Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 471: Metro Line 5 (2)

The Jiangcheng Metro Line 2 has a total length of nearly 40 kilometers. The construction of more than five years, the huge consumption of manpower, material and financial resources, and the divine power of high technology, the hard work of technical personnel and engineering builders, make a dream a reality. The six subway lines in the plan will also enter the public's vision in the hope of completing one subway opening to traffic every year.

In fact, do people travel in urban areas by bus, light rail, taxi, private car, motorcycle, ferry ~ or subway ...

There seems to be no standard or only answer to this choice. It is based on personal preference, convenience of travel, and economic time cost to arrive at the same location.

In fact, some people have made an experience. The bus is the most economical, the subway is the most time-saving, and other transportation is under these two.

The underground train, black lightning, rushed in the underworld.

Everyone's face and everyone's voice are in a trance, and they are separated from others by a world.

Wind and torrents surging around.

There is no scenery outside the window, only darkness, or light-that is to another platform.

On the platform were bright lights, like daylight, but just like daylight.

Walk under the ground of Jiangcheng, separated from the palace and city above.

So many pedestrians flashed by in front of his eyes, and what can be remembered is only special people, specific and individual people, one or two.

With a bell ringing on the platform, a series of bullet-shaped milky subways came slowly.

After the automatic door opens, the passengers enter the station one after another, and it seems to be wrapped in a warm and comfortable atmosphere at once.

The gentle voice of the female announcer accompanied the tourists along the way.

It is said that six cars form a subway, and the facilities inside the station are like a bus. The headroom is about two meters and the width is about two meters. There are seats on both sides with warm winter and cool summer.

But this has nothing to do with the subway on Line 5.

"Lao Zhang, have you arrived so early?"

A middle-aged man walked into the control room and saw a man in a tunic suit. His hair was half-white, his eyes were bright and dark, and his skin was dark.

This person is the founder of Line 5 and the main person in charge, Zhang Junhui, one of the earliest group of college students in the last century.

"Well, I'm always at ease recently."

After seeing the person coming, Zhang Junhui nodded slightly, and his rough face was a little distracted. Then he lit a cigarette and slowly took a sip.

"There is nothing to worry about."

The man walked up to Zhang Junhui, took a cigarette that Zhang Junhui handed him, and then ignited while saying, "The next day the superior will come, take all our work, and you will get it when the time comes Tens of thousands of yuan, go home to support the elderly. "

"Go home to support the elderly ..."

Zhang Junhui repeated this sentence, closing his eyes in pain and sighing.

Line 5 of the Jiangcheng Metro is the first batch to be established. It has been around for eight years. Although it can continue to be used, it is said that some people have to tear down this line and build a resort nearby.

In other words, the subway on Line 5 will not be open to traffic after the next day's superior takes over.

Zhang Junhui looked through the window at the platform in front of him and the railway that was only the tip of the iceberg.

For eight years, from the very beginning of construction, until now, Zhang Junhui has been with it, and even his own children have not been with him for so long. In his eyes, this railway is his second child.

It is worth mentioning that his son, Zhang Kun, left the house when the subway opened to traffic and lived alone. There has been no news so far.


The person behind Zhang Junhui finally sighed helplessly, patted his shoulder, and said: "Your mood, I understand, but there will be such a day, and you will be treated with you. With more money, you can care for the elderly without losing money. "

"Needless to say, I can still tell clearly."

Zhang Junhui opened his eyes, looked at the man, and said, "So I came here so early, and accompany it more. Tomorrow is the last day, let's cherish it."

"Hahaha ..."

The man didn't say much, he laughed, and then stood beside Zhang Junhui.

In fact, speaking of Jiangcheng's Metro Line 5, there are really many different opinions.

Some feng shui masters said that this place was dead and not suitable for building subways. At that time, it was the peak period of China's development. Jiangcheng also needed this line in particular, so no matter what the feng shui master said, he would be killed. Kind of words.

However, up to now, Jiangcheng is also good, there is no human life, so many people have forgotten this matter.

Many people think that Jiangcheng can develop from a small village into a national transit station, which is also a credit to Line 5. Therefore, many people are particularly opposed to the demolition of Line 5.

Speaking secretly, there is the Zhang Junhui family, yes, it is a family. Apart from their son, his wife, and relatives of their family, are opposed to this matter.

However, how to say, this time the superiors have a conscience, and allocated a large amount to these people, of course, those people are only the workers who built the subway, and their families.

This huge sum of money has been getting smaller and smaller after "scrapping", and at the end there is only one point left, and then there are so many people to share, so even the person in charge has only tens of thousands of yuan.



In the research room, the group of people shouted while holding wine glasses.

Jiang Qi on the side was looking shocked. Are these people too good to drink? Three boxes of liquor, still drinking?

"Do you want to be together, little brother?"

On one side, a man suddenly pulled Jiang Qi, holding a bottle of liquor in his hand, while talking.


Jiang Qi turned her head, a strong smell of beer came across, subconsciously stepped back, and then said: "I don't want to drink, I don't want to drink even if I do."

Drinking something wrong ...

Jiang Qi still understands this, so he never smokes or drinks, and is a good young man in the society.

"This is boring ..."

The man rubbed his chin, holding a wine glass in his hand, and looked at Jiang Qi. He seemed to want Jiang Qi to drink.

Seeing this, Jiang Qi didn't know where, this guy might drink too much, and quickly said: "I'll tell you a riddle, I can drink if I can guess."


The man's eyes lit up, looking at Jiang Qi, while rubbing his hands, and said: "Then you will be settled, I was called‘ Little Prince ”when I was in elementary school. What riddles will not trouble me?”


What nickname is the little prince? Sure enough, I drank too much ...

Jiang Qi's face twitched, and then said: "Then I said, the riddle is: one point flying into the sky, two bends in the Yellow River, a wide mouth with eight characters, the words go inward, a trace on the left, a trace on the right, a trace on the east, a right One long, with a Ma Dawang in the middle, the bottom of the heart, next to the moon, a hook to hang clothes, back out of the car to Xianyang, guess a word. "


The man had been drinking too much, and now when he heard Jiang Qi's series of words, he looked at Jiang Qi a little confused.


Seeing this person's appearance, Jiang Qi repeated it helplessly again, and then said, "You guessed it, I went to the bathroom."

Then Jiang Qi slipped away immediately. He didn't want to stay here anyway. He ate the meal and solved the problem. He stayed here and had nothing to do.

"Uh ... do you have this word, did you lie to me?"

When Jiang Qi was going out, the man immediately shouted, "This is not what a good boy should do."

"Relax, there is definitely this word."

Without looking back, Jiang Qi waved his hand at the man and said, "The broad and profound Chinese language is absolutely beyond your imagination."

"……is it……"

The man was quiet, and he was put aside, thinking of himself there, but after thinking for a while, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Eh? ? ? ? What is the problem?

When he raised his head, he found that Jiang Qi was gone ...



As soon as he went out, Jiang Qi exhaled hard. The wine in the house smelled so great. I didn't expect that these researchers could drink so much.


At this time, Yu Shi didn't know where he came out, and walked to Jiang Qi's side and said, "I feel like you are not drunk."

"I didn't drink alcohol."

After a cold breath, Jiang Qi still felt a little dizzy in his head. While rubbing his temples, he said: "Anyway, I ate the rice and the problem was solved. If there is no doubt, then I will go."


Just when Jiang Qi wanted to turn around and leave, suddenly, Yu Shi stopped Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi looked at Yu Shi strangely and stopped, asking: "Why? Any questions?"

"No, no problem."

Yu Shi looked at Jiang Qi, smiled, and said, "There is still a little more than I have left. Go with me to the office and give you together."


Jiang Qi was stunned when he heard the balance. He remembered that Wen Tao had said at the time that the one hit in the card was a deposit?

"The money also hit Jiang Xue's card."

Jiang Qi waved his hand, but he didn't care about these things. Could he save any more private money?

"No, I don't have so many cards, just go directly to my company and get it."

Yu Shi walked in front of Jiang Qi. While shaking his finger at Jiang Qi, he said, "If you don't want it, I can do it myself."

"I still think it's better to accept it."

Jiang Qi shook his head helplessly, and he really knew that he was expensive.

The distance to run the company is not too far away, and within two minutes, Jiang Qi and Yu Shi opened the door of the office.



The moment the door opened, Jiang Qi froze, and I saw a man, a woman, and a woman in white clothes sitting in the house.

"Hi ... Xiao Jiang ..."

When the woman saw Jiang Qi, she smiled and waved at Jiang Qi with a smile.

"Jiang Xue ..."

Jiang Qi stared blankly at Jiang Xue, when did she come! ! ! ! And that looks like it has been coming for a while.

"when did you come?"

With a twitch in the corner of his mouth, Jiang Qi suddenly saw Jiang Xue, even feeling a little guilty, and didn't know why it was because of something.

"I came when I was eating, but I didn't want to disturb you."

Jiang Xue Annie stood up from her seat and slowly walked to Jiang Qi, saying, "I didn't expect you to come here. If Xiao Shi called me, I wouldn't be able to find you."


Jiang Qi turned her head and looked at Yu Shi, pretending to be air, with a question in her eyes.

What is she doing on the phone? ?

"Sorry, just confirm."

Yu Shi pushed his glasses and said, "By the way, please contact Xue Xue."


Jiang Qi, a little speechless, turned his head to look at Jiang Xue and squeezed out a little smile, and said, "I knew it was like this, and I wouldn't come."

"So, I specifically let Xiao Shi say that there is a balance, otherwise according to my understanding, you don't seem to come."

Jiang Xue had long known what Jiang Qi would do, so he deliberately used the foolproof method.

"It's so mean--"

Jiang Qi watched Jiang Xue walking forward, slowly backing away, finally leaning on the door, and finally smiled bitterly.

"What are you afraid of me? I won't eat you."

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi with a smile, and said, "Follow me home."

"No, for the time being I don't plan to go back."

Jiang Qi shook his head decisively, and since he had already made a decision, he was still decisive and ignored them far.

If you fall in love, you can always get old. If she missed it, she would be safe, Jiang Qi still remembered this sentence.

The deepest feelings are the most difficult to let go. Jiang Qi can do everything in the world, but he will not say those three words, because he is not qualified.

"Are you worried about Xiaoqi?"

Jiang Xue quietly looked at Jiang Qi ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said: "I have solved that matter. As long as you go back with me, everything will be fine."

"No, I didn't plan to go back ..."

Jiang Qi said categorically, then looked at Jiang Xue and said seriously: "I have other tasks, so ..."

"Then I am with you."

Jiang Xue took a step forward and said eagerly that she didn't know how, and she had such a bad hunch.

"No, it's no longer needed."

Jiang Qi smiled, then looked at Jiang Xue and said, "I didn't want to say goodbye, but now it seems that it should be impossible."

"All the time, thank you for your care. I have been crying, laughing, and loving in the office."

"Maybe one day, in a noisy city, you and I pass by. I will stop and stare at the far back and tell myself: I have loved that person once!"

"You left me too many memories, I will cherish these memories well."

When saying these words, Jiang Qi's own heart hurts, if possible, he really does not want to leave, really, wants to be with them all the time.

But it's really impossible, so, goodbye ...


While Jiang Qi was silent, Jiang Xue suddenly hammered Jiang Qi and almost let Jiang Qi spit out the meal he had just eaten.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xue grabbed Jiang Qi's collar and said, "I don't care what your reason is and what you do. I only know that we need you now. If you don't go back with me now, I'll take you Stunned and tied back !!! "


Watching Jiang Xue suddenly soar, Jiang Qi froze ...

(Thanks for the book reward 2017112216, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!)

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