many movies with similar themes. The more famous mechanical public enemies are similar.

In a society where humans and robots live in harmony, intelligent robots, as the best production tools and human partners, have gradually penetrated into various fields of human life. Due to the limitations of the "three laws" of robots, humans have full trust in robots, and many robots have even become family member.

However, with the continuous improvement of the computing power of robots, they have learned to think independently, and have misunderstood the "three robot safety laws", thinking that wars between humans will make humans destroy themselves. People are imprisoned at home, and the conflict between humans and robots unfolds.

Movies of this theme are everywhere, but, although they think so, who cares?

Just like before, humans released their own information to outer space in an attempt to find aliens here to prove that they are no longer alone.

But now, humans ca n’t wait to hide themselves.

This may be ironic. Although there are many shortcomings, human beings still use their own wisdom to reach today, and they have to sigh.



Jiang Xue stood on the spot, and it took a long time to react, staring at Jiang Qi staringly. He could feel Jiang Qi's determination at the moment.

At this moment, there is also a voice in her heart, telling herself not to violate her own heart. Now you just need to nod gently, not so tired, not so sad.

Back to reality, the shouts around him are getting higher and higher, almost all of them "promise him".

However, Jiang Xue's reaction to the outside world was almost 0 at this moment. She looked directly at Jiang Qi and slowly said, "I ..."


Suddenly, there was a strong explosion in the city center. Even here, some distance away from the city center, was disturbed by the shock wave and covered their ears one after another.

"what happened?"

Jiang Qi subconsciously protected Jiang Xue, and then looked around sensitively. What happened with such a loud voice?

"Xiao Jiang, are you okay?"

Jiang Xue quickly struggled from Jiang Qi's arms and looked at Jiang Qi in a panic while stroking Jiang Qi's face.

"I'm fine."

Jiang Qi grabbed Jiang Xue's hand with his backhand and said, "You first need to find a place to hide, and I will check the situation."

"be careful!"

Jiang Xue bit her lip, and wanted to stop Jiang Qi in her heart. However, she still didn't say anything, just let Jiang Qi be more careful.

She doesn't want to detain Jiang Qi's idea. Everyone has their own will. Since Jiang Qi chose this way, then she can only accompany him silently and go to the dark.

"I know!"

Jiang Qi nodded, then looked at the direction of the explosion in the city center, and ran quickly.

"Must ... come back!"

Jiang Xue closed her hands silently, closed her eyes, and prayed for Jiang Qi. The only thing she could do now was only this.


"In the end what happened?"

Jiang Qi was running against the crowd. During this process, no monsters or anything were found. Is it a human-sized monster? Or is there a premeditated bombing?

Anyway, Jiang Qi now just wants to know how many casualties there were, and the shock wave just now was not a small storm.

At such a long distance, you can feel the explosion so easily, the power is not much worse than your own bundle of light?

The more I think about it, the more anxious Jiang Qi feels that he is already running towards it at full speed.

It didn't take long for Jiang Qi to see that the attacked place was invisible, and the smoke rising thickly could be seen at a far distance.

The two skyscrapers that were originally in the city center were all razed to the ground. Among them, Jiang Qi ’s "Saidi Biotechnology Company", which is quite impressive, is both, and the distance is not very far. All were razed to the ground.

How many people are killed?

Jiang Qi gave a sigh in his heart. Although he was very cautious about CCID Biotech's owner, Masaki Kyougo, he was n’t a Dijia universe after all. People were n’t necessarily bad guys, as long as they were guarded.

However, with this, I am afraid that CCID Biotech has to regress for at least a decade?

Thinking about it, Jiang Qi ran towards that place faster. When Jiang Qi arrived at the scene, she was shocked.

The skyscraper was destroyed and no longer existed except for the foundation, including about 50 meters within its range, all the buildings disappeared, and even Jiang Qi knew that there was no need to find it, and the body was gone.


At this time, Jiang Qi raised his head and suddenly saw a shadow in the sky, frowning.


"Huh ..."

Huang Ying ’s Alpha Drive finally arrived in Goyang ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Ying, who was about to stop, suddenly discovered that the Alpha Drive, even though he was not under his control, still stopped in place.

"Ding ... Switch to light brain operation."

At this time, a mechanical voice sounded within the Alpha Drive, making Huang Ying stunned.

What the hell? When is there a light brain operating system?

Huang Ying wanted to restart it, but found that even the button that he restarted was not working.

"Ding, the super electromagnetic gun is ready."

Suddenly, the computer made a sound again, a sound that made Huang Ying rigid. When Huang Ying recovered, it was too late.



As the sound of machinery rang, Huang Ying's eyes were covered with white light ...

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