
In the universe, the monster saw that his attack had no effect on Jiang Qi, and slowly, a very contrasting change occurred throughout his body.

The first is that the black hole begins to shrink gradually, and slowly condenses into an entity, which is the lower body of the monster.

The lacquered black skin, with dark red er, wings, pointed head, no eyes, but a slender mouth, slowly opened.

The monster's back, with four wings, stretched out, at least a few hundred meters, and slowly flew towards Jiang Qi.

"It turns out that you look like this. It's pretty ugly. I'll help you get back to study."

Jiang Qi rubbed his fist while looking at the monster, then set his foot on it and hooked his finger towards the monster.


The monster was angry, Jiang Qi even dared to despise it so much, his mouth gradually opened, and a solid thunder ball hit Jiang Qi.


Facing the flying thunder ball, Jiang Qi's hands were covered with light and scattered with a palm.

He couldn't back away, the earth was behind him, and the ghost knew what would happen if he hit the earth.


The monster roared and rushed straight towards Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi's left hand swiped in his ear, and the ice axe flew out, flying towards the monster. In the universe, only a slight ray of light could be seen.


The ice axe swept twice on the monster's back quickly, splitting one of the monster's wings.

"Ao ..."

The sudden pain in the back let the monster naturally know who did this good thing, so the monster speeded towards Jiang Qi.

"... Peng--"

Jiang Qi and the monster's bodies collided together. Only then did Jiang Qi discover that the monster was actually much taller than himself, at least more than 70 meters.

One hand pressed against the monster's chin, the other hand grabbed the monster's wings, and Jiang Qi flew forward, trying to keep the monster as far away from the earth as possible.

However, the monster's two hands grabbed Jiang Qi the same tightly, the sharp claws almost broke through, and the two guys froze in place.

"Don't be proud--"

Jiang Qimeng raised his head, the laser light on his forehead gradually lighted up, and Aimelim light was about to fire.


At this moment, a roar behind him surprised Jiang Qi, and immediately, Jiang Qi felt a huge force hit him and forced him to release the monster.


"Jiang Qi, you have to be careful, this planet devourer Kesa, but it is not so good to defeat."

Qianben Shijiro looked at the anxious battle in the sky and laughed.

Planet devourers, monsters that live by eating planets, belong to the second-class dangerous species in the universe, and some can reach the first class.

It can be said that it is notorious in the universe, because this monster will not directly swallow the planet, but directly land on the planet, dive into the core of the earth, and absorb the energy inside.

To describe it on the earth, it is a leech. If the energy of the earth is sucked up, then it will be like human beings sucked off the blood, and there will be no more life on that planet.

In the entire universe, in addition to powerful civilizations, encountering this thing can only wait for destruction.

But now, it has come to the earth, not to mention anything else, Qianben Shiroulang feels that this guy may die here.

Jiang Qi, as Celo Ultraman, I am afraid that the first one will be blocked. Do n’t look at him as already half disabled, but without triggering the inner universe, his fighting power is still strong.

Also, the life on earth is wonderful, whether it is a monster or a human, will not destroy their homes?

"There is a good show to watch myself--"


"Don't worry, don't worry ... Kogas, if it wants to eat the earth, you will eat it, but this is a big supplement ..."

On the other side of the earth, Li Wenjie, holding a telescope in his hand, looked at the sky, while talking with his own eyes, a smile on his mouth.

"Just see if you can eat it, or Cogas can eat it ..."


"Meet ... Silo Altman was hit and flew out."

Cheng Yu said while looking at the computer, while everyone else frowned at the "live broadcast" on the main screen.

"The two monsters merged !!"

Cheng Yu screamed and stood up, looking at the big screen.


Ding Yunfeng narrowed his eyes and looked at the big screen without speaking. As for his concern, he stared at the big screen tightly.


"Peng ..."

Jiang Qi hit the nearest meteorite and knocked it off.


Naxxar lowered his head and looked at the new thing.

It was a very strange species, covered with green scales all over it, without hands, it was a pair of fins, its eyes were small, it could not be seen if you did n’t pay attention, the mouth was particularly wide, and there were long fangs in it , Legs are a bit short, it does not seem to be terrestrial creatures.

But even more peculiar is that this monster still has wings and wings, although not big.


Roaring towards Kesa again, he realized that the monster was not very friendly, but it was used to it, and if the monster welcomed it, it was not used to it.

"Ao ..."


An astonishing scene appeared, and the two monsters were fighting together, but the battle situation was crushed side by side.

The monster that appeared later was short-handed and short-handed, and was only beaten blindly.

"Ao ..."

One of Kesa ’s mouths, countless lightnings penetrated the monster ’s body, causing the monster to lose most of its resistance.


With the dominance of Kesa, the two monsters fell towards the earth, slowly speeding up, and rubbing with the atmosphere, becoming a burning fireball.

"Volt ..."

The speed of the flame ball is very fast, and it has entered the atmosphere when the night is shocked.

"How long is there?"

Ding Yunfeng turned around and asked Cheng Yu behind him. Cheng Yu calculated it, and after a while, there was an additional picture on the main screen.

"The North American coast, the eastern coast, and the attached islands are all within range."

Cheng Yu said while asking, "Do I need to notify them?"

"Say to them."

Ding Yunfeng thought about it for a while, and then asked, "Time, about when will the monster land?"

"Five minutes, conservative estimate."

Cheng Yu said on the side, in fact, with this acceleration, it would fall to the ground for at least eight minutes.

"Let other departments also take precautions."

Ding Yunfeng nodded slowly, and then said to him: "Can Han Yi be contacted? Let him return to the base immediately."


Cheng Yu nodded, then turned on the radio.

"Captain Han Yi, please return when you receive it, please answer ..."


Originally, at this time, they were still asleep, but the long-lost alarm sounded, so that all of them no longer meant to sleep.

Life is gone, and still sleep fart?

Most of them ran away, mostly in pajamas, and some ran out of clothes.

As soon as they ran out of the door, they could clearly see that a huge fireball was falling towards the ground in the sky, but looking at the angle, it did not seem to be here. The news made these people relieved.

However, a small island in contrast is different.


Two huge monsters fell in an instant, smashing this originally small island directly into the sea.

"Ao ..."

Kesa slowly stood up from the sea, screamed, and looked around, what about that monster?


Suddenly, the splash burst, and as it appeared, there was that monster, and that monster changed completely.

In the sea, its whole body turned blue, the scales of its body spread out slowly, and its wings were doubled.


The monster roared towards Kesa, then the surrounding water flow changed and the inside began to squeeze.

After struggling a few times, Kesa found out that he could not get out! The sea trapped himself.


Kesa opened his mouth and spewed thunder and lightning towards the monster, but the sea seemed to have spirituality and stopped the thunder and lightning.


The monster roared, the waters converged, and a hundred-meter dragon formed, rushing towards Kesa.


Kesa was almost unprepared to be hit by the current, and could not help but screamed in pain, almost endless current hitting himself, and ...


With the crisp sound, the lower body began to freeze slowly. If you follow this speed, I am afraid that Kesa will be frozen here forever.


"Gam ..."

Under the mighty power of the sea, Kesa was frozen by success, yes, by success.

The monster looked at Kesar, and after a while, he let his guard down.


At this moment, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the sky, directly smashing it down, and Jiang Qi slowly stood up with a gasp.


what happened?

Jiang Qi froze for a moment when he saw the frozen Kesa. The two monsters fought? Why are they infighting?


The monster looked at Jiang Qi for a while, as if remembering something, suddenly roared loudly towards Jiang Qi and attacked first.

The water flow around Kesa suddenly changed its trajectory and flew towards Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi subconsciously tried to hide, but his feet were trapped, and a light shield was generated to block the blow.

"Sure enough, you should not be soft-hearted--"

I thought this monster was good, and it seemed that his character was also brutal.


Jiang Qi took a sip, the energy quickly accumulated, and the beam of light quickly fired towards the monster.


At this time, the sea automatically formed a water shield, forcibly blocking its attack, but the water shield was also destroyed.

However, even so, behind Jiang Qi, several water jets spewed out and attacked Jiang Qi.

Wait, how does this method feel so familiar? ? ?

Jiang Qi gathered a piece of energy in his hand. The lightsaber extended from the Paragi Shield. A cold light flashed through. Jiang Qi split the water column in two, avoiding this attack.

However, the next second, the water column merged into one again, turning around and flying towards Jiang Qi again.

"Peng ..."

Several water columns simultaneously hit Jiang Qi and smashed Jiang Qi into the water.

"Hurray ..."

Jiang Qi struggled for a while under the water before coming up, staring at the monster with a gasp, rubbing her face, pointing at it and saying, "You succeeded in making me angry."

With that, Jiang Qi's hand slowly pressed on the water, and the blue energy converged into a blue light spot. Jiang Qi slowly grasped the light spot in his hand.


Jiang Qi's hands formed a cross, and the blue light was fired towards the monster. This time the monster was stunned. It turned out to be difficult to resist. It was hit by a stunned, then lying on the water, seriously injured.

Ok? ?

The monster's reaction made Jiang Qi particularly strange. What's wrong with it?

"Boom ..."

At this moment, the ice cube behind the monster burst suddenly, and Kesar sprang out of it, then spit out a thunder and lightning ball against the newly prepared Jiang Qi.

"Boom Boom--"

Several lightning **** hit Jiang Qi and Jiang Qi took two steps back and fell into the water.

There were bursts of pain on his shoulders and body.

"Ao ..."

At this time, Kesa came to the monster's side, grabbed its head directly when it was struggling to stand up, and then bit down.



The blue blood and the cries of the monster appeared at the same time. The monster was struggling vigorously, but Kesa's grasp was so strict that he couldn't get rid of it.

It can be clearly seen that the blue energy poured into the body of Kesa, Kesa slowly grew larger, slowly, larger-

Then, the monster's struggle slowly slowed down, and finally there was no movement.

"Huh ..."

At this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ A ray of light flew over, but as soon as Queza hid, the ray hit the monster, the ray was penetrated by the ray, and then turned into sea water, and wanted to melt with the sea.

It was also at this time that the marine life on the earth started a large area of ​​chaos, fish riots, sea waves, and storms.


Kesa looked at the place where the light was flying, and slowly opened his mouth, while several water columns swirled around it.

"You guy-deprived of its power?"

Jiang Qi looked at this thing in surprise, what kind of monster is it?

"Guru ..."

Naxa walked slowly towards Jiang Qi, not knowing whether it was sea water or saliva.

Will it eat me? ?

Jiang Qi can feel the danger, but he is not afraid, his arms are drawn on his chest, the golden armor is slowly worn, and the overall strength is greatly enhanced.

At this time, Kesa stopped, not because he was afraid of Jiang Qi, but—

"Peng ..."

A big mouth appeared from above, swallowing Kesa in one bite, and also made a chewing sound.

"???????? !!!"

Jiang Qi was struck back by the waves for two steps, then looked at himself in shock, slowly looked up, looked up ...

"My God !! What the **** is this ???"

At the same time, Cheng Yu in the command room was completely blown up, such a horrible thing he had never seen before!

(Do you have any experience of chopping vegetables with water? Do n’t underestimate the water! Like I said before.)

(You can write outside the book. After this book is finished, it will not be changed every day? See the specific situation! I will open a new book when the time comes, and the new book will be the first, and then this book is outside the book.)

(Thanks for the lonely reward for ten years, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!)

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