Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 499: Blood Curse (17)

. . . .

"Wow ..."

The fragments of the tea set fell to the ground, with a little red on the ground.

"What is this for?"

Ding Yunfeng looked at the tea set, froze for a moment, then said to the man with a smile: "This thing should be quite expensive? How bad is it?"


The man didn't speak, staring closely at Ding Yunfeng, and then said, "What about you? What are you going to do with him?"


Ding Yunfeng gave him a strange look, and then said: "Specifically, at least expelled from the military?"

"Fired from military service?"

The man nodded gently, then looked at Ding Yunfeng and said, "Can I be punished lightly? Look on my face."

"Oh why?"

Ding Yunfeng made a curious look, looked at him, and said, "It's just an ordinary player who can bother you."

"Okay, Commander Ding Yunfeng ..."

The man frowned, and said seriously to Ding Yunfeng: "We know that people don't do secret things, and make clear the words, should you just use this thing to coerce me?"

"Look what you said."

Ding Yunfeng sighed and said to him with a smile: "This is not coercion, this is a request."


Almost laughing, the man looked at Ding Yunfeng and said after a while: "Is this the bargaining chip you want me to agree to?"

"It counts."

Nodding, Ding Yunfeng frowned and said, "You can see that human beings today, if they follow such developments, can never succeed ..."

"I know……"

The man nodded slightly and said, "Is this the case?"

"Well, you just need to support me when necessary."

Ding Yunfeng stood up, then glanced at the tea set on the ground and said, "Unfortunately a good tea set."

"If I like, I can give you one."

A glance at the tea set on the ground, although more expensive, did not reach that level of reluctance.

"Forget it, this thing is not for me."

With a wave of his hand, Ding Yunfeng felt that he would drink it after retiring. Now he can't enjoy it.

"Then walk slowly ..."

Waving his hand, the man sat at the spot, watching Ding Yunfeng push the door out, and lowered his head.

"Damn !!! This old fox !!!"

Clenching his fists, he gritted his teeth and looked at the closed door.

This matter can be said to be his only weakness. If he is informed by the top management, then the sharp officer will come to an end, and the **** will come to an end.

Ding Yunfeng came over and said something "inadvertently", which represented a thing. I know the secret, you don't need to hide it.

Then I want to know what this guy is doing with my buttocks, but I can only bear it.

"Stop drinking."

Knocked on the table, a pop-up window appeared on the table, and then he said, "Come in and tidy up."

Then he also walked out the door.



Jiang Qi spit in front of the trash can and vomited all the food she ate in the morning.

This guy, after seeing Jiang Xue seemed to like the roller coaster, turned his head hot, and took her to ride the roller coaster. The result ... this is the result.

"I said don't go ..."

Jiang Xue also looked at Jiang Qi speechlessly, while patting Jiang Qi's back. Don't sit down if you can't sit, it's very stressful ... well, it's cute ...


Jiang Qi finally resisted the vomiting and turned his head to look at Jiang Xue, but he didn't know what to say. Who can blame this matter so far? Can only blame yourself!


Some people on the roadside saw Jiang Qi's appearance and covered his mouth. They didn't know if he was disgusted with Jiang Qi. He still thought Jiang Qi was funny.

"It's a shame--"

Jiang Qi thought to himself, who can tell himself why he can't stand the feeling of a roller coaster?

"I'll buy another bottle of water."

When Jiang Qi ran out of two bottles of water, Jiang Xue immediately said to Jiang Qi, and immediately walked to the store.

"no need!"

Jiang Qi immediately grabbed Jiang Xue and waved his hand, saying, "I feel much better."

With that said, Jiang Qi sat on the bench beside him. His hands are supporting his knees, his head is low.


Seeing Jiang Qi like this, Jiang Xue nodded helplessly and sat next to Jiang Qi. He pulled out a little paper he had just bought and wiped Jiang Qi's mouth.


Jiang Qi took a little paper, then wiped the sweat on his forehead by himself, feeling that the whole person was awake a lot.

"Stop sitting next time."

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi for a while, holding back the smile, and said, "What you look like is really worrying."

"ok I admit it."

Nodding, Jiang Qi said to Jiang Xue: "What else to play? I will accompany him in the end."

"What else can I play?"

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi, crying and laughing, and said, "I am very worried about what you are doing now. Why not go to the hospital."

"No, I hate hospitals."

Jiang Qi refused unusually and decisively, and then said: "Don't look at how I am now, my body is strong."

With that in mind, Jiang Qi hammered herself hard with his fist, and hit his chest.


It ’s too hard, it hurts ...

Jiang Qi almost coughed up his lungs, ignoring his strength, and accidentally applied too much force.

"is it……"

Jiang Qi's appearance was not convincing at all.

In the end, Jiang Xue could only say: "Forget it, I want to go to the movies, just take this opportunity to take a break."


Jiang Qi thought about it, didn't he go there yesterday afternoon? There is just right, there are couple tickets.

"Okay, I'll take you."

Anyway, I know where I am, if I take Jiang Xue in the past, does it matter?


Unexpectedly, Jiang Xue turned his head suddenly, looked at him with a look on his face, and asked, "This tone should be familiar."

"Have been there once ..."

Jiang Qi walked in front of Jiang Xue, feeling nothing, and said directly.


This question almost followed, Jiang Qi subconsciously replied: "Yesterday afternoon."

"with who?"

"Shen Shuqing ..."

Several questions are almost connected together. Jiang Qi did not respond at all and was completely honest.

"Shen Shuqing? The girl's name? Very nice."

Jiang Xue turned her head and suddenly laughed. This smile made Jiang Qi very embarrassed. He only heard Jiang Xue say: "In such a short time, it is not easy to hook up with girls!"

"Where do you want to go?"

Jiang Qi rolled her eyes and said to Jiang Xue: "One of my seniors just came out to play and watched a movie by the way."

"By the way? Didn't you open the room?"

Jiang Xue followed Jiang Qi and said suddenly.

"It's too late ... Bah !!! No !!!!"

Jiang Qi accidentally made a mistake and hurried to explain, and she saw Jiang Xue's smile disappearing suddenly.

"Uh, you have to believe me ..."

Jiang Qi can swear to Tian that he really has no thoughts on that, but the chain will fall off as soon as this mouth is critical.

"is it?"

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi seriously, and then nodded, looking sincere, and said, "I really want to believe you, really."


Jiang Qi is suffering now. Jiang Xue is clearly thinking of what he will do, but he has done nothing.

"Let's go to the movies."

Jiang Xue shook his head and walked in front of Jiang Qi. After walking out of the park, the two stopped a car and got in the car. Jiang Qi said his name and drove straight away.

"Why are you two so fast ?????"

What they didn't know was that a night raid who followed them was going crazy.

This person's name is Zhuo Liang, and he is the second night raid player. His overall strength is online, and he has been conducting reconnaissance missions.

Today, however, he was already out of luck. He originally asked his colleague to go back. When he got on the bus, he remembered that his wallet was all on him.

Fortunately, his clothes played a role, and people confiscated the money.

After entering the amusement park, the problem came again. This dress was so conspicuous. No matter how you hid, it was particularly easy to find. Many people looked at themselves.

Of course, some people seem to know that they are performing their tasks and pretend not to see them, but those are adults, where is this place? Amusement park! ! amusement park! amusement park! ! !

The place with the most children! !

It didn't take more than twenty minutes to arrive here, when Jiang Qi boarded the ferris wheel, and he was surrounded by many children, entangled himself, and let himself play with them.

This embarrassed him. This is a child, who can't fight, can't scold, and persuaded them in a low voice. As a result, these children didn't seem to hear it.

I wanted to find a way slowly, but how long did it take? ? ? Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue left? ? What should I do? ? ?

"You two !!"

It's a pity that in order to avoid being discovered, the two people are far away and can be seen if they are paying attention, but the safety distance will be ignored if they are not paying attention, so when he shouted, Jiang Qi could not hear it, even if it was Heard, please, so many people, who knows who to call? Who hasn't experienced the kind of embarrassing moment when he thought he was calling himself, and the result was calling others, but he promised?

"I say……"

Zhuo Liang was about to cry, watching Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue walk away in a car, and lowering his head, looking at the children who surrounded him on the third and third floors, twitched and said, "Who will save me?" . "

"Uncle and uncle, can you tell us something about monsters?"

"Uncle, uncle, are you a night raid? What about your gun?"

"Uncle, uncle, play with us?"

Zhuo Liang looked at the children in a circle. They were all about the same size as Xiao Douding. They were cute, but he couldn't laugh. What's the matter? Looking at these children, Zhuo Liang said, "Call me brother."

"Uncle Uncle ..."

"Uncle Qiqi ..."

As a result, many children are tweeting, and did not hear this sentence at all, or did not listen to it, and the brain automatically ignored it.

Uncle is uncle! !

He gritted his teeth. He recognized Zhuo Liang, then lowered his head and smiled softly to the children. "Uncle has something to do, can you let it go?"

"No! Play with us!"

Shaking his head, the children refused very decisively, and they refused very strongly.

"Children, what about your parents?"

He had no choice but to seek the help of the parents of those children.


Each of the children pointed out a direction, Zhuo Liang followed and looked at it, good guys, those people were also surrounded by themselves outside, taking pictures.

"I said you guys ..."

Zhuo Liang just wanted to talk about these parents, but the group of kids pushed him to the bumper car, no, not a bumper car, but a roller coaster! !

"No! Let me go!"

In the amusement park, a wailing sound and a large group of children smiled one after another.


"What movie do you want to watch?"

The employee is still that employee. When he saw the person who was yesterday, he actually had a girl and was very beautiful. He secretly gave thumbs up to Jiang Qi. The latter rolled his eyes. This might be the god!

"Look what?"

The girl was very gentle and tangled for a while, then looked at Jiang Qi and said, "What do you like to see?"


Jiang Qi doesn't want to watch anything. Does the movie mean the same thing if he doesn't see it at home? Why squeeze with others? But many girls feel romantic?

As a result, this theory was confirmed by Wang Jian. Perhaps this is why Jiang Qi is single ...


When the employee saw Jiang Qi also had no choice ~ www.readwn.com ~ said directly: "Do you know Japan's Round Valley company?"


Jiang Qi felt like his ears were ringing, looking at the employees and saying, "Yuangu Company ?? Do Ultraman?"

"Did you know? This is a newly established company, which won Altman's production rights generously."

The waiter was stunned for a while, and said to Jiang Qi with a smile, he was worthy of being a great god, and he was so knowledgeable that he only noticed it today.

"Sero Altman agreed?"

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi strangely, then glanced at the waiter, copyright? Who gave it? ?

"Well ..."

The waiter was stunned, and he didn't know how to answer, which was embarrassing.

"Like the documentaries in the animal world, they did not obtain the consent of those animals, so they went to shoot the documentary, took other people's songs and changed them without the consent of the original author, it was the same.

Jiang Qi smiled for a while, but he didn't care. If it was Yuangu Company, it would be fine. After all, Yuangu Company is genuine.

"What's the film of Round Valley? Take Altman's copyright, should there be a big move?"

Jiang Qi smiled at your employee and continued.

"Oh, there is a movie called Altman's Jihad, which is said to be a test of water. I recommend you to watch it."

The waiter smiled and said to Jiang Qi.

"Just look at this."

Jiang Xue was also very interested and said to Jiang Qi.


He also wanted to see what Yuangu could do.

(Jihad is not the ultimate jihad. After all, without the previous story frame, it ca n’t be the same, so do n’t expect it.)

(Our slogan is !!! Orcs will never be slaves !!! Unless it ’s eaten up !!!!

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