Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 481: Metro Line 5 (12)

"Cough ..."

The man's face turned red and he pointed to Jiang Qi, his lips trembling and he wanted to speak, but he couldn't say a word.


Jiang Qi suddenly threw the man on the ground, looked at him, and said: "So, you should know what is happening now?"


The man looked at Jiang Qi and gritted his teeth and said, "Aren't you just a little reporter ???? I warn you, I can make you lose your job at any time--"

"and then?"

Jiang Qi took a step towards the man, crouched down, looked at the man, looked at the man, and said lightly, "What else can you do?"

"You ... are you not afraid?"

The man looked at Jiang Qi and said to Jiang Qi in shock.

He didn't understand that he was obviously just a small reporter. Why should he resist them? And still in this fearless look? ?

why? Why exactly?

He kept repeating this question in his heart, and Jiang Qi answered him, saying: "Because I have your handle in hand, and I don't think you are stronger than us."

"Hahaha ..."

The man looked at Jiang Qi for a while, suddenly raised his head and smiled a few times, then put away the smile on his face and said to Jiang Qi: "Okay, okay! What's your name?"

"Don't you have great rights? Check yourself ..."

Jiang Qi waved his hand at him, then suddenly reacted and said, "Forget it, you can't do it, my name is Jiang Qi."

"Is Jiang Qi?"

The man nodded fiercely at Jiang Qi and said, "We'll go first, but what's in your hands ..."

"I will deal with the situation."

Jiang Qi didn't act like that, let that person have a big ignition.

"If we go on like this, we don't necessarily cooperate."

That person heard Jiang Qi's words, which was not the condition he wanted, and what he wanted to hear was not this.

"I didn't ask you to cooperate ..."

Jiang Qi shrugged his shoulders and almost let the man run away. Fortunately, Jiang Qi slowed down and continued: "But if they are not abnormal, I will not act rashly. You can rest assured."


It means to put it in your hand and keep it as a backhand?

The man understood what Jiang Qi meant, but he wanted to go further and destroy that thing directly. After all, it is now the critical moment. If such a disruption occurs during this time, their boss will definitely kill him. of.

"... I got it ... we're going ..."

Seeing Jiang Qi's refusal to negotiate, the man swallowed back and smiled politely at Jiang Qi. Of course, the smile was stiff.

"Slow walking without delivery ..."

Jiang Qi nodded politely, and then looked at the man and his men with a smile. After walking away, he was relieved and turned to look at the employees, who also looked at Jiang Qi very surprised. .

"How did you come back?"

Zhang Junhui stood up reluctantly. At this moment, there was a little more blue on his face, and a little blood stains. Not only that, his clothes were also torn, and he was particularly dirty, although it was not clean.

"I thought of something that I didn't take away."

Jiang Qi glanced vaguely at the crescent moon, then smiled at Zhang Junhui and said, "Doesn't matter?"

"I'm okay, what is this minor injury? I think I had more fights than you ever saw ..."

As soon as Zhang Junhui finished speaking, the corner of his mouth hurt because of the violent activity.

"Ouch !!!!!! It hurts ..."


Jiang Qi saw Zhang Junhui's face like this and finally shook his head, pretending not to see the scene, and continued: "But I want to confirm finally, the word" new moon "on the new moon line is fresh and new Month? "

"Of course……"

Zhang Junhui nodded, then looked at Jiang Qi strangely and asked, "Isn't that what you should do as a reporter?"

The reporter should have done enough work before the interview. How could there be such a mistake?

"No, I just want to make sure."

Shaking his head, Jiang Qi said to Zhang Junhui: "Thank you."

"Thank me?"

Zhang Junhui also stayed a while, obviously he wanted to thank Jiang Qi, why did Jiang Qi thank him in turn?

"Of course, as for the reason ..."

Jiang Qi nodded when she saw Zhang Junhui's look like this, and said, "... It's almost like thanking me before ..."

"This ..."

Zhang Junhui nodded, saying that he understood, and then silenced. Then, all the employees turned to Jiang Qi as if they had made an appointment. They all said to Jiang Qi, "Thank you! Your help!"

"No ... no ..."

The sudden battle didn't scare Jiang Qi, but Jiang Qi was shy for a long time. Suddenly this way, there was no way to calm Jiang Qi suddenly.

"It's better to be like this. When we get off work, let's have a meal together."

I don't know who put forward this suggestion, and everyone's approval is accepted. Anyway, they will have a casual meal soon, and Jiang Qi is even more lively.

"Don't use it, you have to hurry up ..."

Although it was a bit tempting, Jiang Qi refused very firmly, because of work problems, I have to hand it in tomorrow.

"This ..."

Zhang Junhui nodded regretfully, because if he eats casual meals. Drinking alcohol is inevitable. Looking at Jiang Qi, it should not be regarded as a person who often drinks alcohol.

"Since this is the case, you can only wait for the next opportunity."


Although Zhang Junhui's words disappointed others, they all expressed that Jiang Qi was very welcome.

However, Jiang Qi didn't fluctuate in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh. Did you know that when you see a group of people with swollen noses and blue eyes and say you are invited to dinner, how does it feel in your heart?

It's good that he can hold back.

However, in spite of this, after thanking everyone, I went out one by one. I need to go to the hospital for dressing. If it is not serious, I still need to buy a band-aid.

As everyone left one by one, the rest, only Jiang Qi, and the little crescent moon, and even Zhang Junhui also left. In an instant, the whole scene became quiet.

"Don't want to say something?"

Jiang Qi held his arms and looked at the crescent moon, and said a little seriously: "Suddenly came here."

He was just in the car, and suddenly remembered that the connection between the new moon and the new moon line, combined with the situation of the new moon, Jiang Qi only reacted, the new moon is likely to be the new moon line.

So he immediately stopped the taxi and let him return the same way, if it was her, it should be here.

Sure enough, let Jiang Qi see the scene just now, but Jiang Qi is still very clever, not the first time, but first take pictures, and then go on.

"Well ..."

The Crescent scratched his head, particularly embarrassed, and said to him: "After all, it is the last day. I want to see the scenery of the crescent line on the last day ..."

"The crescent line was dismantled, will you ... disappear?"

Jiang Qi originally wanted to say "dead ...", if he didn't lock and didn't know how, when he reached his mouth, it became "disappeared".

"It should be like this ..."

The girl nodded and smiled a little reluctantly. After all, the crescent is the main body. If the main body dies, then he should not be left.

"Then don't let them tear it down ..."

Jiang Qi took two steps forward, frowned, and said to the crescent moon: "I have some of their handles, although the threat is enough, but to achieve this level, it should not be enough ..."

"Forget it ..."

The girl shook her head, looked at Jiang Qi for a while, and slowly said: "I am already very satisfied, I can hear the emotions of those people on the crescent moon, sad. Happy, conflict, Every day I can feel the hearts of those people, let me know that there is still a colorful world outside. "

The beautiful curvature of her mouth, just looking so sad? There is too much to read at the corner of her mouth.


Jiang Qi opened her mouth, looked at her a little bit reluctantly, and asked, "Is it enough?"


The new moon nodded, smiled slightly, and said, "Like human beings, no matter how beautiful it is, it still can't escape death. People have joys and sorrows, and the moon is full of yin and qing. This is an ancient issue."


Jiang Qi looked at the crescent moon and slowly clenched his fists. After a while, he suddenly said, "But I don't want you to leave ..."




Although there are two small clinics nearby, but the injuries are too serious, it can only do a little emergency treatment, and there is no way to do follow-up work.

Most of these employees went to the hospital online, and only those with minor injuries were diagnosed nearby, and after confirming that there was no problem, they bought Yunnan Baiyao and the like.

Although Zhang Junhui was not seriously injured, it was definitely not light, but he insisted on urgent treatment in the nearest clinic before returning to his post.

No matter what you advise, it is useless. There is no way. His old classmate, the one who has been in the past two months, was rescued to accompany him.

However, this old classmate suffered a lot because he was later.

"Oh, about the future, what are you going to do?"

The doctor was taking medicine there, and suddenly, the old student asked curiously, "Enjoy the pension?"

"Do not……"

He slowly shook his head and said, "I decided, I don't agree with the split of the crescent."


The classmate looked at Zhang Junhui with a bit of reaction, and said a little angrily: "A lot of people have found their next house. What do you do with those young people doing this?

"They are going, I won't stop ..."

Zhang Junhui shook his head slightly, and then said: "After all, everyone has their own way."

"What are you going to do ..."

The classmate was silent for a long time and suddenly asked aloud.

"With the power of the media, they are afraid of media reporters ..."

As soon as Zhang Junhui said this, the doctor said a little apologetically: "I'm sorry, there is no gauze, I'll get it, you apply it."

With that said, the doctor handed him the scissors, the medicine bottle, and then walked out of the infirmary.

"I really don't understand why you made such a decision."

The student stood behind Zhang Junhui and sighed.

Zhang Junhui turned his back to him, and was silent. He should say that he wanted to make a blog, just ...

"Poof ..."

Suddenly, Zhang Junhui felt a cold behind him, and then a strong pain passed from his back.

"you you……"

"Boom ..."

Zhang Junhui suddenly lay on the ground, with a pair of scissors in his back, and blood spewed out.

Zhang Junhui looked at the old classmate in disbelief, his mouth wide open.

"It's your fault ..."

The classmate was full of blood, looked at him puzzled, and pointed to Zhang Junhui: "You obviously can get a lot of money as long as you go down, but why did you suddenly change your mind? Why! It's your fault. "

"you you……"

Zhang Junhui's mouth was long, blood spewed, and he felt that the world was getting farther and farther, and then it was dark ...



Jiang Qi, who was about to speak, was suddenly caught by the new moon. Due to the pain, only the face was white in the world, and the big beads of sweat came out closely and dripped ...

Hold your hands tightly, and you won't feel pain when you insert your nails into your skin.

"what happened to you??"

Jiang Qi endured the pain in his hand and quickly asked, "What happened?"


The crescent moon slowly raised his head, causing Jiang Qi to instantly widen his eyes.

Two deep eye sockets, about ten centimeters in diameter, each with blood flowing down to three centimeters in diameter, she howled, her entire face was deformed, like the rugged mountains and valleys presented in front of you, its Sharp teeth, however, are not complete. For a time, you saw your own fear, panic, sorrow, resentment, remorse, darkness, evil, hatred ... and all the negative emotions from her, her empty eyes.


Jiang Qi shook his hand away and immediately stepped back.

Blood slowly flowed out of her eyes, corroding its slightly white face and sinking deeply. She had no eyes, but she came to Jiang Qi step by step.

"Are you awake ?! This is Jiang Qi !!!"

Jiang Qi stepped back a few steps, looked at the new moon, and said in a panic!

Wake up in the endless darkness ~ www.readwn.com ~ Open your cold eyes and walk out of the luxurious grave soul……

There is no moon and no sound, the shadow of darkness is looming, there is a suffocating breath in the air, where I want to go back, but I can't go anywhere, death has been enveloped like a ghost. . .

This is darkness--

(Recommend to you three very beautiful anime cherry blossoms falling at five centimeters per second, what speed should I use to meet you.-Five centimeters per second

The speed of raindrops is ten meters per second, what speed should I use to keep you. --Garden of Words

The falling speed of the meteorite is ten kilometers per second, what speed should I use to save you. --your name.

The article was read in the comments. )

(Thanks for the reward of painting, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!)

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