. . . .

"That's right, but what exactly do you do?"

Jiang Qi looked at Yu Shi for a while, and then slowly said: "Protect the ocean, everyone knows it is like protecting the environment, but how do you do it?"

"Do it like protecting the environment ..."

Yu Shi exhaled and said to Jiang Qi seriously: "The ocean belongs to everyone, no matter what, we must protect it."

"Okay, I look forward to it."

Jiang Qi nodded at this time, then rolled up his sleeves and said, "When I came here, haven't eaten yet? Are there any meals in the cafeteria, give me some."

"Ah ..." ⊙? ⊙!

Wen Tao slightly twitched his lips and looked at Jiang Qi, asking a little embarrassingly: "Did you ask you not to eat before?"

"It costs me so much to eat a meal, I feel hurt myself."

Jiang Qi looked at Wen Taolue squintingly. Although he didn't spend his own money, every time he saw such a high price, he was very distressed anyway.


Wen Tao was a little overwhelmed and looked at Yu Shi. Then Yu Shi said, "It's a bit of fish fillet, it's a deep-sea fish, the kind that the Japanese eat."


Jiang Qi nodded, he didn't pick fish very much, it should be more than fish, he didn't pick all the food.

"Okay, Wen Tao will take you down to eat."

Yu Shi nodded, then said to Wen Taolue: "If you study everything in a while, just go directly, don't worry about it."


Wen Tao nodded slightly, then said to Yu Shi: "If you have something, you can call me."

"for sure."

As soon as Yu Shi's words fell, Jiang Qi felt a bit of a toothache. This is a dog-abuse drama. Although he doesn't think about it now, he still eats half of his dog food.

"Let's go first."

Seeing Jiang Qi like this, Wen Taolue did not say much, and directly said: "Although it is not very tasty, but it can also fill up the stomach."

"Is it bad?"

Jiang Qi felt quite strange. He hadn't eaten any sashimi, but it didn't prevent his classmates from eating it. Those who had eaten it said it was very good.

"Everyone has everyone's taste, anyway, I feel bad."

Wen Taoluo finished talking, covering his head, not knowing what he thought of, making Jiang Qi full of curiosity about the sashimi.

"Click ..."

Yu Shi waited until the door was closed before sitting back. He pointed his finger on the table and remained silent for a while before taking out his mobile phone and broadcasting a number.

"Hello? Sister Xue? It's me, I'm Xiao Shi ... Yes ..."


In the night raid base, with the gradual improvement of the main system, some functions can finally be re-run. According to others, it means that the night raid base has passed the dangerous period.

"He Qi Research Institute has discovered strange creatures' sonar fluctuations. Go there to see it."

Cheng Yu, while perfecting the system, said to colleagues behind him.


Several of them stood up, then saluted and ran out.

"He Qi? I remember that happened a few days ago?"

A member of the team thought of something like this, and said to Cheng Yu: "Why are you going now?"

"Because the work at hand was too busy, and no one in the base could free up his hands to see, so I didn't say that now I can almost free up a handful of people. Go and see there."

Cheng Yu entered the program, and after a while, he sighed and rubbed his head very tiredly. Sure enough, he still hated writing these things.

To be honest, Cheng Yu had written the same program three times before, and now he has to write this kind of consent again. Of course he is a little impatient, but if he complains, he will say it after completing the task.


Cheng Yu moved his finger and continued to work.

"Titer Di Du Di Di Duo ......"

Suddenly, an alarm sounded at the base, causing Cheng Yu's entire body to freeze, and said, "Huge ..." stood up at once.

what happened? ? ? Are there monsters? ? ?

Cheng Yu put down the work at hand and immediately ran to the podium. At the same time, all the players immediately entered the alert state.

"Toot toot ..."

Soon, all the members on the podium arrived, except Huang Ying, who was still introspective.

"A monster appeared?"

This was the first sentence that Cheng Yu just came up with, but Ding Yunfeng didn't get it from the podium for the first time.

"Do not……"

Ding Yunfeng shook his head and glanced at Cheng Yu. The program immediately sat in front of the computer, opened the interface, and was stunned the first time.

"God ..."

Cheng Yu said slowly, causing Han Yi to frown, saying, "Put the information on the main screen."


Cheng Yu gritted his teeth as he responded, and entered all the data on the computer.

"Volt ..."

The picture on the main screen changed, and I saw it turned into the earth, spinning in the calm space, and suddenly I saw it on the earth and the moon, and a black hole appeared. The black hole was rotating like a giant cyclone. But it didn't swallow the earth in. Rao is so frightening enough.

At this time, the players who saw this scene were all silent.

"Black hole?"

Han Yi frowned, looking at the picture, Shen Sheng said.

"No ... no ..."

Looking at the black hole above, Cheng Yu suddenly shook his head and vetoed: "No, there is no attraction, the energy inside presents a negative pole, and the space inside the black hole is concave?"

While talking, Cheng Yu also felt very inexplicable. If he wants to know the specific data, he must send a fighter plane to investigate, but it's just that. The base is now in a weak period. How can it be released?

"Is there still an Alpha driver in the base?"

Han Yi thought of something similar and asked Cheng Yu.

"Yes, yes, but Captain Han Yi is going?"

Cheng Yu bit his lip while looking at him and said, "Is this feasible?"

You know, this is the only one. If you want to go, you can actually let the satellites observe remotely. However, there is definitely a big gap compared to going in person.

"What do you think?"

Cheng Yu didn't say everything, but Han Yi already knew what to say and turned to look at Ding Yunfeng.

"It's better to go and see."

Ding Yunfeng even agreed, which also surprised Cheng Yu.

"The good thing is to use it on the blade, I think this alpha drive is temporarily useless."

What Ding Yunfeng said actually makes sense, because the power of the Alpha drive is great, but there are still many restrictions. Among them are energy storage. In the past, there was the Flying Eagle as a cover. What now? Many Flying Eagles are only semi-finished products.

"I know, I will start now."

Nodding, Han Yi immediately picked up the helmet and walked out.

"The captain must be careful."

Cheng Yu suddenly thought of something at this time, and quickly said: "It is best to keep a safe distance from that thing."


Han Yi stopped, looked at Cheng Yu, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong with that thing?"

"Well, I'm worried that there will be variables, too much negative energy, which is also very worrying."

Cheng Yu looked at the black cyclone on the computer and said, "If what I said really happened, it might explode from the inside out."

"I know, I will be careful."

Han Yi and Cheng Yu said a word, and then walked off the podium.

"……That one……"

On the podium, Cheng Yu and Ding Yunfeng are still left. Of course, care is also counted, half, and she does not know what her talent is. It is always inexplicable invisible, that is, it is not noticeable to her, so it is always easily overlooked .

"Why let the captain go."

Cheng Yu still can't understand too much. After all, it's dangerous. He is only talking about a good situation. If it's bad, he may not even imagine it himself.

"First, he wants to see it. Second, I want him to go. It's that simple."

Ding Yunfeng smiled and looked at Cheng Yu and said, "You are still too young."

"... uh uh ..."

Cheng Yu didn't quite understand what he meant by what he said was too young. He had heard this sentence many times, but this time it was the most inexplicable.


"The T3 hangar is open and it is carrying space devices."

After a while, Han Yi boarded the Alpha Drive, and after explaining all the requirements, Han Yi was ready to go.

"Captain Han Yi, remember that in order to carry the space system, we have unloaded other weapon systems. It can be said that except for the super electromagnetic gun, any attack system is gone, so we immediately retreat when we find anomalies."

Through the glass of the hangar, an old man looked at Alpha Drive and said seriously, "Come back safely!"

"Thank you, you must come back!"

Han Yi smiled, and then slowly pushed the thruster.


The propeller ejected a blue flame, and slowly moved forward, and finally accelerated violently, flying towards space.


In space, the stars intersect, and in this dark starry sky, there is an extra black dot, and no one will notice, of course, except for those lives that are threatened by the black dot.


The Alpha Drive traveled in space, slowly approaching the black vortex. Speaking of it, this thing really does not seem to be a black hole. If it is a black hole, I am afraid this thing has already sucked the earth in because it is too close Too.

Han Yi drove the Alpha drive and noticed the thing, the black cyclone, slowly spinning.


Ding Yunfeng looked at the picture from Han Yi and saw that the distance between them was getting closer and closer and said a word.

"about there."

Cheng Yu nodded and thought it was almost the same. This distance is definitely more than safe, so he immediately informed Han Yi: "Listen first, and slowly approach, it must be extremely slow."


After a while, Han Yi's voice came.


At this time, the computer gradually received the collected data, and Cheng Yu immediately received it and started an analysis.

"Hat ?????"

Cheng Yu couldn't help jumping out of an English language, so he couldn't help kicking him and said squinting, "Speak human."


Cheng Yu looked at him and said to Han Yi suddenly: "Captain Han Yi, you try to attack that thing."

"In addition to the super electromagnetic gun, the Alpha Drive is not equipped with other weapons and equipment."

Han Yi said that there was only one meaning, that is, this attack can't be used indiscriminately. If the thruster system is damaged and unexpectedly burst, can he go back or not?

"No, Captain, according to the information just received, there is nothing in front of you, which is normal."

Cheng Yu said that he also felt very strange, but even after receiving the information again, it still happened.

"Is it really an illusion?"

The concern on one side suddenly interrupted and said to Cheng Yu: "It's like a mirage, projecting black holes from other places?"

"Let's not talk about whether there is such a thing as a mirage in the universe, even if it is, what is the negative energy just checked out?"

Cheng Yu was also surprised at this, so he let Han Yi attack and try it. After this test, he could judge whether this was an illusion, but he did not expect that the Alpha driver even uninstalled other weapon systems.


Cheng Yuxuan started, looking at the continuously updated data on the computer ~ www.readwn.com ~ always feel awkward.

"Then I try ..."

Han Yi sighed, then said a word to the radio, aimed at the edge of the black hole, and slowly charged.

"Super electromagnetic gun, launch!"

Han Yi quickly pressed the launch button, and the speed of light flew towards the black hole ...


Jiang Qi quickly followed Wen Taoluo to the cafeteria. Under Wen Taoluo's leadership, he took a plate of sashimi, found a place, and sat down.

"Wow, it feels delicious."

Before Jiang Qi had eaten it, it felt pretty good, whether it was color or other, it was very good.

"Eat it."

Wen Taolue pushed the sashimi to Jiang Qi and said, "I hope you like it."


Jiang Qi nodded slightly, then picked up the chopsticks, picked up a little sashimi, and put it in his mouth.


How to say ... soft, a bit salty, a bit fishy, ​​and a bit bitter, but this feeling is still good.

Although not tasty, it is definitely not bad.

Did he eat the wrong fish slices, or did his taste of holding classmates be too peculiar?

Jiang Qi shook his head and was about to eat. Suddenly, he felt a strangeness at the top, and turned his head sharply, looking at the top.

"what happened?"

Wen Taolue saw Jiang Qi's sudden movement and thought that something was wrong. At this time, he received a text message and asked him to return to the institute immediately.

(Tell you a horror story. I finished the chapter yesterday and went to sleep. After all, tomorrow is a day of rest. You do n’t have to go to school. Take a good rest. Then twelve, asleep, open your eyes, look at it, at three in the afternoon The bell is broken ... Do you know what my mood is? If I were hungry, I would still sleep.)

(Thank you for your support, thank you! Fist!)

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