Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 472: Metro Line 5 (3)

. . . .

How many times did you look back, and I do n’t know if you have a problem with your neck ...

That's right, sometimes, the reality is such a pain.

Jiang Qi looked at such a tough Jiang Xue, and was a little dumbfounded, as if he had met such a Jiang Xue for the first time, because in Jiang Qi's own memory, Jiang Xue has always been kind and gentle, almost no There has been a fire, but what is the domineering declaration now?

"It's worthy of Sister Xue ... Domineering still ..."

On the side, Yu Shi heard such a declaration, stars appeared in his eyes, and looked at Jiang Xue in worship.


Jiang Qi touched his nose, and then said a little unnaturally: "Anyway, we are already adults? Shouldn't we have to force people like this?"

"grown ups?"

Jiang Xue seemed to hear a funny joke, looked at Jiang Qi carefully, and said, "Look at what you are like now, which is like an adult? Hurry back with me."

"... To be honest, I plan to stay away from you."

Jiang Qi finally gritted her teeth and said this sentence, causing Jiang Xuedun to stay. She looked at Jiang Qi and froze, asking, "What are you talking about?"

"Yes, I don't want to go back anymore."

Jiang Qi seemed to have made up his mind and said, "It's only dangerous to be with me. It's better to stay away from you."

"Why did you go?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xue said straightforwardly: "Since I know there is danger, why did you go? Now I suddenly woke up, and then I left as if I were thinking for us. Seriously, but for yourself, you Do n’t want to drag us down, because there is something you ca n’t say? Then throw all things to us ... "


Jiang Xue's words made Jiang Qi's words impossible to say. Jiang Xue was right, he could abandon everything and leave alone, but what about them? What should they do?

"I can't protect you anymore ..."

Jiang Qi bit her lip, covered her heart, and said to Jiang Xue: "Do you know? My physical condition, if I go on like this ..."

"There will always be a way! Believe me!"

Jiang Xue immediately took Jiang Qi's words and said aloud: "Don't forget, you still have us!"

"It is because of you that I am leaving."

With his eyes closed, Jiang Qi shouted loudly: "Still that sentence, I don't want to drag you down. Similarly, I also think that things should be over."

Speaking of Jiang Qi, he ran out without giving Jiang Xue any chance to change his answer.

"Little Ginger!"

Jiang Xue also ran out immediately, because she knew that if she chased over, it is very likely that Jiang Qi would disappear again.

However, after Jiang Xue ran out, he found that Jiang Qi was gone. After a fruitless search, Jiang Xue could only go back to the laboratory in annoyance.

However, what Jiang Xue did not know was that shortly after she left, Jiang Qi slowly came out and bowed to Jiang Xue's back.

Thanks for the long-term care, thanks! you guys!

"A lot of times, our eyes are black, but we see a piece of light; our hearts are bright, but we are covered with darkness ..."

"True light is by no means a time when there is no darkness, it's just that it is never obliterated by a time of darkness."

The conversation with Jiang Xue flashed through the brain one by one, Jiang Qi pursed his lips, came to the side of the road, and called a car.

"Go to the train station in Goyang."

Jiang Qi said to the driver after getting in the car.

That's right, he has to leave the city. If he wants to leave, he will go far.

However, he gradually realized that the world is so big that there is no place for him to stay. Even if he reaches the outside world, what can he do?

You know, the time is getting closer and closer.

However, these still have their own solutions. Now Jiang Qi, the main thing is to leave as soon as possible.



The railway station in Gaoyang City is not a very shabby place. How to say, it is very ordinary. The railway station is said to be reinforced for maintenance after a while.

However, whether Xiu Xiu is or not has nothing to do with Jiang Qi. After he came here, he touched his pocket and only about 500 yuan remained.

He made a rough calculation by himself. It takes about 400 to go to Yanjing, 500 to go to Yijing, and about a hundred to go to the neighboring city.

However, since Jiang Qi has to go a little further, he certainly will not go to the neighboring cities. If this is the case, probably Yanjing is the best choice.

First, Yanjing is the capital of the country with the largest number of people. If you go there, I'm afraid you won't find it.

Secondly, if monsters or something really appears in that place, it is also the safest place. Do n’t look at Yanjing as luxurious, the armed forces are not very strong, but Jiang Qi knows that the entire Yanjing is already armed That place can be said to be the safest place except for the night raid base.

Therefore, Jiang Qi decided to go to Yanjing and take out his ID card. Jiang Qi walked towards the hall. The first thing is to buy a ticket.


Suddenly, Jiang Qi stopped, and he slowly turned his head to look at the corner at the main entrance of the hall where a little girl was squatting.

She was squatting there in despair, her little fingers lighted the ground, tapped gently, and grunted her mouth.

This girl is wearing shabby clothes. If Jiang Qi is right, this style is worn by his mother, and the shoes are also ordinary old cloth shoes.

If it was usual, Jiang Qi wouldn't care much, at most it was just a glance, but now, Jiang Qi stopped.

Because he saw that this girl's is different from other little girls.

This girl exudes spirituality, this feeling Jiang Qi only felt in Jiang Yuhan's body.

When thinking of Jiang Yuhan, Jiang Qi's heart softened again. If it was Jiang Yuhan, it would be sad to leave by herself, and Xiaoqi, she must be particularly ruthless?

The more I thought about the bitterness in Jiang Qi's mouth, I quickly stopped my current thoughts, sorted out my emotions, and walked towards the girl.

"Little sister, what's wrong with you? I feel you are sad."

Jiang Qi crouched down, making herself as kind as possible, and asked softly.


The girl ignored him, pointing her fingers on the ground as if there was gold on the ground.


Jiang Qi touched his nose a little awkwardly, and then tried to ask again: "Little sister? What's wrong with you?"


At this time, the girl raised her head and looked at Jiang Qi. When she found Jiang Qi's gaze, she widened her eyes in surprise. After looking around, she found that she was the only one around her, and pointed at herself unsure .

"Well, yes, I'm talking about you."

Seeing that the girl was so cute, Jiang Qi couldn't help but put the gentleness of Jiang Yuhan on her.

"Can you see me?"

The girl stood up in surprise at this time, looking at Jiang Qi, her eyes surprised and happy.

"Of course……"

Jiang Qi looked at the girl very surely. If it was another girl, Jiang Qi Bacheng would think that the girl's S2 was guilty.

However, this girl does give Jiang Qi a very different feeling.

Therefore, Jiang Qi paid special attention to it, and Yu Guang looked at the reactions of passers-by around him, and found that some people were looking at themselves strangely, and then they were far away from themselves.

Can't others see it?

Jiang Qi understands the situation a bit.

"Younger brother, you are so powerful, no one can see me and don't talk to me."

The girl jumped up excitedly and said to Jiang Qi.

"Uh ... little ... brother ..."

Jiang Qi stood awkwardly, looking at the little girl under the age of 14 on the surface, even calling him his brother? Also add a small letter in front.

"Yes, it's the younger brother."

The girl looked at Jiang Qi excitedly and said, "Small, brother, do you know? No one can see me from the time of memorizing. You are the first one, and I am so excited."

"I can tell……"

Jiang Qi sweated for a moment, looked at the little girl awkwardly, and said, "Also, I am obviously older than you? Calling my little brother, is it a bit ... not right?"

"What's wrong?"

The little girl didn't seem to feel anything wrong and said, "You are younger than me."

"How can it be?"

Jiang Qi looked at the little girl in disbelief and said, "I am twenty-three this year, although I am a virtual year old."

"Don't compare ... I'm twenty years older than you ..."

The girl waved her hand directly, looking old.


Jiang Qi's eyes widened, looking at this girl, she was more than twenty years older than herself? ? real or fake? ? ? ?

Although I know that this girl is not right, has it reached this level?

"It's been more than forty years since I remembered anyway."

The girl put her finger to her mouth and thought for a while before saying, "It feels bigger than you anyway."


Jiang Qi closed her mouth and looked at the girl. Did she say that she was the undead who died more than 40 years ago? I die so young ...

Don't know why, Jiang Qi's heart suddenly became particularly heavy.

"It seems that you don't like younger brother very much. This is the name of younger brother."

The girl scratched her head and said, "That's calling you ... Ronaldinho?"

"Huh ???? What little Luo Luo?"

Jiang Qi froze for a moment. What the **** was this sudden nickname?

"This is it!"

While the girl was talking, she pointed to Jiang Qi's left hand and said, "I can see, the bracelet under the clothes, are you a particularly powerful big guy?"

The girl said, making a few gestures while learning Jiang Qi, and then said, "It's so handsome!"

"... ha ... ha ..."

Jiang Qi subconsciously covered his left hand, then smiled stiffly twice, and was even more confused about the girl.

"What? Ronaldinho doesn't like it?"

The girl listened to Jiang Qi's seemingly unhappy laugh, tilted her head, and said inexplicably: "Then I am still called the younger brother. Brother?"

"My name is Jiang Qi."

Jiang Qi quickly waved his hand, he didn't want to hear those strange nicknames anymore.

"Then ... Xiao Qiqi?"

The girl thought for a while, and watched Jiang Qi's reaction carefully.

"You do it ..."

Anyway, it is much better than younger brother, younger brother, and Luo Luo.

"That's good, I'll call you Xiao Qiqi !!" The girl was relieved and said happily: "You are my first friend."


Jiang Qi nodded slowly, understandably, the girl has never felt like a friend. Jiang Qi can understand this kind of joy now, and then asked, "As a friend, can you tell me your name ? "

"New moon, they all call me a new moon, a new moon that changes with each passing day."

The girl said happily, her eyes narrowed into a slit.

"new moon……"

Jiang Qi nodded, saying that he knew, and said, "I'll call you Xiaoyue after that."


The girl nodded happily and looked at Jiang Qi. With a happy mood, Jiang Qi could clearly feel it.

"What are you doing here?"

Jiang Qi sat down next to the girl, and then whispered.

"do not know……"

Hearing Jiang Qi ’s words, the girl lowered her head and said, “Sometimes it will appear somewhere else. Sometimes it will not.”


Jiang Qi also asked about this for the first time.

"do not know……"

The girl didn't know what to do, but it made Jiang Qi a little headache.

"Hehe ..."

When Jiang Qi got a headache, the girl giggled there. Was she happy for having a friend ~ www.readwn.com ~ eating sugar? "

Jiang Qi remembered something like that. He took out two pieces of candy from his pocket. Sometimes when he was dizzy, he would eat two pieces and always carry them with him.


The girl took the sugar and held it in her arms.

"Don't you eat?"

Jiang Qi was a little surprised by the girl's approach and asked unexpectedly.

"How can you say something you eat if you give it from a good friend?"

The girl said a little unhappy: "I want to keep it forever."

"Eat, I still have it here."

Jiang Qi said, took all the sugar from his pocket and handed it to the little girl.


In the new moon, he carefully opened the sugar paper, and then took out the light and transparent candy, and slowly put it in his mouth.

As soon as the candy was put into the mouth, the sweet taste melted in the girl's mouth, making the girl's eyes narrowed happily.


"Haha ..."

Looking at the girl's appearance, Jiang Qi smiled. The girl's appearance was quite cute.

"The doctor is him."

At this time, a man walked in with a group of doctors and pointed to Jiang Qi, making Jiang Qi stunned.

"Sir, we suspect that you have a mental condition. Please go to the hospital with us for examination."

The doctor in front looked at Jiang Qi, pushed his glasses, and said coldly.


(The younger brother of the starting point, the younger brother, was shocked.

(In addition, there is one thing to confess to the organization. The name of this chapter was originally "Disappearing Subway Line 5". As a result, I didn't pay attention. I wrote the name wrong and wrote Metro Line 5. I can't do it. You can make mistakes (crying).)

(Thanks for the reward of Liyu Xiaomeng, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!)

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