Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 498: Blood Curse (16)

. . . .

"Hum hum……"

A young man hummed a song in his mouth as he walked into the corridor, looking very happy.

"Hurray ..."


A deep cry rang out in the corridor, causing the young man to frown and slowly turned his head to look in that direction.

I saw the darkness on the side of the corridor, and I could not see what was ahead.


Knocked on his head, the young man smiled bitterly, it seems that he still needs a good rest in the future.

"Hurray ..."


I just took out the key and prepared to open the door, but the cry in my ear became clearer and clearer, and even thought that in my ear, the thing was not far away from him.

Can't help getting a cold back, and then took out the key, opened the door as quickly as possible.

"Click ..."

After the young man closed the door, he was relieved and patted his chest.

Really, what is the outside thing? He is very strange, but also very scared.

No matter how you find it, you can't find it, but you can still hear the sound.

Is it a monster?

Question marks appeared on the young man's head, because only monsters could do this.

But soon, the young man shook his head.

No, it's impossible for your point to go back like this, and hit the monster.

He didn't know much about monsters, almost all of them were seen online. The dreams were strange and huge, and if they were really like that, how could a monster appear without movement?

Thinking, he shook his head, then immediately walked to the table, gave himself a glass of water, and then took two sips.

"Slap ..."

Suddenly, a drop of water dripped from the table, thinking he had drunk the water. He didn't care. He continued to drink a couple of sips and then finished all the water before putting down the glass.

"Slap ..."

There was another sound of dripping water, and the young man's hand froze, looking at the thick liquid on the two beaches on the table, his body trembling.

He slowly raised his head and saw a black monster lying on the ceiling, slowly approaching the young man, drooling in his mouth.


The smelly mouth dripped on his face. The young man was scared. When has he seen such a horrible thing?

The long teeth, and the terrifying appearance, are clearly beyond the psychological tolerance of young people.

He was blindfolded and wanted to run, but his legs were as if he was pouring lead, and he couldn't move at all.


The monster slowly approached the young man. Sticking out his sticky tongue, licking the young man's face and neck, and then tightening it suddenly, holding the young man in the air.

"Poof ..."

As the monster's teeth merged, blood sprayed out and spread on the ground and on the wall.

Throughout the train migrant workers, the young people didn't even have time to scream.

"Crunch ..."

I don't know how long it has passed, and a numbing voice gradually came from the house.

"Guru ---"

After a while, the monster fell to the ground, and the young man had long lost his trace, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground.

The monster slowly raised its head, and then climbed out of the window. Its movement was very agile, and it climbed up after three, five, and two.

Three seconds, just three seconds, it disappeared into the darkness again.


"Wow la la ..."

At the base of the night raid, there is a lot of officials ’offices in the place where you do n’t know how deep it is. Do n’t think that this place is a factory like a hangar. This is divided into two parts. workplace.

"If that is the case, please leave."

A middle-aged man pushed a cup of tea to Ding Yunfeng, who took the cup and said, "Look what you said, I just want a cup of tea."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Even if Ding Yunfeng doesn't drink tea very much, it can be obtained in Korean dramas. It is good tea, with a scent of lips and teeth. The sweet taste of the fragrance is left in the mouth.


The man ignored this magnificent word. After pouring himself a cup, he didn't drink it like Ding Yunfeng, but smelled it, then slowly, sipped it, closed his eyes, and finally put down the tea set slowly.

"Oh, there is one more thing."

Ding Yunfeng thought of something like this, and suddenly said: "Two members of the night raid team turned against the order today."

"Oh? It's quite new."

The man opened his eyes, looked funny, looked at Ding Yunfeng, and said, "Really?"

"Do I have to lie to you?"

Ding Yunfeng rubbed his left hand's fingernail and shook his head, with a hint of anger in his words, saying: "I originally wanted them to return immediately after finishing the task, but neither of them had any movement and even played without permission."

"After all, it's teaching well."

I do n’t know who is ironic. The person is not afraid of death at all. How dare he talk to him like this, how many are there in the night raid base?


Ding Yunfeng did not look angry, shook his head, looked at the man, and said regretfully: "These two men will come back and I will punish them."

"I'm curious, who are these two people?"

After pouring himself a cup of tea, the man took a sip slowly and asked softly.

"One is called Zhuo Liang, and the other is called ... I forgot what I called ..."

Ding Yunfeng shook his head, patted his head, and said to him with a smile: "Look at my memory?"

"Who? Zhuo Liang?"

The man paused, then smiled, looked at Ding Yunfeng a bit unnaturally and said.


Ding Yunfeng gave him a strange look. The latter shook his head and said, "A little familiar."

"I definitely don't know, because that Zhuo Liang seems to be an illegitimate child ..."

"Wow ..."

The tea set is broken ...


After getting off the ferris wheel, Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue continued to look for more interesting places.


At this time, the sound of the roller coaster behind him made Jiang Qi's face change a little.


Jiang Xue apparently noticed Jiang Qi's appearance. One couldn't hold back and laughed.

"what's so funny?"

Jiang Qi glanced at Jiang Xue angrily, and then walked in front of him. It looked like it was awkward.


Jiang Xue still couldn't hold back and smiled, and then Jiang Qi was even faster. When Jiang Qi walked faster and faster, Jiang Xue recovered his smile, and then quickly walked to Jiang Qi's side and said, "Okay , Promised that you would n’t take the roller coaster, you would n’t take it. Who made you react so much? "

"My reaction is not great--"

Jiang Qi twitched his mouth, and then looked at the roller coaster as it fell from the sky. He lowered his head and took a deep breath. This is definitely his black history. He did n’t want to ride a roller coaster in this life. That ’s right, this life. I won't sit anymore.

"Even a roller coaster was scared, and said he was a savior, shameful."

Jiang Xue didn't know how, and suddenly mocked Jiang Qi. He looked down on him.

"Who said I was afraid?"

Jiang Qi Meng turned his head, his face was very red, as if he was pierced.

"Then prove that you are not afraid."

Jiang Xue tilted his head, looked at Jiang Qi, and said with a smile.

"Who's afraid of who? Come—wait—"

Jiang Qi's words were not finished yet, and he stopped suddenly. He looked at Jiang Xue suspiciously for a while and said, "What kind of act do you use!"

"It can be seen."

Jiang Xue only sighed regretfully at this time, so to say, what the **** are you looking forward to?

"You just want to see me out of bed?"

He looked at Jiang Xue with tears and laughs, and the stuffed skin couldn't help it, and said, "Is it okay to sit on something else?"

"No, no, I just want to see what you will do when you are under the apocalypse."

Gently sorted out Jiang Qi's clothes, Jiang Xue smiled softly: "Although there are defects, but overall, it is still a bit improved."

"You-why-" Why should I be evaluated?

Jiang Xue's sudden assessment made Jiang Qi very surprised and suddenly did so.

"When I'm not by your side, be sure to pay attention, don't be bothered, and think more about the causes and consequences."

Jiang Xue pulled Jiang Qi and sat down beside the chair, said softly: "Your identity is very special, I don't know how many guys want to kill you, and many of them have uncertain abilities, which is very difficult to prevent. Yes, and in the face of a mentality plan, you must remain absolutely calm, because you are panic and you ca n’t save anything. "

"……I know."

Jiang Qi nodded. So far, I do n’t know how many people wanted to kill him, but they did n’t do it. To be honest, Jiang Qi knew very well that half of them had good luck to defeat the monster. Of course, I can't carelessly, Jiang Qi is very clear.

"Just understand."

Jiang Xuesong took a sigh of relief, then looked at the passing pedestrians, sighed softly, and said, "I may be leaving tomorrow morning, and I don't know when I can meet."

"Don't you know where I am? Just find me when the time comes."

Jiang Qi supported the seat with his hand, indifferently, staring closely at the cement in front of him.

"Same thing, but only if you haven't left ..."

Jiang Xue said while looking at Jiang Qi with a smile, and asked, "Will you?"

"Haha ..."

Laughing is the smoothest answer given by Jiang Qi. You can understand any meaning, but it may be wrong.

"I know."

The smile on Jiang Xue's face dimmed for a moment, and then Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi again with a smile on his face, and said, "Do you know? When you came back, I thought about it, counting Yuhan and Xiaoqi together, Let's travel together and relax. "

"Sounds great."

Jiang Qi paused a little, then smiled and said to Jiang Xue: "What are your plans?"

"We can go to Foshan first (not the real Foshan, referring to the place where the Buddha died, this is the setting in this world, and also the setting in the original world of the protagonist, not in our world, the Foshan shadowless foot The one that is clear.), Go to visit Buddha, and then go to New York, in the night of New York, spend the nightlife of Americans, then we go to the Louvre, take a photo with Mona Lisa ’s smile, and then we go Siberia, go to Brazil, you can also go to Vienna ... Finally, go back to the country and enjoy the feeling of home. In China, we can also go to Lijiang, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and many other places. Can't finish it. "

Jiang Xue said, while holding her finger, Jiang Qi was listening there, and you can see it. When Jiang Xue said these things, his eyes exuded light. Perhaps, this is what Jiang Xue likes?

Carefree and free to tour the world freely, but this is no longer possible. She has been firmly tied by two chains named "Jiang Qi" and "Jiang Xue", just like a Like a bird that is eager to fly but has its wings bound, it can never return to the forest to meet her destiny, and may just die there.

"The money the uncle left you, don't lose it all, they will get angry when they come back."

Jiang Qi squeezed his fist tightly, and there was a feeling of sorrow in his heart. Unfortunately, you may not be able to continue to protect her.

"Don't be afraid, he hurts me very much."

Jiang Xue scratched his head, looking a little bit shy, and said, "Although I haven't spoken to Dad before, I feel that Dad will agree."

"is it."

Jiang Qi smiled, very reluctantly, raised his head and looked at the sky, the original blue sky, I don't know when, it is getting weaker.

"Jiang Qi ..."

Suddenly, Jiang Xue suddenly leaned on Jiang Qi's shoulder ~ www.readwn.com ~ so that Jiang Qi's entire body froze there, stunned.

"I like you……"

Jiang Xue's voice is very light, but Jiang Qi can hear every word and every syllable clearly.


After pursing his lips, Jiang Qi nodded and his eyes gradually firmed.

"I really like you……"

Jiang Xue's voice gradually cleared, but Jiang Qi could still hear clearly and nodded. Jiang Qi said, "I heard ..."

The corners of his mouth became more and more bitter. If it were before, maybe he would be happy to be crazy? But now I don't know why, I just feel like my heart is hollowed out.

"What is your answer?"

Jiang Xue also moved a little, and then got up from Jiang Qi, looked at Jiang Qi, and fixed his eyes on Jiang Qi, Jiang Qi felt. This time the sun in the sky will be dazzling.


Opening his mouth, Jiang Qi can only say these three words. Although the expression on his face is smiling, it is better not to laugh, not to deceive himself.


Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi for a while, then suddenly turned his face over his face and said embarrassedly, "Oh, he was rejected. It's really a reincarnation of heaven, and it feels shameful."


Now, he can only say these three words. I ’m sorry. I disturbed you in your destiny. I ’m sorry. I stayed in your world for an extra second. I ’m sorry. I met you in the wrong time. ...

Sorry ... the best you in this world ...

(My God, the recent cold is a bit serious. After a whole chapter, I feel like I ’m floating, but I ’m still strong, come on !!! GO !!!!!!)

(Thanks for the reward of Jinyu Xiaomeng, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!)

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