. . . .

"Is that right?"

Yu Shi nodded thoughtfully, then looked at Jiang Qi and said, "Then please sit down."

"Thank you."

Jiang Qi nodded slightly, then walked to the chair and sat down, looked at the Yu Shi, and said: "The words are ahead, I don't know much about you, if you don't want me to intervene, you can directly Rejected. "


Yu Shi glanced at Wen Taolue and made Wen Taolue take a step back. He said: "The mentor once strongly recommended it must have his reason."

What is highly recommended? At that time, Jiang Liu was so ordinary that he said a word. The reason why Wen Taoluo said so was not to be beaten, otherwise he would definitely be beaten up.

Every time he thinks about this, he has a special back. What a quiet little girl Yu Shi turned out to be? But I don't know how, I suddenly worshipped Jiang Xue, and called Jiang Xue a master.

Although Jiang Xue didn't teach her anything, it didn't prevent her from signing up to learn herself. A few years ago, she even signed up to learn Sanda! ! ! ! Sanda! ! Haven't you already learned eight pole punches? Why do you play Sanda? Doesn't the skill hold back?

Wen Taolue didn't want to be beaten anymore, and simply made Jiang Qi a little more powerful. Anyway, no one didn't like to listen to good things.

"is it?"

Yu Shi raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Qi. He was a little interested in his eyes. He sat across from Jiang Qi and said: "We have to entrust, even if it is not professional, but understand a little. Is n’t it always a bad thing? "

"It's really not a bad thing."

Jiang Qi nodded and said, "But that guy praises me, but it's just asking me to work a little bit more. Is that okay?"

"of course……"

Yu Shi nodded gently and said to Jiang Qi: "Although you say that, the teacher will not be so respected in front of his students. After all, our teacher is very good-looking."

"I believe this sentence."

Hearing this very good face, Jiang Qi couldn't help laughing. Jiangliu had a better face. If he didn't do well, he would lose his face.

"But there is a problem ..."

Jiang Qi put a smile on her face and looked at Yu Shi seriously. Yu Shi was wearing glasses and felt very quiet. He said, "You ... why don't you find a night raid, or another team of experts? Come and find us like detectives. "

"The night raid is now in a state of confusion, and there is no way to manage it for now, as for other experts ..."

Yu Shi smiled coldly and said, "Nothing at all ... one seed can be studied for ten days and a half months."

Hearing the seeds, Jiang Qi remembered the matter. A farmer's uncle planted white radishes, which had once been broadcast on TV, and he even grew a carrot.

So I invited agricultural experts and genetic experts, divided into three episodes of upper, middle and lower, from various perspectives such as gene mutation analysis.

Finally found out that the carrot seeds were accidentally mixed in the white radish seeds ...

This incident later became one of the dark spots of the show, because there are many other than this incident.

An old man accidentally discovered that his wall was charged with an electric pen, and then found that the ground was also charged. Finally, he found that the air in the house was also charged. He went into science and studied the two episodes. The electric pen is broken ...

All these black materials do indeed indicate that the so-called experts are not credible, nor can they be untrustworthy, because there are real materials, but they are very few.

"and also……"

Yu Shi thought of Jiang Qi in front of him, put away a sneer, and said: "At first, Tao Lue told me that I wanted to ask the teacher to come over, I agreed, because I believe in my teacher's ability."

"It turned out to be me."

Jiang Qi rubbed his temples for a long time. They still didn't believe in themselves, but there was no way. He didn't believe in himself.

"No, we believe you ..."

Yu Shi said straightforwardly, and then saw Jiang Qi a little surprised, and continued: "Because the teacher believes in you, I hope you can live up to the teacher's trust."

"... I try my best."

Jiang Qiliang sighed for a long time and said: "But to be honest, I really didn't expect that the uncle's students are so powerful one by one, and they have everything."

There are astronomy, there are creatures, Jiang Xue also understands computers, as for Jiang Xiaoqi, um ... So, is the river flowing?


Yu Shi smiled, proudly, and said, "I can have today because of the mentor's credit."

"Okay, okay, let's get to the topic."

Jiang Qi waved his hand, and then said to her: "I have a rough idea of ​​the situation. The large-scale migration of marine life and the mysterious death, is this the case?"


Yu Shi nodded and took a breath, said with a slightly heavy expression: "We thought this kind of migration was relatively normal, but it was later discovered that many marine creatures started to migrate. The Pacific Ocean, there should not be many fish species. Now. "

"You mean that the marine life in the Pacific Ocean is all migrating, there is no change in other places?"

Hearing this, Jiang Qi narrowed his eyes, and the Pacific Ocean was vacated. What happened?


Yu Shi pointed to the material in Jiang Qi's hand and said, "As recorded, even if the whale went to the Arctic Ocean, he did not return to the Pacific Ocean. Obviously, there was a problem."

"However, it shouldn't be strange that whales go to the North Pole?"

Jiang Qi scratched her head and said a little puzzled: "I've watched it eat seals on TV."


Yu Shi narrowed his eyes, lifted his eyes, knocked on the table, and then looked at Jiang Qi and said: "Did you not see the report saying, are groups of whales sure to die?"

"Uh ... and then? Your coping strategy?"

Jiang Qi looked at Yu Shi a little embarrassedly. He recalled what Wen Taoluo said before. Indeed, Wen Taoluo said that because he didn't understand some of the above languages, he just jumped and looked at it. It was normal for him not to see it.

Jiang Qi changed the subject and asked, "Did you say what equipment did you use in the Pacific?"

Jiang Qi didn't believe it when he said this, because he couldn't think of any instruments that could detect the entire Pacific Ocean.

"Of course we didn't test the entire Pacific Ocean."

Yu Shi naturally knew what Jiang Qi was asking and said directly: "We started with the fish that migrated from the beginning and found that they belong to the free fish in the shallow sea and some gregarious fish, which are all off the Pacific Ocean. , The migration that occurred, so we detected from that place and then spread towards the edge. "


Jiang Qi moved his finger and immediately asked, as expected, he was still more concerned about this issue.

"In that area, after three days of surveillance, when we were about to transfer, something went wrong."

Yu Shi raised his head, looked at Jiang Qi, and slowly said: "A sonar wave that has never been seen before."

"Is it a creature?"

Jiang Qi heard this, and immediately said, with seriousness in his eyes, it is likely that the monster did it. Don't doubt, he has a BUFF that attracts monsters.

"It's certainly a creature."

Yu Shi nodded and continued: "And it is the overlord of the first-class ocean that belongs to the shark class. It seems to be a little bigger, it should be bigger than the whale."

"How are you sure?"

Jiang Qi looked at them strangely and looked at them strangely. How did these people determine its size?

"From the analysis of the sonar by the computer system."

Yu Shi looked at Jiang Qi a little puzzled and asked, "You don't know this, don't you know? A lot of things can be determined by the analysis of the computer system."

"Really? But I still think the human brain is better than a computer."

Jiang Qi shrugged his shoulders, no way, humanist.

"The premise is that you have to."

Yu Shi pointed to the document in Jiang Qi's hand and said seriously: "The above problems are all recorded in the document, which shows that you did not take it seriously."

"The plan will never compare to change."

Jiang Qi was said to have no head, and Jiang Qi was not angry. He raised the document in his hand, and then threw it on the table, saying, "This thing will soon become waste paper."

"Why do you judge this way?"

Yu Shi frowned and asked, a document can be said to be the hard work of the whole team for half a year, even Jiang Qi was said to be waste paper, and it would be angry to change individuals.

"Just ask you to believe a piece of scrap iron like this."

Jiang Qi put his hands on the table, if he remembered correctly, when the document was completed, it was almost the time when the brain rebelled. Who knows if there is any problem with this document?

"Very well, if we go on like this, we may not be able to continue talking."

Yu Shi couldn't control himself a little, but he still pressed it forcibly, admonishing himself that he didn't understand and don't be angry.

"In other words, what is the error range that the computer can guarantee? Have you calculated? The range of the ocean? The distance? The band? The depth? The operation error? The specific coordinates, have you carefully calculated?"

Jiang Qi singed the document while frowning, and said to Yu Shi: "If you are really a responsible oceanographer, should you calculate everything? Even if it is possible to be 0.01%. Sex, we have to calculate. "


Yu Shi narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Qi. How did he look like his teacher taught himself eight years ago?

"Uh ... that, what if I bring these in?"

Wen Taolue, who was doing the air on the side, finally made a noise and turned his head to ask Yu Shi.

"The computer error rate is as high as 25% or more ... that is, one-fourth of the error rate is likely to be even greater."

Yu Shi sighed. The fire energy he had accumulated all disappeared and his voice became much weaker.

"Calculated so quickly, it seems that you don't believe the things in the file very much."

Jiang Qi was a little surprised. Then he was puzzled and asked, "Since you don't believe it, why do you insist?"

"Having put away everyone's half a year's hard work, if I persevere so much, it will make everyone's hard work go to waste."

Yu Shi looked at the document in front of Jiang Qi and slowly said, "Everyone may be angry."

"When did you notice?"

Jiang Qi did not answer, but instead asked: "Tell me the approximate time."

"A month ago, I used a computer to calculate the position of the signal wave. Two calculations showed two very different results. The third calculation showed the third result."

Yu Shi said on the side: "Although I didn't take it too seriously, I also buried my doubts."

"Thanks to your blessing, your friend spent another month in vain."

Jiang Qi dragged her hand and said to her: "It's still that sentence, be rigorous, it's almost impossible. You may be a good friend, but definitely not a good scholar."

"... the teacher said the same thing."

Wen Tao was a little surprised, looking at Jiang Qi, he clearly remembered that when they graduated, Jiang Liu gave her a message: "I am a good friend in life, but not a good scholar in science ... "

"Really? It turned out to be old?"

Jiang Qi glanced at Wen Taolue and Jiangliu again. He didn't care if Jiangliu saw her shortcomings or not, whether it was corrected or not, the top priority was to recalculate all the data obtained.

What Jiang Qi just said is only part of it. If you really want to calculate it, you need to consider more factors. Maybe they have been busy for a long time.

"This is my fault, sorry."

Yu Shi sighed and said to Jiang Qi: "I'm sorry, I just used that heavy tone to you ~ www.readwn.com ~ I apologize."

"It's not me who apologizes, but those colleagues."

Jiang Qi quickly said: "And you don't need to give me any hope, all the work must be done by yourself, and I can't help you much."

"Anyway, thanks a lot."

Yu Shi looked at Jiang Qi and understood in his heart that perhaps Jiang Qi didn't know much about the sea creatures, but in other respects, judging from the words just now, it should be an old hand.

"If that's the case, is it okay for me?"

Jiang Qi looked around, his words were just a joke, because the last guy might be a monster, or it would be safer to stay here.

"The result will come out soon, wait here, it will probably come out tomorrow."

Wen Taoluo stood up and said to Jiang Qi with a smile: "I still know this, they all think that they are measured on the basic data, the foundation is still there, the slowest is a week, but with your help , It should be faster. "

"Don't expect me, I really don't understand."

Jiang Qi smiled bitterly and said, "I can't even swim."

"I do not know either."

Yu Shi stood up at this time and said, "The basketball coach does not necessarily play basketball, and the swimming coach does not have to swim."


Jiang Qi twitched her lips. Although she said something reasonable, he really didn't understand it.

"The ocean is still an unexplored field so far, and we know very little about the organisms that the ocean breeds."

Yu Shiyi said: "Ronald Dole, chief scientist of marine biology, once said: 'The diversity of marine life is not only an important indicator of the state of the ocean, but also the key to protecting the marine environment.' How to protect the ocean , Still depends on us. "

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