Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 470: Metro Line 5 (1)

"This monster ..."

Jiang Qi almost looked up, with purple skin all over his body, feeling extremely hard. Jiang Qi just reached his knee.

Looking up, this monster, at least a few hundred meters high, no matter whether it is imposing or just swallowing Kesa's strength, Jiang Qi felt depressed.


When the monster swallowed Kesa completely, he roared towards Jiang Qi.

In an instant, Jiang Qi felt that the energy of the whole body was stagnation at that moment, and the sense of weakness came to life.


Jiang Qi knelt halfway on the sea, the monster saw this, turned around, and disappeared.


It took Jiang Qi a while to ease the feeling of weakness. Jiang Qi clenched his fists as he watched the monster disappear.

What is it?

"Destroy ... disappeared?"

Cheng Yu was also very shocked at the night raid base. After turning on all the instruments to check, there was no way to find the location of the monster.

"What monster is it?"

At this moment, even caring was shocked. When has she seen this type of monster? This type of tonnage, even if Siro should not be able to eat it?

"Record that monster in the file."

Ding Yunfeng took a breath at this moment, and then said to Cheng Yu behind him, "Also, check, is the recent abnormal situation of marine life related to monsters?"

"Isn't it the monster under the sea?"

Concerned looked at Ding Yunfeng strangely and asked suspiciously.

"It doesn't feel ..."

Ding Yunfeng shook his head, then looked at Cheng Yu, and asked: "Is there anything found?"

"The magnetic field in the universe is disturbing."

Cheng Yu looked at the data continuously appearing on the computer and analyzed: "It interfered with the earth's biological magnetic field, so it caused biological anomalies."

"Just the monster in the black hole made a ghost?"

Ding Yunfeng nodded, and then thought for a while, before saying: "This unknown area of ​​the ocean, we should also explore it."


A question mark appeared on Cheng Yu's head, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked, "Aren't we just exploring now?"


Ding Yunfeng shook his head, then turned and walked off the podium, while saying, "Notify me of any abnormalities."


Cheng Yu froze in reply, then looked at him with concern and asked a little at a loss: "What's wrong with directing him?"

"how could I know?"

Carefully squinted at Cheng Yu, don't open his head, and said: "Fool, don't know to talk about a constructive topic ... Fool!"


Cheng Yu heard the words of concern, thought for a while, and suddenly clapped his hands, saying: "Speaking of constructive topics, is the second team base established in Gaoyang City? Speaking of it, my younger brother is still in the second team. ... Ouch—why are you kicking me? "

The rise of Cheng Yuzheng said that the sudden attack was concerned and kicked, and it was particularly painful.


Concerned stared at him fiercely, then turned and walked down, leaving only the dumbfounded Cheng Yu on the podium.

"Why did she scold me?"

The inexplicable Cheng Yu looked at it and suddenly felt pain in his leg, grinning at his calf, and said, "It hurts so much ... If you don't hear it, you're distracted by the program?"


"Hoo-finished ..."

In an apartment in Gaoyang City, Li Wenjie held a paintbrush in his mouth, and the movement in his hand was very smooth, and he put it away.

I saw that the wall in front of him had been painted with blood red, and it could be seen with a vague invisibility. It was a piece of ruin. A giant was kneeling on the edge of the ruin, and his posture seemed to be particularly tired. He is about to fall, and behind him, there are people behind him, including adults and children.


Li Wenjie threw away all the brushes, patted his palm fiercely, looked at his final mural, and felt comfortable.

"came back?"

Suddenly, Li Wenjie said something inexplicably to the air, causing a question mark in his head.

"Is the food delicious?"

Li Wenjie walked to the water dispenser and asked himself a glass of water.

"It tastes bad ... but it tastes good."

A hoarse and low-pitched voice sounded out of thin air, but Li Wenjie would not be surprised by this. He took a sip of water and said, "How do you feel? The Ocean Beast temporarily controlled after Louisana died. Ocean, have you absorbed the control of the ocean? "

"No, there is no connection ..."

The voice immediately rejected it.

"This ..."

Li Wenjie's hand paused, then rubbed the glass while thinking.

If no one controls the ocean, even if the ocean does not riot, it is absolutely impossible to be so calm, then the beast is definitely dead, and it is absolutely impossible for Louisana to be resurrected. Who controls it?

The picture of the battle just continually swept through his head, until Jiang Qi's hand was on the sea, he opened his eyes and said, "Are you? Another controller of the ocean?"

This choice is not for others, but for the earth itself.

"It's really enviable ... the proud of heaven!"

Li Wenjie's eyes closed slowly, and the glass in his hand suddenly shattered as he gradually exerted pressure.



At sea level, everything has returned to calm, seagulls are flying freely on the ocean, and fish in the sea have begun to swim again. Everything seems to have never happened.


Jiang Qi moved her shoulders while walking to Yu Shi's side, watching her stunned and erroneously, smiled and said, "Why? Don't you know the closest partner?"

"No-it's just that I haven't seen such a dynamic scene in a long time."

Yu Shi shook his head, then looked at the sea in front of him, and slowly smiled, said: "I feel they are very happy, very happy ..."

"is it……"

Jiang Qi looked at the area thoughtfully, yes, he could also feel it in the dark, including the feeling of this ocean, so vigorous and vast.

There seems to be some connection between them.

"Oh, I have to tell you."

Yu Shi turned around and smiled at Jiang Qi: "The marine life has returned to normal, thank you."

"Don't thank me, I really didn't do anything—"

Jiang Qi immediately waved his hand. He really didn't do anything. He even had the urge to return the money. Bai took the money and had to accept the thanks from others.

"However, thank you anyway."

Yu Shi smiled and said, "I'm still curious, how did you get to the ground from the bathroom on the third floor underground."


Jiang Qi stunned for a moment, screaming badly in his heart. He had just forgotten this and walked directly to Yu Shi's side. However, what he didn't expect was that Yu Shi was observing him.

"If you don't want to answer me. Even then, there are people waiting for you to give her the answer."

Yu Shi shook his head, then turned and walked towards the institute, while saying, "Come on, let's celebrate together and eat a good meal."


Jiang Qi looked at her back for a long time, and then walked into the institute. This woman is a bit like Jiang Xue in temperament! Rather than being like it, it is better to imitate Jiang Xue.

"Welcome back!"

When Jiang Qi went in, many people were particularly happy. They were happy because the ocean problem was solved. When they saw Jiang Qi, they thought they were a colleague.

Because Jiang Qi didn't introduce what he was doing when he came, the time he got along ... he didn't get along at all!

So it is normal to be admitted wrong.

"Go to dinner tonight !!"

These people hooked their shoulders together, and some people even pulled Jiang Qi in, making Jiang Qi particularly uncomfortable saying, "That ..."

"Okay okay !! Pack it up and go together."

At this time, Yu Shi, who changed clothes, said a word to the crowd, and they immediately cheered, and then everyone else went out, and Jiang Qi was also pulled by himself.

Overall, Jiang Qi is embarrassed.


"... Now I try to get used to being alone,

Maybe you have started a new life,

The one who accompanies me is called loneliness,

Who's with you ... "

Jiang Xiaoqi lay on the table, hummed the song, looked at Jiang Xue on the opposite side, and then looked down.

"Okay! Stop singing ..."

Jiang Xue patted the table, frowned, looked at Jiang Xiaoqi, and said, "I already said that, I rejected him at the time. The relationship between the two of us is not what you think."

"……and then……"

Jiang Xiaoqi stopped, looked at Jiang Xue, and slowly said, "Why did he say that to me? Why?"

"As for the……"

Jiang Xue got stuck, and she knew why, because Jiang Qi's own body might not be able to carry it, so in order to prevent them from being sad, pull away the distance? Or to protect them from the distance, maybe both.

However, how would she tell Xiaoqi? It is impossible to say: Jiang Qi is dying, so he wants to leave?

"Okay, no need to explain, I understand."

Jiang Xiaoqi immediately stopped Jiang Xue, and her chest was up and down quickly, saying: "Since he wants to distance me from it, okay, I can put everything in my heart, he wants to cut everything off, or, I just need to remember. "

"Xiaoqi ..."

Jiang Xue opened her mouth, and Jiang Xiaoqi's appearance now made her very worried, this silly boy! Why doesn't she understand!

"Sister ... you have always been my sister."

Jiang Xiaoqi forcibly stabilized his emotions and said to Jiang Xue: "It has always been my thing that grabs you. This time, I let you give it to me. It is mine after all, not my stay. I ’m sorry, I ’m sorry, I wish you happiness. "

"We both have nothing!"

Jiang Xue held his head, walked to Jiang Xiaoqi, hugged Jiang Xiaoqi, and there was a hint of choking in his voice: "I just need you two to be safe, so don't do that anymore, okay."


Jiang Xiaoqi was lying in Jiang Xue's arms, crying, hugging Jiang Xue tightly, crying, crying happily.

Jiang Xue closed her eyes and touched Jiang Xiaoqi's head. If it was before, she would say: "Don't cry, don't cry--" But now it becomes: "Cry ... Cry all the wrongs."


Jiang Xiaoqi cried more loudly, holding Jiang Xue's strength tighter, and said: "Sorry sister ... I was wrong, I didn't intentionally murder you before, sorry ... Don't stop Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi now You're left ... wooh ... Sister I'm sorry ... Xiaoqi was wrong ... I'm sorry ... "

"Sister will never leave you ..."

Jiang Xue also felt a little bit of tears in her eyes, but was controlled by Jiang Xue and squeezed out a little smile, and said to Jiang Xiaoqi: "Be happy in the future, okay?"


Jiang Xiaoqi nodded heavily, crying like a tearful man, clenching his teeth, and said, "Sister, what about ... Jiang Qi ...?"

"I will go find him back!"

Jiang Xue smiled, touching Jiang Xiaoqi's head, and said, "The two of you are just rebellious children, what's the matter?"

"... So why did he say that to me?"

Jiang Xiaoqi will never forget, Jiang Qi's tone at that time, and her eyes, she will never forget in her life, Jiang Qi seems to have changed a person.

"... sometimes some things ~ www.readwn.com ~ can only be carried by themselves, this is called responsibility."

Jiang Xue touched Jiang Xiaoqi's head and slowly said, "You will understand when you grow up."

"I have grown up ..."

Jiang Xiaoqi rubbed his eyes and whispered.

"Nineteen? It's just an adult ..."

Jiang Xue pinched Jiang Xiaoqi's nose and said spoiledly: "A little girl, what pretend to be?"


Jiang Xiaoqi looked annoyed at Jiang Xue, and now she was still treated as a child! It's a bit too much!

"In the eyes of my sister, you will always be a child ..."

Jiang Xue sighed and touched Jiang Xiaoqi's head, murmured: "As long as you are happy, it's enough."

Jiang Xiaoqi heard this for the first time in such a small voice. In the past, she never noticed that until now, she understood more clearly, and she has always been the one cared for.

"That one……"

Jiang Xiaoqi slowly raised her head and watched Jiang Xue laugh, the smile was particularly beautiful, although the face was all tears, but it was enough to make Jiang Xue stunned, at this moment, she felt that Xiao Qi seemed long Big.

"Sister ... do you really like Jiang Qi?"


Jiang Xue froze, looked at Jiang Xiaoqi, and was speechless.


"Hahaha ..."

"Before playing with the leader, I felt that my colleagues played terribly. But the leader was not there that day. I felt it after playing for a while, **** ... am I playing with Real Madrid?"

A man with a beard, talking to others on the table while drinking.

This made Jiang Qi sweating in the corner, drinking Coke.

These wonderful flowers ...

(The magnetic field of the universe or something is my own, do n’t believe it.)

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