Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 497: Blood Curse (15)

. . . .

"Promise? Can you afford it?"

The co-pilot patted his shoulder and said, "defy order ..."

"Isn't it confinement?"

Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue were still waiting for the bus before the man looked at him.

"Fart! That's Captain Huang Ying. How many people did you do? You, a small player, were expelled from the military."

The man in the co-pilot said to him seriously, "You've found it okay, you can make up for it. You can't get it locked up at all. Didn't find it? Not only did you disobey the order, you might have to be reported backhand by others ... Cannot afford it. "


The man was silent, then slowly raised his head, looked at him, and said, "I want to track down, even if I lose the identity of the night raid."


The co-pilot's night raid member was startled, looked at him blankly, and then asked: "... you ... what did you say?"

"No matter what you think, I will go first ..."

With that said, the night raid member opened the door and got out of the car.

"Hey, why are you going?"

The man was stunned for a moment, then immediately asked, and then unfastened the seat belt and followed.

"I want to trace the truth in my heart."

The man shook his hand, then turned his head to look at his colleague, and said: "Go back quickly, there must be an explanation in the team, otherwise we may both have an accident."

"but you……"

He really couldn't rest assured that this person would stay here alone, because without his own words, who knew if he would do something special?

"I'm fine, I won't be so impulsive."

Knowing what his colleague was worried about, he immediately said to his colleague: "The car is left to you, and I will take a taxi to chase it."


After hesitating, he thought it was a good way. Then he walked to the door and opened the door. He looked at him hesitantly and said, "Be careful. If you have any special accidents, you must contact the headquarters. "

"Relax, I understand."

Patted his chest, he smiled as his colleague got into the car, and drove away.

"You can finally move freely now."

With a sigh of relief, he hid and observed Jiang Qi in the distance.


Night attack base command room.

Huang Ying was standing next to Cheng Yu on the podium. Cheng Yu looked back and said to Huang Ying: "Captain, I have sent your request."

"That's good."

Nodded, Huang Ying said to him again.

"Well, Captain, let the two of them come back so quickly, is something wrong?"

Cheng Yu looked at Huang Ying cautiously, because the two men still had to execute forty-eight hours before it was over. Now let them two come back, there must be something wrong.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't."

Huang Ying turned her head and knocked on Cheng Yu's head, even if she didn't want to say it, then changed the subject and said: "Give me the information of these two people."


Touching the place where he was knocked on, Cheng Yu grinned, and then listed the information of the two people with one hand, said: "Dong Cheng, male, 27 years old, Yanjing, family is of medium assets, father is The colonel of the army, so he also joined the army. Because of his outstanding performance, he was recommended to enter the night raid. He is a recruit. "


Ding Yunfeng, who was listening to it, paused. In fact, to be honest, the gold content of the night raid is much worse than before. Every time there will be casualties in the war, the rear army cannot give you elite and then die, so the recruit More and more.

"I said why I haven't seen it."

Huang Ying also nodded, and she can recognize the old face. After all, she is the first night raid team, only a little lower than Han Yi, a veteran.

However, now that the first veterans are running out, they are constantly replenishing fresh blood, and many times new faces will appear.


Cheng Yu almost fell down, and then continued awkwardly: "The next person is Zhuo Liang, a 28-year-old Yanjing. He has excellent grades and has a deep talent in investigating. Because the first monster attack killed and joined the night attack, it is the leader of the second term, but has never performed a space mission. "

"This person, I seem to know."

Huang Ying looked at this man's picture and seemed to have seen him.


Cheng Yu nodded and said with a smile: "His girlfriend is your university classmate, which is quite wonderful, but she also passed away because of the monster accident."

"So ... well ..."

University classmates? There are just a few of them connected with Huang Ying, but I haven't heard who died?

"But something interesting."

Cheng Yu showed a thoughtful smile at this time, looked at her, and said, "It's strange that he has a sister."

"What's so strange about having a sister?"

Suddenly he came over, looked at him with disgust, and said, "Do you like it?"

"What do I like ???"

Cheng Yu's eyes widened, looking at the concern in shock, and said, "Are you too concerned about the point?"

"What's wrong with my order?"

Suddenly concerned for a moment, his face suddenly turned red, and then covering his chest, turned around and shouted: "Pervert !!!"


Cheng Yu's eyes instantly looked at the vest of concern, and explained in a panic: "The point I said was not the point you thought, it was the point, the ... um ... the point of concern."

"My grandpa called Guan Zhu ..."

After a moment of concern, he turned around silently, with a blush on his face, and did not know whether it was shy or angry.


Cheng Yu choked on this sentence for a moment, looked at the embarrassment with embarrassment, and said anxiously: "I really don't mean that ..."

"alright, alright……"

Huang Ying immediately stood up and played round, smiled and said to the caring: "Little caring, he does not mean that, your own heart is also clear, why bother him? You see him in a hurry ..."

"Humph-" ╯ ^ ╰

Carefully glanced at him, then turned his head to stop looking at him.

"Go ahead."

With a sigh, Huang Ying patted Cheng Yu and said, "You will feel better in the future."

"Huh? What?"

He didn't hear the latter sentence clearly, he just turned his head, but his head was knocked by Huang Ying again, and only heard Huang Ying said: "I will let you continue."


Although he did n’t think that was the case, he glanced at Huang Ying. He felt that he still followed, saying, “He has a sister, but he ca n’t find it in his profile.”

"The data file of the night attack?"

Frowning his brows, Huang Ying looked at Cheng Yu with confirmation. The latter nodded and continued: "The current information shows a family of three, but according to the information I found, he has a biological sister, but there is no record. Even if she was not on the account registration form, I was able to confirm the clues I found later. "


Huang Ying looked at Cheng Yu a little unbelievably. He even concealed the night raid? ? ?

"Commander, do you know about this?"

Turning his head, he looked at Ding Yunfeng, and he saw that the latter was covering his head with an inexplicable smile, which made Huang Ying instantly understand that Ding Yunfeng must know something.

"I only know it now,"

Ding Yunfeng stopped his smile, and then looked at Huang Ying, knowing that he had to give an explanation, and then said to Cheng Yu helplessly, "You should know, his father's body can't give birth to a child, where did that child come of?"

"Well, I saw it, but I think it was someone's private business ..."

An embarrassed cough, Cheng Yu covered his mouth, after all, the man's problem is indeed embarrassing, and it is the late father of a colleague ... wait ...

Cheng Yu stared at Ding Yunfeng with wide eyes, unable to speak in shock.

"You mean, that ... man, is a senior official who can avoid the overnight raid team ??"

Huang Ying touched his head, it was indeed a bit messy, grown so big, the first time I encountered this kind of thing, and it was in such a serious background.


Ding Yunfeng nodded and said with a smile: "There are just a few people who can avoid our system, and according to the rumors outside, there is indeed a person with illegitimate children, and the conditions are met."

"It's really chaotic ..."

I do n’t know how to care, and suddenly sighed, I can only say that she does n’t understand the world of adults.

"So, don't grow up ..."

Ding Yunfeng took a look at it and didn't know what he had thought of, and kept laughing there.

"Your smile ..."

Huang Ying saw Ding Yunfeng's smile and felt a chill. Ding Yunfeng rarely smiled, unless it was a particularly happy thing, but this kind of thing ...

"This person happens to be the one I need to ask. I haven't been able to attack for a long time. Now I think I can talk about it."

Ding Yunfeng said, put down his cup and walked outside, patted the shoulders of Huang Ying and Cheng Yu, and said, "The two of you have merit, and you two are invited to dinner after work."

"I want to fill all the seats ..."

"Buddha jumping over the wall ..."

The two lions opened their mouths, not enough to give them the eyes of Ding Yunfeng. The two men really dared to say, but really, they made a lot of credit, so they said, "I will definitely invite you tonight. Yi, have a meal together. "

With that, Ding Yunfeng went out. Then concerned about going out with him.

"Wow ... really messy ..."

In the end, Huang Ying is really speechless, and this kind of thing will happen again in this place. It is absolutely absolute. If he is known by the outside world, under the pressure of public opinion, he will definitely step down. As for who that person is, Huang Ying ’s There is also an answer in my heart, the first Niuben who dared to drive Ding Yunfeng out twice.


"Didi ..."

Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue took a while to get to the car, and the man's car skills were very stable, always around thirty.

You know, Jiang Qi yawns all the way.

But how to say, after all, to the amusement park, after paying, Jiang Xue took Jiang Qi and bought two tickets for the carousel.

"Wow, did you really buy it ??"

Jiang Qi held the ticket in his hand and looked at Jiang Xue with tears, I would feel shy.

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Xue pointed at herself and said with a smile: "I am a year older than you and I play."

"I am a man ..."

"A man is a man ..."

Pushing Jiang Qi on the carousel, don't really say, there are really men above the carousel, and some are bigger than Jiang Qi, but they all have a feature, holding the hand of the girlfriend next to them.

Where is this carousel? ? This is a dog abuse farm!

Suddenly, Jiang Xue next to him grabbed Jiang Qi's hand. Jiang Qi turned her head and looked at Jiang Xue's profile, the world, as if she were the only one left, and the whole world was spinning around Jiang Xue.


Jiang Qi gave himself a moment and made himself recover.

If the heart is clear, the sky is not scared, everything is still, and the mind is calm ...

"what happened?"

Jiang Qi gave herself a sudden, which naturally attracted Jiang Xue's attention, but Jiang Xue smiled when she saw Jiang Qi's red face. Obviously, she knew what was going on.

"Hahaha ..."

"Do not laugh……"

"Hahahaha ..."

"Why do you laugh more?"

The two quickly came down from the wooden horse. Although they came down from the horse, the hands of the two were still held together.

"Ferris wheel……"

Holding his head, Jiang Xue looked at the ferris wheel, looking a little aspired.

"Then go."

Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Xue and suddenly smiled and said to Jiang Xue,


Jiang Xue was very happy and nodded, and the two boarded the Ferris wheel.

With the gradual rise of the ferris wheel, Jiang Xue's small face also gradually showed an excited look.

"Have you not sat before?"

Jiang Qi couldn't help asking when he saw Jiang Xue's appearance: "I remember that time my uncle and I ... saved you guys ~ www.readwn.com ~ When talking about the river, Jiang Qi paused, but Still noticed by Jiang Xue.

"I feel different every time."

Jiang Xue put out her tongue playfully, and then thought of something like that, she took out a small blue stone with a "Qi" engraved from her pocket and said, "Send it to you."

"this is……"

Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Xue with a little surprise, and then took the little stone, punched a hole in it, and could pass a small rope and tie it around his neck.


Jiang Xue said to Jiang Qi with a supportive face: "I asked for it in the temple, and then I engraved the words, I feel a bit ugly."

"Not ugly ..."

Jiang Qi immediately denied it, then held the stone, smiled, and said, "I like it very much."


Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi, not as if he was cheating, but also relieved.


Jiang Qi nodded, then lowered his head, holding the stone, his eyes gradually softened, his heart hurt, the person he liked was in front of him, but he couldn't hug.

Jiang Xue also silently looked at Jiang Qi, looking at him with joy, and laughed.

She does n’t lie in how lively she is in front of others, nor in how silent she is in front of you. The rare thing is that she is always dreaming about what you are doing at the moment. The slight smile or sorrow in the corner of her mouth is the most real witness. Happy, I will be happy for you ...

The pain in this world is that two people who love each other, after all, can't hold hands to the white head ...

(This story is a little longer, at most about five chapters. At present, it is estimated that the specific depends on the actual situation. Five chapters are used as a reference, and then a series of explosions. That Zhuoliang, do n’t think it is useless, he is a piece fuse.)

(Thanks Yue Beiyu for the reward, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!)

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