Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 492: Blood Curse (10)

The police imitated Jiang Qi's appearance, wiped the tip of his nose with his thumb, and a pair of unruly hands showed **** and said, "Compared to Uncle Ben, you are 20,000 years earlier ... "


Jiang Qi saw the policeman's appearance and twitched his lips. What did I say? I didn't feel anything. Now I see the policeman's imitation. Suddenly I think it's a good second, especially when Jiang Xue next to him stole a smile Jiang Qi felt even more embarrassed when she was not smiling.

Why does this policeman feel a bit wrong ...

Jiang Qi touched his nose, looked at the man with a little embarrassment, then coughed, and said, "Police, will you say something later about Sero?"

After Jiang Qi said so, the policeman felt his eyes around and scratched his head, realizing what he had just done.

"Uh ... good ..."

The policeman said this, and then looked at the female police officer next to him and asked, "How is your side?"

"no problem."

The policewoman shook her head. Jiang Xue had nothing but a mobile phone and a wallet.

"However, you should stay here for a while."

The policeman looked at Jiang Qi. Anyway, Jiang Qi appeared here at this time. It was indeed very suspicious. Although he didn't find anything, it was impossible to let Jiang Qi so easily.


Jiang Qi nodded, then said to the policeman: "Police officer, I suggest you go in and see, there is no one in it, but ..."

Jiang Qi didn't say anything but the expression gave the policeman an answer. The policeman looked at Jiang Qi and then nodded.

Although he has doubts in his heart, he believes in Jiang Qi, not only because the other party is also a member of "Rabbit Race", but also an intuition in his heart. He believes in Jiang Qi.

"Team, come in with me."

The policeman seemed to have a position, beckoned behind him, and then about a dozen policemen followed him in.

"What about us?"

Jiang Qi turned her head and looked at the female police officer and asked.

"Sorry, please stay here for a while."

The female police officer shook her head apologetically at him.

"It's okay."

Jiang Qi also shook his head, and then looked at Jiang Xue, who was looking at the abandoned factory, it seemed to feel Jiang Qi's gaze, Jiang Xue turned his head, looked at Jiang Qi, looked at him puzzledly. .


Jiang Qi didn't speak, turned his head, and then said gently: "After today, you go back, after all, Jiang Xiaoqi and Yu Han need to take care of."

"I can't go back for the time being."

Jiang Xue heard the words and smiled softly, and then said: "However, it depends on whether someone feels distressed."

"It ’s like you do n’t feel bad."

Jiang Xue's words made Jiang Qi's eyes pause, and then Jiang Qi also laughed, although reluctantly, he only heard Jiang Qi say: "Go back."

"Aren't you going back with me?"

Jiang Xue finally asked and looked at Jiang Qi seriously, she was waiting for Jiang Qi's answer.

"……Do not."

After a while, Jiang Qi opened her eyes and said very firmly, "I will not change the decision I made. It is far from them. Whether it is for you or me, it is the best choice."

"I know."

Jiang Xue turned his head, closed his eyes, and finally nodded, saying, "If you really believe this answer, I will respect you."

"it is good."

Jiang Qi closed his eyes and nodded. Who knows how much pain Jiang Qi suffered after making this decision?

The person who wants to protect is nearby, clearly capable, but unable to continue to protect her. No one can understand the feeling of heartache.

"However, I will stay here one day tomorrow, at least I can't come in vain?"

Jiang Xue suddenly laughed, turned to look at Jiang Qi, the smile was so dazzling, Jiang Qi looked stunned, he never knew that a person's smile can be so beautiful.

"What do you want?"

Jiang Qi shuddered and hurriedly turned her gaze. After a dry cough, she said, "You can't go too far."


Seeing Jiang Qi like this, Jiang Xue couldn't help laughing, covering her mouth, her eyes bent into a crescent moon, and said, "Where do you want to go? I just want you to play with me for a day, but I'm not forced to do anything . "

"Oh? Just like this?"

Jiang Qi was relieved to listen to Jiang Xue's words, but was also a little disappointed, but soon relieved.

"Of course."

Nodding his head, Jiang Xue said: "After all, I don't know when it will be after seeing you next time, so I will have a fun day here tomorrow."


Jiang Qi said that there was no problem at all. He remembered that there were about four days left in his vacation, which was enough to accompany her.

"So, be my guide."

Jiang Xue smiled and looked at Jiang Qi and said, "I have never been to this place in Jiangcheng."


It instantly became Doudou eyes, Jiang Qi stared blankly at Jiang Xue, scratching her head a little awkwardly, and said, "Don't you know?"

"Of course ... how-"

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi with a weird expression, and asked, "Don't you know?"

"Uh, yes, I don't know."

Jiang Qi smiled embarrassedly and said, "I haven't been here, I haven't been there for half a month, and I don't know much. Moreover, I'm still a lunatic."


Jiang Qi looked speechless for a while, Jiang Xue said helplessly: "Then we can only play with fate."

"That seems to be the case."

Jiang Qi felt a little embarrassed and could only laugh, as a man, to be honest, he blushed a little.

The policewoman next to me was getting more and more confused. Although listening to other people's whispers was a bit impolite, Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue's voices were a little louder, and they were heard by the policewoman next to them.

This made the police confused. At first, they thought they were lovers. Later, they thought they were friends. Until now, she suddenly realized that two people who liked each other couldn't be together.

"You two are ..."

Women love gossip, and the police are no exception. The policewoman looked at Jiang Xue and asked strangely.

"It's nothing, it's just to separate."

Jiang Xue turned her head, saw the policewoman full of curiosity, smiled, and continued, "It's nothing."

"Oh, but look at you two as a match."

The policewoman's sentence is definitely not flattering, or sprinkling salt, but she really thinks so, and believes other people are the same.

The temperaments of the two are very similar, and you can always feel the bond between the two.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Jiang Qi interjected at this time and said, "But I feel that we should solve the problems as soon as possible."

"Wow la la ..."

As soon as Jiang Qi's words fell, the policewoman's intercom rang, and the policewoman immediately took it out and said, "What's wrong?"

"Someone died ..."

The policeman inside said such a sentence, and the policewoman was stunned, and immediately said to the policemen: "Go inside !!"

"Wow la ---"

The voice of the female police officer was immediately answered, and the policemen immediately ran in, leaving only the female police officer, and said, "Sorry, please join us."


Jiang Qi glanced at Jiang Xue, and after seeing Jiang Xue had no opinion, he and Jiang Xue followed them in.

The abandoned factory is still the same as before. The tools are still rusty. There is no change. The change is that there are many more people in the uniformed police.

"Huh Huh--"

The policeman looked at the blood on the ground. The ground was stained with red, and most of it had solidified.


The policewoman saw this scene a bit off guard, rubbing her temples before slowing down, and said in shock: "What the hell-"

"You can't even see the body."

A policeman searched all the places and found no traces.

"The body should be disposed of."

Jiang Qi came over at this time, attracting the attention of the police, and then said: "I have come in before and analyzed it."

"The results of it?"

The policeman looked at Jiang Qi. Jiang Qi had just come out from here, so the possibility that he was the murderer could not be ruled out. There was no way to protect this thing.

"The body is gone, there are only two possibilities."

Jiang Qi came to the front of the blood stains on the beach, Jiang Xue followed Jiang Qi, and then Jiang Qi extended **** and said, "First, maybe the body was transferred."


The police frowned and looked at the blood on the ground. He was not stupid. If it was transferred, it would be unreal to have so much blood on the ground.

"As you think, there is too much blood."

Jiang Qi seemed to see through the policeman's thoughts, which made the policeman look at Jiang Qi in surprise for a moment.

However, Jiang Qi did not control this gaze, and continued: "What you think, the other party might also think, maybe the blood was deliberately drained, and then the body was taken away directly, but more or less left on the ground There is a trace, obviously there is no here. "

"I think this can be ruled out."

It was the policeman who spoke. Many people can understand that the possibility of transferring the body is very small. So, the body has not been transferred? So where did the body go?

"This is the second possibility."

Jiang Qi nodded, extended a second finger and said, "The body has not been transferred."

"Where did it go?"

The policewoman was beside, looking at the pool of blood on the ground, bright red, especially dazzling.

"Handle in place."

Jiang Xue took two steps, squatted down, looked at the blood on the ground, and said, "The traces of this blood can be seen. The deceased should have been attacked and fell to the ground, bleeding all over. Yes, the most concentrated pool of blood. "

Jiang Xue said as he glanced at the blood spots around him, it seemed to spatter and said, "This should be left during the treatment. What can be known is that the body should not be divided into corpses. , Blood should be separated on both sides, there is a fixed line, a fixed shape, but this, it is like ... "

Jiang Xue frowned, thinking about the wording, but Jiang Qi patted her on the shoulder, beckoning Jiang Xue to stop talking.

"Why are not you talking?"

The male policeman looked at Jiang Xue and said, "I think it makes sense."

After all, the policeman is not a forensic doctor, and he does n’t know anything about the body, but his instinct to handle the case for many years tells him that Jiang Xue ’s words are correct.

"Let's notify the night raid, the next thing is not something your police can handle."

Jiang Qi put it this way, many people present changed their face, many people understood the meaning of this sentence, only one meaning is that this case is not an ordinary homicide case.


The police frowned, and the monster's words could explain the case. After all, the monster's ability is strange, and no one can be sure that it is definitely not the monster.

"What about the evidence?"

The night raid team is not an arbitrarily connected organization, at least has a basis.

"At the scene, you can find a pool of blood, that is the saliva of the creature, and 80% is left by the monster."

Jiang Qi spoke while looking around the others. The police heard the words and immediately found them.

"found it!"

Not far away, they found a mysterious viscous liquid. If nothing unexpected happened, it should be what Jiang Qi said, the saliva of the monster.

The policemen slowly collected a little, and the policeman who collected them almost rolled his eyes because the taste was a little too big.

"However, the victim, I think I should also know."

Jiang Qi paused for a moment, then said, "It's called ... Anfeng ... It seems to be the name."


A police officer was slightly surprised. He remembered that this person seemed to be a suspect. How would it appear here?

"There happens to be blood here, you can go for a test."

Jiang Qi pointed at the blood and said, "And if you understand that blood is Anfeng, then you have to make two more points. The first one is what Anfeng is doing here? The second one is how monsters are. Suddenly? Of course, the second question is just for the night raid. "

I thought about going together.

The policeman narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Qi. He was just thinking, if it was Anfeng ~ www.readwn.com ~ why do you come here? Who did you make an appointment with?

However, Jiang Qi's remarks only meant that they were responsible for Anfeng's affairs and blamed the night raids.

It can also be understood as another meaning, that is to say, Jiang Qi believes that the two cases are separate and irrelevant, and belongs to the monster that some people of Anfeng agreed to here and then encountered.

So, how is Jiang Qi determined?

The policeman looked at Jiang Qi and always felt that Jiang Qi was not right, but could not tell.

"Our forensic doctor is here ..."

At this time, the policewoman suddenly said to them ...

(I'm sorry, my phone was received last night, and I didn't write it, I'm very sorry.)

(This storyline is most in need of writing, but I actually write such a dish, I can't stand myself. I always feel that I have reached a bottleneck, as long as I can break through, I can write better.)

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