Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 480: Metro Line 5 (11)

"Thanks a lot ..."

While Jiang Qi was packing up, Zhang Junhui suddenly said a word to Jiang Qi, making him slightly surprised.

"Thank you ... thanks?"

Jiang Qi stared at him stupefiedly and asked very strangely: "Why did you say thank you suddenly to me? I didn't seem to do anything."

"Yes, you didn't do anything, but after talking to you, let me understand what I should do now."

Zhang Junhui slowly raised his head, looked straight at Jiang Qi, and slowly said: "Thank you."

"Ah ... this is even less necessary, I just want to finish my own work."

Jiang Qi waved his hand, then put the things in his bag, and said to Zhang Junhui: "But in the end, you still feel confused?"

"It's a little ..."

Zhang Junhui smiled slightly. Now that we are banished from society, do we really know what we should do? Ask yourself.

"It's almost time, I'm leaving ..."

After looking at his watch, Jiang Qi smiled apologetically and then said to him: "I still have something in my house."

"Well, please ..."

Zhang Junhui nodded, but he didn't feel anything. After all, everyone has everyone's privacy, and he didn't mean to ask.

When I walked out with Zhang Junhui, the two of them were chatting, and the topic was very broad. What made Zhang Junhui feel strange was that Jiang Qi gave him the feeling of not being exhausted at this age.

Yes, although it seems that Jiang Qi is fine, but in Zhang Junhui's eyes, he can clearly see the faint fatigue.

What happened in the end, this young man can have this temperament?

Zhang Junhui felt very strange, and the more he chatted, the more Zhang Junhui felt that he was not an ordinary person. No matter what he said or how he behaved, Jiang Qi gave him a very strong feeling.

"I go first."

Having arrived at the door, Jiang Qi stopped talking, smiled at Zhang Junhui slightly, and then said, "I am very happy to talk to you."

"I am also very happy, reporter Jiang."

Reaching out, Zhang Junhui smiled politely again, and then said: "Hopefully we will have a chance in the future, we can have a good chat, nothing about work."

"There will be a chance."

Jiang Qi nodded, then walked to the side of the road, called a car, and then waved at him and said, "Goodbye."


Nodded, Zhang Junhui said with a smile.

"Huh ..."

Immediately the car started, and gradually went away, Zhang Junhui looked at the back of the car like that, and then went back.

However, what neither of them knew was that when Zhang Junhui entered the door, a girl squatted there and said in surprise: "How did Xiao Qiqi come here?"

"... Did it come to me?"

The girl pointed at herself and grinned. When she saw Jiang Qi in the corner, she immediately hid and found a corner where Jiang Qi could not find herself as much as possible.

She didn't know why, she just wanted to hide and didn't want Jiang Qi to see her. If Jiang Qi really saw her, she probably knew her history?

She ... didn't seem to want this ... not ...

"Lao Zhang! Why did you go?"

At this time, suddenly a person ran from not far away, grabbed Zhang Junhui's hand, and ran towards the distance.

"what happened?"

Zhang Junhui was very surprised. He stared at the person who ran out suddenly. He was his classmate. He came to help himself recently with his own work unit. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long to become like this.

"Someone has come to clear all the people."

What the man said changed Zhang Junhui's entire expression, looked at the man with frowns, stopped, and said, "What the **** is going on?"


Seeing Zhang Junhui suddenly stopped, he also stopped, glanced at Zhang Junhui, and then said, "There is someone here, and work will start today."

"What? Didn't it start tomorrow?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Junhui suddenly froze there and questioned: "The car is still running on the railway !!! Is he going to start work?"

"This is the order above!"

The man said helplessly to Zhang Junhui: "Many people have been kicked out of the main control room, and now they are looking for you everywhere."


Without saying a word, Zhang Junhui ran directly towards the main control room.

"Eh? Wait for me !!!?"

The man didn't expect that Zhang Junhui shouted towards his back so quickly, and then ran with him.

"Work on ... work on ... work on ..."

Crescent Moon repeated these two words in that corner, and sat down slowly, holding his knees.

Really ... really ... Is there no way?

The same ... This should be the end of my life ... What is the difference between one more day and one less day ...

The girl buried her head and lowered her head deeply.

But why ... why not be reconciled?


"Hello! What are you doing?"

After Zhang Junhui arrived, he realized that many people were pushing the workers and driving them out of the cordon.

Some people refused to accept it, they just refused to leave, and then those people held sticks and beat them together.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Junhui immediately ran up and shouted.

Although the scene was very confusing, Zhang Junhui's words were made to be heard by everyone, and they stopped their hands in unison and looked at him.


After seeing Zhang Junhui coming, all the people were relieved, and then they looked angrily at the opposite, those wearing black special police uniforms, said: "Boss, they are ..."

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Junhui walked to the middle of the two parties, and then separated them with his hands, while questioning.

"You are the person in charge here?"

At this time, a man in a suit came out from behind them and questioned.

"it is me……"

Zhang Junhui nodded slightly, then looked at the person, and then said: "Why do you want to do this."

"It's that simple without listening to the command."

The man nodded slightly, and then said a little dissatisfiedly: "This is the reason why you are not strict."

"Don't listen to the command? ??? Isn't it strict ????"

After asking two questions in a row, Zhang Junhui narrowed his eyes and looked at them and said, "Obviously you are the best at working automatically? The date agreed at the beginning was tomorrow, why did you start today?"

"The plan can't keep up with the changes, besides ..."

Looking at Zhang Junhui, the man said, "... no matter what day it is, it is destined to be dismantled anyway."


Zhang Junhui drank towards the man and said, "The car is still halfway. Are you going to remove the rails now?"

"We have ordered the next stop to stop ..."

The man crossed his arms, looked at him, and said: "Now you should have nothing to worry about? Then let's get started ..."

"Do not……"

Zhang Junhui shook his head, then looked at the man fiercely and said, "Even if there is only one day, the crescent line will run down. This is the mission of the crescent line."

"Hey Hey hey……"

The man looked at him a little unbearably, looked at Zhang Junhui, and said: "Good numbness, what age are these, still so old and stubborn? So ... don't know the workaround?"


Zhang Junhui looked at the man with a very, very firm look at him, and then said, "Even if there is only one day, the crescent line will run down ..."


The man buttoned his ears, and then said to him: "Okay, the stubborn guy, it seems that he can only use strength."

The man beckoned behind him. In an instant, a lot of "heavy outfit" thugs appeared and ran towards Zhang Junhui and others.

"you guys……"

Seeing this behavior is tantamount to a rogue robber, Zhang Junhui was angry. Then, three or four people surrounded him and started a beating.

Although Zhang Junhui started to fight bravely, there was no way he could beat his four hands with fists, but he couldn't beat it at all, and he was crushed on the ground by a hammer.

"Boss ... ah ..."

And those people. Other employees have no weapons on their bodies. How could they be the opponents of the large number of thugs who still hold weapons?

So, it can almost be seen that all the employees were pressed down and beaten in the ground. Occasionally someone stood up, but they were pressed down again in an instant.

"stop it!!"

The crescent moon only ran over at this time, seeing such a cruel scene in front of her, she could not help screaming.

then. She saw Zhang Junhui trampled under her feet, and immediately ran over, with all her strength, trying to knock the man down.

"Uh ..."

However, the new moon passed through that person's body almost instantaneously, without any effect.

"stop it!!!"

Crescent Moon shouted loudly, his voice became hoarse, and he knelt on the ground, obviously, it was enough ... there was no need to do this for her ...

The scene in front of me made the girl who was ready to die cried, tears saying that her cheeks were dripping ...


"Doodle Doodle Doodle Doodle Doodle Doodle ..."

In the night raid base, the alarm sounded, and it took a long time.

"It's negative energy !! Negative energy appears !!"

Cheng Yu shouted in surprise, then immediately said to Huang Ying on the radio: "Just in Jiangcheng, near the subway station, please go immediately."


On the radio, Huang Ying's voice was heard, not only Huang Ying, but also several other planes, all of which were received and flew towards Jiangcheng.

"This time is so long ..."

The siren has not been lifted yet, making Cheng Yu lip-stopping, which was obviously not the case before.

"Could there be monsters?"

I don't know where the concern came from, and suddenly I got close to Cheng Yu and said.

"Bah ah ... what monster ..."

Cheng Yu shook his head quickly. The interval between this and the last monster appeared was too short. It was less than three days ...

"... It's no use cheating yourself ..."

Concerned about seeing this reaction, he said directly: "After all, the monster is not listening to you, come out when you think of it."


As soon as this remark came out, what else could Cheng Yu say? Can only be there, embarrassed by covering his nose.


Cheng Yu's reaction even made her sigh, and then left, shaking her head while walking.

"What's up with her?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yu shook his head helplessly, and then continued the work at hand while monitoring the negative energy source.


Those people are still wrestling and they have seen blood.

"Click ... click ..."

At this time, a burst of crisp sound suddenly appeared, and all of them looked at the place where the sound came from inexplicably.

At this moment, I saw a young man standing not far away, holding a camera in his hand and taking some pictures. Damn in this case, he was still looking for a posture.

"Why didn't you move?"

The young man smiled slightly, raised the camera in his hand, and said, "Don't care about me, continue to care about my headlines, such as tomorrow's appearance: Jiangcheng's forced demolition incident?"


Those people looked at each other and were very at a loss.

"Xiao Qiqi ..."

After choking on the crescent moon, after seeing Jiang Qi, he was a little surprised, and then he was surprised. Why did he come here? Did n’t you say yes and leave?

"Boy! Bring the camera !!!"

At this time, those people closed their hands, they all knew the seriousness of the matter, and then shouted.

"Do not take ..."

Jiang Qi pouted his mouth, is that the only line of bad guys? Similar to "Stop".

"Toast without eating fine wine !!!"

Needless to say, those people rushed over, probably seven or eight people.

"Be careful!!!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Junhui shouted, but unexpectedly, he pulled the wound in his mouth.

"Volt ..."

Jiang Qi escaped the fist of the first person lightly, then lifted a kick and kicked on that person's stomach. Then seven or eight people were hit back by that person.

"... cough ..."

Those people fell to the ground, but they were just beaten, but they didn't know what was going on, but they couldn't stand up and felt very painful when they moved.

"A few of you waste !!!"

There is a man in a suit in the back ~ www.readwn.com ~ seems to be the head, shouting angrily at them: "You all give me !!!"

"Pappa ..."

However, without waiting for them to move, Jiang Qi moved by himself, instantly passed through those people, and came directly to the head, grabbed his neck, and said fiercely, "Do you know how to do it?"

"……you dare!??!?"

Jiang Qi was so bold that this person was very shocked and shouted loudly: "All for me !!! Cough !!!!!!"

"Who dares!"

Jiang Qi mentioned the man directly and made the man's neck red.

(I took a leave yesterday, and as a result, no one commented, and no one hunted down, I could only say that it was comfortable, and it turned out to be the author of the fire (bad smile))

(Thanks for the reward, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!)

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