Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 491: The curse of blood (9 really watery)


Jiang Qi walked to Jiang Xue's side and looked at Jiang Xue's finger, where a large pool of liquid was flowing, which was unusually thick and solidified on the ground.

Frowning, Jiang Qi reached out his hand, dipped a little liquid, and placed it next to his nose. He sniffed it a few times, and a strong odor smelled into his nostrils. Jiang Qi frowned. In an instant, Jiang Qi even felt that his nose had been stiffly pierced.

This taste .....................

Jiang Qi shook his hand, looked at the pool of liquid on the ground with disgust, and almost spit it out. Even if Jiang Qi couldn't help himself, he scolded his mother.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xue saw Jiang Qi's appearance and couldn't help but ask a little strangely: "This expression?"

"It is indeed such a bad smell." "" ""

Jiang Qi grinned, then looked at Jiang Xue, with a cheek-like expression. After a long time, he exhaled a breath before saying: "But this smell, by smell alone, can't smell anything. come."

"A chemical liquid?"

Jiang Xue squatted down, also stretched out her finger and dipped a little liquid, put it on the tip of her nose, and sniffed gently, Juanxiu's eyebrows were wrinkled. Obviously, the girl was also intolerable to this smell, but, The girl's endurance is obviously much stronger than Jiang Qi's.

For the calm reaction of the girl, Jiang Qi just wanted to give a thumbs-up, and she really is a female man-level, at least he can not reach this level.


Jiang Xue smiled bitterly and said, "No wonder you look like this, really."

"How about, can you judge?"

Ignoring Jiang Xue's words, Jiang Qi directly said: "It's not difficult to judge the chemical liquid that smells so strong."

"And unfortunately, I really don't associate any of the chemicals in my mind as matter."

Jiang Xue shook his head helplessly and said to Jiang Qi helplessly: "Actually, what I feel is that this is not a chemical substance, maybe it is ..."

"Some kind of animal liquid."

Jiang Qi took it and said his doubts in his heart: "For example ....................."


Jiang Xue stood up, took out a paper towel, wiped his hands, and continued: "This kind of organism is not very large, leaving no footprints. It should be small."

"It may be that it may fly, after all, I don't know the type of that creature."

Jiang Qi looked around for a while and continued: "However, nine out of ten may be monsters."

"How to explain the blood on the ground?"

Jiang Xue heard and nodded her head deeply. She thought deeply about Jiang Qi ’s words. In her heart, she thought so too. However, Jiang Xue turned her head and looked at the ground, which gradually solidified. 'S blood asked: "A man is dead or alive ..."

‘Should not live’

Jiang Qi looked at the blood on the ground and shook his head and said, "So much blood. And the dead person, I probably know who it is."

"That murderer?"

Jiang Xue tilted his head and guessed it. Jiang Qi did not deny it and said, "Is it just because the police are coming ..."

"Om ——— Om—”

The sound of the siren went from far to near, Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue looked at each other, and then said: "Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived."

The police came, one = surrounded the factory at the fastest speed, and then shouted to the inside: "The people inside listen, you have been surrounded, hurry up and surrender."

"Go out!"

Jiang Xue and Jiang Qi inside looked at each other, nodded to each other, and said, "There shouldn't be anything inside."


Jiang Xue nodded, and the two walked out side by side. The dark night slowly pulled away, the stars spit out the bright light, and the lone moon also kicked. "Between the two clouds, the mirror-like moon hung in the sky, Write the silver brilliance to the earth. Occasional leaping, breaking through the silence of Jiang Ye, and then falling into endless silence. The tired moon hid in the clouds and rested, leaving only a few stars as if sentry.

Dozens of policemen surrounded the place. The blue and white uniforms were uniform. Looking at the inside, each policeman held a gun in his hand. Ordinary policemen cannot be equipped with guns. In order to prevent foreigners, the police commanded the mission to wear guns for each police officer.

However, contrary to their expectations, the person who came out this time was not the person in the photo given by the night raid team, but a man and a woman, not very old, all the policemen were cold, obviously there was no Anticipate the existence of this situation.

However, the police did not always eat dry food. One person stood up and shouted at the two people: "Raise your hand and walk slowly."


The men and women were stunned and looked at each other for a while. The expression was somewhat surprised, but they did as they said. The two raised their hands and walked to the police.

At this time, a man and a woman, and two policemen, also walked in front of Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue and searched for Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue.


When the male policeman touched Jiang Qi ’s wrist, he came across Paligi ’s shield, and then he stretched his sleeves. After seeing Palachi ’s shield, he froze for a moment, and asked, “You ’re also racing rabbit'?"


Jiang Qi froze for a moment, and saw the police officer seeing himself as if he had seen his confidant's eyes, and touched his nose. He said a little embarrassedly, "Yeah, so are you ??"

"Of course, how handsome the rabbit is ..."

The police also imitated Jiang Qi's appearance, wiped the tip of his nose with his thumb, and a pair of unruly hands showed **** and said, "Compared to Uncle Ben, you are 20,000 years earlier ... . "


Jiang Qi saw the policeman's appearance and twitched his lips. What did I say? I didn't feel anything. Now I see the policeman's imitation. Suddenly I think it's a good second, especially when Jiang Xue next to him stole a smile Jiang Qi felt even more embarrassed when she was not smiling.


This is the deep part of the forest. It is quiet all around, so quiet that the sound of leaves falling to the ground can be heard. Occasionally squirrels bite the pine nuts and fall to the ground, or birds flap their wings and the wings are densely covered with fern And ferns, from time to time emerged wild things. The sky gradually dimmed, there is no trace of moonlight, the trees are faint, there is phosphor fire in front, ghosts are everywhere, "Ao ~" came a few wolf howling in the distance, making the whole The woods are more gloomy.

A man walked in slowly, and suddenly appeared in the woods, but not at all abruptly. He walked into the jungle slowly, as if looking for something. At this time, a burst of singing came suddenly. , Let the man smile a little.

found it..........

"ね ぇ も し も,


All て 投 げ 舍 て ら れ た ら ,

If you can abandon everything,

笑 っ て 生 き る こ と が 楽 に な る の ,

Can you easily live with a smile,

ま た 胸 が 痛 く な る か ら ,

My chest hurts again,

も う 何 も 言 わ な い で よ ,

Please do n’t say anything,

ね ぇ も し も,


All て 忘 れ ら れ た な ら,

If you can forget everything,

泪 か な い で 生 き る こ と も ,

Can stop crying,

楽 に な る の ,

Do you live easily?

で も そ ん な 事 出 な い か ら ,

But I ca n’t do this,

も う 何 も 见 せ な い で よ ,

So please stop showing me,

君 に ど れ だ け 近 づ い て も ,

No matter how close you are,

Servant's heart 臓 は 一 つ だ け,

My heart is only one,

酷 い よ 酷 い よ ——

It's too much, too much--

も う い っ そ 僕 の 体 を ,

Simply put my body,

壊 し て 引 き 裂 い て,

Break it, tear it apart,

Okay, よ う に し て よ,

Whatever you love,

Called ん で 藻 掻 い て,

I shouted that I was struggling,

The eyelids are swollen ら し て も,

My eyelids are swollen with tears

ま だ 君 は 僕 の 事 を,

However you,

抱 き し め て 离 さ な い ,

Hold me tight and don't let go,

も う い い よ,

Enough is enough,

ね ぇ も し も ,,


守 の 愿 い が 叶 う な ら ,

If my wish can be fulfilled,

君 と 同 じ も の が 欲 し い ん だ,

I want to have the same thing as you,

で も 僕 に は 有 し な い か ら ,

But there is no such thing in my body,

じ ゃ あ せ め て here に 来 て よ ,

So hope you can come to me at least,

君 に ど れ だ け 爱 さ れ て も ,

No matter how much you love me,

Servant's heart 臓 は 一 つ だ け,

I also have only one heart,

や め て よ や め て よ,

Don't be like this, don't be like this,

优 し く し な い で よ,

Please do n’t be so gentle to me,

ど う し て も 僕 に は ,


Understand が で き な い よ,

I can't understand it,

痛 い よ 痛 い よ,

It hurts so much,

言葉 で 教 え て よ,

Tell me in words,

こ ん な の 知 ら な い よ,

I never knew this feeling,

独 り に し な い で ,

Don't leave me alone,

酷 い よ 酷 い よ,

Too cruel, so cruel,

も う い っ そ 僕 の 体 を ,

Simply put my body,

壊 し て 引 き 裂 い て,

Break it, tear it apart,

Good ki na よ う に し て よ,

Whatever you love,

Called ん で 藻 掻 い て,

I shouted that I was struggling,

Eyelids swollen ら し て も ,,

My eyelids are swollen with tears,

ま だ 君 は 僕 の 事 を,

However you,

抱 き し め て 离 さ な い ,,

Hold me tight and don't let go,

も う い い よ ,,

Enough is enough,

ね ぇ も し も,


僕 に 心 が あ る な ら,

If I have a heart,

ど う や っ て そ れ を,

How To,

See つ け れ ば い い の,

To find that thing,

少 し 笑 ん で 君 が 言 う ,

You said with a smile,

"そ れ は ね こ こ に あ る よ",

That thing is here!

The more the song goes down, the stronger the shock to the soul and the feeling to shock the soul. The man follows the voice and the song ends.

The man looked at the woman in front of her. The white cap covered her long hair and half of her face, but she could feel that she must be very beautiful, amazingly beautiful! ! ! The huge black sunglasses make everyone only see the perfect arc of the corner of her mouth, revealing an omniscient and invincible confidence. The black and white casual clothes set her off as if mysterious and pure. It makes people feel that apart from being cool, they can't find other words to describe it!

She probably accidentally fell into the angel of the world, and the eyebrows between them are different from the ordinary woman. She is like a feather in the sky. You want to touch it, but you ca n’t bear to disturb her quietness. Just treat her as a picture and guard her forever ............

"Did you bother me before?"

The man slightly showed his fangs at the girl and said, "The man who threatened me with thousands of eleven lang has not been born yet."

"Really? I don't remember who was threatened by the Void Lord ..."

The girl ’s words made Qianben Eleven Lang stunned, and then clenched her teeth, her eyes flashing red, full of a sense of danger, and said, "Are you afraid that I will tell Jiang Qi your true identity?"

"Although you say it, he believes I will lose."

The girl turned her head, smiled at Qianben Shijiro slightly, and then said, "One is a friend. One is an irreconcilable enemy. Who do you believe in? He is afraid that when you show up, he won't wait for you to say it. about you........"


Qianben Shijiro looked at the girl, clenched her teeth, and then, behind him, a half-size monster rushed out and opened a big mouth of blood to the woman ... .

However, the woman disappeared directly, leaving it empty ...

(Past experience needs to be summarized, future risks must be prevented, this is wise. Yesterday has passed, and tomorrow has not come yet. Today is true. Some people learn to love in the plain, and drink in plain cups to sip The fine wine of life, he feels that dullness is a foundation of life, which can reflect the harmony of the soul. When we leave the dull, ordinary life may lose weight, like a kite without a tail, or a flying bird with wet wings.

Life is so short ~ www.readwn.com ~ How can I waste it? A wise philosopher once said: "Someone scolded me on the street, I didn't even look back, I didn't want to know this boring person!" We should neither hurt others nor be swayed by criticism from others, or follow For your own wishes, let's learn practical skills first, then talk about it. Especially when you are young, you should go all out to learn skills, and don't be distracted. )

(Although I like this busy life, I do n’t advocate endless work. The side effects of continuous overtime and day and night work are irritability, inefficiency and loss of creativity. So, during working hours I will

Work harder, arrange your time reasonably, try to complete the tasks that should be completed in time, get busy for one day in exchange for freedom at rest and full of energy the next day.


(The phone was confiscated. I ran out and wrote it in an internet cafe. After an hour, it was almost exhausting. This chapter is very watery. I ’m sorry. I ’m really sorry. But I ’m really tired. I ’m tired. I'm so tired ... I walk alone on the cold street at 0am ... Sometimes I look at the dim street lights on the side of the road, and my eyes are confused. I don't know whether it is physical or mental or physical or mental. Tired, with so many passengers on the road of life, is it true that no one wants to stay for me and would like me to stay and rest.)

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